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Winter Crowning Court 2017

Annapurna as Charlie O. Tock, Esther, Dielle, Isolde, Peggy, Vorpal, Kelsey, Neirin, Ashe, Billy Ray, vervanE, Nathania, Amber

22 December, 2017

Charlie O holds the first Court of his reign as 2017 Winter King.


H06 - Stoneheart - Broken Hearth

The decorations today are simple and stark: whites, blacks, the occasional blue.

There are no tables full of food. There is nothing to drink.

The tables, couches and various other amenities are as perfectly numbered as ever, increasing or decreasing as they are needed, and, this season, done up in the colours of the Onyx Crown.

The Councilors are seated at the heart of the room around the ever-burning hearth, its colours a blend of blue, blue-violet and white today, though the wood they rise from is all silver-grey.

Charlie O, seated precisely where he always sits, between Dawn and Autumn, silently awaits the arrival of those available to attend the evening's gathering, expression thoughtful and calm.

Billy Ray has on pressed jeans, cleaned boots, a button down shirt and suitcoat, beard neatly trimmed and hair brushed tight and he even - miracles of miracles - removes his baseball cap as he steps in. As always in the Hedge he has on that worn leather belt with his Hedgespun rapier to one side and the heavy semi auto, spare mag, belt pouches containing spare magazines, medical gear and tools. He settles into the section with the Spring folk.

Dressed in black -- is it formal, or mourning for the end of the year? Whatever the reason, Amber looks cheerful enough as she steps in and makes her way over to one of the couches, draping herself artfully at one end as she settles down. She takes a few moments to adjust the blood-red kerchief tucked into her breast pocket, the only touch of color in her outfit before looking back up again. Billy gets a broad smile and a lifted hand, green-stained finger wiggling in greeting.

Nathania walks in, quietly, wearing a stark white handknit sweater, black jeans, and a pair of black winter boots. Her jacket was shed at the Hedge and is over her arm, grey peacoat that it is. Her grey messenger bag is slung across her body with her little Autumn token pin obvious on it, and she quietly nods to Charlie O before taking a seat in the Winter section. She, of course, pulls out knitting--black socks with silver shot through them. She works in silence, but keeps most of her attention on the door. She gives little nods to those she recognizes, and tiny smiles to her fellow Winters.

The Witch King of Angmar has decided to visit Fate's Harvest and is sitting by Reginald Pook with a bat on their shoulder. Oh wait, no, that's just Ashe. Autumn Councilor. It's a new look for the woman really, but it's probably the one for the foreseeable future. It's almost like she's going to turn her head and whisper 'Shire...Baggins....' at Pook at any moment. Just for a giggle.

Vorpal strides in like he owns the place- which is to say, precisely the same way he strides into everywhere. Where Nat has ditched her jacket, he wears his greatcoat- dark blue and cut in the RAF fashion- with style. The slow pan of his head from one side to the other implies he's looking over who's in attendance, but it's impossible to tell, with his eyes drowned in the dark caul of shadows over his face. His grin brightens, though, as it scans past Nathania and Billy, over Heather with the council, and pauses on Amber's unfamiliar face. Then he spots Ashe, and tips a nod of his head her way, and a bow towards Charlie, before moving to sling himself into a seat at one of the tables to await the day's business.

Neirin of Echoes -- dressed absolutely no differently from any other day, wearing a battered old army parka like he thinks he's in Quadrophenia and an ugly blazer and a wrinkled shirt and black jeans with steel-toed boots -- has with him, as per apparently usual, a fiddle case carried in one black-gloved hand. The other black-gloved hand's carrying a plain brown-paper wrapped parcel, tied up with string, and he's got a slightly too-large cap jammed over his head like he thinks he can hide his ears a la Spock. He glances around the place, zeroes in on Ashe, with an AHA!-THERE-YOU-ARE sort of expression, and threads his way around people and seating areas and ignores literally everyone on the path (including Charlie and the councilors). When he gets to her he holds out the parcel with narrowed -- merrily glittering? -- eyes. "Happy Christmas. Give me a penny."

