Cyclone/Scavenger Hunt

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Cyclone Scavenger Hunt


Cyclone (with help from Crossroads Cafe) is hosting a city-wide scavenger hunt! It will be a week long hunt through the city of several different items, with prizes awarded at the end of the week. Paige Holland is the one running things, it seems, and has petitioned local businesses to participate or donate prizes.


  1. Items must be found during RP, as another player must be present to sign off. Logs of the scene would be wonderful, but aren't necessary. (Though you can do an +activity for them if you do! And just link to this page!)
  2. There are a limited number of each item. It's first come first serve.
  3. You can only get one of each item. And the code won't let you take more than one. But two people hunting together can each take one item, if there is more than one available.
  4. Items can be found both in grid squares AND inside public builds.
  5. The hunt will last one week, and at the end of the week the winners will be announced and prizes given out.
  6. Any questions (IC or OOC) or code issues should go to Paige.


  1. When is this thing? Friday May 12 through Friday May 19.
  2. How do I play?! First, type scavenger/help. It has all the commands you'll need. Then you just need to figure out the hints, RP, and find the items listed!
  3. Scavenger/help isn't working! Well, most likely that's because you typed it before the event to begin the hunt! Try again after the event starts. :)
  4. Can I get the same item on two alts? Technically yes, but I would prefer that you select a single alt to participate in the hunt since items are limited.
  5. I found an item but it's not showing that I did! Check to make sure that your RP partner signed off on the item. If it still doesn't work, then give me a poke.
  6. So what do I get if I win, huh? $500! That's for first place, anyway. Second is a month of free pie at Crossroads Cafe, while third is a gift certificate to Homepage Books
  7. So what about all these IC items I've gathered? What happens to them? You get to keep them! Or trash them. Whatever you want to do.
  8. My log isn't showing up here! Make sure that you put [[Cyclone/Scavenger Hunt|Scavenger Hunt]] somewhere in the log and it will. Promise! :)




Hazel Hatter
