Log:Desrochers Shindig

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Desrochers Shindig

"I need Bourbon then."


Cardinal, Gigi Garreau, June, Teagan, CB, Ziv, Noah Desrochers, Signe


The Desrochers Bar is a popular spot when there's drink specials and food!


Desrochers Bar

It's a regular Tuesday night at Desrochers for the most part. Monday is over and they made it through almost a week with no town gossip of dead folks or who was setting who on fire for sleeping with someone's wife, but that's life in towns where your business is everyone's business sometimes.

There are drink specials and food this evening. Not to mention darts and pool. Given the number of drunk people already in the bar there might even be someone shuffling about talking about smacking a youngin'. Noah Desrochers and Signe Desrochers are manning the bar this evening. Seems the two get along well enough to make sure that the bar doesn't catch on fire.

C.B. likes booze, and Teagan does too, and the two of them were already hanging out together, so now they're here. Or rather, they're coming in, C.B. holding open the big, sturdy door for Teagan as he says, "I don't think the bartenders here like me, but interesting things always seem to go down in here..." He brings in a cloud of cigarette smoke with him as well, because that's what C.B.s do. Today he's dressed in a fairly normal uniform of red and black plaid shirt over graphic t-shirt, jeans, construction boots, Red Sox cap, and messenger bag. A baleful look is cast over whomever is already assembled, because that is also how he rolls. Much like bringing in a cloud of cigarette smoke.

Whe June shows up the odds of the bar catching on fire increase dramatically, but only if people let her near sources of open flame. Her family is probably well aware of the fact that it's better to keep her out of the kitchen and away from anything fragile. What she lacks in coordination she makes up for in enthusiasm, though. Likewise if Teagan happens to look her way. The moment she catches the eye of any of her relatives she waves enthusiastically, a big happy smile on her face, and on her way to the bar she manages to only half-trip on the legs of a single chair. Fortunately it's not occupied, though it does make some noise as it slams into the table and she nearly falls on her face.

"Well, I have money, so they can like my money, or we can go drink and hang out somewhere else." Teagan isn't currently smoking, but they are following C.B. in, and he gets a small smile for holding the door, their hand stretching out to hold the door for whoever's coming in next. Once they're inside, Teagan draws up alongside CB, bumping their shoulder against his. "We'll have fun," they assure him. And then June bumbles in, and Teagan reaches out a hand toward her to steady her when she half-trips. "Hey, Juney. Have you met C.B. yet?"

Neither of the bartenders know CB. So he's got that going for him. Signe is down helping another customer when she sees a few new faces there's a nod to June as she sees her heading up to the bar. A bit of a cringe as the red panda almost face plants, but catches herself.

Noah gives a wave to those coming in, the man giving a friendly smile, "Welcome, what can we get you this evening?" he asks them as he dries one of the glasses he had just washed.

"Fun? I don't have fun, I have ulcers," C.B. says to Teagan, but he's smirking. So he's probably not that serious. He blinks at the stumbly June, nodding in her direction. "Hey -- uh. Juney. No," he tells Teagan, "We have not met." Then he pauses to turn to Noah, squinting at the man. "What do you have that's abundant, strong and cheap?" It's a fair question.

Noah is certainly not offended by the question and he chuckles as he settles down the glass behind the counter, "Well, house brew is the special tonight. So that'll be what you'd want." he tells them. He grabs two bottles from the cooler and sets them on the bar counter. "Do you two want anything to eat?" he asks.

Meanwhile Signe gives a bottle over to an older gentleman and wipes down the spot that a few college age males wandered off from to go play pool. There's a look to the floor behind the bar and she frowns, "Get that out of your mouth, Al." she grumps at him.

"SeaBee?" June asks, suddenly sounding interested. Of course, it sounds just like CB, so nobody can tell that she's picturing some kind of aquatic honey-making insect. "We haven't met, I don't think, but it's good to do so. Hi. Welcome to Desrochers." She leans down to give her knee a light rub where she banged it on the chair. Her arms and legs are both a bit too short for the length of her body, so she has to lean father than is ordinary. "How are you doing, Teagan? Have you been here before?" She flashes Signe a smile at the bar. "Hi Signe," she says. "do we still have the porter on draft? If not, whatever new keg we've tapped is fine by me!"

