Carter Logan
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“'Do what thou wilt' shall be the whole of the Law.”
– The Thelemite Axiom
More than one hundred years ago, a boy named Carter Lysander Logan was born in the slums of New York City, and he was a musician.
Nowadays, he's the Devil Himself.
He's worn a hell of a lot of faces over the years. He's been a lounge singer, a hippie, a soldier, a rock star, a man, a woman, and many other things besides. But under the shifting faces, it's always been Carter, an ancient and powerful Spring Courtier with a knack for tempting others into chasing their desires and an endless hunger for indulging his own. And, as the years have gone on, his connection to the Wyrd has only grown.
Now, more than a century since he began, Carter is finding that he is running out of vices to indulge. His temptations of others have never ceased, and likely never will, but he himself is finding that the world holds less and less to hold his attention. Every day, he sits in a jaded fog, while every night Arcadia calls to him in his dreams. The power of the Wyrd pulses through his veins, and ignoring it is getting more and more difficult by the moment.
But now, in Fort Brunsett, he has found something worth living for once again. At the turning of the seasons, Carter Logan has married Zillah, Moon Queen of the freehold, the perfect muse he has always searched for. Excitement has returned to his life - just in time for the Spring Crown to settle on his brow.
Fate's Harvest has a new King, it seems. Whether or not it will survive his rule is less certain.
RP Hooks
- Bearer of the Antlered Crown - The Wyrd has crowned the Devil King of Fate's Harvest, for the time being.
- Spring Courtier - Carter has been an agent of the Emerald Court for many decades now.
- Bodhisattva of the Broken Cage - The Spring Court, honed to its finest edge. Carter helped to found the order.
- Watcher-Elect - The Devil walks in dreams. Carter leads the freehold's oneiromancers and seers.
- The Devil As Tempter - Everything you want. Nothing you should.
- Boredom - He wanders in search of anything that can hold his interest. Perhaps you think you could provide some entertainment.
- Legendary Lounge Singer - Anyone who's a fan of music from the 40s and 50s has probably heard of Carter Logan.
- Music - Music is the one thing that never bores Carter. Regardless of genre, if you're a musician, he wants to hear it.
- Man of Many Faces - Carter has been many things over many years. Perhaps you've met a cloven-hoofed changeling before.
The First and Only
- Zillah Logan - From now to eternity. She sways in her velvet dress and pulls me towards her in the dark...
The Rest
- Phillipe Boudreau - All this for twenty dollars.
- Miss an Nua - Such vibrancy. It reminds me of my younger days.
- Miss Devereux - We'll make a true sea witch out of you yet, Miss Devereux.
- Miss Widget - Now aren't you an interesting find.
- Miss Baines - You're in so far over your head. It's quite amusing to watch.
- Miss Millikan - Far too restrained for your own good. Sooner or later, something's going to give.
Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones
Cult of Dionysus - The Orion Experience
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie - Colter Wall
Candy Store - Heathers: The Musical
The Devil Went Down to Georgia - The Charlie Daniels Band