Kelsey is the barest of flickers in Vorpal's wake, the tail of their hair braided severely back as if to tame even that hint of fire in deference to Winter's onset. It's threaded through with ribbons that match the overcast grey of their wool coat. They slip aside to take a seat at one of the more autumnally colored tables, attention tilted toward the new Crown.

vervanE is here, holding up the far wall, his shadowy coat and hair billowing around him. He's staring at Charlie O with the thoughtful gaze of someone trying to determine another's mettle, flickers of orange light glowing deeply in his eyes. He is with no one, and seems fine with that.

Spring Councilor Pook seems none too pleased to have a putative Witch King sitting beside him, paling at the bat and whisking out a fan to begin wafting the reassurance of sweetly perfumed air at his perfectly coiffed self.

The Winter King's pale eyes follow the arrivals, acknowledging nods and glances with a brief nod in reply, expression serious and alert.

Once the trickle of arrivals slows, he rises from his seat with a glint of light upon onyx-cored icicles of the Crown, gesturing toward Ashe and offering the Angmar lookalike a courteous, "Thank you, Ashe, for a productive Autumn." He pauses a moment for her reply, then turns to the small gathering of freeholders, brisk and business-like. "Thank you for coming. I'll keep this brief. If you haven't yet met me to be repledged, please form a line and do so now."

Nathania stands and sets her knitting aside, moving to repledge. She will queue neatly behind anyone ahead of her, and if first, will patiently wait to be called. Then, when she's repledged, she settles back in with her knitting and a contented smile.

Billy Ray snap, snap, snap of the Copenhagen can, throws in a dip as a nervous gesture. Then rises, brushing palms over his suitcoat as he steps to get into line silently, shoving hands into the pockets of his jeans and rocking back and forth on his boots. He'll go through the pledge process, his drawl as thick as bright Georgia clay.

Ashe gives a look up when Neirin approaches the Council table and there's a lift of a gloved hand to wave to him. Then a head tilt from her. She reaches out to accept the wrapped parcel and she settles it in her lap for a moment. Then there's a bit of digging before she hands him a penny, "Merry Christmas, Neirin." she tells him. Then she carefully unwraps it. Maybe she's expecting ticking? Bees? Glitter Bombs? When she opens the wooden case there's a few moments of staring and then the shrouded head looks up to Neirin and there's a smile in the words, "Thank you, it's a lovely Morgul blade. I've always wanted one." she admits. Then when the King addresses her she bows her head to him, "Thank you, your Majesty." she states. She's already pledges, so hey, she doesn't stand!

Amber pushes herself up smoothly when others do as well, sauntering her way over to stand in line patiently to take her own turn. Once anyone ahead of her has finished, she offers her own pledge to the new king, bowing her head deeply as a closing offer of respect before retaking her seat once again.

Vorpal rises back to his feet at the invitation to pledge, and does so, albeit with his own brand of unnecessary theater and self-importance. Though perhaps that's only so surprising- how often do Gods pledge themselves to serve a crown?

Around here, every single season but that is -absolutely- beside the point.

Pledge completed, Vorpal returns to his seat, tipping a nod Neirin's way as he passes.

When the others have gone, vanE, too, will push himself off the wall and Pledge, though he is still looking at Charlie O with that appraising gaze. Then he returns to his spot on the wall, folding his arms. Watching. Listening.

"Good," says Neirin quietly, pocketing the penny, then leaning in closer to Ashe very briefly to whisper something to her -- and incidentally getting his unique mixed bouquet of scents in Pook's personal space (Scotch, cigarettes, rosin, coal-smoke, /a forge/) -- before he steps back and gets in line to re-pledge to the freehold, this time in the season that claims him.

He's perfectly serious, and not in any way rude when he does, but it's all he does, nothing else added, before going back to take a seat and passing Vorpal a card as he walks.

