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March Dawn Court 2018

Annapurna as Heather Vale (NPC). Llwytmor as Marc (NPC). Aaron, Adalbert, Amber, Duncan, Esther, Kelsey, Olenka, Poppy

23 March, 2018

Heather Vale (NPC) holds the first freehold meeting for the new season.


Stoneheart - Broken Hearth (H06)

The room itself is much the same as it was when Charlie was King, saving that the colours are those of the Auroral Court, roses and golds, the tender pastels of dawn and a new day of possibilities. While Charlie wasn't of a mind to feed the membership, Heather, it seems, sees nothing wrong with a healthy appetite, and has carefully labeled which foods are gewgaws left by a Certain Somebody, and which foods are perfectly 'safe' to eat.

The gewgaws, it must be noted, are cupcakes again, rose and gold this time. The gold cupcakes cause little sunbursts to spontaneously rise from behind odd places on the body, and the rose prompts a poof of illusory pink, rose-scented smoke, I Dream of Jeannie style.

Heather is chatting with Charlie, dressed in nothing particularly fancy: a white jersey undershirt under a plaid button-down, tails tied at her waist, and some old blue jeans and shitkicker boots. The only jewellery on that charcoal hide is a necklace with a ring on it, the gold of its chain all the more visible against the darkness of her skin. Her Mantle, it must be noted, is prompting a shower of cherry blossoms instead of snow where it is overlapping with Charlie's.

In a corter, still in his police uniform, is Officer Garfiel. He's standing still close to the cupcakes but totally ignoring them as he does his part as both Dawn courtier and Harvestmen recruit. To those that look at him, he offers bright and warm smiles and even waves sometimes. He looks satisfied and happy, but also a bit tense.

Esther looms in gripping a baseball bat in one white knuckled hand, with a big purse over one shoulder. She's frowning a little, but her intense look eases as she enters the relatively safe space. And there are cupcakes. She doesn't even care that they are Special Effect Cupcakes. She waves and nods her greetings to all and sundry, and grabs one of the gewgawed treats.

Kelsey has stolen a vaguely Autumn-ish-colored table by right of early arrival. The package of rosepetal-flavored Turkish Delight on the table by him is not a carefully-labelled item, but it is commercial, so there's at least a possibility that it's safe.

For once it seems that both Poppy and Duncan have managed to escape from work, and the pair arrive together, the former wearing an oversized sweater of green netting over a white tank, and white leggings patterned with a gradient of dark blue waves, darkening towards the calves; given the recent decrease in snow, the siren is back to her usual stiletto-heeled boots and the accompanying click against the stone floors. She gives the refreshment table an interested look, and the cupcakes a suspicious one, before she moves to claim some un-gewgawed finger foods.

The theme for Olenka's outfit this evening is black. Just black. Black sunglasses. Black fur trimmed winter coat. Black knee high boots. Black skirt. Black stockings. Black handbag. And, even black fingernails. Being skinny as a rake, she breezes right by the cupcakes and other treats like a shadow on a starvation diet, and arranges herself, by herself, on a couch. There she'll subsist on air and sadness alone.

Marc, Autumn that he is, and as unintimidated generally by Kelsey as he is, winds his way in skittishly to spot-- and claim-- a chair at that orange table too, by asking his lady(bug) friend to hold the seat for him.

Her skepticism is palpable. "If I get sat on you're paying the chiropractic bill," she tells him, finally, then flits up to sit on the table in front of his seat instead. "It'll be fine. See? You're very smart. You can outsmart any butt here because you think by the seat of your pants."

He gives Kelsey an uncertain smile and then goes to acquire a plate of goodies -- including the gewgaws because that shit is hilarious -- to bring back to the table with him. He is not, it should be noted, wearing the suit jacket with the big shoulder pads. Somewhere, the fox-eared Antiquarian managed to acquire a leather jacket that does absolutely zero to make him look cool. It's a little miraculous.