While others are settling in, Ziv is just now coming in; because somewhere along the way it's probable that someone told her people socialize. And she's people, right? Though it doesn't really look as if she's planning to socialize too terribly much, if someone looks closely - she's wearing a pair of earplugs that is likely designed to partially block out or decrease sound.

Other than that, she looks social-ready enough, if having started to adopt the fall aesthetic: a fairly expansive scarf in greys and silvers, interwoven with some brighter tones, covers the upper part of a lacy black halter dress (which is not very autumn-y, admittedly), and she's wearing a pair of open-toed boots. Cute enough.

"Oh, hey," that's said in greeting to C.B. and Teagan as she meanders in that direction, giving a bob of her head in greeting along with a smile - that's a little bit empty when she turns it on June.

"I have seen proof to the opposite, Ceebs." Teagan pokes their companion easily in the side with a knuckle. "June Desrochers, this is C.B. Alexander. Ceebs, this is June -- Juney. We belong to the same sparring club, June and I." She reaches over and ruffles June's hair, leaning down to kiss the red panda on the top of the head. Look at her, she's just so dang cute. Even grumbly shadows can't resist her. She's like a clickbait ad, irresistable. "Yeah, whatever's clever to drink. I have first round, Ceebs." They shoot him a look aside, then, and a little half-smile. "Hey, Ziv. Good to see you again." Who has Teagan all social and sociable today? They're almost... vaguely cheerful. "June, Ziv, Ziv, June. What are you drinking, Ziv?"

C.B. squints at Noah. "That sounds like /beer/. Beer isn't strong," he sighs, but he grabs a bottle anyway. "Start a tab for me. And, uh -- Teagan, I got next round," he says, like it's no big deal. "I'm fine on food."

Then he turns around to take a look at June soome more. "Yeah, hi." A glance over to Ziv as well, and a nod there, but he's not quite inebriated enough yet to be truly sociable. It takes a /lot/.

Signe gives a bit of a look over to June and there's a nod, "We've got it." she tells her as she starts to pick up a glass and pour one for her cousin. Meanwhile there's the sound of chewing and crunching behind the bar. Whatever the hell it is must be having fun! "We've got hard liquor if you need it, Mister Alexander." she tells CB as she settles June's glass down.

Noah gives a chuckle and nods to that, "What Sig said. I'll start you a tab though." the taller Desrochers states to him. There's a bit of a look down to the floor and then back to Signe and he just quirks an eyebrow at her before he shakes his head and goes to help another customer.

"Hi Teagan," Ziv reiterates, with a bit of a chirp when she sees that Teagan is apparently in more or less a good - or at least drunken? - mood. "You're looking better than the last time I saw you..." she admits, a little thoughtfully, with a purse of her lips. Perhaps in response to C.B.'s standoffishness then, she gives him a broader grin and says by way of greeting, "Hey, boss." It has the hint of a familiar jab to it.

Then her dark eyes turn to June, and she gives the redhead a once over before saying, "Hi, June. Don't believe we've met before, and--" but then she's distracted, by something or other. Without much regard for social convention she hops up a little more on the stool she's seated on, and makes to lean over the bar to look behind.

June lets out a delighted laugh when Tegan ruffles her hair and kisses the top of her head, and she returns this with a brief but affectionate hug. It's like she's a nearly human sized red teddy bear. She's being introduced to Ziv then, and she turns to bestow on her a cheery smile. "Hi Ziv! Lots of people to meet today." She picks up the beer Signe poured for her when it's put on the bar. "Thanks, Sig!"

Not drunk yet, apparently, but in a pretty chipper mood, for Teagan. What on earth. Maybe they're trying to counteract the grump that is CB or something. "Can you make me something fruity and ridiculous and secretly really strong, please, Noah?" A small smile for Signe, too. "Different day, different mood," they answer Ziv, rolling their shoulders and finding a stool to lean on, though she sticks fairly nearby the grumpy Wizened. One of their hands reaches out and absently touches his arm, and then they start digging in the pockets of their ratty trenchcoat for cigarettes and a lighter. "Sig -- you're the tattoo artist? Someone was talking about the Tattoo Tuesday thing."

