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* '''[[Dielle Henner]]''' - Dawn. Al calls her Rainbow Horsie. She tried to help my cousin. Good person.
* '''[[Dielle Henner]]''' - Dawn. Al calls her Rainbow Horsie. She tried to help my cousin. Good person.
* '''[[Aiden Flynn]]''' - Owner of Last Chance. Good conversation and helps more people than I can count.
* '''[[Aiden Flynn]]''' - Owner of Last Chance. Good conversation and helps more people than I can count.
* '''[[Jacob Drake]]''' - If I call him a good boy he might rip my arm off.
* '''[[Jon Ihrck]]''' - Big damn frost viking. All around good guy.
* '''[[Gigi Garreau]]''' - Nicky's mom and Noah's friend. She's not bad to have around.

Revision as of 17:39, 20 September 2017

Signe Luna Desrochers
On Game As: Signe
Played By: Ryan Ashley Malarkey
Concept: You Don't See Me
Date of Birth: December 25 1992
Apparent Age: 24
Occupation: Tattoo Artist
Virtue: Charity
Vice: Wrath

Freehold: Fate's Harvest
Motley: None

Seeming: Wizened
Keeper: Dread Commander Sof

“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching -- they are your family.”
'–Jim Butcher


      Signe Desrochers was born in Fort Brusnett on December 25 of 1992. Much to her mother's surprise. Apparently she did not realize she was pregnant. Signe had a few health issues upon her birth and finally got to go home on January 20th of 1993. Over a month after she was born.

      Signe had six older brothers. So life was basically she was raised like a boy. Climbing trees, fighting. All that jazz. But as she grew older her mother started to restrict the boyish activities. Much to her disliking. But, she was their only girl and health problems arose. When she was 14 she was diagnosed with Cancer and had to start chemo. By the end of her freshmen year of high school she was bald and people made fun of her for it. When it started to grow back in it was a pale blonde so she dyed it silver. Just to be a rebel.

      She went into remission at the end of her Junior year and life started to look up. She was one of the highest scoring kids in her class but she did cheat a bit on her SAT so she had to redo it. Much her dad's dismay. It was a sore subject with him. Once that was smoothed over high school was ended and she was attending senior prom. But that took a turn for the worse when the guy she was dating ditched her because she wouldn't put out. Not a good thing to be lost around the East Bank and crying and disoriented.

      Soon she was in a sack and in Arcadia. Taken by minions of Dread Commander Sof. Signe was made to build war machines. Siege machines. Everything that would help the Commander in the Fray. When she was no longer needed, or better when she was useless and not taking to things, she was tossed into the grinder and after being thought dead, carted off towards the burial pits. But Signe had enough strength in her to stab the medic to death in a very gorey way. After that she stumbled and crawled her way out of the thorns. Letting them take their price in skin, blood and bone.

      That was three years ago. Signe remembers very little of her short time in Arcadia. When she tries to remember there's just hazy flashes of bloody hands and the smell of wood and oil. Nothing that she can place. She's stayed in the area and has taken up a lot of slack in the Desrochers family. Tending bar when she can and helping out around there. She also deals in some charity work in the vein of working soup kitchens, helping with prep etc. Taking care of others and keeping herself busy help her to not focus on the horrors of what have happened and what could happen.

      A few months ago Signe became the new caretaker of a very grumpy Hellhound by the name of Alocer. He was her cousins and her cousin died. So Signe, being the stupid bleeding heart that she is, went to see if she could coax the beast into coming with her. After fifty stitches, a chocolate shake and five pounds of chicken wings, he left the loft apartment. It was another pound of wings to move from the truck to the apartment. They are on agreeable terms at the moment, but Signe has been watching his moods as he's a bit of a loose cannon sometimes. But he's a big grumpy baby whose mom died.

RP Hooks

  • Desrocher - She tends bar when she's not at her regular job.
  • Tattoo Artist - The main job.
  • Caretaker - Signe tends to have a big heart and take care of others. Which could be why she got kidnapped when she was 17.
  • Fae-Touched - Spent a month in Arcadia. 5/7 would not recommend again.


  • Alocer - He's got a new caretaker now. Or well, a new person to order him chicken wings.
  • Noah - Cousin and friend.
  • Anthony Polk - Fellow Fae-Touched. New to town. Hope he sticks around.
  • Dielle Henner - Dawn. Al calls her Rainbow Horsie. She tried to help my cousin. Good person.
  • Aiden Flynn - Owner of Last Chance. Good conversation and helps more people than I can count.
  • Jacob Drake - If I call him a good boy he might rip my arm off.
  • Jon Ihrck - Big damn frost viking. All around good guy.
  • Gigi Garreau - Nicky's mom and Noah's friend. She's not bad to have around.


SigMain.jpg Sig1.jpg Sig2.jpg Sig4.jpg


Alocer.jpg AlocerMask.jpg AlocerMien.png


Panic! At The Disco - Ballad of Mona Lisa

Say what you mean, tell me I'm right.
And let the sun rain down on me.
Give me a sign. I want to believe.

Chevelle - Comfortable Liar

Broad, is this sea.
The salt, enters the wounds.
My take, on you is simple.

A Perfect Circle - Thomas

Show me the way to forgive you.
Allow me to let it go.
Allow me to be forgiven.


  • (2017.09.02)
Catching Up At The Wayhouse
  • (2017.09.02)
Visiting Last Chance
  • (2017.09.03)
Meeting Candice
  • (2017.09.12)
Desrochers Shindig
  • (2017.09.13)
Have You Forgotten: The River Bank
  • (2017.09.14)
Have You Forgotten: The Missing Child
  • (2017.09.16)
Dinner and Dream Talks
  • (2017.09.17)
Chasing Dogs
  • (2017.09.19)
Jacob's First Night
  • (2017.09.20)
Talking Dreams With Lulu
  • (2017.09.21)
Dream Talk With Jacob
  • (2017.09.26)
Tattoo Tuesday: September 26th
  • (2017.10.12)
Building A Mason: Meeting Donald
  • (2017.10.12)
Date Night
  • (2017.11.09)
Familiar Faces
  • (2018.02.23)
A Consultation
  • (2018.05.04)
Desrochers Cinco De Mayo