Kelsey rises again to join the line for pledges, tucking themself in near vanE at the end. Their voice is low and clear when they speak, words already committed to memory, without flourish or embellishment. They bow quietly to the Winter King and return to their seat.

Charlie O is serious and calm throughout, waiting patiently between pledges, accepting the offered fealty with the respect the members' trust is due. His regard is the same for one and all, no sign of nerves or hesitation: alert, attentive, aware.

Once no one in the room is left unpledged, he nods, taking his seat again, and begins with a simple, quiet, "We need information, we need allies and we need alternatives." His voice is pitched just loudly enough to carry -- if the room is silent, and everyone is listening.

"There are investigations into the Soundless ongoing in Autumn," he looks to Ashe here, "and I would like Autumn to continue gathering what it can from Marc." Looking back out at the room, he continues, "Spread the word. I support Autumn's decision regarding Samantha Whitaker. She is to be escorted out of all freehold properties except the Wayhouse, and any sightings of unfamiliar Lost are to be reported immediately. Cards are available--" he indicates a small pile on the table in front of him, "--with a phone number which will reach me. This phone is only to be used for emergencies or alerts."

Charlie beckons Vorpal forward again, a hand gesturing toward the cards, then circling the room with a gesture in wordless instruction to hand them out. The god DID just offer fealty. Who wouldn't want to order one around?

He waits until Vorpal has begun to do so, then continues, "I'll be taking volunteers over the coming weeks, and after discussions with the Council regarding potential destinations, I will be sending out small groups into the Hedge. Current priorities are the locations of the nearest non-Soundless stationary freeholds, goblin markets outside the territory of the Wild Roses, and more information about the True Fae whose favour Neirin received." His lips tighten in disapproval of the incident. "It is unlikely that we will encounter the Fae again, if the descriptions I have been given are accurate, but I'm not willing to risk your lives on an 'unlikely.' We need to know its range."

Credit where it's due, Vorpal finds being relegated to a deific usher amusing, and swirls to his feet with casual, impossible grace. The new King is favored with the respectful bow his position demands, and then Vorpal takes the cards and glides through the room like the phantom the light reveals him to be, handing out the contact cards as directed. Vorpal pauses in his duties to flick a couple fingers skywards at, first, the mention of volunteers, and then again when the Fae is specifically mentioned. The latter gesture is paired with a distinctly eager expression.

Billy Ray listens to the words from the monarch, taking note of the number and scribbling it down into a Rite in the Rain notebook. He's otherwise quiet, fingers silently tapping on his boot as one leg slides over the other.

Kelsey watches Vorpal blur the line between usher and psychopomp even further than usual, but manages not to find a sudden excuse to be anywhere else -- simply takes the card assigned them and slips it into an inner pocket without looking. Their hands stay down for the moment. Probably because Kelsey versus a strong breeze doesn't look like it'd come out in Kelsey's favor, let alone the Hedge.

Taking the card from Vorpal, Neirin tucks it inside his ugly blazer, and his lips thin when the new King names him. Nevertheless, he starts to lift his hand, then lowers it. Things he can mention while Charlie's taking volunteers -- not here and now, in the middle of the first court. Instead, he latches and unlatches his fiddle case a couple of times, jaw setting.

Drily amused, the King watches Vorpal and comments, "I see we have a volunteer..."

Charlie O waits until the last of the cards has been handed out -- there are far more cards than attendees -- before instructing, "Share the number with those who couldn't make it. If you have housemates or close partners, you may take multiple cards once the meeting is complete."

A hand lifts, palm up, and spreads to encompass the room, welcoming input. "We met Monday. Speak up if you have new information to share. Any order, any group."