Scully -- the ladybug -- gives Kelsey a helpless look.

Duncan arrives with Poppy, but he stops near the door and gives the siren a knowing nod when he sees her detour for the food. Not hungry, apparently. The storm-elemental is wearing a black pea coat, gray dress shirt, black jeans and brown walking shoes. A rather unremarkable outfit that may have been nice once upon a time, but is now a bit worse for wear. He folds his arms across his chest and observes the comings and goings, waiting for court to begin with a vaguely impatient air.

Better late than never; Amber slips in just at the last minute, scooting past Duncan with a quick grin as she narrowly avoids bumping shoulders. With a quick scan about, she too ends up heading for the food -- that, or she's just planning to say hi to Poppy. Either way, present and accounted for.

Heather smiles once she sees the members settling in, and with a nod, straightens up from how she had been leaning toward Charlie to talk. Autumn's chair is vacant for the evening, Ashe not yet present, but the rest are filled.

The Dawn's accent, when she speaks to them all, is as local as local can get, Vermonter through and through.

"Thanks for comin'. I've had a bunch of folks find me to pledge up, but for those of you who haven't yet, we'll get to that in a sec. Pook," here, the Darkling looks toward the ever-well-dressed and coiffed Reginald Pook, last year's Spring 'Queen', "has kindly volunteered the amenities of the Spring hollow for anyone who wants to party during the season."

Pook lifts a lace-edged handkerchief and dabs at an imagined tear, then flicks the lacy thing toward those gathered, adding, "Tidy up after yourselves when you are through, my little gumdrops."

Heather, rolling her eyes at the Spring and giving him a crooked grin, looks down at a piece of paper on the table in front of her, a hand moving to trace a finger down it 'til it hits a certain spot. "Right. So, first we'll do the pledges, then I'll ask for any updates or information you folks have, then any duels you all need arbitrated, and go over my plans for the season at the end." She scoots around the edge of the table to stand near the hearth, which is currently burning black and blue with vague sickly-green near the branches of whatever strange wood the hobs have chosen this time. "Come line up if you still need to pledge."

Once she has a plateful of whatever meat-related items she can find, Poppy returns to where Duncan is waiting impatiently, giving Amber a cheerful grin and a light shoulder-bump as she sidles past her. The siren then tilts her head towards the orange table; apparently she's intending to join the two Autumns already seated there - and to avoid sitting on the ladybug, thankyouverymuch.

Adalbert keeps himself standing still close to the treats table as Heather talks while looking around to check on those that are present. Just in case anyone needs some handsome and shinning company. Or a body guard. His glance though stops at Poppy for a longer time and, if she looks back at him, he grins to her.

Kelsey is already gesturing to Poppy, lowering their voice to keep their comment to the ladybug from intruding on Heather's general greeting. At Heather's call, though, they pull themself to their feet and -- after glancing to make sure ladybug and fox are not about to explode (in the ladybug's case) or implode (in the fox's) -- go to line up to make due promises.

Esther bites into a cupcake and is pleased with the taste. She giggles a little when she notices the poof of smoke on others, and looks behind herself. More giggles. But now the important part of the meeting has begun, and she tosses another non magical pastry down her gaping maw, then walks over to swear her oath with the others.

Amber returns Poppy's grin, following her head-tilt before offering a small nod of her own. It doesn't take her long to fix up a little plate of her own; that done, she turns to follow in the siren's wake and join the same table. During this all, she looks up frequently toward the new queen, listening to her introductions and outlines for the evening to come, but she doesn't end up getting in line to swear -- apparently, she managed to take care of that before tonight's gathering.

Oh hey, he knows someone else! Duncan shoots Amber an amiable grin as she passes, unconcerned about the near collision if he even notices. That grin shifts back to Poppy when she returns, and the Elemental shrugs his acceptance to the proposed seats. There's no sign the Summer is worried about figuratively crashing the Autumn table as Duncan follows the Siren over and grabs himself a chair. If there's a ladybug beneath him, it may want to move. He sits down, greeting the others at the table with an agreeble nod.

