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  • ...equest and roll Intelligence+Academics.Research to it. If you have access to libraries with more extensive resources, note that in your job.) ...hat magical 4000 feet, but they are tall enough, and situated well enough, to provide a number of interesting crevasses in the granite, as well as minera
    33 KB (5,502 words) - 17:37, 22 February 2017
  • | width="10%" | CtL p.156 || Autumn || Powers to induce/ward against fear. | width="10%" | SaD p.138 || Dawn || Using potential to evoke/guide change.
    242 KB (39,301 words) - 16:33, 22 January 2020
  • ...ife, and certain fruits harvested from it have abilities to heal, to help, to harm. They only faintly resemble mundane vegetation, and some may not look ...ut there, the plot value, growth rate and maximum unpicked fruits assigned to it for Hollow Garden purposes. See the [[Merits]] page for more details on
    56 KB (8,685 words) - 14:41, 8 October 2020
  • The merit writeup has been altered to read as follows. Changed sections are in ''italics''. ...ttributes ''(Mental, Physical or Social)'' so that it can now be increased to an inhuman degree.
    78 KB (12,572 words) - 04:31, 19 July 2019
  • ...own extreme, Wyrd nature many of the beasts and fauna are more than happy to give Alexander his peace a he walks the trod further and further up. ...key in The Jar. Swinging his head and great mossy beard back forth in beat to the imaginary tune.
    19 KB (3,496 words) - 23:00, 22 May 2019
  • '''''To purchase flaws post-CG, please send up a +request with your specific flaw a ...f -1 is represented as -•, while -2 is -••, -3 is -•••. Means to resolve each flaw are included in italics below the description text.
    67 KB (9,874 words) - 19:23, 17 November 2017
  • ...n to tough and clove-like buds at death. Finger-thick, the stems are tough to break, but the price the buds fetch at the market is well worth the effort === Leads to ===
    1 KB (190 words) - 04:28, 30 January 2017
  • ...characters who live much of their day-to-day lives on-screen. In an effort to provide all changelings similar opportunities, we've standardized the title ...em as necessary. Some of the positions were not used because we found them to be redundant, their responsibilities already represented in entitlements or
    6 KB (863 words) - 19:31, 16 February 2017
  • ...are officially back at schools during weekdays, and there is no more need to chase hooligans through the aisles of shelves. ...learning the local legend about the Stranger, Charlie is headed to library to do some research on the Stranger, on missing kids, and Fae. And on parasite
    30 KB (5,482 words) - 21:32, 7 September 2018
  • ...all roleplaying games, the books were written as guidelines for STs to use to shape the world -- not as holy dogma. are concerned, that means a careful pruning of concepts and backgrounds to reinforce the themes involved.
    6 KB (972 words) - 05:12, 20 February 2017
  • # By using +activity to log items which give experience. # Staff awards xp to all players to celebrate this or that thing.
    7 KB (1,120 words) - 17:43, 22 December 2019
  • young woman who desperately needs more food slowly moves about the shop to straighten misplaced skeins, rearrange disarranged displays and generally t ...otally on purpose, Etsy went to pick up Nathania and drove the two of them to the textile store.
    32 KB (4,867 words) - 07:40, 24 July 2017
  • | summary = After a fight with Mavis, Amity finally decides to pay a visit to the Blackbirds, where she bares her true feelings about the situation. ...rmer, even if there is fog hanging around. Anyone coming through the woods to find the vardo will have a /slightly/ less terrible time of it than they ot
    30 KB (5,580 words) - 21:41, 28 December 2019
  • | subtitle = Heard a nasty rumor you wanted to have a chat? ...reason is sans shoes. The lieutenants got word of an improntu meeting just to go over things, although the Captain isn't usually known for such planning.
    11 KB (2,047 words) - 16:12, 25 September 2017
  • ...came the game-breakers before firearms: they aren't particularly difficult to use. Point and shoot, right? Everything else does the work. ...bored; she could be intensely interested in what she's doing. It's hard to tell, what with her ephemeral appearance.
