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Decades Dance Party

Andromeda (ST), AJ Ray, Ava Ardent, Chen Tai, Dave Mikhael Desrochers, Hannah Harper, Haruki, Ian Brennan, John Preston, Max, November, Prudence Powell, Rorschach, Tom O'Leary

March 25, 2017

To kick off the new Spring season, a Decades Dance Party is held at an abandoned warehouse, with attendees asked to dress in the attire of a prior decade to celebrate eras gone by. It's smooth sailing and headbanging, at least until someone's ego starts writing checks their body can't cash.


Empty Warehouse - West Bank - Old Logging Mill (WR02)

The entrance and interior of the warehouse is decorated far more vibrantly than the beginning of a Vermont spring. Streamers, (plastic) flowers, and posters of famous movies and musical acts from the last fifty years are hung all over the otherwise bare walls. While there is some seating available along the edges, generally speaking the cavernous space is standing room only. Glow sticks of all hues are available at the front door, and nearby stands a table with an assortment of unhealthy snacks: cupcakes (first come, first serve), pretzels, sugary candy, but the real source of buzz for the evening are the kegs full of good ol' beer. Along the far wall is a stage with space for musicians to perform, and there's a DJ already setting up. To enchanted eyes, he's got colorful, floppy rabbit ears that just manage to get out of the way of his headphones.

As the night warms up, the classic Beach Boys tune "Surfin' U.S.A." thumps from the speakers inside. Andromeda stands by the entrance, greeting one and all with warm smiles. It's not a Lost only event, as evidenced by the local youth that arrive in flapper dresses and grungy flannel, ready to get their party on. It appears that Andi embraced a 'flower power' theme for her own attire, as evidenced by the pale flowers tucked into her hair, bell bottom jeans, and a swirly colorful top that might give anyone not intoxicated a headache from looking at it for too long. She is in the middle of her favorite thing: activating glow stick bracelets by snapping them, holding them up high to see the bright color they shine in before wrapping it around an attendee's wrist. "Have fun!" she bids cheerfully.’

Tonight, Hannah is inspired by the era of her glory days. Well, when is she not, but tonight she's dressing to match the decade. Her hair is in a high side ponytail with the loose hair crimped. Big earrings, multiple layers of dayglo shirts (the top is a pink Hypercolor, how did she even) with the Flashdance neckline. Makeup like a Nagel painting gone wrong, miniskirt, fishnets, high heels, lace fingerless gloves. Eighties represent!

Different decades? She'll take the 40s. The pale blonde of Ava's hair is coifed and curled, pinned to her head in such a way that might make Betty Grable proud. Dappled in a sprinkle of starlight, Ava is wearing something out of character -- a vivid, crimson red dress with cap-sleeves and a snug skirt. A thin, black belt wraps round her narrow waist, the seams of her silk stockings evidence against the back of her calves. Peeptoe, ankle strap heels complete the ensemble. Ava, in her red lipstick, waits her turn for a glowstick and for all of her imperious, regal intensity, the leggy blonde seems just the teensiest bit fidgety.

Prudence shows up dressed in the white suit from Saturday Night Fever, complete with open shirt and white vest, and some honest to god mirrorball-type jewelry swinging from her ears. Seventies, you are covered!

Just after Prudence comes a small group composed of three Lost and a Mortal. All of them using very colorful scarfs and oversized glasses in very bright color. They chat and smile like they're friends. The man with a bright green hair leading the small band."This place is amazing, John. I wish I had known about this party before so I could find us proper attire." He says as he waits in the line for his time to pick a waist. Social events are just...not her thing. But Tai is putting in an effort to actually learn to be social, so she's forced herself into the most social thing she could. Tonight she is wearing a bright crimson cheongsam that is embroidered with a golden phoenix that curls across one side, with further adornment branching out from it. The length is short, and on her feet are a pair of simple black slippers. Honestly, the look could be from any decade from now as far back as the 1920's.

Rorschach appeared out of wherever bugs come from when a party is trown down (so most likely from the shadow of Tom's indulgent feline glory). Really who wouldn't be inspired by that? Decades huh? OH the bug went a lootin' second hand stores and seemed to embrace the ever unloved 70's and was in a brown leisure suit with blue butterfly collar shirt. Really on his tall, lanky form the jacket hung, but at least he slicked the hair back (except for the two pieces that kept falling forward.) complete with medallion necklace that... might be a spraypainted coaster on a chain. Hey, who is judging?

"Oooh, you look so bright! Hi Hannah," Andromeda beams at skater, fingers wiggling as she holds a glow stick out and tactfully avoids ay horrible nicknames. "Such beautiful red-- good evening, Ava," she adds for the Waylady, smiling in a friendly fashion as she wraps a glow bracelet around the shimmery woman's wrist. Eyebrows lift at Prudence, accompanied by a gleeful grin. "I can see your earrings from waaaay over here!" she calls out, raising one hand high for an open wave. "Hi, so glad you could come! I'm Andi. There's snacks inside, and the DJ will take requests if you ask reaaaaally nicely..."

Haruki only heard about the party last minute, and so had made minimal effort in the costume department, unfortunately. He's sticking with his similarly attired peeps, the only people he knows here as he looks around. "Wow. This is quite a party. Thanks for telling us about it," he says to John.

You know, none of the girls from ABBA were really that hirsute...but here comes Tom, in stacked white go-go boots and sparkly dress with the great bell sleeves, hairy beard and all, dressed to match Rorschach for the disco era. After a fashion. He's even feathered his hair like Farrah! The only reason this possibly works, in truth, is that he carries himself as if ready for whatever comment comes his way. You can tell by the way he uses his walk, and all that.

One might think that the hippie would be all about the flower power, I mean, all things considered, but Ian shows up rocking the grunge look, from ripped jeans and combat boots to an old red flannel tied around his waist, black t-shirt and a leather jacket over it that looks like it's seen better days. He arrives on his own, the scent of fresh spring rain seeming to accmpany him wherever he goes. There's a smile for Andromeda when he greets her and says, "Thank you for hosting. I'm looking forward to this evening."

Tai pauses near Andromeda when she enters, bowing to her, "Chen Tai." She offers, then adds, "People call me Tai." Then she moves on to clear the way for others that are arriving. She looks around, searching the crowd for any familiar face and eventually finding Ian, a hand lifting to wave in his direction.