There is a ladybug-sized shriek of laughter from the orange table, as Marc comes back -- looking completely confused -- and then looks significantly more nervous because so many people have joined the table since he went up to get goodies. He smiles uncertainly at Poppy, then puts the plate down next to Scully (who's still laughing, but now there's icing to get into, and she does, and there's Industrial Light and Magic effects surrounding a Hedge Bug Companion after a second) and wipes his suddenly clammy palms on his trouser legs before giving the rest of the table an indirect smile and trailing up to get in line with the others pledging.

Duncan is seated for all of a minute before he notices everyone gathering to Pledge. Great, he needs to get up. The Elemental chuckles and nudges Poppy's feet off his leg, then hoists himself up with a grunt. "Excuse me," he says to those staying at the table, then heads down front to join the queue.

Heather goes through the words of the pledge, having each person repeat them, one at a time, until everyone has sworn the freehold oath again.

That done, the Dawn Darkling smiles, a crooked, lazy thing with no teeth shown, and steps back around the council table. "Thank you all for sticking with us. Now, on to the fun part. What's been going on with you all? Any news? Exciting stuff? Awful stuff? Seen or heard of somethin' you reckon we should all know?"

Kelsey lingers a few steps away till Marc's done with his pledging. Accountant Fox gets an escort back to his seat. This is presumably either for moral support or for aesthetic value, because Kelsey looks pretty much like they might lose a fight against the ladybug.

Adalbert doesn't take the line to repledge to the Freehold either. Apparently, he, being part of the monarch Court, managed to do that previously at some point. While the other Lost take their times to pledge, the Harvestmen recruit continues looking around for any sign of disturbance in the Wyrd. At some point, though, he starts wandering around calmly as the Dawn crown asks for the news around the Freehold.

Esther calmly recites the pledge in her raspy alto, the scent of gingerbread and the sound of the wind through bare trees swirling around her as the Wyrd bears witness to her promise. Then she sighs happily and goes to grab another pastry.

Poppy grins and rolls her eyes at Duncan as she's forced to abandon her position of leisure, sitting up and crossing her legs like an adult instead. Oh, the humanity. Another bite of salami joints the first, then she considers Heather's question, expression turning pensive first, then curious as she looks to the others. Those returning to the table are given a murmured greeting.

Aaron finishes his re-sealing of his oath to the Freehold. Now that that's done, food. He returns to the various fare to collect some things to snack on while the meeting is in session.

Other than a need to tap his foot while he stands in line, Duncan waits with relative patience for his turn to re-pledge. Once he's had his turn the Elemental ambles back over to the orange table to reclaim his chair. Mission accomplished. And while he has no news to offer himself, he does perk up when there's a call for 'awful stuff.'

Marc does, at least, look like he might win a fight against Scully, but the fact that he's practically hiding behind Kelsey on the way back to the table doesn't speak well for his social constitution. He takes his seat quietly, but glances back at Heather a few times. Thankfully, these gewgaw cupcakes don't make heartbubbles burst or he might die.

Heather waits a bit, rocking her toes inside her boot, but when it's clear that no one has any personal news to share, she quirks another smile and opines, "Glad no one's got anything awful. Far's I go, Enid's little stunt in the paper got me talking to Mayor Jack, and he says it was another hob out there behind the house. Been getting bolder, stealing things. You see any kid-height hobs around the town, you let us know. I know a few folks who still set out cream and honey, even if it's gonna freeze."

That said, she asks, "Any incipient duels? We haven't had a good fight in a year. I heard a few rumblings about starting up a club, but I don't think anyone ended up spearheading the project. Could use a few champions for hire." She lifts dark brows, looking out over the room as if to gauge the interest of those present in -becoming- said champions for hire.