    20 KB (3,479 words) - 20:54, 22 March 2017
  • ...Sometimes that was not possible. He started fights with his step-dad just to make him forget Matty was there. In the end Jon had a plan: Get smart and g stalwart sunnova bitch. He graduated from Highschool and had the grades to attend the University on a partial athletic scholarship. Which would be gre
    10 KB (1,592 words) - 19:10, 23 April 2018
  • ...ions 1 for that). The closer your affinity to the object, the easier it is to find. ...of difficulty, be it a ravine she has to climb, a group of thugs who want to mug her or an expensive flight across the country. At the end of the scene
    14 KB (2,052 words) - 00:44, 20 June 2017
  • of power and speed and he is focused upon his task. Also, loud enough to be heard out in the main cavern. ...but sort of. Okay, soon as she realized it was Thorn in there, she started to properly sneak. She makes her way slowly along the wall, quiet as a mouse (
    26 KB (4,907 words) - 20:48, 22 March 2017
  • Messenger. The Lover and a mysterious potentially male Fae are acting to "preserve" Fate's Harvest, which can't have good repercussions for the free ...umn fellow, bookish, owly, over the merits of a token he's been working on to generate a steady electric current. In effect, a magical battery, into whic
    13 KB (2,352 words) - 17:38, 24 July 2020
  • ...and that she'd like to share what she'd discovered. She suggested he come to Cyclone, since it had the back room where only Lost went, and they could ha ...leanliness. "Feathers," he calls out once Paige is spotted, and moves over to the other Ogre's position. "How'd things go with Inky?"
    15 KB (2,888 words) - 04:51, 23 March 2017
  • it is, is in a fallow period. Or it's broken up again, however you want to put it. ...r why, really. Maybe the reason the glowering Summer is here has something to do with the person coming in behind him, whom he is apparently holding the
    42 KB (7,799 words) - 23:58, 29 December 2018
  • ...ary = The captain of the [[Fate's Harvest/Harvestmen|Harvestmen]] is going to be doing his own bit of training and evaluation. You know what that means? ...rey moving above. It may not be warm, but the signs of Spring are starting to show. The birds are chirping, the squirrels are chittering, and the feeling
    29 KB (5,498 words) - 21:19, 1 April 2017
  • ...g not unlike those for a Lunar New Year and said, "I think... I'm supposed to give you this." ...risp five dollar bill, and slides it to him as she takes it, opening it up to peer inside with a murmured, "Thanks, friend."
    10 KB (1,803 words) - 15:26, 31 March 2017
  • | summary = The Dawns gather to chat and discuss the Soundless. ...'t head straight for the food table, for a shocker. Instead, she's looking to see who's here and what they look like.
    26 KB (4,603 words) - 13:51, 20 April 2017
  • ...shes - is sitting on a picnic table, waving around a cigarette as he talks to John - there's a Thermos nearby with two cups - smells like hot cocoa. What ...c drivin' tie wearin' Ivy league would tell ya to use a strip of magnesium to initiate the heat but c'mon now, that's bush league. Plus, it ain't reliabl
    25 KB (4,616 words) - 04:56, 3 April 2017
  • | summary = Dawns discuss Freehold roles, how to help people, statistics, and, because Gisa is there, the Talmud. ...if the fiction section here is lacking, there's still some, and he appears to have found what looks like a suspense novel of some kind, or possibly true-
    21 KB (3,903 words) - 04:29, 3 April 2017
  • ...d the geese and HaShem. Perhaps she has a timer in her golem head, and has to sit down and pray at regular intervals. Perhaps none of the above. Autumns should pay her to go do this while they sit nearby.
    11 KB (2,085 words) - 08:25, 3 April 2017
  • ...after washing a corpse earlier in the day. The Wizened have Ideas on what to do. (Part of [[Plot:Endurance]]) ...t small parts - and he begins to pull through it. His sword belt lies next to him with his Hedgespun rapier, and a cigarette dangles from his mouth, on e
    9 KB (1,632 words) - 02:29, 4 April 2017
  • ...ome in and have a seat we'll get introductions out of the way and then get to business." she tells them with a stitched smile from within the shadows. ...s it's requested next time, though, as she gives a little apologetic smile to Ashe. Quietly, the Winter gets her plate full and a drink before settling i
    17 KB (2,994 words) - 20:25, 4 June 2017
  • | subtitle ="It would be up to me to redeem or destroy you." ...happily warm. Call it a symptom of his state of Cat that he often cleaves to things and places that are warm.