"Thank you for throwing this," she offers to Andi, letting the other Star adorn her with glittery glow braceletness. Ava briefly marvels at the green glowstick bracelet, and then slips into the room at large. First, Ava goes for the beer, and she gets herself a cupcake. Ava spots the likes of Rorschach and Ian and Prudence and Tom and everyone else, her back positioned toward a wall so that nobody can get behind her. There. Now she watches.

Inside the warehouse thumps the strain of Blondie's "Call Me", punctuated by a 'woo!' from some eager (and probably already drunk) people on the inside.

"Rom-Com! Yo!" called Hannah, making her way in and blowing a very eighties girl kiss. And oooh, Blondie! At first she was considering beer, but it's Blondie, and so the Fairest heads out onto the dancefloor. By herself? By herself. Apparently she just assumes a partner will find her. Can she disco? Yes, Virginia, Hannah can disco. Which looks odd in her day-glo eighties gear, but hey. Decades? AJ will take the '70s, thankyouverymuch. Or maybe more than the 70s, she'll take 'disco'. By way of dressing like a living disco ball. The little busy fox stepps into the warehouse dressed not for the weather, but for a party, in a tiny little dress, covered entirely in little mirrors. She is a walking disco ball, with cleavage and a very short hemline. She steps in, please enough to be out of the cold, and then glances about to see just what's the happs.

The newly pledged mortal Max wanders in with the small group, momentarily distracted by some text messaging on her phone. She doesn't let it distract her too much though, putting it away in her pocket to be forgotten about until later. She's dressed as a hippie, with a tie-dye color bandana tied around her head and big sunglasses covering those bright blue eyes of hers. Seeing the amount of Lost there, she instinctively steps just a little closer to Haruki, the only other mortal that she currently spots. "Wow, this party is jumping. Or uh, really groovy, man," she says playfullying, momentarily getting in the spirit of her 'character'.

"Hi." Oberon offers to Andromeda when it's his time to pick a bracelet."Are you the responsible for this party? I looks fabulous. Congratulations." He offers to her before heading further inside just enough so the rest of his group can get their bracelets too. When Haruki is done, he picks the man by the hand."Let get some more beers." He says and leads the way if the man accepts his hand.

Prudence looks over at Tom, then at Rorshach, and she lets out a laugh that's loud enough to be heard over the music. "Hot damn," she says. "We look ready to dance the night away!" Then she sees AJ and says, "PERFECT! Come into the light, you'll be the disco ball!" She's carrying a big paper bag, which she brings over to their hostess with the mostest and says, "Hey, Flower Child, I know it's all kinds of square, but I brought some hard cider! Where should I put it?"

Six feet of snowy white and rainbows, November flip-flops her way into the warehouse quite on her lonesome, hands tucked into her jacket pockets.

Said jacket is of the soft whit eleather moto persuasion, with silver cuffs and holographic screenprint, gaps in the paint showing the natural leather as a pattern reminiscent of stark winter trees amidst the silver-and-rainbow sheen painted around them. Worn open, a simple white scoop-neck tank is visible beneath it, tucked into the waistband of similarly treated pants. The leather there is soft, flexible, and loose enough in cut for comfort, white except for misty-edged fade-in, fade-out holographic accents along hip and ass, down lean thighs, slim calves. A pair of cheap white flip-flops completes the ensemble, bare feet showing the scars and calluses of casual abuse. Her big toenails have tiny words written on them in purple Sharpie, but none of the nails are polished.

As chilly as the outside air has been, surely the ice-cold hands are simply the result of the weather. She's human! Really. Maybe. Either way, the goddess wears her human-suit with '90s ease and smiles at Andromeda on her way in.

Haruki smiles at Max and nods. "It is. I didn't expect it to be so big." He laughs. "Yeah, groovy. Bodacious?" He nods at what Oberon says. "Yeah, groovy party." And he lets himself be lead over towards the beers. "Priorities," he says with amusement. John has disconnected.

"Tomcat, Ror, oh my goodness! I'm so glad you came," Andi beams excitedly at Tom and Rorschach, giving their outfits a quick round of applause. "I should have planned prizes for costumes from each decade... ugh, next time!" She snaps too-long fingers as she realizes the missed opportunity. Her head bobs to the rhythm of the music, but she keeps her post just outside the door to greet the arrivals. "Please help yourself to anything inside-- it's warm, there are some heaters! And food." At Prudence's offer, she makes a squeaky noise of appreciation and quickly pulls the Powell into a brief, but grateful, hug. "Thank you so much! There's a table just on the inside. You all look so perfect," she gushes, finger-wiggling at Oberon and AJ. "Hi!" she adds for November, leaning and obviously trying to read the woman's scribbled on toes as she passes by.

Next up: "Dancing Queen", by Abba. OoooHoooh. You can dance! You can jive! Having the time of your life...

AJ pauses to step to Andi, and to deliver a kiss on the cheek. Mwah! "Thank you!" she says, then she proceeds on inside. She catches sight of Prudence, and the request to be a disco ball, and AJ just grins. She doesn't seem to object, though. No hesitation. "Someone bring me a drink!" she yells, before she proceeds onto the dance floor.

Oh, look, there's an AJ! Hannah boogies her way over to the other woman, still in disco mode. If AJ wants a dance buddy, Hannah's happy to comply. And if the music keeps up, she may not get off the floor the whole night. Ian notices the little wave from Tai and begins to move in her direction just as Dancing Queen starts to play. His steps take on a little bit of a rhythmic quality to them and his head bobs as he approaches. He gives her a little hip-bump and then offers a hand to pull her out toward the dance floor. "Come on.. You are the dancing, young and sweet, ..." His voice isn't bad, that smile brilliant.

Prudence goes to deposit her cider by the kegs, and while she's there, decides to stop and have a drink or two or five. But first, Andi gets a return hug, and she yells to AJ, "I make the booze, I don't wait the tables!" It's said with a good natured grin.

Upon seeing AJ, Oberon offers his cousin a smile on his way to the beer table. There, he picks a bottle and offers it to Haruki before picking one to himself. A second later, he gets very close to the other man and whispers something into his ear before turning around to check on Max and John. His hand never letting Haruki's.

At the hip-bump Tai looks a little uncertain, the glow radiating from her chest flickers a bit before she reaches out to take the hand. "I don't think that I know how to dance to this." She warns Ian, but even with the warning given she follows Ian out onto the dancefloor.

