Sara Fry

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Sara Fry
On Game As: Sara
Played By: Crystal Reed
Concept: Huntress Bard
Date of Birth: February 6, 1997
Apparent Age: Early Twenties
Occupation: Toy Store Salesperson
Virtue: Hope
Vice: Pride

Freehold: Fate's Harvest
Motley: The Irregulars

Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Thusser
Court: Dawn
Keeper: Hobomock

“The only thing better than singing is more singing.”
– Ella Fitzgerald


       Even though born in Boston, Sara is a Fry through and through. She has visited Fort Brunsett on occasion previously, but is now here to get in touch with her roots on a more permanent basis. It's amazing how time in Arcadia can refocus a life.

RP Hooks

  • Fairest - Another one.
  • Teller of Tales - Designed to record heroic tales as songs. Sara is proficient with a number of instruments and can carry a mean tune. Her singing even capable of keeping a soul transfixed.
  • Fry - Though not born here, she has spent time in town in the past. Now she's back to connect with her family.
  • Aunt Sara - Another reason to come home is to help Raymond Rhodes and his twins settle in with the Frys. The mother being Sara's deceased sister. But now that their father is deceased too, is Sara now 'Mother'?
  • Huntress - Like a true Fry, she enjoys the wilderness and is quite adept with a bow.
  • Out of the Box - Sara works at the toy store which she may have to take over now.
  • Dawn Court - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life


Charlie - She got stolen but returned. Then dated Raymond. We shared a love and now we share a grief.

Logan - Rich. Handsome. Dawn. Seems to have his fingers in a lot of Court pies.

Widget - Quite the Lothario, and quite a lot of fun.


Saturna Desrochers - Artist in wood. Hoping she will make some toys for the shop.


Raymond Rhodes - How dare you die! I never got to say everything I needed to say.


Sara01.jpg Sara02.jpg Sara03.jpg


Hall and Oates - Sara Smile


  • (2018.05.20)
Welcome Home
  • (2018.06.01)
Escorting Sara
  • (2018.06.02)
Toy Story
  • (2018.06.10)
Dawn Meets
  • (2018.06.16)
Raymond's New Place
  • (2018.07.06)
A Night at Alchemy
  • (2018.07.27)
Souls Like Copper
  • (2018.08.22)
Wayhouse Encounter