C.B. takes a pull off his beer. "I /do/ need it, actually. Double bourbon, neat." He looks over at Ziv next, smirking. "Hey yourself, boss." This does, indeed, seem to be a little joke between them. He watches June for a few moments, like he's perplexed, before his gaze wanders back to Teagan. He eyes up their cigs and says, "You can smoke in here?" Because if you can...well. You better believe he will be.

"Something ridiculously fruity coming up for Junebug and a double bourbon neat coming up for Mister Alexander." Noah states with a nod of his head as he gets the glasses together and since the bourbon is easier, that gets done first. It's handed off to CB with a smile. Then he starts working on the pink abomination that he is making for June. It's going to be super sweet.

Signe gives a scoot motion to the large hellhound behind the bar as he chews on his bone, "Did you want something to drink or eat?" she asks Ziv as she gives her a look. It's not a bad one, just curious really.

"Something ridiculously fruity coming up for Teagan and a double bourbon neat coming up for Mister Alexander." Noah states with a nod of his head as he gets the glasses together and since the bourbon is easier, that gets done first. It's handed off to CB with a smile. Then he starts working on the pink abomination that he is making for Teagan. It's going to be super sweet. (Amended)

"Kind of wish I could do that..." Ziv responds to Teagan, watching the hellhound curiously and wide-eyed. Until Signe looks at her. Then she seems to realize she's halfway across the bar, with her wings curled over the edge of it, and sits back down with an apologetic and somewhat shy smile. There's a glance over to the Darkling again, and she gives a nod before saying, "Something ridiculously fruity sounds good." The sight of Noah making it certainly helps along with that decision.

June sips her porter and looks at CB with her an owlish blinkk-blink. What's he confused about? But she gets distracted by the question that comes and she says, "nope, can't smoke. Against the law." She'll tell Summers they can't smoke. She is one! And if they have a problem with it, there might be a fight! "Oh, the fruity drinks ARE good, Ziv. Also, the curry fries. Oh my god, so good. I'll share an order with you if you want, though, because I can't eat that many. Want some, Teagan? SeaBee?"

It's possible that Teagan would have proooobably ignored just about everyone else in this bar if they were told that they couldn't smoke, but coming from June? Teagan grumbles, tucking their pack and lighter away. "Okayyyy, Juney. Is vaping illegal?" And then they cast their gaze over to Ziv. "Could do what?" They're leaning at the bar next to CB, another absent touch to his arm, as if checking in somehow. The gestures don't last. "So are you the tattoo artist, then, Signe? I want to update some of my work." To June: "Sure, I'll eat. Are there wings? I love wings. I could murder a plate of wings." Word choice, Teagan, Word choice.

Signe gives a head tilt to Ziv and then a smile, "Something fruity and sweet for you as well. Do you want fruit in yours?" she asks her. The big old hellhound props his head on the bar and sniffs a bit. That's a big dog. "Get down and go back to your pillow." she grumps to him. Then there's a nod to Teagan, "Aye, that's me, apologies on the late answering." she tells them. "I own Skin and Bones and we decided to do some specials each month." she adds. "Can we get an order of wings?" she calls to the back as she finishes up Ziv's drink.

The door open and in steps Gigi Garreau. The family matriarch wanders on in, dressed in Vermont chic, with flannel shirt worn mostly buttoned over a white tank. She wears jeans, fairly loose fitting, and boots. Nothing fancy about it, but then she's just going to Desrochers. She takes a quick look around those gathered, eyes narrowed just a bit, then turns for the bar.

C.B. shakes his head at June. "No thanks. They'll just give me heartburn." He glances at Teagan, a little questioningly, but mostly he's just concentrating on his booze and his beer. He seems to be on the quiet side today. His eyes move to Gigi with a squint as she comes in, like he's trying to place her.

"We have wings, but they're not crow wings, they're buffalo ones. That means there is no murder is involved," June replies to Teagan with a silly grin. "And thank you for not smoking. I... have no idea if vaping is legal. Noah? Signe?" She asks the experts, since while this is her family's bar, June is not the most knowledgeable. After the call for wings she shouts toward the back, "and some curry fries!"