Billy Ray clears his throat, works his chaw around and lifts his hand. "Ah, ello y'highness. Ah'm workin' on a solution fer longer range communication in th' Hedge. Still in proof 'a concept but if'n ah get it workin' that'll help out jes' fine fer our patrols. Also, ah'm a paramedic an' fair to middlin' at the combats. If'n folks want help wit' Hedgespun fer these patrols, ah'll give a discount t' cost a' materials for makin' 'em." His drawl done he bows and takes a seat again. He adds a second later, "Er, ah. Billy Ray Johnson, sorry y'all."

Ashe gives a bow of her head when it is states that Charlie O wants Autumn to continue to things with the Soundless' ex Marc. She then looks around the room to see who else is there and there's a bit of a nod to those she does know. Then there's a bit of a look to the King when Fae are brought up, "I offer my services as a Black Apple if they are needed. As well as for the trips. Just in case talks are needed or people get into situations again." she states. "Rorschach had a situation with a man named Thudlump months back that we seemed very similar." she doesn't sound too thrilled on it either.

Isolde scoots in late and well, she's here. She's still in her scrubs from the hospital and there might the tail tale sign of blood on her jacket, but hey, she's a doctor. The Bright One finds a seat at the back and settles down. Taking out a notepad and prepares to jot down a few things. As people are want to do.

Nathania knits away in silence, taking a card from Vorpal when it's offered. She pockets it, and listens intently. Her eyes sweep the room thoughtfully. ooc Hey. We're at the part where people say anything they have information about, or want to know, or report. Feel free to assume you got here in time to hear him ask for that.

Esther quietly slips in, standing in the back. She looks a touch remorseful for her tardiness, but also glad to finally make it.

Dielle comes in a bit late, and moves over towards Vorpal. She doesn't speak yet, just whispers at Vorpal, asking him to catch her up. It's pretty quiet, but not silent, so it can be overheard.

Peggy has been sitting very, very still. She's very good at it. Perched in a seat, elbows on her knees, chin cupped in her hands as she watches and listens.

"Very much so," confirms Vorpal as Charlie remarks on his status as volunteer, "As an infiltrator or as a combatant. I'd be delighted to safeguard those doing the investigating, or do it myself, if the situation allows. I'm also willing to assist in gathering materials to assemble whatever clever devices Billy Ray's got lined up to make talking at a distance a bit easier in the Hedge."

"As far as updates, Etsy's taken initiative to start tracking down methods to detect infected dreams, something we expect will require tokens of some sort. We'd like to speak with anyone with knowledge of where such things might be found, if it's known- any leads are worth investigating, as the alternative is going to be trying to barter for them in the market, if they can even be located for procurement. There've also been some developments in the matter of the Broken Dolls- the Harvestmen Captain can provide those details. Considering what was found, I'd very much recommend a conversation on that topic- especially with this third- or, possibly fourth- Fae now having appeared in the area." His messages delivered, Vorpal turns to murmur to his Captain, catching her up on what she missed... presumably.

Charlie O listens to the information he is given, nodding to the volunteers. Toward Ashe, he comments, "Speak with Neirin. If he is willing, I would like you to go with him."

Billy's offers elicit an agreement of, "We will be needing healers and trained fighters. Those trained in the occult, too, will be important, in the event that new discoveries are made." He looks to the room at large, here, pointing out, "I want us to be prepared. Let's not rush off without planning. We want contingencies. You could be gone for days at a time, or weeks."

Vorpal's descriptions receive a nod of their own, and the Winter King looks to Dielle once the deity brings her to his attention, fingers flicking in a 'speak up' gesture. Late or not-late, he doesn't seem to care.

Nathania raises her head. "Billy... Ray? Can we talk... after the meeting?" she asks softly, but her voice carries. "About Hedgespinning."

Billy Ray nows to those that speak - Vorpal, the monarch, a low bow, to Nathania he shoots an affirmative 'thumbs up' in assent.