Rorschach held one finger up in appropriate Disco Flare(tm), Tom on arm presently. The thin man in the aviators (sunglasses) grinned seeing all sorts of people he knew and liked. Ooh and new peoples. Bad. Ass. He gave Andromeda a salute and presented, yes, Tom. Seeee he promised her a present on arrival. He looked over to Ava and grinned and gave a quiet applause. ooh and Pru and Ian were back. Tom got a nudge with his elbow noting the party crew yon.

Ava sighs, looks up at the ceiling, and then quietly crosses herself. Soon after, she's heading to the dance floor alone -- steeling herself, looking a little... hilariously grumpy for a moment, like she is being forced to do something against her will. It's now or never, but.. Ava dances. It's likely because doing anything so overt is an affront to her Winter nature, but she's there, cupcake in one hand and a beer in the other, which she's almost finished for liquid courage. It's not bad, either.

Tom blows Andromeda a kiss, though it's careful so as not to smudge any of the sparkly stuff on his face. There is definitely glitter in the beard -- that stuff is going to be an absolute nightmare to get out. When nudged, Tom scans the crowd in his have-you-ever-been-mellow way, and positively beams. "Would you look at that? I see somebody dancing." Fuzzy fingers, waggled at Ava. That's probably encouragement. "I want a drink. These shoes need me to numb the pain."

In spite of the place being rather crowded, Max does her best not to bump into anyone. There's a light smile that touches her lips as she watches the activity. The enchanted mortal doesn't seem to mind being a wallflower at the moment. After all, to her at least, it's much more interesting to watch the various Lost all interact with each other. She slips her sunglasses off for now, clipping them onto her shirt.

"You guys have fun," Andromeda beams wide at Ror and Tom, catching the latter's blown kiss with an easy grin as she presses those fingers to her heart thereafter. With most of the greetings accomplished, she slips inside to tend to the refreshments table. There are cupcakes to monitor, and kegs to tap.

The tune of Abba fades out, and in chimes the upbeat "The Sign" by Ace of Base. No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong.

John had arrived with Max, Oberon/Dave and Haruki, each wearing different bright-colored shutter glasses and tie-dyed scarves. He takes a 70s glowstick wristband with a pleasant nod, and meanders over following the group around quietly. He certainly looks out of place here--despite the colored flair, his black-on-black-on-black clothing and pale skin make him look more like a stiff 80s goth than a 70s hippy, but the former are his *regular* clothes, so he is trying to break the mold a bit and socialize with the colors. Whether he will succeed remains to be seen.

Haruki takes the beer and has a mouthful of it, smiling a thank you. It is so loud in here. He nods at whatever Dave whispers, shivering slightly as he glances around. There's some mild concern for a moment but he covers it with a smile. "We here to drink, or to dance?"

A handful of twentysomething mortals dressed in the fight suits from Top Gun join the changelings on the dance floor. "I can't see shit!" a tall blonde guy laughs, because he's still wearing the dark aviator sunglasses. The beer cup in hand probably doesn't help his perceptive skills, either.

Hannah lets out a laugh. If AJ's leading a waltz, then well, Hannah's happy to let her lead, at least until Ace of Base comes on. Then it turns more into a generic 90's sorority girl grind. Grrrl power! Yeah! Complete with the milkshake wriggling of booty and boobs that Hannah kinda lacks.

"Both." Oberon says and gesturing to both John and Max, he leads Haruki to the dance floor. There, he sips longly from his beer before starting dancing. The Fairest dances decenlty, apparently. Eventually getting his body closer and closer to the other man if he allows it."I wish they could play something like Bon Jovi. Or maybe The Police." He says to no one in particular.

Ian leads Tai from a dance to one song to the next, noticing Rorschach and lifting a hand to wave to him and give a thumbs-up on outfit choice.

"Oh. My. God. Becky, look at her butt. It is so big." Thus begins Sir Mix-a-Lot's "Baby Got Back". The rabbit-eared DJ up on stage stares a little in confusion at the requestor as they slip back into the crowd. Despite his initial reluctance, he's soon headbobbing along.

Ava had heard Tom, and got the Bug's applause! When Ace of Base flows on, there's a look of recognition on her face and she keeps dancing, flowing into the mode of that dance.. but then.. there's Sir Mix Alot. This song is no stranger to her, because soon she's taking a bite off of her cupcake and.. well, Ava is popping that booty. It looks a little hilarious in her classically beautiful 40s doll getup, but she does it -- and she mouths all of the words. This is like witnessing Bigfoot hugging a Unicorn, bu it's happening. Lord help us.

John meanders over towards Andromeda at the Kegs, after studying the place long enough to figure out where she is. After waiting for an appropriate moment, he whispers something to her quietly.

If she was nervous about dancing to something like ABBA, this is possibly the worst thing to ever happen. Whatever half-way decent dancing was happening almost comes to a crashing halt at the change in music style. But, she tries, man does Tai try to not make a fool of herself out on the dance floor.

AJ continues her work on the dance floor. First, by her lonesome. Then quickly joined by Hannah - which leads to a ridiculous sort of waltz to Dancing Queen. When it switches to Ace of Bass, the redhead switches it up. More riduclous 90s dance. And then, oh. Sir Mix-a-Lot. Flat-butt work girl starts working it. Or trying to.

"I'm sure they'll take requests," Haruki says. His nose wrinkles a touch at the song that starts to play. He downs more of his beer. He's absolutely no idea how to dance to this song but never mind, he'll copy Dave and just go with the flow, and laugh as he looks around.

Andromeda has finally procured a cup of beer for herself, now that the party has settled into a dancing groove. She lingers by the kegs, sipping slowly, and wiggling a little to the beat of the music from the speakers. Even to Baby Got Back. She got buns, hon. As John approaches, she lifts her brows at him a little but nods and leans to respond quietly in turn.

Rorschach took Tom's hand and bit it. He gave the ABBA dancer with him a wink and held up a finger. There were shenannigans afoot. He went over and, risking life an limbs (all of them) broke off a bit of Ava's cupcake and without discussion, but with a wry, greeting grin, presented her with said bit of cupcake. This was vagrant for hullo apparently. But hey, he couldn't let Ava pop and lock alone. If she lets him live is another story, but hey that's fair.