    14 KB (2,723 words) - 16:01, 7 April 2017
  • ...'s why we decided we needed t'get out of the house. Because if I'd decided to be any more flexible today, I think I woulda ripped a leg muscle or somethi Sometimes, it's a good thing to be a golem: goylomim have notoriously blank faces. She slowly stirs her cof
    22 KB (4,101 words) - 07:18, 15 April 2017
  • now. In fact, those murmurs seem to be why a lot of people are here. To meet and discuss what happened. ...that have been happening. She gives a nod to the faces she knows and then to the few hobs that might be new.
    29 KB (5,415 words) - 04:49, 19 April 2017
  • | summary = Kyle, on his first visit to the bookstore, finds a golem full of guilt. ...e Maps listing, just added, for the Tamarack Falls Jewish Bookstore texted to his phone. The envelope contains two keys on a keychain that's made of stee
    9 KB (1,586 words) - 13:46, 20 April 2017
  • | summary = The first day that Kip's bookstore is open, several people come to check the place out. | subtitle = "Uh hi, welcome to Homepage. Now open."
    25 KB (4,735 words) - 13:23, 25 April 2017
  • ...vest/Waykeepers|Waykeeper]] duties making questions and giving intructions to the newcomer. offering the mortal girl a charming smile. The girl nods and heads back to her duties.
    11 KB (2,039 words) - 03:04, 27 April 2017
  • ...he sort that might be found in a lab or hospital. The style looks familiar to Max. It's a long hallway, with several doors, all closed at the moment, inc ...she is towards the front. She moves along, and as she does, she starts... to sniff! Sniff sniff... sniff sniff... Her ears go this way and that. She's s
    31 KB (5,710 words) - 04:14, 28 April 2017
  • ...ooth, he says something to the skinny punk guy and changes his path to get to Haruki's table."Hi." ...ening at the change of style. He doesn't comment though, knows better than to do so, instead he smiles. "Hello." His smile is soft, warm. "Join me?"
    74 KB (13,767 words) - 10:35, 1 May 2017
  • | summary = Paige takes Kip to the Hedge for the first time since his escape. Awkwardness happens, before ...wearing her jacket, so maybe she's leaving once the person she's shouting to makes his appearance.
    48 KB (9,219 words) - 01:58, 5 May 2017
  • ...mmary = A monster threatens the freehold, some Lost (and one enchanted) go to take care of it. it's just north of the hollow. A few even gave (fairly) good directions to the lair it's claimed for itself. A shallow cave, not that well hidden.
    21 KB (3,859 words) - 04:00, 6 May 2017
  • | summary = A quest to catch 'em all leads to interesting conversation, and hopefully drinks sometime in the near future. ...brought a newspaper with her, about half of it folded up on the seat next to her -- the 'done' pile, perhaps. She's only casually reading, spending just
    18 KB (3,356 words) - 21:10, 7 May 2017
  • | summary = Logan takes Gisa's invitation to come to the bookstore; they talk about a lot of things. ...of thing. Her right hand balances the book, holds a pen, turns pages right to left occasionally, and sometimes makes a little note in a margin or underli
    18 KB (3,387 words) - 23:45, 8 May 2017
  • | summary = If you need an excuse for a bunch of people to get together and be social, you can't do much better than a Shabbos dinner. they like. The half-drunk glass of water at the head of the table tends to indicate that's already spoken for, at any rate.
    44 KB (8,177 words) - 03:37, 19 May 2017
  • ...he feared the most was that all this hiding had made it impossible for her to ever be found again."'' ...''' She's a few months out of the Hedge and has recently made her way back to Tamarack Falls. She's already in the Spring Court, though hasn't joined the
    9 KB (1,227 words) - 17:48, 28 June 2017
  • ...a of date night is a trip into the hedge to scout a possible spot for them to set up shop. Dangerous? Well, yes. But the ringtrod isn't as dangerous as t ...can stake something out on the edge of things, we've some close proximity to hobkin and trade and an excellent early warning system."
