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Revision as of 16:57, 5 June 2017



"One has to look out for engineers - they begin with sewing machines and end up with the atomic bomb." – Marcel Pagnol

      Leo's history will go here.

RP Hooks
  • Changeling He is Lost. A Summer Fairest and Squire of the Broken Bough.
  • TV Host He is secretly the sidekick on a TV show called 'Mad Maddox's Mechanical Magic', which focuses on educating viewers on machines and robotics. The shows are known for going slightly awry, with Leo's voiceless character playing cleanup.
  • Junkyard He spends a lot of time at one
  • Hedge He spends a ton of time here. Local hobs know him fairly well.
  • Video Games He's really into them, and his 3DS is almost always open to Spotpass.
  • Chill af He is. Except when discussing the True Fae.
  • More This wiki is a work in progress and will contain more hooks. I'm generally open to whatever.
  • Zoey: Family. Fuel brewer.

Leo1.jpg Leo3.jpg Leo2.jpg Leo4.jpg

Full Name: Leonardo 'Leo' Greene
Played By: Chazwick Bundick
Appears As: Leo
Date of Birth: July 30, 1987
Apparent Age: Mid 20's or so
Occupation: TV show sidekick
Virtue: Hope
Vice: Sloth
Template: Changeling
Keeper: The Functionality, The Refuse Recluse
Court: Summer Court
Seeming: Fairest
Kiths: Telluric/Gameplayer/Manikin
Entitlement: The Squire of the Broken Bough

[Link Song] - Band
