
From Fate's Harvest
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This is a collection of +maps on the game.

On all +maps, up is North. Due to the limitations of ASCII drawing, exits may not always be depicted QUITE in the proper directions, but it should give you a good idea of local geography. If you are looking for a more detailed description of said geography, check the Geography sections on the Tamarack Falls and Fort Brunsett pages linked in the Setting Information section of the sidebar.

All local map coordinates are written in uppercase letters. Lowercase letters are used to show where one map meets a second map.

e.g. You are standing in H12, a hedge room, which links to a room in the Western Wilderness with the grid coord ww11. +map/key will show all Hedge rooms, but will not show the data for the ww11 room.

Fort Brunsett

|                      h38        |||
|                        \        |||
|                        LA05 ... ~~~ ..................... LA06
|                LA04   / ...................................... \   FB07
|               /    | / ....... LA09 ........................... \  | |
|              /     LA03 ........................................ LA07| 
|              |         \ ........................................ /  |
|       ______/          LA02 -- LA01 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- LA08  |  
R01     /                ____|                               	      /
  \   /                / .                  __________________________|
  R02 -- -- -- -- FB06                 	   /
  /   \           / .  \                  /  
 /     -- ---     | .   FB04 -- -- -- FB08 
 |            \   /   .   |             |
FB14 -- FB13 -- R03   .   FB03 -- FB05  FB09 
   \    |       |    .  /  |     /       |
    \   |      R04 -RT07  FB02 -- FB01   /
     FB12 ____/ |    .     |  \    /    /
         \     R05    . h34 |   |  FB10
	  R08   /      .        |   |  /
	     \  |       .        \  | /
	      R06  -- RT08-- --   FB11 

Tamarack Falls - Town, West Bank & River

      ww08              MT01 -- WR01 -- WR02 ........... RT01 
       |                 |               |                |
      OT01              MT02  -- -- --- WR03 -- RT05 -- RT02 --.er02
          \              |   /           |                |
           OT02         MT03            WR04 .......... RT03 ...er04
               \         |             /                  |
 ww11   OT04 -- OT03 -- MT04 -- --    |                   |
   |   /            \    |        \   |                   |
   OT05     ww17     \   |         \  |                   |
             \        \  |          WR05 -- RT06 --.... RT04 --.er07
              OT07      MT05        /
                  \      |         /
                   OT06  |         WR06 
                  /    \ |         |
                OT08    MT06      /
                         |    WR07 
                         |   /  |
                        MT07   WR08 
                        /           \
                     r01            WR09

Tamarack Falls - Western Wilderness

                                                       |    h01
                                          WW07 -- WW06 |     |
                                           /        \  |   WW02 
                       WW10 -- WW09 -- WW08          WW03 /
                         /              |              | /
                     WW11 -- h12      ot01            WW01
                    /   |                              |
 WW15 -- WW14   WW12   ot05                          wr02
              \  |

Tamarack Falls - East Bank & Eastern Wilderness

 rt02.........rt05.-- ER02 
 rt03........ ER04 -- ER03                       EW04 
                     /                             |
 rt04....rt06.-- ER07 -- ER05 -- ER06 -- EW01 -- EW02 
                   |                               | \
                 ER08                            EW05 \
                   |                                   EW03 
                 ER09                                   |  \    EW07 
                /                                      mn01 \   |
            ER10                                             EW06 

Tamarack Falls - East Bank - Mischance Mine

 ew03 --  MN01        MN04 
             \         |
              MN02 -- MN03 -- MN05 -- MN07 -- MN08 
                       |                       |
                      MN06                    MN09 
                       |                          \
                      MN11                         MN10 
                          \                          |
                           MN12                     h13


        Hedge - LoopTrod                                  Hedge - East Bank
                  H07                                        H18 
                 / |                            H16 -- -- -- H17 
       H09 -- H08  |                             |          /
      /           H06 -- H05 -- H04              |         H19 -- H20 
    H10                           \              |          |
   /                              H03            |  H15    H21 
 H11                               |             |  /       | \
  |                               H02     H13 -- H14      H23  H22 
 H12                               |       |                |
  |                               H01     mn10             H24 
 ww11                              |                          \
                                 ww02                         H25 
Hedge - Sky                                                 H26 
 h07          h24 -- H43                   H31 -- H30 -- H27 
  |                                        /                 \
 H35 -- H36 -- H37                       H32                H28 -- H29 
  Hedge - Lake                           H33 
la01 -- H38     H41              fb02 -- H34
        /        /
       H39 -- H40