    14 KB (2,744 words) - 03:48, 21 May 2017
  • ...'s still cold, and his shoes are tapping with an odd beat as he hums along to the small amounts of chatter from exiting patrons. ...ket?" she wonders, briefly eyeing his canine companion before looking back to him.
    45 KB (8,345 words) - 00:16, 22 May 2017
  • ...k overhead. It does mean that some of the local hedgebeasts have retreated to their various dens, burrows or other types of homes, so it should be a safe ...there. It's not particularly easy to get to, but it is a probable location to find those fruits.
    19 KB (3,545 words) - 01:54, 24 May 2017
  • ...of shape about her amazing luck? C.B. interrupts Franklyn's me-me-me time to drop a big ol' truth bomb on the poor Mortal: it's... Dramatic. Followed by ...arid patch of land in Fort Brunsett, that they've been desperately trying to turn a profit on since it was established in 189Whatever. Who cares about t
    89 KB (16,252 words) - 01:46, 11 July 2017
  • ...and a contract, and gets more out of the deal than she had asked for. Not to mention bruises. ...who just squawks at her. "Alright...Let's see if I can remember who to go to..." she murmurs.
    25 KB (4,532 words) - 17:54, 9 June 2017
  • | summary = Logan and company go to Where The Wild Roses Grow to bargain for information on one of the Soundless. A part of the [[Plot:A_Bri the little river and to the Wild Roses, they can at least take a moment to relax. It's safe here. Relatively speaking.
    27 KB (4,898 words) - 16:40, 16 December 2017
  • background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(250,115,250,1) 0%, rgba(194,41,217,1) 21%, rgba(132,202,235,1) ...ake the world a better place. Some people become vandals because they want to make the world a better looking place. "<span style="font-size: 12px; font-
    12 KB (1,613 words) - 18:45, 23 April 2018
  • ...reheart has two books open, one on her lap and the other on the table next to her, and she's flipping back and forth between them, making notes. ...orbed in the books when he first steps in; it takes him a good few moments to realize Gisa is there as well, and then he blinks at her. "Heeeeeeey," he s
    87 KB (16,256 words) - 05:56, 23 June 2017
  • and Sun crowns. It's so very apparent. For all that Queen Pook had seen to lavish displays and ensured refreshments and catering, the Sun Queen has do seated, we will begin," she declares in a voice that's soft, yet seems to oddly reverberate through the stone itself.
    23 KB (4,046 words) - 04:47, 2 July 2017
  • ..., she's not so much talking as sniffing: it's the bbq. It smells like home to her. patriotic. He makes his way through the large house and eventually down to the level where the party is at, taking a look around as he goes with some
    20 KB (3,716 words) - 06:28, 2 July 2017
  • ...arc welder inside a small enclosed area. From a distance, it'd be hard to tell who was actually in there, Leo or Maddox, but as one closed on the area and ...arger ground-plate of metal, though the purpose for the two pieces is hard to discern right now. It might literally just be backdrop. Either way, Leo has
    9 KB (1,736 words) - 03:23, 15 July 2017
  • ...g is currently perched on a chair by the balls of his feet, sticking close to the shadows. The matte-black gaze shifts over the bright neon blue bird who ...e that would no doubt be playing a song if she were to give it voice. Next to her is the sax case, covered in stickers, and a rucksack that's seen it's f
    14 KB (2,503 words) - 06:33, 19 July 2017
  • ...There is some light pollution from the city, Fort Brunsett, but not enough to blot them out completely. They twinkle and shine, these celestial lights. S else here, another being moving slowly through the darkness. It's hard to notice it at first, it looking just like a patch of sky torn from above. Bu
    20 KB (3,559 words) - 16:13, 25 July 2017
  • ...nd nods his head. "Squat thrusts. Until you can't any longer. I expect you to release the weight /safely/, so know your limits, yes?" ...e turning to jelly and her joints are aching, she finally lowers the stone to the ground again with a wobbly grunt. "Hngh." It's the first thing she's sa
    17 KB (3,025 words) - 04:32, 29 July 2017
  • | summary = Lulu leaves her bulwark, and sees things she doesn't want to forget. Part of [[Broken Dolls]]. ...o crumble away into particle dust before resolidifying in other areas only to dissipate into dust and smoke once more.
