Dawn Court

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The Dawn Court

The Auroral Court, The Bloody Rose, The Court of Salvations

Court dawn.png

“Have you ever seen the dawn? Not a dawn groggy with lack of sleep or hectic with mindless obligations and you about to rush off on an early adventure or business, but full of deep silence and absolute clarity of perception? A dawning which you truly observe, degree by degree. It is the most amazing moment of birth. And more than anything it can spur you to action. Have a burning day.”
– Vera Nazarian



Influence Titles

The titles below indicate a dawn courtier's level of influence and responsibility within the Bloody Rose. The mantle level listed with each title is the minimum requirement. Meeting the mantle requirement does not automatically bestow a title. See Influence for a detailed look at the system.

Influence 5 - Prerequisite: Mantle •••••

  • Radiance - Explanation.

Influence 4 - Prerequisite: Mantle ••••

  • Bright Bishop - Explanation.

Influence 3 - Prerequisite: Mantle •••

  • Templar of the Bloody Rose - Explanation.

Influence 2 - Prerequisite: Mantle ••

  • Saint/Martyr - Explanation.

Influence 1 - Prerequisite: Mantle •

  • Aspirant - Explanation.

Freehold Positions

These positions are bestowed upon dawn courtiers who directly serve the Fate's Harvest freehold.

  • Catalyst - The Catalyst lives up to her name: when she arrives, she makes things happen. Whether opportunity knocks on its own or whether she needs to shake things up a bit to get them started, she serves the Freehold by taking advantage of every scrap of potential which comes her way.
Example: Due to her keen eye and good recall, she remembers that a visiting dignitary from a California freehold mentioned his grief over his ailing wife in an off-hand comment at the beginning of the week. She quietly advises the Crown to offer the rare Hera Pear one of the Greenies found, to secure his personal goodwill and sweeten the deal with his freehold.
This role requires good observation skills and a great deal of empathy, persuasion, creativity and foresight.
  • Dawn Herald - The Dawn Herald serves the Freehold as an organizer of events, functions and rituals specific to the Court. If a terrible thing happens, it is the Herald who steps up to organise a vigil and a message of hope to buoy the spirits of the Freehold and keep them moving forward.
This role requires someone with the organization to keep a calendar and run events, and liaise with the other Courts to ensure schedules run smoothly. The character (and thereby player) must be able, willing and proactive about event-running for the public and for the Court alike.
  • Agent of Awakening - Summary.
  • (Something Else!) - Summary.

Other Court Roles

Generally internal, these positions represent other responsibilities to which dawn courtiers might be assigned by the court's leadership.


Name Influence Position
HeatherVale.jpg Heather Vale ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ Dawn Queen
November-icon.jpg November an Nua ⚫⚫⚫ Templar of the Bloody Rose
Grillo3.jpg C. J. Grillo ⚫⚫ Aspirant
Logan7.jpg Logan Geoffrey Brenner ⚫⚫ Saint/Martyr
LuluMien.jpg Lulu Petit Aspirant

Ongoing Plots


Court Logs

Inactive Members
