Log:Days of Rage Revisited - Part II

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Days of Rage Revisited - Part II

Did he actually just slap his hands together and rub them, like a little fly? "I love the smell of the People's justice in the morning..."


C.B. and Cressida

31 July 2017

..so they jack a car and head to the police station, hopped up on memories and mayhem!


Outside the police station

"HEY! HEY! HEY! DON'T THROW THAT IN HERE! DIPPY, PUT THAT DOWN!" C.B. is not above raising his voice, although some of the other folks who work here poke their heads out of the back to see what the samhill is going on. Granted, it's not at all unusual for C.B. to be arguing with people up here. Just a week or two ago, some of those people happened to be cops.

Good thing for everyone that Yossarian saves the day. He stands up, mrowls again, walks in a little circle, and sits down. As cats do. "I'm gonna get it from him later," C.B. mutters under his breath. Then he looks at Cressida. Looks at Yossy. Looks at the other people he works with, watching him. Then he leans in and grabs Cressida's hand, his eyes vibrant, a kaleidoscope of blue and silver and lightning. "You know what?" he murmurs to her. "Fuck it, why the hell not. I'll think of a reason. I always do." Maybe it comes from the excitement of seeing someone else from those heady days, a very important time in his life before everything was stolen from him...you know how it goes. Or it could just be that he is also batshit crazy.

Either way, he yells some excuses to the other people behind the counter, grabs the paper he was typing on and stuffs it in his messenger bag before sliding it across his head and running around the counter, swiping Cressida's hand, trying to drag her along. "Hurry up before I change my mind. Yossarian, I'll be back for you later!" he hollars.

"I wasn't gonna!" she replies when C.B. gets all shouty, the star smoothing out the seat cushion again as if to say 'see?'. "I was going to take it /with/ us so we could throw it out /there/." It seems perfectly logical to her. Pat-pat-pat, nice chair. She smiles an innocent smile. You can practically see the halo. Twinkle!

But /cat/. Cressida can't possibly concentrate on chair nor chaos when there is a cat present. She clutches her hands over her heart and starts to wander towards Yossarian, her starry eyes going wide, wider, widest. "Kitty," she breathes and then starts to reach out. To pet. To pick up. To love. To steal. To steal? No, she'd /never/. Not a Hedgebeast companion, anyway...

But C.B. is grabbing her hand and she's getting pulled along and -- OH YEAH -- they are going to fuck shit up! There will be plenty of time later to cuddle kitties; for now, there is chaos to sow. She actually bellows:


...because that is what you say when you are about to instigate some civil unrest.

C.B.? Is not bellowing wheeeeeeeee or anything else of the sort, but he is running out of the Collective like his legs are on fire. Funnily enough, though, the HBC he said he'd come back for? Yossarian is not cool with that idea, apparently, because the papery cat comes loping out of the cafe straight after him, pages all a-flutter.

C.B., meanwhile -- he walks to the Collective because he lives five minutes away. He has a car, but it's not here. And that electric brain of his -- it's like Cressida put a key in it, started it up, and now it's going about a zillion miles per hour, or getting there. "First stop should be the police station," he stays, completely and one hundred percent authentically meaning that. He's running down the block, away from the Collective...away from it, so he can't be seen, but right towards an older car. Wait a second, is he planning on stealing that thing?!

She is a Bad Influence, this star, and it would come to no one's great surprise that she's ended up on a few people's shit lists over the years. Anyone who cares about C.B., who keeps him on the straight(ish) and narrow(esque), is not going to like Cressida very much. Especially considering that her reaction to his police station suggestion is not to temper it with a dose of reason but to throw gasoline on that fire:

"Yeah! Fuck those guys! They're nothing but a bunch of bullies who use the 'law' as a means to keep people down! Burn it! BURN IT DOWN!"

Now, it should be noted: Cressida doesn't actually harbor any ill-will towards the men and women in blue. Sure, they can cramp her style sometimes but for the most part, they are non-entities in her day-to-day life. But she is like a five year old hopped up on sugar right now except that sugar involves MAYHEM.

She runs -- nay, BOUNDS -- along with C.B. and relishes the furious beating of her heart, the way her body practically vibrates with pent-up energy. They ... they probably aren't good for each other.

No. They probably aren't. And maybe Yossarian, who cares a great deal about C.B., senses that -- though Yossarian is not yet interfering. He is Watching. It's what he does.

