
From Fate's Harvest
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Paige Holland was a local girl. Some sort of acrobat or gymnast or something. An athlete of some talent, anyway, who spent almost all her time training. Except she disappeared in the early 70s when she was somewhere around 20, give or take a few years. Some say she was last seen with some friends in an arcade, and when she left she was just simply gone. Weird.

Now a woman who looks like that missing girl from decades ago is back in town. She opened a bar called Cyclone (which has a Lost-only back room) and seems very happy running it. She also joined the Summer Court and the Harvestmen, and seems very active in both. Especially when it involves protecting innocents.

  • Birds: She's got feathers in her hair and on her arms. Of course she likes birds!
  • Cheerful: She's definitely more cheerful than most would believe for a Summer.
  • Cyclone: This is her bar! Come in and have a drink! Need a job? Get one here!
  • Harpy: She is one, and she might reluctantly agree. Just don't ask about the bird feet.
  • Harvestmen: She's a member of this group and seems to take it very seriously.
  • Impulsive: She may be a bit impulsive, and a bit too fond of shiny things.
  • Sweet-tooth: She definitely has one, and there is normally candy somewhere on her.
  • Summer: She's a Summer, despite her normal cheerful demeanor.

Paige Holland
Full Name: Paige Holland
Birthday: July 29th
Apparent Age: Mid-20s
Occupation: Owner of Cyclone
Height: 5'0"
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Wrath

Seeming: Ogre
Kiths: Airtouched/Razorhand/
Court: Summer
Entitlement: none
Position: Harvestman
Motley: none
Keeper: Dread Commander Sof