Ever seen a six-foot-something cat man try to twerk in go-go-boots? Tonight is YOUR NIGHT if you have never been treated to this visual, because no sooner does Mix-a-Lot strike up than halfway to the drinks table, Tom just starts busting a move. It must be nice, sometimes, to have no shame whatsoever; to just go for it. This is not the song for being prim, right? Hell no! He snags a cider, still shaking it, and his bitten hand as Ror got his attention and then headed over to hello to Ava.

John grins to Andromeda, and gives her a thumbs up. "Thanks," he says, and then ventures over towards Max, mentioning something to her sotto voce, and pleasantly wanders towards the quiet corner, not terribly near the rest of the crowd and conveniently near an exhaust fan leading outside, removing from his voluminous coat a smallish water pipe for the consumption of PERFECTLY LEGAL dried herbs. (At least, in some states.)

Hannah has no problem shaking her booty to Sir Mix-A-Lot, even if she has no booty to speak of. At least until AJ /spanks/ it. For a moment it looks like she might take a swing at the other woman, and then...oh, what the hell. She twerks. And she's a Dancer, so twerking? No problem.

Excited squeals ring out from a crowd of 90's grunge plaid-clad youth. The creepy noise of a door opening, followed by footsteps... and then eerie howling. Everyone knows this song. DUNDUN-DUNDUNDUN. "It's close to midnight..." Thriller, by the one and only Michael Jackson.

Ava is shameless; that inscrutable mask of serenity is right on her face. But here comes Rorschach, stealing her cupcake and giving her a piece. She nips it off of his fingers, and grins a touch. She rolls her spine, and then stands -- playfully brushing her shoulder off when the song ends. It is then that she pretends that never happened, but then Thriller is coming on and she casts an eye to the crowd, then to Tom. "Hello," she offers as warmly as an Ice Queen can.

Upon seeing his Big Boss dancing, Oberon laughs and waves to her and then to Ros, if he accidently crosses eyes with the Fairest. Then, he turns back to the Mortal by his side and smiles."Are you enjoying, Mr Magician? You need to wiggle more." He suggests but then there is Thriller and suddenly the Spring courtier is mimicing a zombie like in the music video and laughing.

Ian seems to take pity on Tai, because when Thriller comes on he leans over and asks her "Drinks?" Then he offers her his arm in gallant gentlemanly fashion, despite his grunge chic. Then he rescues her, even if he keeps bopping along to the music, directing her toward the table with the drinks and the snacks. There's something about the shameless revelry that has the tall slender Spring grinning from ear to ear.

Max gives John a curious look but follows him over toward the corner. A grin spreads across her lips when she spots what he's pulled out of his pocket. "I thought you said you didn't have any connections," she tells him with a playful expression. She pulls her hands from her pockets, taking a quick glance around before returning her attention to John.

AJ, her eyes wide and dialted, looks all too please at that bit of anger that flashes through Hannah. She leans in to the other summer, and whispers (or, well, more like normal volume to rise above the music). She says a few words, then steps back. Trhiller. Who doesn't know how to do this. Except Ian, who apparently hates the King of Pop. AJ pauses just a moment to glare. Then back to dancing!

November has neither the boobies nor the booty to work for songs like THAT, and doesn't even try, the slinkily androgynous rainbow tugging a scrunchie, complete with sequins and metallic accents, out of her jacket pocket before flipping her hair forward and beginning to gather it up in a high tail. Despite her best efforts, a few brightly-dyed strands of that pin straight, rainbow-streaked mess do escape at temples and nape.

However... temptation. Thriller, unlike every other song, is enough to get her out onto the floor, claiming her own space to mimic Michael step for shuffling zombie step, thigh-length ponytail getting caught on her jacket here and there in the process.

The next song rolls back another few decades, and the pace slows. Just a little. The guitar riff begins, and the raspy vocals of Mick Jagger. "I can't get no satisfaction..." by The Rolling Stones.

"Please...do you think they have water?" Tai wonders, accepting the offered arm and the rescue from the awkwardness that is her dancing. She casts her eyes around the dance floor, catching the glare from AJ as they head towards the table. A frown quickly appears, brows furrowing as she stares for a moment before looking back at Ian, "I think she's still mad at me."

Andromeda peels at the wrapper of a cupcake while she converses with Prudence near the kegs. She eats the snack in little bites, and ends up having to lick the frosting off her fingertips.

John grins, and lights up the bubbler, inhaling and then passing the pipe to Max. Holding the smoke in a moment, he exhales towards the exhaust vent and then says, "I *don't*, but I didn't drive to the middle of Vermont without something to tide me over until I *could* find some." Apparently, this makes him a lot more relaxed than he usually is. He scans around the place in general, and to those whose eyes he catches--usually, Changelings, not really mortals--the look is one of invitation to join the social activity which is herbal intake.

Haruki smiles happily and nods. "I can't think of the last time I had so much fun." He laughs. "Wiggle? I'm not sure that ever was in my dancing lessons." He does that a moment, and then it's zombie time, and he still sticks close, although perfectly mimics the dance moves from the thriller video.

"How's the cupcakes, cupcakes?" Tom asks, a question likely aimed at both Rorschach and Ava. Once launched into motion, he never stops dancing; it's a fluid enough transition from the booty-shaking to the shoulder-shimmy zombie-walk, then to just strut in those monster boots that have him towering over the crowd. "This is like the sock hop from hell, and I'm here for it." His attention might briefly land on John and Max and the herbal essences, but not enough to stop him once in motion, drink still in hand.

Hannah knows all the moves to Thriller. It's her ouevre, after all. And beams at Haruki, because clearly anyone else who knows the choreo is awesome. And then it's the Rolling Stones, so back to general bouncing and wooing. She hasn't paused for water yet! Oh wait, there's cupcakes! She starts dancing in that direction.

"Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin!" Jump Around, by House of Pain. The Top Gun crew of three literally jump (mostly) in rhythm. "Jump, jump!" They wave encouragingly at Hannah and November.

Ian catches that glare from AJ as he slips off the dance floor, tossing her a little wink, undaunted by the lazor beams she is shooting in their direction. "Hmm?" he says and then smiles, "I'm sure they have water." He finds her a bottle of water and offers it over before grabbing a cupcake as well "Cupcake?" Then Jump Around comes on and Ian knows every world. He gathers himself a beer and then he is singing along, bobbing to the music and not spilling his drink in the process.