Dielle says, "There are plans to capture a doll, because Vorpal found a machine that's maintaining the dolls. It might be poisoned. There's speculation that the dolls are actually Lost, which Kowal and Vorpal would like to check out, as well as a possible door to Arcadia, which I'm...we're still discussin' that part. There's also a group of people who found a Fairest in a glass casket in the Hedge. Kowal and I woke her up, she's currently staying in the Aspire, answering questions. She's under hospitality pledge so that I don't gotta shoot her." And that's her report, in a nutshell.

Peggy sits up a little, blinking in Dielle's direction. Something the Harvestmen Captain said has piqued her interest, it seems.

Ashe gives a nod to Charlie O, "I can go with Neirin then, yes your Majesty." she tells the Winter King. Apparently she wasn't worried about getting into trouble if something happened. The Autumn just seemed to...not be in a mood tonight. There's a look over to Pook when he fans her hood to much and there's a piece of candy offered over to him.

Vorpal hands out a last few cards to those with others that need them, then moves to sit back down, dropping next to Peggy and winking her way by way of greeting. He shuffles the cards he still has idly, something to keep his hands busy while he listens to Dielle's report and Ashe's response.

Charlie O listens, silent, and agrees with Dielle, responding with a direct, "Bring in any Autumns familiar with the Spellbound and similar powers, if you haven't already. These dolls need to be stopped." Turning his head, he nods to Ashe, then listens for any additional reports.

"If this is all we have," he notes, "then we are almost good to go, tonight. Keep me apprised of the situations. My last request: don't hesitate to seek out the unaffiliated. If you know of any unpledged changelings in the area with skills which would be useful in our search, let me know. If they are willing to pledge peace and no ill-working toward the freehold and its members, whether or not they join it, it is up to you to take the risk. If the Soundless become a threat, we will need all the information we can get."

"Do we have any questions or further volunteers?"

Peggy offers Vorpal a little smile. She gives his cards a curious little glance, but mostly she's paying attention to those speaking.

Neirin blinks, then grits his teeth before standing. "Majesty," he says shortly, "I had intended to volunteer to go as the only Martial Correspondent of the Eternal Echoes in the area, and as I am also a blacksmith, to arm whomever I accompanied with cold iron to help make up for the fact that I am a non-combatant." His gasflame-blue eyes are steady, fixed on the Winter King, but anyone sitting close to him will see that his black-gloved left hand clutches the handle of his fiddle case too tightly, trembling. "As has been so amply illustrated, not only am I a non-combatant, I am also absolute bloody shit with negotiation and bargaining and anything fucking remotely resembling diplomacy. Yes, Whelan is all of these things I lack, in spades, but if it's all the same to you, I'd like to know what I'm being voluntold, especially if poor Whelan's drawn the short straw to mind me again."

Isolde takes a moment and when there's a break in the talking she stands, "In relation to the Dream Poisoning, I myself am not a Oneiromancer or experienced in dream healing. But I do have connections in the real world where it comes to some things. I wanted to offer to shelter the cleansed homeless in a shelter that was free of the poison so it doesn't spread any more rapidly than it does. We are going to be opening up a new one after Christmas over at Riverside and it is a bit of a blessing in disguise." she admits.

The King smiles wrily at Neirin, a faint expression, before his face settles into its customary stillness. "Your willingness is appreciated, in all respects. You were marked," he points out, "and we don't know what that means. You have interacted with this Fae before, and survived. If anyone should be researching it, it is you."

Charlie O's attention shifts toward Isolde with a nod of acknowledgement. "Winter will aid you, if you are in need of help with the shelter. Have there been any further reports of the Keeper controlling those so poisoned?"

Dielle settles back in her seat, and listens intently. She sees Peggy and if she can catch the young woman's eye, grins at her.

Billy Ray settles back into his seat. He makes another note or two and puts his pen into a pocket, silently snapping his Cope can in a slightly nervous gesture.

Neirin sits down heavily, muttering, "Yeah, great." He sets his fiddle down on the floor between his feet and takes out a notebook, starting to scrawl what looks for all the world like verse.