    9 KB (1,620 words) - 18:42, 1 August 2017
  • | summary = they jack a car and head to the police station, hopped up on memories and mayhem! ...with people up here. Just a week or two ago, some of those people happened to be cops.
    21 KB (3,889 words) - 06:58, 9 August 2017
  • The workers are on hand to fill delicious drink and vegetarian food orders: booze, coffee, juice, past ...his silver wire-rimmed glasses as he helps adjust and test mics and talks to some other folks. He's wearing a red and yellow plaid work shirt tucked int
    170 KB (30,966 words) - 14:33, 14 August 2017
  • ...g much times," comes the mermaid's voice just above a whisper, "is wanting to leaves?" ====-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==================================================
    38 KB (7,026 words) - 18:31, 15 August 2017
  •, and there's a shuffling sound -- maybe she's moving the phone from ear to ear. "/Ceebabes/? Is that you -- no fucking way, hahaha, why are you---" So's a long pause. Like he's trying hard not to sob. "...I don't know what to do...."
    12 KB (2,251 words) - 12:07, 20 August 2017
  • ...people as she floats through the room (not literally) looking for a place to sit-- and spots Teagan. Blinks. "Oh! You're you!" She says, looking Teagan ...t a 'nope'. He does peer around just in case. And now he's sort of obliged to buy a drink of some sort. Club soda. It's usually club soda. Who comes into
    28 KB (5,131 words) - 06:14, 17 August 2017
  • ...ut is not having a propers place of swimmings, is for sures," she explains to Reggie. "But soons will be a colds, so must figure out a place not of a ten ...say the least, with her elongated hand-wing wrapped around a pen in order to do so; but she manages somehow. Sitting in front of her is a plate of fruit
    17 KB (3,153 words) - 04:43, 26 August 2017
  • actually pay attention to his Coin operated operation himself, which is to me, he is physically present, if often distracted. ...w each other now and there is hostility there but the Wizened doesn't want to haul her dirty things across town; Dirty laundry is just so damn convenient
    49 KB (9,110 words) - 19:13, 26 August 2017
  • What does it mean to be High Wyrd? First off, before anything else is going to make sense, we have to clarify: just what IS the Wyrd, anyway?
    37 KB (6,462 words) - 02:02, 27 August 2017
  • ...oon for the people of Tamarack Falls. Though as one gets through the doors to the Caretaker's House in the Meeting House graveyard they would notice that ...a scowl on her stitched face, "Jack you need to stop that." she growls out to...nothing. Apparently the resident ghost is having a good time messing with
    14 KB (2,636 words) - 05:16, 11 November 2017
  • | summary = Cassian invites Roz out for the night. Because he needs to practice and he needs a distraction. | subtitle = "Are you going to teach me?"
    11 KB (1,988 words) - 22:18, 30 August 2017
  • | seeming=Tough to Tell ...ine of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards."'''''<br />
    4 KB (628 words) - 22:54, 5 March 2018
  • ...need? The -inevitable- attendees whove forgotten will be met with options to donate cash for a little sleeping kit, or a set of PJs: seems like somebody and there. Yes, ushers have pointed out fire exits and everything seems to be in Order.
    59 KB (10,853 words) - 11:00, 3 September 2017
  • | subtitle = When you want to shoot someone, but not THAT much ...there are tough BDU-style rentals for those who prefer camo and don't want to buy it.
    38 KB (6,776 words) - 03:35, 9 September 2017
  • ribbon at the waist. Though it was one of those things a girl likes to do. Find a dress. ...ore change before she was going to oath though. The redhead had told Byron to meet her a specific place and at a specific time. She was always full of su
    12 KB (2,404 words) - 02:59, 27 September 2017
  • another sight: a gray and white Cymric cat, except that its fur appears to be made from fluffy gray and white paper. He surveys the entire scene throu approached or for things to slow down. Or maybe just for a few minutes to pass.