Careful not to touch John, Max accepts the pipe. A lighter is pulled out of her pockets, because they're handing to keep on you no matter what. After taking a hit from the bubbler, she offers it back to him. Then a curious grin touches her lips. "Didn't you mention being a good dancer before?" she questions, glancing over toward the dancefloor. She eyes the various dancers, studying them. "You should find a suitable dance partner. I'd love to see just how well you can dance," she says, returning her attention to him.

Evidently not a Jagger fan, or a jumping fan this evening, the totally-a-human, really, not-an-Ancient November departs the dance floor with a finger-wiggle wave toward the Top Gun trio to resume her study of the party's gathered (demi)humanity.

Rorschach :lifted his eyebrows at the nip and grinned. Ava greeted and fed he licked the frosting off his fingers and, oh snap, yes, he knew this one. He has since ceased calling Mick Jagger old people wedding song stuff. The man was clearly double jointed in teh way that suggested either he was a popand lock dance ninja, or the man physically didn't have any bones. Kabba Modern, you have competition. Apparently he let Tom do all the talking while he was happy to just find a groove to find his chill in. A salute was given to Prudence and Andromeda too letting the world dance with them and make sure that Ava was able to dance without being under a microscope.

Haruki beams right back at Hannah! Thriller buddies! It's definitely one of his favourites.

Time to tap those feet as the jumping wraps up. "I got this feeling, that time's just holding me down. I'll hit the ceiling, or else I'll tear up this town. Now I gotta cut loose..." Footloose, by Kenny Loggings.

Hannah belatedly blinks at AJ, like wait, what? With a rueful grin, she leans in and quietly replies to AJ.

"Thank you." Tai replies when water is produced, and then she nods at the offer of a cupcake, accepting it as well. She does not know the song, so does not attempt to sing along to it. Instead she tucks her water beneath her arm, starting to delicately nibble at the cupcake watching the dancefloor for a little while longer, then she glances at Ian, "Do you think that you could teach me to dance?"

Ava fetches herself a beer, brushing past Aja on her way -- it's clear she's just heading back to her place with Rorschach, dancing along to footloose in her vivid 40's dress. Her skirt swishes and.. she seems to be having a great time!

At some point, Oberon notes Max and John in the corner doing herbal thing and waves energetically to them. Even if they're trying to be discreet and stealthy. Then, he sips longly from his beer and finishes it. Afterwards, he leans forward to whisper something else to the asian man in front of him and smiles brightly before starting to dance to Footloose.

AJ is still out, still dancing, and with her attention on Hannah. She gives a laughs, positively pleased. "Maybe next time," she says, seemingly wholly amused by whatever the exchange between the two was. She then turns, to see who it is that Hannah is looking at. She spots Haruki, and turns right to step over to the man. "HEY!" she calls over the music. And that's apparently AJ's lead in to scoring a dance partner. Because she just grabs one of Haruki's hands to start dancing. Oh, and someone passes by her? She certainly turns to fix eyes on Ava. There's a flash of something deeply predatory in ther gaze, but it's disipates before she looks back to Haruki. "AJ!" she calls out. Her name. Probably.

Without the slightest bit of embarassment Haruki dances along with Footloose, again replicating the moves of the video, throwing himself joyfully into the dance. He's actually good. He laughs and blushes somewhat at the whisper, or maybe it's the exertion of the dancing that's causing him to be flushed and meets Oberon's eyes and murmurs something in response. Next up: "Take on Me", by a-Ha. Slower, smooth. Totally 80's. Andromeda, still clutching a red solo cup with beer, seems to be flagged down by someone near the entrance. With a mild frown, she skitters off to briefly go outside and see what the fuss is about.

Tom's drink did not last long; he ends up sashaying over towards Prudence and Andromeda at the kegs, ready for his next, looking refreshed from the jumping and dancing. "Andi! One hell of a party!" he declares, garrulous and cheerful. "Hey, Prudence!" Someone should teach him to walk like a lady in that skirt. But alas, that has not happened tonight.

Prudence waves her half-empty bottle at Tom. "Hey, Tom!" she yells back.

Rorschach liked dancing. It let him move freely and didn't demand that he should be talking, and one could learn a ton about the people thwy were with by the dancing or lack of dancing. Hell if there was something Rorsch could do it was get into some synth pop. To this, finding familiarity, offered for Ava's uncupcaked hand and go back through half the video, but without the race car part.

John smirks to Max as he takes another hit. Exhaling, he says "I am a good enough dancer, I suppose. Nothing to write home about, but I am dextrous and have done it before." John--who isn't being very stealthy, just polite--beckons to Oberon to come join them, gesturing with the bubbler and an arched eyebrow of invitation, before passing it to Max again.

It's okay, Oberon. Hannah is here to save you! Take On Me is playing, she yells, "I fucking love this song!" and unless he tries to avoid it, she'll snag Oberon's hand for a bit of 80's pair dancing. Because hey, partner!

Ava is singing loudly, taking Rorschach's hand as it is offered. She is cupcakeless, and now is just dancing with a beer in her hand. She has her eyes closed, letting the music flow into her -- and not giving a crap about her surroundings. For the moment -- catching AJ out of the corner of her eye, raising a hand to wave.

"Sure," Ian says to Tai when she asks if he can teach her how to dance. He does take a little break from dancing for the moment though, even though he continues to sing along with every song, clearly knowing the lyrics. He grins as he looks out over the dance floor, watching people mixing and mingling.

Oberon smiles brightly to Haruki but when he was going to say something, a Hannah appears to pick him as her dancing parter to 'Take on Me' and there he goes. He is a decend dancer too, probably not as good as some others, but at least he doesn't leave Hannah dancing with a training dummie.

Sing it, Cobain! "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana starts up to bring the 80's into the following decade. Can anyone actually understand the lyrics? Andi is still outside.

Haruki laughs as Oberon's whisked away to dance with Hannah. "I love it too!" he replies to her joyfully. He's going to stick near both of them, cramping their style if need be. When Smells like Teen Spirit comes on he pauses to catch his breath, and put down his empty bottle of beer.

Tai finishes the cupcake, and makes certain that all the crumbs have been wiped off her fingers before she turns her attention to her water. The promise of teaching her to dance is accepted, thus she apparently is going to wait in silence until it happens. You stand and leave By The Kegs.