C.B. isn't /yet/ at full fever pitch. There are times when he goes from zero to one hundred, but C.B. can be conniving. He is /not/ just a mayhem-maker; he is someone who likes to have Reasons. Reasons and plans, no matter how bad they may be. His revolutionary mind is already working on overdrive, so much so that he's flat-out ignoring Cressida's 'gasoline' in favor of an act that requires concentration: squatting down to try and break into the damn car. He has a lockpicking kit in his messenger bag! But for wahtever reason -- maybe all the excitement? -- he can't get the tools to work. He curses loudly as they just won't get the lock open, no matter what he does, and then he stands up and throws the tools on the ground. "FUCK!"

The star hops back and forth -- left foot, right foot, left root, right foot -- and waits for C.B. to get this car busted into. But he doesn't! It doesn't work! The tools get thrown to the ground, a curse is barked out and they are thwarted before they even begin. O noooooes!

Now, Cressida does not really know much about breaking into things -- having the ability to turn into pure light means that she doesn't really have to worry her pretty little head about getting past obstacles most of the time. As long as things aren't airtight, she can get through it, by it, around it, whatever. But C.B., she suspects, doesn't have that luxury. Or, well, maybe he does but .../MOMENTUM/. MUST KEEP UP THE MOMENTUM. So the star decides to just /figure this shit out/ which mostly involves her leaning heavily on some magicks and utilizing her own stubborn determination to keep this ruckus going. Somehow, she gets the door open and the star steps back, she arms spread and her smile wide.


Don't ask her about no hot-wiring, though. That takes more smarts than she got.

C.B. was so busy grumbling and gathering up his stupid tools again that he didn't even notice. He didn't notice Cressida magically pop open the car as easily as if it were a can of sardines. Nor does he notice when Yossy comes running up and leaps into the car so he can follow along, keeping an eye on his Changeling. Because said Changeling might not be in his right mind, right now.

The Wizened pops up suddenly, white electricity crackling around him. "Good," he says, as matter-of-factly as though this is what they were going for in the first place. Wild-eyed, he points to the passenger seat. "Now get in the damn car. I need to work on this." Hotwiring, that is. He takes out a multitool from his bag and flips up the little Phillips head screwdriver on it, getting to work taking the plastic covering off the steering column -- hmm, has he /done/ this before?

A little reconnecting of wires later, a little stripping, a little fucking with battery wires later -- this takes /quite/ awhile, long enough that he is starting to sweat and get extra-twitchy. Yossarian is watching closely from the back seat with big, yellow eyes. Finally, though, he gets the car to start, and lets out a hollar. "Let's get the fuck out of here!" Pedal to the metal, C.B. takes off down the street in a screech of tires and a cloud of exhaust.

When C.B. is less than impressed with her car-breaking-into skills, Cressida looks vaguely confused. Didn't he hear her say 'taa daa'? Didn't he see her arms spread out with /flourish/? Maybe she should have added some wiggle-fingers ..? So she does it all over again. Little hop! Arms outstretched! "Taa daa!" Finger-wiggles!


Jeez. Tough crowd.

Being the Elemental that she is, Cressida would /normally/ try to break this down, figure it out, try to see where she went wrong. However, he gives her a direct order -- passenger seat! -- so that derails that little train of thought and the star hops into the vehicle. She does this with the enthusiasm with a Golden Retriever whose just been told its going for a walk! YAY! Perched forward right on the edge of her seat, she drums her fingers against the dash as she ...


            ..and waits..

                  ..and waits..

                        ..and waaaaaaits omg....

"Why is this taking so loooooong?" she complains, echoing the sentiments of millions of kids on road trips who have vocally wondered 'ARE WE THERE YET?!' Luckily, just then, C.B. gets the car going and the engine roars to life. All her stars twinkle happily and the first thing she does? Turns on the radio.

Hey man, they need some tunes to go along with their mischief.

Aaaaaannd .. it's a pop song. Justin Bieber. Despacito.

C.B. is driving like the proverbial bat out of hell, man. The lightning sparks crazily all around him, all white and blue, some of it's even red. He takes turns hard. He runs red lights. It's like he's /trying/ to get in trouble, and maybe he is! But no cops are in pursuit -- not yet. It's not that far to the station, either. They'll be there in no time.

Still, he has the wherewithall to reach over to the radio and frantically switch the station for something that won't make him want to claw his own eyes out. It takes awhile, but he finally finds a classic rock station that's playing -- yes, kids, it's his lucky day -- "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath. "Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind," sings Ozzy. "People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time//All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy//Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify...//

"Can you help me," C.B. sings along, and you know what? He actually has a pretty good voice. "...occupy my brain?" It might be a stretch to say that he's having a good time, but this might be the closest he gets. Enough so that he seems to remember he has a partner in crime, and stares over at her with a particularly wild-eyed stare and something like a grin, one that shows off his crooked, nicotine-stained teeth. He's missing a few near the back. "What year is it? Who cares, right?" The police station is only about a block from here. You'll be there in no time.