"I'd like that. The fries sound pretty good," agrees Ziv with June, offering the fluffy red panda Changeling a quick nod of her head. As the hellhound's head comes up over the side of the bar, she reaches out a wing towards it, making a low chirping noise - at least before the dog is told to go to its pillow. There's a twitch of her ear at the mention of Teagan ordering -wings-, and she offers up to the others, "We could get... um... a platter of food or something. And... share it aorund maybe?" A quick glance at C.B., and she says, "Maybe you should try something."

A pink monstrosity of a drink does not go with Teagan's aesthetic, or at least it doesn't seem to, but who's going to tell the Summer they can't have a pink, hyper-girly drink? "Yeah, let's get a big platter of something or whatever and grab a table, hunh?" They lift their drink, take a swallow, and then lean in to whisper something in CB's ear. Straightening up, their gaze slides around the room, settling on Gigi. One brow arches, and they raise their drink toward the incoming unknown woman. And then they give June sort of a funny look. "Who eats crow wings?" They didn't get the joke. Uneducated pleb!

Signe slips a few pieces of berry and orange into the drink and then slides it over to Ziv. She doesn't give any sign that she's a Changeling, but hey, some of them are weird! She then gives a look to the door when someone slips in and there's a bit of a smile, "Good evening, Mrs. Garreau." she gives a bit of a wave. Then there's a look to her cousin Noah and a smile as she nods to Gigi, given he hangs with her and Nicky.

C.B. takes a swig of beer, shaking his head at Ziv. "Nah." He swishes the beer bottle in her direction. "I'm good." Did his shoulders just shudder when Teagan whispered something to him? Weird. After they're done, he leans in and whispers something back to them, although his eyes slide over to Gigi when Signe calls her 'Mrs. Garreau.' Like he's putting two and two together.

"Great idea! Sampler plate time. Can you put it on my tab, Sig?" She looks at the newcomer, but there are a lot of strangers and she has a shitty memory, so she just looks and then moves on with life. "I think there's a table over there," she points. "And I don't know, Teagan," she says to them as she takes a few steps toward a nice corner table. "People eat fried tarantulas, soooo."

"Heya, Signe," Gigi calls over towards the one serving up drinks. "How you doing, darling?" she asks. For all the air about the dark-haired Garreau was menacing just moments ago, now? She seems wholly friendly. "Noah, my dear, how are you?" she asks, as she approaches the Desrochers. "Pour me whatever's new... well. Whatever the latest Jackie came up with is. I don't want another of Pat's... what'd he call it? Well cultured?" she asks, with a laugh. She'll wait there at the bar for a drink, and as she does, start to slowly look about once more. "Oh! June bug... Sorry, I, uh... didn't see you..." And look how sweet she is, leaving off the 'down there'.

Ziv, still perched up on her stool - likely on her knees and leaning over the bar - has the drink placed in front of her. She closes a hand around it, turning to look curiously at Gigi Garreau as the woman makes her way over to the gaggle of people at the bar. No recognition flickers over her face, and she continues to look fairly oblivious even while the others make the connection. Unfolding her legs, she gets off the stool, and does a little twirl with the froofy, fruity drink in hand. "You look like you're having a good time, though!" that's offered over towards C.B., with a slightly fiendish grin, before she gestures both he and Teagan towards the table June's setting towards. Back to Signe she calls out, "It's awesome, thanks!"

You say, "We can get that going for you all, yep!" Signe states as she puts the order in for the group that's moving to a table. She then gives a smile to Gigi, "I'm doing alright." she tells her. When she starts talking about the drink she wants she looks over to her cousin as he's probably the one that's going to get it.

And sure enough, Noah is getting Gigi her drink, "I'm doing alright, Gigi. Just helping Signe out for a few hours. Nicky not with you tonight?" he asks her as he settles the bottle of alcohol in front of her. It's uncapped and everything."

"I'll catch up with you later, then, Signe. Like I said, I have some tattoos that need updating." Teagan's nose wrinkles up at the idea that people eat tarantulas, and they stick the tip of their tongue out. A swallow of their pink monstrosity, and then they lean over to whisper to CB again. They fold a hand around the Wizend's wrist, tugs gently. Come be briefly social, grumpus.

