Logan Brenner

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Logan Geoffrey Brenner
On Game As: Logan
Played By: Christopher Atkins (back in the day)
Concept: Mega Golden Boy
Date of Birth: May 30
Apparent Age: Mid-Late Twenties
Occupation: Media/Tech Consultant
Virtue: Confident
Vice: That's cheating!

Freehold: Fate's Harvest
Motley: None

Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Bright One Gandharva Shadowsoul
Court: Dawn
Keeper: Ka Tzet

“I've never been certain whether the moral of the Icarus story should only be, as is generally accepted, 'don't try to fly too high', or whether it might also be thought of as 'forget the wax and feathers, and do a better job on the wings'.” ––Stanley Kubrick

☀ Overview

A recent transplant from Los Angeles, Logan Brenner has clout in the tech and media industries and has owned a beautiful vacation home in the mountains above Tamarack Falls for some time. After the sale of his company, Honorbright Productions, he's spending more time around the area than before. But why?

He's also a Changeling -- handsome as Prince Charming, a beacon of light and a literal golden boy, there is a shadow that follows him as well, providing darkness and contrast to an otherwise cleancut and perfect appearance.

☀ RP Hooks

☼ Tech & Media - (Fame 1) Logan is known for being both a skilled businessman and a gifted ideas man. Honorbright Productions pioneered certain uses of VR and AR technology in entertainment, in addition to being a top-notch Hollywood production company. After a recent sale, Logan continues to act as consultant for the company and is known and respected as a leader in the industry. He's even given a TED Talk!

☼ Dawn Court - Logan was an engaged Dawn Courtier in California and continues to bring his particular brand of action-oriented optimism to Vermont.

☼ Transitionist - While he would never, ever admit it publicly, Logan is an active member of this secret and controversial Dawn sect that promotes Changelings as the next evolution of humanity. If you're one too, up for a (secret) chat?

☼ Autumn Goodwill - Logan is friendly with the Autumn Court, and usually interested in learning about the things Autumns hold dear.

☀ Contacts

Ting - Surfer girls are the best!

Max - I appreciate your inquisitiveness. I'm the same way.

Person - Stuff

Person - Stuff

☀ Gallery

Logan7.jpg Logan1.jpg Logan13.jpg

☀ Soundtrack

Phenom Iris

When it’s late, I won’t tire
I’ll find a new escape
And from on high
From heaven’s gate
I hear the voice of fate

Tom Sawyer Rush

No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government
Always hopeful yet discontent
He knows changes aren't permanent
But change is

☀ Logs

  • (2017.04.28)
April Court 2017
  • (2017.05.05)
A Vizier's Favour
  • (2017.05.05)
Chimera of the Week
  • (2017.05.05)
Stones for the Dead
  • (2017.05.07)
Poker and Palmistry
  • (2017.05.08)
Afternoon at the Bookstore
  • (2017.05.08)
The Vizier's Oath
  • (2017.05.10)
The Healing Spring
  • (2017.05.11)
Custodians Meeting: May 2017
  • (2017.05.12)
Dawn Shabbos Dinner
  • (2017.05.18)
The Golden Boy's advice
  • (2017.05.19)
About A Mass Murder
  • (2017.05.27)
Birthday Charity Bash
  • (2017.06.01)
Adam and the Serpent
  • (2017.06.01)
Custodian Elect Office Hours: Kip
  • (2017.06.12)
Desperately Seeking (Information About) Sam
  • (2017.06.14)
Custodian Elect Office Hours: Promotion
  • (2017.06.19)
Childhood for Youth
  • (2017.06.26)
Custodians Meeting: June 2017
  • (2017.06.28)
Logan and Annabeth Meet
  • (2017.06.29)
Autumn Get Together
  • (2017.06.30)
Dawn Independence Day BBQ
  • (2017.07.01)
Sun Queen - July Court 2017
  • (2017.07.09)
Waykeeper Meeting - July 2017
  • (2017.07.11)
The Book: Information Meeting
  • (2017.07.25)
Custodians Meeting: July 2017
  • (2017.07.28)
A Taste Of Home
  • (2017.08.04)
The House That Autumn Built
  • (2017.08.07)
Meeting A Dragon
  • (2017.08.21)
The Wailing House: Part One
  • (2017.09.04)
The Wailing House: Part Two
  • (2017.09.07)
Logan's Job
  • (2017.09.13)
September Court 2017
  • (2017.09.18)
Custodians Meeting: September 2017
  • (2017.09.24)
The Wailing House: Part Three
  • (2017.09.25)
First Court of Autumn
  • (2017.10.24)
Custodians Meeting:October 2017 - Day
  • (2017.10.31)
Samhain Swearing In
  • (2017.11.25)
Not My Scene
  • (2017.11.26)
Blood On The Leaves: The Ashen Hunt
  • (2017.12.04)
Impromptu Rescueteers
  • (2017.12.07)
Waykeeper Meeting - December 2017
  • (2018.01.15)
Dawn Meeting January 2018
  • (2018.01.15)
King Charlie Q1-1
  • (2018.01.26)
King Charlie Q1-2
  • (2018.02.09)
February Court 2018
  • (2018.02.26)
Dawn Meeting February 2018
  • (2018.05.10)
The Mien Study - Logan
  • (2018.05.14)
The Beauty And The Beast
  • (2018.05.15)
The Great War
  • (2018.05.16)
Stand Down, Soldier
  • (2018.05.17)
2 Fairest, 1 Food Court
  • (2018.05.19)
Waykeeper Meeting - May 2018
  • (2018.05.21)
Northern Expedition - Part 1
  • (2018.05.23)
Dawn Court - May 2018
  • (2018.05.24)
You're Not Cerise
  • (2018.05.30)
Along Came A: Dragonfly
  • (2018.06.01)
Custodians Meeting: June 2018
  • (2018.06.10)
Dawn Meets
  • (2018.06.16)
Trouble at the Wayhouse
  • (2018.07.05)
Color at the Market of Port Anarch
  • (2018.07.14)
Kites Are Fun
  • (2018.07.20)
July Emergency Freehold Meeting
  • (2018.07.27)
Donner sa langue au chat
  • (2018.07.30)
Northern Expedition - Part 2
  • (2019.01.09)
Tragedy & Disgust - The Ball
  • (2020.01.03)
First Court of Moonter 2020