Haruki's hand gets grabbed by Aj and he smiles brightly at her and is willing to be pulled back into dancing. "Hey," he says with a smile.

Elvis starts crooning the "Jailhouse Rock". Hopefully it's not a sign of things to come.

Hannah will release her poor dancing hostage when Nirvana comes on. Because dancing to Nirvana is just kinda jumping up and down flailing the arms. Jailhouse rock, though... "Anybody know how to swing?" she calls out. It does call for a partner with some technique.

Prudence says, "They're playing our song, Tom!" She grabs his hand to head for the dance floor. She's ALMOST wishing she wore a dress for this, but what the hell. They will make this work!

Max continues to pass the pipe back and forth with John as they chat, her eyes becoming a bit bloodshot. She smiles over at John and chuckles lightly. "Well, I'm sure you're a better dancer than me. I mean, it's kind of hard to practice since most dances require two people," she points out. Hearing Hannah's call, she smirks and looks back to JOhn. "You should go dance with her!"

"I'll swing with you," Ian says with a grin when Hannah looks for a partner for Jailhouse Rock, leaving his beer behind for this one if she accepts his offer, giving Tai a little grin before he makes his way back toward the dance floor.

AJ continues to adapt, swinging to the mustic as it continues to change, keeping with whatever genre the DJ throws at her. There's some head banging, and then Elvis on. She stops, and then starts shaking hips. A lil bit of swing. She swings on over to Oberon - still holding Haruki's hand - and pauses just a moment to press against her cousin's chest. She angles her heads up and kisses the air, as she's way, way too short to actually kiss his cheek. "Hey sexy," she says. Then attention is back to Haruki.

Oberon grins when Hannah releases him and check on his partner. The real one. Then, his cousin tries to kiss him and he smiles too her."Hi, you. Are you having fun?" He leans backwards so he can reach AJ's ear while dancing.

Haruki does know how to swing, which he'll try to do with AJ to jail house rock. He flashes Oberon a smile as they pass by. Rorschach signed to Ava. He was certain she didn't sign but he was pretty confident in her deductive reasoning. He was curious to se eif she know anyhting about swing, charleston, or jitterbug by way of pointing up at the music and thenmaking his fingers sort of dance in kind, then pointing to her curiously. A hand was offered for her and grinned. Hey, it was a good time and people were letting shame go. Point for team wicked indulgences.

"IT'S ON!" roars the cat, and Tom seizes Prudence's hand. Does anyone know how to swing? Apparently, that disco duo does; Tom is leading, and starts twirling and swinging Prudence through the steps as Elvis's voice prompts a shimmy and a stroll. None of this looks like how they're dressed, but it might be authentic experience that sets them back on the floor.

It's probably hard for her to be heard over the music playing at a high volume, not to mention all the lively chatter, but Andi pokes her head inside. She tries so hard to smile, so very -very- hard, but the worry on her face is more than a little obvious. "I need someone big! Maybe two big someones..." She tries to raise her voice loud enough to be heard by, well, hopefully someone.

Inside, it's back to the 80's. "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi.

And this is how Tai becomes a wallflower. With Ian heading off to dance, leaving her to fend for herself she moves away from the table and heads further away from the crowds.

Well, Ava seemed to know how to swing -- because she had with the Bug. She's dressed like a 40s girl for a reason, and she'd let him swing with her. After that, however, Ava needs a break -- she's shimmering with a little sweat, and marching off toward the door. When Andromeda mentions needing big someones, the Star taps Rorschach and points him to Andi.

Jailhouse Rock has Hannah joined with Ian so they can do the 50's rock big band swing thing. There may be lifts involved. Hannah's good at it, and hopefully her partner is too. Of course, when Livin' On A Prayer comes on, it's less movement and more about throwing horns, closing her eyes, and singing loudly.

Ian slips out onto the floor with Hannah for Jailhouse Rock, and it turns out that he knows how to swing, too. It takes only a moment for him to line up with her, and then off they go. There are some spins, twirling her away and bringing her back again rapidly, and at least one lift that has her swinging past one side of him, lifted into the air, and then swung to the other before she's set back on the ground. Though when the song comes to an end, and it switches to Bon Jovi, he grins a little breathlessly and leans in to murmur something to Hannah before giving her a little bow and slipping away again.

AJ keeps on dancing, moving to something far more absurd when she finds herself dancing to Bon Jovi. She stops, though, as she hears a call. How can she hear across the music? Through everything? Well, foxes gonna fox. She blinks a few times, then just grabs Haruki's hand. She starts for the front door. She grabs Oberon along the way. "Come on!" she shouts.

Prudence did manage a damn fine swing set with Tom. No pun intended. But now it's Bon Jovi and she laughs and just tries to copy Tom's movements. Sooooo not her era.

But it's Bon Jovi!" Haruki protests as he's dragged by AJ outside. His protests aren't too vocal though, and he is smiling. There's no angry shouting in this song! But there's the muffled sound of it just outside the warehouse. Of course, the music still blasts at full volume, and most partygoers keep on reveling.

When AJ calls him, Oberon goes along. He doesn't realize what's going on until reaching the front door, though. On the way, he looks at Haruki to check on the other man and smiles to him.

Rorschach hattipped to Ava after the swing. It wasn't his forte, but he was able to take off her lead and improvise. When Ava pointed to the SStar needing volunteers he gave the Winter a wink and nodded. There was a short then longer whistle which was, apparently, how Rorsch signaled to Tom over a distance and wordlessly, wandered over to Andromeda. He was catching his breath from dancing but hey, it was fun. Fun was worththe effort. One tall reporting in.

Time for some "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder.

It seems there are others going to help with the Needs Bigs problem -- but Tom simply gives Prudence a rueful statement of: "I don't know how to dance to this thing, either. Call me when it's Buddy Holly or The Hustle..." And he starts to wander towards where the action is at. Because even if poor Andi has enough help, he is notoriously curious. It'll get him killed someday.

Tai remains on the fringes, her hands folded behind her as she loiters in the most obvious-non-obvious way. When AJ heads off the dance floor and starts out she frowns, watching the fox for a moment before she glances back towards the dancefloor. Her chin lifts just a bit, bright green eyes narrowing as she refocuses on watching the rest of the crowd milling about again. Prudence heads back to the kegs, laughing like an idiot and going to get back to the serious business of drinking.