Esther raises a hand. When she's chosen, she asks, "Do we need to have someone watching this Enid woman? She was almost taken, wasn't she? I wouldn't want her to get snatched for real."

Heather makes a see-saw gesture with her hand, back and forth, when Esther speaks up. "Yes and no. We've never done anything official on account of Enid absolutely refusing to allow us on her land. Categorically, without exception, unless she personally invites us on in. Since the woman does us all a favour, reporting on dangers to -our- world, we've all respected that." She lifts a hand as if toward a hat, but finding no hat there, frowns at the hand and drops it to the tabletop instead, clasping it with the other and leaning forward, forearms holding up a small part of her weight. "Could be she'll listen now, though. You feeling up to bearding the lioness in her den? She's got an office at the 'Times down in the centre of town, though it's even odds whether or not she'll be IN the thing when she's supposed to..."

Marc waves his hands frantically in front of his mouth, pulling an amazing face, and gets out the strangled word, "SOAP!" with absolutely no context. And then tries to literally melt under the table and it is not working.

Kelsey reaches over to put a hand on Marc's arm, possibly to keep him from vanishing under the table, and gives an almost comically apologetic look Heather's way -- sharing it to Esther for a moment after.

Esther quickly turns towards Marc as he squawks. She heads over to the table where sits the man with the leather coat that isn't working for him and Kelsey. She meets Kelsey's look with one of her own. "Is he okay?" Her whisper is not as soft as she hopes.

Kelsey assures Esther quickly, "He's fine," and adds a few more words more quietly, before glancing up Heather's way again. "I know someone who might be interested in the champions-for-hire business," they say, actually addressing a (slightly) serious topic for once. "But he's not sworn to the freehold. Is that a concern for this?"

Aaron inquires. "What would be the rules? The limitations to the individual challenger? The reward for the victor?"

Esther looks relieved when Kelsey assures her of Marc's fitness. Then she glances back over at Heather, looking a touch ashamed. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I've never visited Enid, do you think she'd mind if I stopped by? I can bring her cookies. Should I say I'm a fan or something?" A pause. "Yes, that might work."

Adalbert, standing still close to the exit this time with his arms around his chest, shakes his head to no one in particular upon hearing the question from the Dawn Queen before looking around to see if anyone else is willing to fight or to keep going with Enid's safety.

Heather nods to Kelsey, expression turning a smidge wry when the Autumn mentions the so-and-so's lack of Freehold membership. "Since we're talking Freehold legal options, yeah, they'd need to be a member."

Looking to Aaron, she shakes her head a little. "By-laws state you can challenge someone to a Hedge duel if you want to settle something with them and have official recognition and enforcement for it. Either of you can use a champion instead of fighting your opponent yourself. These'd be folks who volunteered as champions. The rules of the duel would depend on what the challengers agreed on and what the champions were willing to do, but it's the usual. First blood, unconsciousness, surrender, etc."

She waves a hand, indicating there are other options, then nods to Esther, agreeing, "Can't hurt to try. She knows what we are, so you may as well just say you're from FH. The Mayor's ensorcelled. His father did a doozie on him and his brother, generational, I'm told."

Marc, drinking a lot of coffee, and prevented from melting of embarrassment, and flushing red anyway, does some apology-murmuring-- then glances up and over at Heather, eyes wide. "Holy fuck," he says. "His dad's a dick."

Poppy looks back over at Heather at that particular announcement about the mayor, not /quite/ staring as she murmurs something under her breath. Finishing off her piece of Turkish delight, she then takes another bite of pepperoni, apparently unconcerned about the mixture of flavors.

Esther slowly nods to Heather. "I will definitely make the cookies." Then she nods even more, in strong agreement with Marc's opinion of the Mayor's father

Adalbert finally moves again. This time, he heads to where Esther is and when he reaches the woman, he nods to her."I can come alone if you need some company to deal with that crazy woman." He murmurs to her so he doesn't call the gathering's attention to himself.