Isolde offers a bow to Charlie O, "That would be greatly appreciated your Majesty. I think it would also slow the spread. The Winter is hard most times and the shelters over burdened as it is. So thank you." she states before she sits back down.

Charlie O nods to Isolde, thoughtful, then suggests, "If possible, you might try to employ local changelings, whether pledged or not. It will be easier to explain what you are looking to prevent."

And, since it seems no one else has any business, he rises from his seat and bows to the assembly, small as it is. "Court is adjourned. I'll be in touch."

It's not until after Court's adjourned that Neirin pockets his notepad and stands, and calls out, "Dr. Garreau! Have you met Dr. Sterling?"

"A very wise suggestion my King." Isolde states as she stands and bows. Then there is a look when someone new shouts her name and then woman turns to look at Neirin with a bright smile, "I have not, no." she states.

Vorpal adds his welcoming wave to Dielle's, though he rises for a moment, moving to Neirin's side and bending to murmur to him, patting his shoulder before returning to sling his too-sharp frame down next to Dielle and Peggy, grin wide. "Ladies. How -have- we been these past few days, mm?"

The name 'Dr. Sterling' apparently catches Kelsey's attention; they glance over to Neirin, adopting a more thoughtful exprssion for a moment as they track his attention to Isolde.

The Autumn Councilor stands finally after staring down for what seems like eternity. Ashe hugs the wooden case to her side and then her body explodes into a swarm of bats that hold the case in the middle of it. Witch King of Angmar out.

Dielle is chatting, but suddenly is staring at Vorpal rather intently.

Neirin gets a brief wry look with a fair amount of gratitude mixed in, and murmurs something back before approaching Isolde, fiddle case back in hand. He offers his gloved right hand to Isolde and introduces himself, "Neirin of Echoes, or more properly, Robin Collier. Run Hammersmith, down the city. I were in the Wayhouse a couple nights ago, a woman there name of Dr. Maria Sterling said she were interested in the clinic here in town. I told 'er you volunteered there on occasion -- as you do -- but she also mentioned she were interested in the bit with the dream poison. Brenner were there too, she gave him a letter to give to the King here, so he might have her number if it got passed on." They are, in fact, close enough for Kelsey to overhear.

Annnd that's when Kelsey stops listening in from a distance and rises, drifting closer to Neirin and Isolde. "I don't know the lady in question well," they note aloud, "but enough to pass on a message if it might be helpful, yes."

Isolde gives Neirin a handshake, "Nice to meet you, Nierin. I'm Isolde. Grandmaster of the Greenies and Master Goldspinner." she tells him with a smile. "I will have to get in touch with Doctor Sterling then." she nods to him. Then there's a look to Kelsey as he approaches and she gives him a dazzling smile, "You look so much better than the first time we met. Welcome to the Freehold by the way." she tells him.

"You too," says Neirin, apparently having trouble using first names, given the wry look on his face. "Me, I'm only apparently immediately in trouble." Since he's actually wearing a cap, he touches the brim of it to both Isolde and Kelsey. "You two sort that out then, I'm off to write me own eulogy. Evening."

That said, the Thusser slips away and out.

Kelsey bows to Isolde, with a subdued and contained little flourish. More elaborate than when Winter was actually about its business, but not terribly much more. "Why, thank you on both counts. And particularly for my survival to make the pledge in the first place. If you'd like to send a message Dr. Sterling's way, I'd be happy to convey it. I don't see her precisely regularly, but often enough."

Isolde gives a smile to Neirin, "Have a good night, Neirin." she tells him. Then there's a look to Kelsey and a smile and she gives him a business card from her pocket, "Could you give this to her? It's my contact information. She can call anytime." she states.

Kelsey bows a second time, this time over the card. "The first chance I have," they tell Isolde.

Peggy pops out of her seat at the blue table, waves to Vorpal and Dielle, and heads for the exit.

Isolde gives Kelsey a smile and then a curtsey and turns to head out the door as well.