    10 KB (1,785 words) - 23:30, 30 September 2017
  • ...ortal Franklyn is there to give unsolicited direction, and Teagan shows up to give Summer's perspective on next moves. | subtitle = "...and never, EVER, talk to my wife like that again."
    34 KB (6,124 words) - 14:27, 4 October 2017
  • ...time you can carve out of your day-to-day to help a Librarian with working to bolster this library into being something greater than it currently is?</i> ...and racks of books which once existed here. Most are gone, or too decayed to be read.''
    19 KB (3,731 words) - 15:41, 12 October 2017
  • ...ood thing the Trickster herself and their fine feathered friend pops along to brighten the place up a bit. | subtitle = Do you paint? What are you ''in to''? What makes you go '''''wild'''''?
    26 KB (4,688 words) - 20:19, 8 October 2017
  • This is an online archive of all of Enid's posts, to be more easily viewed in their entirety. ...p;&nbsp;trained&nbsp;professional<br>should&nbsp;be&nbsp;the&nbsp;one&nbsp;to&nbsp;find&nbsp;them.
    38 KB (7,441 words) - 20:03, 6 March 2020
  • ...ovies like the original Halloween. You can almost hear the original chorus to the movie play in your head as you walk by. their t-shirt with the least wear and the fewest tiny wear holes. (It's tough being a Squire. Your shit just wears out no matter what you do. Among other
    8 KB (1,420 words) - 02:22, 14 October 2017
  • ...ary = Part of [[Plot: Broken Dolls|Broken Dolls]]. A discussion about what to do about the Dolls leads far deeper into the Hedge, and into much greater p ...stman who fought these things yesterday, is rustling up those who can fite to go... do something. Night's falling, the Hedge is slowly rustling, adjustin
    60 KB (7,687 words) - 06:40, 28 October 2017
  • | summary = A jaunt into the Hedge to look for the Dolls bears fruit. And grossness. Part of [[Plot: Broken Dolls ...and ear out for any signs of something strange. Which admitedly isn't hard to find in the Hedge, but a specific kind of strange in this case.
    19 KB (2,829 words) - 04:35, 27 October 2017
  • ...It's possible that they're avoiding Cat-22, because all Cat-22 usually has to give out is health food. Yuck. But the weather is fair, if a bit chilly, an ...combination of books with "horror" or "terror" in the title, plus several to honor the Irish roots of Samhain with books about the IRA and the potato fa
    58 KB (10,474 words) - 03:34, 1 January 2020
  • is seated at one of the tables wearing her scrubs. She didn't have time to change before the meeting. ...down low and cold Bud tallboy in hand he's sipping liberally from. Coat is to one side, heavy pistol on one hip, spare mags, multitool.
    39 KB (7,118 words) - 12:44, 7 November 2017
  • ...k on the door and if he looks out the window it's Molly. And it's starting to snow. "Ms. Utridge, please come in. Get out of the cold," he says to her.
    14 KB (2,646 words) - 03:54, 16 November 2017
  • ...that's what exploration is all about. I've got enough fruit for each of us to take a second dose if we're -somehow- under water longer than one fruit eac ...uming the mermaid to be the pro on this, "Should I get rid of the clothing to swim? It's not hedgespun."
    74 KB (12,083 words) - 05:37, 27 November 2017
  • | log = It wasn't supposed to snow until tomorrow, but it's snowing now for damn sure. The mountainside n ...probably part of a national park or something, and maybe there's a plaque to go with it.
    25 KB (4,542 words) - 04:10, 23 November 2017
  • ...ielle, who answers several questions and helps set Peggy on the right path to some of her goals. ...o so. At this point, Dielle is well used to having to pick up the phone to tell people they're closed.
    17 KB (3,229 words) - 17:47, 26 November 2017
  • ...= Our four innocent victims are variously coshed or drugged and kidnapped to be sold as slaves at the Market! | log = THIS PART HAPPENED WHILE THE OTHER PARTY MEMBERS WERE ALL COMING TO THE CAPTIVES' RESCUE. THE LOGS MERGE WHERE THIS ONE ENDS.