Ooooh, she likes this song! It's crap, sure, but such an earworm. She wiggles where she sits, car-dancing and singing loudly in Spanish -- even though she doesn't know Spanish. Yeah, she's basically just making up words and sticking -cito at the end of them. "--mumumbleumble-ITO mumbleRACITO mumbumbmumblePACITO BAM BAM! somethingsomething Danny DEVITO! mmmmMmmMmmMm Al PACINO!" She's in the middle of trilling and rolling her 'R's when C.B. changes the station.

"Hey! I liked that song! I was singing!" -- uh, not well, gurl. Cressida reaches over to switch it back. Oh no! Will this be it? Will their riot fall apart on fundamental differences? She's just about to turn the dial back to the pervious station when her partner in crime starts singing and it .. it .. TAMES her. Well, it tames her need to change the channel, anyway. Listening to him sing causes her to smile; seeing him imbued with this LIFE and ENERGY and RECKLESS ABANDON. The car fills with stars to the point where it is almost blinding and she rolls down her window to leans her head out. Untamed hair of blue, purple and cyan whips in the wind and she closes her eyes, her expression one of manic glee as air cuts over her features. They are driving so fast but all she can is..


C.B. gawks at the stars, whizzing all over the car as they are. He may be Lost, but Cressida is a few steps above him on the Wyrd ladder. As crackly-sparky as he can be, it's nothing compared to her. Fascinated, his eyes are on her, watching that mane as it flies, and then suddenly --

"BEN, LOOK OUT." That came from the CAT. Yossarian swipes C.B.'s ear with his paw, just in time, too.


Look out for that treeeeeeee! C.B. very nearly goes plowing headfirst into one. He swerves at the last possible second, braking so hard that there might be a little whiplash. Hope you guys were wearing your seatbelts...but he is actually /laughing/. He's bent over on the steering wheel, arms wrapped around it, cackling hysterically.

Eeeeeeeeeh! The world slips into slow-motion for a little bit when the car swerves, Cressida's eyes going wide as she watches the tree travel past, like, riiiight there. Like, right by her face. If she reached her hand out, she probably could have touched it. Whoooooa.

And then time catches up with the present moment and everything is fast again. Her body jerks forward because, no, she wasn't wearing her seatbelt and there is a THUMP-BANG of all of her being introduced to the dashboard rapid-quick. HellohowareyoudidnotwanttomeetlikethisTHUD.

And the car comes to a stop.

C.B. is cackling. Cressida is blinking at the dashboard that she just head-butted. Yossarian is .. what is Yossarian doing? Was /he/ wearing a seat belt?! Laughter fills the spaces not already occupied by her glittering galaxy and as the dust settles outside, she slowly turns to look at the man seated beside her.



Long pause, heaving breathes.


She throws back her head and screams at the top of her lungs, a primal declaration of war. "LET'S GO!!"

C.B. raises his head, wiping tears from his eyes. There's the crackle of electricity all around them, and around his hands, too. Tears still glittering in his eyes, giving the silver in there, a strange glow, he stares at her for a long moment.

"You're crazy."

But, yes. He does get out of the car, not seeming to pay any mind to the fact that his forehead is bleeding, because he partially knocked it on the steering wheel when they stopped. Only Yossarian was wearing a seatbelt! And Yossarian is now following along again. Not lecturing, not even trying to reason with C.B. Just watching.

There's the police station, about a half a block back. How they've managed to avoid the police thus far is a miracle. Their luck might be about to change, though. There's a moment wherein C.B.'s hand hovers near the inside of his jacket, until he suddenly yelps -- Yossy just bit him in the leg!

The star opens her door and tumbles out of the car, some of her planets and moons rolling out across the ground before blinking out of existence. Finding her feet, she rights herself and pushes her hands back through her hair, getting her tangled locks out of her face. Is she bleeding? No. By some miracle, she is not -- although if she doesn't wake up with some nasty bruises tomorrow, the world won't make sense. Jogging around to the other side of the car, she comes up alongside C.B. and nods.

"Yeah," she replies, agreeing with his assessment of her. Crazy! "Pretty much."

I mean, come on. It's not like it's a secret!

She follows his gaze and looks at the police station across the street. She actually /cackles/ and rubs her hands together. What the fuck, lady! "So, what's the plan?" she asks, unable to dampen the trembling excitement in her tone. "Steal a cop car? Toss a molotov into the lobby? Bar the exits and light the whole place on .. wait, no. Scratch that last one."

That's a little too .. break-y point-y, even for her.

