Cobalt Rasender

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Cobalt Rasender
On Game As: Cobalt
Played By: Leo Jimenez
Concept: Don't pin me down.
Date of Birth: January 13
Apparent Age: Late 20s/Early 30s
Occupation: Musician
Virtue: Fortitude
Vice: Lust

Freehold: Fate's Harvest
Motley: None

Seeming: Beast
Kith: Hunterheart Succubus Nightsinger
Court: Summer
Entitlement: Sacred Band of the Golden Standard
Keeper: Mr Rift

“Storming, enjoying, planning, loving, cautioning, Backing and filling, appearing and disappearing, I tread day and night such roads.”
– Walt Whitman


      Cobalt Rasender is the lead singer, songwriter, and bassist (Fame: 2) for well-known metal band Mired, currently on the Nuclear Blast label. The band's been around with fairly minimal change in lineup since the mid-90s, save for a brief hiatus a few years ago. Hardcore metalheads would definitely recognize him. He coined the term "mired metal" to describe the band's particular blend of doom, death, symphonic, gothic, thrash and other styles. His singing style is part death metal growl, part baritone balladier, with an impressive range. The band's music is dark, dramatic and love-and-death-focused but very brutal, inspiring acts of violence and suicide attempts at their shows and rumors of necromancy and Satanism from Cobalt and the band members. Since Cobalt returned from his Durance a few years ago, the music and his concerts have become louder, scarier, more violent, and crazier than ever, not to mention popular with certain kinds of Lost who enjoy using his concerts to harvest Glamour of all sorts.

      No one really knows why Cobalt is in Vermont, or why he joined the Fate's Harvest Freehold -- but he did. A fairly Influential member of the Summer Court, he has a reputation for predictable unpredictability and violent mood swings -- not to mention a towering ego. Plus, he looks like a g*ddamn demon. You don't get much more metal than that.

RP Hooks

  • F*ckin Demon - As beautiful as he remains, it's hard not to notice that he has wings, horns, fangs, claws, glowing green eyes, and a badass black sword. In other words, he's like his own cover art sprung to life.
  • Bad Sh*t - Cobalt was already troubled pre-Durance, with the music press reporting widely on his drug and alcohol problems, and whisperings of other issues that have landed him in mental institutions (and occasionally, short stints in jail). But none of the latter can easily be proven, so mention it to Cobalt at the risk of getting your nose broken.
  • Gilded Aspirant - In addition to being a fiery member of the Summer Court, Cobalt likes to draw more attention through his Entitlement, the Sacred Band of the Golden Standard. Perhaps you wish for glory yourself? (Not like you'll ever be as glorious as him! Of course.)


  • Ting - My love, my lust, my soul, my pain, my all.
  • AJ - Foxes are classically depicted as untrustworthy for a reason.
  • Thorn - When I am King, you will be General. It's a deal.


Cobalt1.jpeg Cobalt3.jpg Cobalt5.jpg Cobalt4.gif


Lamb of God - Embers

Scatter the dust, what we once held in hand seems was never at all
Gone in a gust, not ours to understand, ah, agony perpetual
Holding my breath and close my eyes, for a second I can see you again
Motionless, like that day we lost who we both should have been

Kamelot - Rule the World

When the morning comes alive
Release your love brigade
At the end of day it's night
To suck it up with hate.

Type O Negative - Love You to Death

Shall I prove I mean what I'm saying?
I say the beast inside of me's gonna
get ya, get ya, get.. yeah.
Let me love you to...
Let me love you to death.
To death.


  • (2017.03.14)
Wally's First Delivery
  • (2017.03.20)
Spring Crowning 2017
  • (2017.03.20)
Summer Fights: AJ v Thorn
  • (2017.03.23)
Breakfast At The Crossroads
  • (2017.03.23)
Summer Meeting March 2017
  • (2017.03.29)
Summer Brawl March '17
  • (2017.03.31)
Enid Schmitt at Crossroads Cafe 1
  • (2017.03.22)
First Jam of Spring