    9 KB (1,610 words) - 04:39, 1 January 2020
  • ...ovember is, indisputably, the most eye-catching of the lot. It's tough not to be when you're so brilliantly coloured and, well, a god. Also the one holdi and greetings from his as well, and he offers his candy cane assortment to all.
    16 KB (2,745 words) - 18:48, 11 December 2017
  • | summary = A visit to the Market takes a turn for the terrifying when helping a hob results in th ...tainly chosen theirs for maximum comfort. Far enough from the mortal world to keep away the lazy worthless busybodies (without competent guides), their b
    48 KB (8,766 words) - 06:41, 16 December 2017
  • Winter is here, and King Charlie O of Fate's Harvest, many thanks given to his Autumn predecessor Ashe Whelan, is ramping up with some post-holiday go ...e, or could require weeks, depending upon what the players involved choose to do.
    10 KB (1,403 words) - 18:46, 7 March 2018
  • ...e a less experienced pilot dizzy. But not Reggie. Nope. He somehow manages to thread the needle. Even with the rain pelting his goggles. "Right-o, Danger ...s the craft higher to avoid just that eventuality, aiming the craft nearer to the ebbs and flows of electric lights higher in the cloud tops. "Right. Now
    7 KB (955 words) - 02:14, 24 December 2017
  • ...urrounded by jagged rocks like half-formed, vicious mountains, she tumbles to a stop in the vivid, too-bright light, dust on her ragged clothing, and her ...she can find any, starting to breathe faster, harder, as her eyes whip up to find out where the blood came from- and if the thing that made it be on the
    11 KB (2,132 words) - 00:49, 29 December 2017
  • | summary = King Charlie O sends off a group of changelings to seek out the nearest non-Roses market. ...s the group ahead of time, meeting them at the mouth of the Mischance Mine to discuss the quest.
    47 KB (8,505 words) - 07:35, 18 January 2018
  • ...other words, really not that unusual for a teenager, except perhaps taken to a bit more of an extreme. Quinn was the kind of troubled teenager who ran ...ries, who decided it would be amusing to see if they could teach music how to fight.
    3 KB (530 words) - 19:22, 23 April 2018
  • ...nouncement at Cat-22 Collective has a wide range of Changeling's gathered, to find out more about Hospitality options in Fort Brunsett, and hear about a started here in a minute. Grab some food, drink, or whatever, feel free to take a seat or...whatever it is you’re gonna do.” He waves a hand.
    97 KB (18,001 words) - 08:58, 11 February 2018
  • ...n Vermont in February, which makes it the best place for someone who wants to avoid crowds, but meet in a semi-public location. Aspire's staff has closed ...igs a day and can drain a twelve-pack like it's lemonade thinks he's going to do something physical? Maybe so. He's wearing black sweatpants and a black
    13 KB (2,339 words) - 23:46, 20 February 2018
  • | summary = Franklyn and Jack break into Suzie Whyte's house to look for evidence -- and body parts like hair that witchy witches can use f ...It's snowing and it's freezing." Jack points a finger at her. "If you try to hold this against me in the future, I will have Goblin chew up your shoes."
    33 KB (6,083 words) - 16:30, 27 April 2018
  • ...e in bed by midnight, so all Thursdays are marked yellow, since it's tough to get people organised/moving in a three-hour window. [[Tryptych]] - SECOND SCENE UPDATE - You can just leave Tryp behind to guard the rear passage. She won't be much use in a talking situation anyway
    7 KB (864 words) - 21:58, 26 July 2018
  • ...e. All just tales and stories according to Jack. But a bear encounter seem to contradict him. ...iff's switchback cautions against falling rocks and, too, contains symbols to indicate that cyclists and equestrians are also welcome on the trail.
    25 KB (4,631 words) - 12:12, 22 April 2018
  • She reaches out to gently pat the edge of it. "It's okay." She murmers to herself, mostly. ...the crest of FB high school, cargo shorts, and a pair of loafers that look to be fresh out of the box. Beyond his intteruption of Tryptarch's ire he's cu
    18 KB (3,444 words) - 08:45, 15 May 2018

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