Pretty ironic that a guy who is laughing AND crying at the same time, who hotwired a car and then nearly crashed it into a tree, would call HER crazy. To be fair. C.B. is already stalking towards the station, his brow set, his eyes fierce. What kinds of old grudges against the pigs is he conjuring up, right now? You don't wanna know...

"Throw a trash can through the window, for starters," he says, completely serious. He glances over at her, sort of smiling? He's not really the smiliest dude around. "Just like old times. We /could/ light it on fire..." The barring the exits thing? Yeah, even he isn't touching that one. And Yossarian trots after him, making sure he doesn't pull out the gun in his jacket that he was sorely, sorely tempted to use!

'Oh no, Ben. We shouldn't do that. Police officers are there to keep the peace, to protect and serve the community. While there are a few bad apples, they, for the most part, are dedicated men and women who put their lives on the line every day and we should focus on ire and rage on a target that truly deserves it'

...is what she absolutely does NOT say.

Instead, she just flips the DOUBLE-BIRD at the police station and then looks around for a trash can. "Over here!" she crows, scampering over to over that is situated by a bus stop. It's in a container that is bolted to the ground and has a lock on the cover. Dammit. She reaches into her pocket and fishes out a:

"I have a lighter though," Cressida says, waving it around. "For when we are ready to start throwing!"


She's a terrible influence -- if anything, perhaps, because her manic good humor acts as a foil to C.B.'s equally manic, but far more serious, straight man approach. If you can call it straight. He runs over to her and kicks at the trash can. "Damnit. I have matches." A nod and a squinty-eyed glare to the lighter. "Does that even work? Alright. Maybe we'll just have to go the Molotov route. Fortunately..." That look on his face turns downright /sly/ as he flips open his messenger bag, looking around for some good cover. "...I have all the necessary ingredients to make a few." Did he actually just slap his hands together and rub them, like a little fly? "I love the smell of the People's justice in the morning..."

He's all about the CAUSE. Cressida's just here for the heady excitement of stirring up some chaos. She is a wrecking ball, one that crashes through the sedate, sleep conformity of polite society. WAKE UP! GET UP! GET UP AND START LIVING!

He kicks the trash can and she does as well -- which was a /really/ bad idea since she's barefoot. She makes a pained, squeaking sound and hops around wincing for a few moments as C.B. starts fumbling around in his bag.

"Okay okay okay okay.." she says, swings back around and limping over. She gets in close, all twinkling light and velvety darkness. In these close quarters, the scent of weed and patchouli is strong like WHOA. The star paws at the edge of his bag, trying to peer down inside it. "Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon.." she urges. By the way, where is Yossarian? What does /he/ think of all this?

A police car pulls into the station lot and a couple of cops get out, mounting the steps to head inside. One of the looks over to the pair huddled near the trash can by the bus stop across the street. Hmmm.

In the end, though, are they so different? Certainly C.B.'s comrades back in the day were trying to shake up middle-class American society. Their motivations are, in fact, parallel...

But what kind of monster doesn't even look to see her toesies are okay? Well...this one, when he's absorbed in a task like this. Because he is, now, completely absorbed. He even puts his glasses on so he can pay close attention to what he's doing. Bottles, check, rags, check, small container of gasoline that, yes, he carries around with him, because you never know when you'll need to spark a revolution...check.

That paranoia of his is enough for him to stare back over his shoulder at the cop watching them. Yossarian is watching this cop as well. Yossarian isn't, however, stopping C.B. Why isn't Yossarian stopping him? Not stopping, but is saying out loud, in his deep and dignified voice: "Be careful, Ben. Find cover."

"Right," C.B. mutters, and nods at Cressida. "C'mon. We're too out in the open here." He starts looking around for...anything that's not so out in the goddamn open.

Aww, poor little toes. C.B. /is/ a monster! But that's okay because, if we're being perfectly honest, Cressida is kind of a monster, too. I mean, who got this ball rolling? Who egged him on? Who gleefully is urging 'yes, yes, YES!' when she should be saying 'no, no, NO'? This girl right here, that's who.

She watches him carefully, the growing anarchy and chaos causing her universe to expand further and further. There are more stars than there were before, more everything really: planets, moons, comets, asteroids, meteoroids. There is a thrumming sound around them, the yawn of deep space. Creation. Destruction. Time moving forward, backward, standing still.

"All it takes," she says, her body trembling with barely restrained excitement. She wants to run! She wants to shout! She wants to kick! She wants to break! RAWR! "..is a /spark/."

But they're too out in the open apparently. She looks like she just wants to run forward, storm the station kamikaze-style but .. but .. but ...

At least someone -- Yossarian -- has some sense.