"If you don't mind a tag-along," Aaron remarks to Esther, "I wouldn't mind meeting this woman face-to-face. I'd be interested to know if she's got any more juicy morsels about Kip Casanova she'd be willing to share."

Heather waits to hear if anyone else is going to say anything, but when no one else speaks up, she leans back in her chair and says, "Looks like it's me-time, then. Alrighty. Winter got us some information-" she dips her head to Charlie in gratitude, and he nods in return, "-and Dawn would like to see us use what Winter gave us. I've talked to the Waykeepers, and their next meeting's going to be open to everyone who wants to get moving on that Freehold up north." She holds up one finger.

Lifting a second finger, she continues, "Let's figure out things we want to purchase for the Freehold that we may not be able to get at the Wild Roses. What can we do to make ourselves stronger? Better able to protect ourselves? That's homework for you all, and spread it around, please. We've got some really basic armour and some cheap weaponry in the armory, here, but what do we want to add more here? Do we want safehouses in different places?"

She lifts a brow, adding, "We don't need any final answers -now-. I'm going to leave you all to work out your ideas before the next meeting, which is TBA, since I've got to figure out when my babysitter can come and watch the farm. Still, we need to get moving, get active. It's a sure bet anyone who's against us will be."

Gee. For some reason she glances at Marc.

Witness Marc shrinking down in his chair again. Scully flitters up to land in his hair and get icing in it, and she ladybug-yells, "She means the Soundless! Which is fascist in case anyone missed the memo, and thinks you're all baby Gentry and also nutso and super ready to eat them and their babies, because the leadership is super paranoid and will REALLY freak out when and if their Emissaries come back here and find out the Spring crown's a Dawn crown this year! I recommend tequila!"

Marc puts his hands over his face.

Poppy devours another bite of pepperoni, expression pensive as she listens to the Dawn Crown, then she nods absently before glancing towards the others at the table. Scully's shrieking garners a smothered grin, even as she gives Marc a sympathetic look.

Esther looks at Adalbert, then Aaron. "I guess I'll need all the help I can get. She seems a little scary. In a good way."

Adalbert nods to Esther and then moves again calmly. This time, he heads to the treats table and serves himself with something to drink while the conversation going on while keeping an eye around still looking for threats.

Kelsey glances away from Poppy to eye the shrieking ladybug sidewise. Then to stare with considerable interest. Poor Marc.

Heather side-eyes the ladybug, too, though all she says on the subject is, "Good. About time they stopped pussyfooting it around. Pass the word, folks -- if any of you see any of the Soundless, and for us that'd be Martin and Samantha, seeing as Marc here's one of ours, you tell the Waykeepers, and you keep tabs on them, on who they talk to, what they do, what they say. You write it down, if you have to, and you remember. Could be the difference between life and death for somebody, some day."

With a glance at the other councilors, who shake their heads, the Dawn nods, herself, and hops up to her feet, clapping her hands. "Aaand that's a wrap, folks. Esther, Adalbert and Aaron, you three report back once you've gotten in touch with Enid. The rest of you, remember your 'homework' -- think up things we could buy, or should buy, or do, or stockpile, or build, etc. etc., to make this Freehold stronger, safer. Talk with the folks outside of it, too, if any of 'em trust you. See what they're afraid of, and if it's anything we can fix to get 'em to join up."

She waves toward the food table, concluding with, "Be locusts. Eat everything."

Esther doesn't need to be told twice. She heads to the food table, although she's nice enough to wait until everyone else has had their share.

When Heather finally closes the meeting up, Adalbert relaxes and sips from his beverage all at once before throwing the plastic cup in the nearest trash bin. Then he glances at Heather to check on her one last time as if asking for permission to head out before properly doing it. Those that know him receive a brief smile on his way out.