"Can do. Just stop by the shop sometime." Signe adds to Teagan as they head for the table. Then she moves to get that order in for them.

"Uh. Hi!" June says when she's greeted by Gigi, and it takes a moment for things to click. "Oh! Gigi! Yeah, I get that a lot." She's not even offended by being literally overlooked. She might be the worst Summer ever. "I hope you have a great night!" She's off to party with her friends, though, for certain definitions of friend and party, and heads to the table where she takes a chair and another drink of her beer. When she puts it down there's a bit of foam on the tip of her black nose. "So, what should we talk about? Does anyone have any interesting hobbies?"

"Oh, Nicky's off being a lazy son of a b-..." Gigi starts, then stops, and just laughs at herself. "He's doing alright. Owen needed a hand up at Phoebe's. Something about moving a freezer. Sounded like manual labor. And like I might break a nail. So..." And for all Gigi seems very Vermont, she is a Garreau, and her nails are painted a nice pale pink. She settles in at the bar, and takes a swig of beer, considering it a moment before she's back to considering the others. Teagan will get a good, long look.

"Super duper," C.B. deadpans to Ziv, downing most of his bourbon without wincing. He glances at Teagan, murmurs something back with a sigh as he stares around the room. At least Gigi isn't giving /him/ a good, long look.

"You're not completely drunk and ranting at people on stage," points out Ziv to C.B., almost flippantly, as she arrives at the table where June has already gone to. She hooks a foot forward - to those that can see her mien, particularly the claws - and drags out a pair of chairs for both Teagan and C.B. Turning back to June then, as she settles into her own with her pink and fruity monstrosity that matches Teagan's, she says, "Fried tarantulas sounds kind of... um... good, actually."

On the other side of the parking lot, there's an ice cream shop which was inexplicably still open until about an hour ago when the mad experimenter busy therein remembered to turn off the light and lock up the door while she worked. Said scientist, smelling of a pleasant amalgam of toasted spices likely to find their way into one of the fall flavors over at Dare, may well have worked herself right up to the point of needing a drink. Cardinal, all in black and white with that magnificent pink jacket, doesn't take a whole lot of time to look the place over before heading on over to the bar to find herself an empty seat. Maybe even one near Gigi.

"That's true, he got most of his ranting out earlier today," Teagan offers, sliding in to a seat at the table which was selected by June. Their mood is uncharacteristically effusive, apparently, for whatever reason. Maybe it's all an elaborate put-on and they're about to murder everyone. WHO KNOWS. "I do definitely want like a lot of extra bleu cheese dressing for the wings," they opine, slouching contentedly back in their chair. They pat the seat next to them indicatively, and then turn their attention back to the rest of the room. "Well, whatever floats your boat, Z." Gigi's long look doesn't go unnoticed, and the androgyne raises an eyebrow at her, following it with an upnod. What could possibly be wrong with Teagan? Cardinal gets a considering look, too, but most of their attention is for the folks at their table. And the food soon to come.

Noah gives a laugh at the talk of Nicky, "Well, at least he's off helping his dad. We've been hurting over here since Beau and them left town. But we're managing. Sig's helping and we've got some others like June as well. Heard Dave is back in town as well, but haven't seen him." he explains to Gigi.

Meanwhile Signe comes back from placing orders and then she realizes that she's missing something... "Where did Alocer go?" she mutters to herself. Then she sees the massive hellhound run for the back door with a back of uncooked wings. "FUCK!" the silver haired woman growls out. Then there's a comical look to her cousin and Gigi, "I'm so sorry." she whispers before she takes off after the dog...err...hellhound.

"True," C.B. says to Ziv, narrowing his eyes at her -- falling into the chair backwards, his drinks set on the table. "But that's because I don't work here." Oh, right. Because being completely drunk and ranting at people on stage should happen where you work. Why not, right? His attention is drawn by the entrance of Cardinal, and he studies her for awhile, but then he returns to drinking. "Most, yeah," he nods to Teagan, agreeing with that. Draining his whiskey, already.