Outside, Andromeda worries her bottom lip between her teeth, sucking in a quiet breath. It makes frosty little puff clouds in the chilly Vermont air. "I think Iceman and Maverick are having a bad night," she explains, gesturing toward two of the Top Gun gentlemen in the midst of a shouting match. One of them waves his beer cup around in as threatening a manner as one drunken youth can. The other is raving about some girl named Sarah? "I tried reasoning with them, but they won't calm down! I don't know what they're angry about. I got them each a ride..." A finger gestures toward the mini-vans that have been commandeered for sober rides. "I just, uh, I think I need someone to help me pull them apart. I don't think I..." She flexes delicate fingers, and straightens her terribly unimpressive height.

John takes the pipe from Max, kills it, and puts it away. He says, "I think I missed my chance to swing," and then, glancing at the commotion as people head outside, "I think I'd prefer to stay in here, unless someone gets into a fight."

AJ arrives outside with herself and Haruki. Andi wanted two big guys, right?! ... Okay no. But Oberon makes up for it! When she's actually out there, and the cold of the night air is biting against her, there's a moment's hesitation. Then she fixes her eyes on the two. Her smile goes bright and wild. "Noooo... No, I think they're doing fine," she says. "Let them sort out their differences!" she calls.

Rorschach took out a note and slid it Andromeda's way with an earnest grin and a shrug. He looked over and was, clearly, not the most threatening person in the room, but descalation didn't always require a bigger badder bruiser, but someone who could make them chill out. He pointed to Tai and AJ arching an eyebrow at Andromeda

Haruki's short and not in the slightest bit physically imposing. There's little way he can step in to diffuse things and so he just listens, and glances around. There's an almost nervous glance at Dave.

Joan Jett doesn't give a damn about her "Bad Reputation".

Tai notices the finger pointed towards her, her attention shifting towards it until what is happening outside catches her full attention. She moves away from where she's been standing, stepping out fully to get the lay of the land. Although she is far from a big, threatening type of individual she doesn't hesitate to move in that direction, although she does pause, glancing towards the host to check if she actually wants her help before she butts in too far.

When seeing the scene outside, Oberon calmly steps closer to Haruki and picks the other man's hand again and whispers something to him. Being a Fairest, it'd be a piece of cake to him to give some orders to the mortals and make them go away, but something holds him back at that point. Instead, he looks around to check if there is an Ogre or a Summer courtier to do the job.

Failing to draw what she's seeking from the fight, AJ turns to... a different tactic. "Hey, I saw him grab Sarah's ass!" she calls at the two fighting.

Andromeda narrows her eyes at AJ, frowning slightly. Sadly? Maybe. Looking away, toward Rorschach and the note he gives her, she blinks rapidly. Her face darkens around the cheeks -- it's not pink, because she's got no color to turn that hue, but it's definitely a blush. Gaze drifting from the note, to Tai, she nods eagerly. "If you like," she calls out to the fiery, feathered Summer.

Maverick turns to scowl at AJ, waving his beer cup around and sloshing half the contents onto his costume. "She's not even HERE!" But he grows increasingly irritable, and levels a scowl on Iceman. "I can't believe you, man! I thought we were bros!"

Rorschach on the other hand was not rushing towards the potential melee. He grabbed a beer and took a pull off it walking the perimeter. No one noticed him really do that because he wasn't stalwart, because he wasn't ever appearing as a threat. Today it seemed he had little intention to be either. hell he might just be watching, but really he was content to let a small 'distraction' that could handle a couple of heated co-eds. Still though he didn't walk away because you don't volunteer a skill without having some sort of exfiltrate plan in case things get weird. In short: it is rude to leave a sista hanging.

AJ shouts out, and then fixes on ignoring the glare from Andromeda. She's far too pleased with herself. Yeah, okay, she missed her mark on the attempt to provoke... only it seems to be doing it's job anyways. She laughs, and then squeezes Haruki's hand tighter. Real, real tight. Tighter than she looks capable of squeezing. "Yesss... whoop his ass!" she calls. Anger. Anger is lovely. Of course with the manic look in her eye and the disgusted glances, maybe she's in the wrong court...

Tai shoots AJ a glance, not a surprised one. She gets it, she does. Even if she is very clearly taking a different tactic than her fellow Summer. With Andromeda's approval she turns back to the two arguing, wading into the argument with a comfortableness she did not show on the dancefloor, "Excuse me?" She reaches a hand up, trying to either block Maverick's waving hand, or catch it to get his attention, either result is likely good enough at this point as far as she is concerned. A very non-invasive sort of start.

Max is drawn to the noise outside, peeking her head out a view so she could catch a glimpse of what was going on. There's an amused expression on her face, knowing she could make the situation better or worse if she wanted to. Mind control is fun like that. However, she's at a party full of magical people, she doesn't want to play that card just yet. And it seems like there's enough people handling the situation already. So, she decides just to watch, occasionally glancing back toward John. "Dudebros are always entertaining to watch," she says with a light chuckle.

Ian doesn't seem particularly drawn to whatever is going on outside, instead finding his way to wherever those who remain inside are drinking and smoking up. That's where he settles himself in for the time being, listening to the music and lazily indulging. He's a lover, not a fighter baby.

Iceman cracks his knuckles at his sides, watching as Tai intercepts Maverick's hand. "Oh yeah? Well, WE made out first! Remember that foam party freshman year? I can't help that I'm a hotter piece of ass," he scoffs at Maverick. "You knew she was going to dump your ass eventually. It's nothing serious, anyway! God damn, man, get your shit together."

John lets out a sigh. "Very well, let's go outside. Though I doubt my talents will be called for, you never know what might happen." He meanders towards the exit, to watch the entertainment. Which is kinda sad because he was enjoying being high. But perhaps Max was right. And so he goes to watch the Dudebros, if she follows him or not! Haruki steps closer to Oberon, fingers entwining with his, and maybe he's shivering a bit, it must be the weather, and cool night air. He nods at whatever's whispered, but he's tense and alert. He tries to let go of AJ's hand, since that's hurting, and pulls something of a face, but he won't push it.

Next up: Poison, by Bell Biv DeVoe. Never trust a big butt and a smile. That girl is... poison!

"I am certain that you are both very upset by whatever this is...but if you could take your argument elsewhere it would be greatly appreciated." The question is...is she really the best person to end the fight? She is at least trying the talking tactic at first, instead of knocking heads together and just bodily shoving them into their rides.

Ava watches the altercation, her eyebrows lifted coolly. She looks at AJ, her brow furrows slightly, and she turns on her heel and slinks back into the party. She settles beside Ian, her hand smoothing over the front of that red dress.

"WHAT? Mind your own damn business," Maverick snaps at Tai. He's too drunk to put up much of a fight as she reaches for his hand, but boy, can he glare like a five year old that had his Tonka Truck stolen. "It's a free fuckin' country! I can fight here all I want, dammit," he slurs.

Tom watches the fight in progress almost dreamily from the crowd of lookie-loos. That's the trouble with some folks at these shindigs: when trouble arrives, they treat it as the entertainment rather than a detraction. Still: "Is that Bell Biv DeVoe?" He floats back again, dancing back towards the music, giving others first dibs to break up the trouble. "Dude fight," he says to anyone still perplexed about the problem. "Some guy dressed like Tom Cruise is about to cry or get punched or both." Like this happens every day.

Prudence continues her Srs Bizness: there's alcohol to be drunk! And she's going pretty steadily, in her comfy seat near the kegs and cider.

AJ watches as Tai moves to intercept. She frowns. The frown brings a slight damper to her euphoria, and she lets go of poor Haruki's hand. Forgotten! "Aw, c'mon! Let them handle this like adults! Let them beat the shit out of each other! Sarah will surely love whoever wins the fight!" she calls. AJ is a helper.

Ian glances over at Ava as she settles down near him, offering the bottle of beer that he's got in one hand as he takes a toke from the joint in the other. "Parking lot brawl?" he asks of her idly. There's a little flicker of a smile that touches his lips. "Now it really is like a high school dance." Not that he ever went to high school let alone a high school dance.

People were disgusted with AJ for egging them on in poor taste? Shit, the Bug had to grin at that. Rorsch shook his head and just enjoyed the amusement of that. That Tom Cruise was going to get punched? Hell even by proxy it was sorta a satisfying thought. Still though he sat perched, unobtrusivly on teh edge. He sat on teh wall and watched Tai do as she will and jsut kept an eye that no one got overwhelmed. Except Maverick, because fuck Tom Cruise.

Ava glances over at the bottle of beer, and she takes it. She takes a drink, lazing beside Ian -- musing, her expression serene. "It's like a John Hughes movie, except the boys are from Top Gun. Talk about decades," she murmurs, curvy legs stacking left atop right.

John comments dryly after hearing AJ speak, "I do not believe 'love' is what either of these men wants from Sarah."

"AJ!" Andromeda scolds the fox very simply, giving her a horrified and wide-eyed look. "You should go dance," she advises, jerking her chin toward the interior of the warehouse. The pale star frets, fidgeting and sliding her fingers together in clear anxiety.

She tried, she did. But when it becomes clear that Maverick at least is willing to continue this, and rather mouthy at that, she strengthens her grip on his hand and twists it, angling to pull it up and back quickly. Nope, Tai is apparently going to insist that at least one part of this argument goes home, right now.

"OOOOWWWW!" Maverick howls, as Tai deftly manuevers his hand with a painful twist. "Finefinefine! Let me GO! I'll go home, fuck this! Fuck it! You'll see, Charlie, you'll -see-," he snaps at Iceman, giving a withering glare. "This isn't over." He starts to back up toward one of the sober rides, the mini-van door flung wide open and ready to whisk him off elsewhere. Of course, if Tai doesn't let go, she might end up having a ride too.

Max had followed John outside to watch the shenanigans going on with the dudebros. An amused expression was on her face until she sees Tai get snapped at by one of them. She remembers the nice waitress. She takes just a step forward before she sees the quiet woman seemingly handle the situation just fine. The mortal grins a bit more, deciding to continue standing near John. Eventually, she looks up at him with a chuckle. "Want to head back inside?"

"Hey! Love comes in different forms!" AJ says, to John, slightly defensively. And then Andi is yelling at her. AJ opts... to ignore that. Instead, her eyes shift back to Tai, as she grabs a hand and twists. AJ grins. "Like, I am feeling erotic love for Tai right now," she says, to John. And, well, the rest of the gathering. But then Maverick is yielding, and she huffs,a nd her shoulders slump. "What a fucking bitch..."

With his hand reclaimed from AJ's grip, Haruki's now looking for an exit strategy. He grimaces at the painful howling.

The look Andromeda gives AJ is brokenhearted. Eyes wide, she takes a step away, lip nearly quivering. "I'm not--" Then she stiffens, looking away. Two can play the ignore game. Shaken, she nevertheless takes a few steps forward, to give Tai a grateful look. "Thank you very much," she tells the woman warmly. There's a look givem to Iceman as she waits for the other half of the fighting party to retreat to the other vehicle. "Looks like this is over-- thanks," she tells the rest gathered outside. "There's more beer inside, go enjoy," she flicks her hands toward the entrance, trying to shoo everyone inside. Her expression has none of the cheer from earlier. In fact, she looks positively stoic.

Upon seeing that there is no more danger, Oberon grins to Haruki and whispers something to him before offering the mortal a huge smile.

Tai does let go, but only after Maverick actually starts to get into the van. She offers him a slight half-bow, despite his obvious unhappiness, "I do hope that your evening turns out better than it has." She then turns towards Andromeda when she steps forward, "You are most welcome." She offers her a bit of a bow as well, then she begins to head inside.

Haruki blushes and nods at whatever Oberon says, allowing him to lead the way.

Rorschach hopped down and this is where wingmen...bugs? come into play. Mav was yeilding and Ice man was...being handled. Rorsch followed at a length Maverick to make sure he stayed smart and didn't change his mind. He lingered out there for a while. Walking back he handed the beer he opened to Tai and patted her shoulder. He looked around. Oberon was having a good time. Awesome. Ian and Ava and Pru ooh and Tom were... over there. Andromeda... hmm. He wandered that way, hands in suit coat pockets.

Ian can't help but laugh a bit at that and nods, letting Ava keep the beer if she wants it. He lets smoke curl from his lips as his head just sort of bobs along with the music. "Ian," he offers her his name by way of introduction. He slowly pulls himself to his feet, grinning at her, "Think it's time to slip out the back though, find some post-party entertainment."

As the party starts to simmer down, "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor plays loud and clear. The DJ headbangs, ears flopping, and waves at the gathered crowd still dancing.