June, who still has a spot of beer foam on the tip of her adorable black nose, reacts to Ziv's opinion on fried tarantulas with a laugh. "They might be! I didn't have tarantulas so I tried frying a garden spider once, but I think they're too small. That doesn't work out. It just tasted generic fried-stuff. Is getting drunk and ranting a typical passtime for you, Seabee? Where do you work?

Gigi's a bit of a master at non-verbal communication. So when Teagan looks back at her, and gives that upnod. One side of her lips turn up to the side, and there's a faint dip of her head to the side. The message is clearly uncertainty. 'I don't know what ot think of you'. But it's not unfriendly. Open, honest, direct. Gigi's gaze sweeps back to Noah, and she gives a nod. "Got a niece in town that is getting a job or her ass is going to be put on manual labor. You want me to pitch slingin' drinks?" she asks Noah. Eyes drift over to Signe and her big dog then, and she just gives a shake of her head, and a little 'tsk'. She'll stare at Signe as the woman goes off to handle the dog. Without looking over, without looking up, she says, "Hey there, Red. How you doing tonight?"

"Mmmhmmm," C.B.'s answer comes out partially muffled by booze and fruit as Ziv tilts her drink backwards, taking a big mouthful of it - and then her tongue is getting thrust out into it. A little fishing, and she manages to get some of the berries into her mouth, tucking them into her cheek. An ear twitches towards Teagan as they start to talk about the wings, and she wonders around a mouthful of fruit, "What are wings like?" Then, to June, she kind of shrugs and then swallows the fruit she'd been noshing on. "Guess it could be like that. Um. I heard roasted insects are good. Crickets?"

"Yes, it is," C.B. answers June, with zero trace of irony about this particular thing. "I work at Cat-22, over in the Industrial District. It's a workers' collective. Ziv works there, too." Then he goes back to finishing off that beer. "Wings are hot, spicy heartburn bombs. They only exist to cause heartburn." Sage words.

Cardinal may well be used to catching looks even from folks who can't see her low-grade luminescence, so the stray consideration from the table full of people who can doesn't much bother her any, though she does turn a bright smile toward the lot, all nice and friendly-like. Of course, that spat of sudden swearing from Signe pulls her attention thattaway right quick, wide eyes following the departing dog as her shoulder shake with silent laughter. That same good humor's then angled over to Gigi at that greeting. She swivels around on her stool to face the woman more directly as she gives a double thumbs up. Then reconsiders and wobbles one of the hands instead, the other still positive. There's an arch of her brows to suggest inquiry, whether the woman looks or not, but her attention's turning to catch Noah's soon enough, a finger pointed toward one of the lighter offerings on tap.

"Just don't get bitten again, Sig. Damn it." Noah huffs after his younger cousin. He then turns back to the two women at the bar and offers a smile to Cardinal who has appeared. The pointing at the drink she wants gets a nod and he starts to pour her one. "Signe pulled the short straw when it came to see who was taking care of Kerrigan's dog. They seem to be doing fine...but he bit her first time we went in the apartment." he frowns at that. Once the glass is full he settles it on the bar in front of Cardinal.

"You are so, so white, Ceeb," Teagan answers with a vaguely amused tone to their voice. "The wings they serve in Vermont are mild as fuck." Their face flickers with a smile, and their tone is clearly amused. "But you ain't gotta eat 'em. That's just more for me." They absently tap their toe under the table, maybe a little antsy. "Wings are delicious mean of transporting barbecue sauce or hot sauce and bleu cheese dressing directly into my face mouth." As opposed to... ? Gigi's look is responded to with an equally elaborate shrug. Well, it isn't like Teagan isn't there to be talked to and understood! As much as anyone understands Teagan, ever.

The dog is eventually gone, right? So Gigi's attention does turn back to Cardinal, just in time to see her weighing her current mood. "Well, that's plenty good enough, then. I'll start worrying when it's two thumbs down," she says, to Card. Then her attention is back to Noah. She huffs out a breath. "Some kinda special dog then, huh?" she asks the Desrochers. There's a dismissive wave. "Leave that business to you," she decides.

"I disagree. I eat wings ALL the time," June counters CB. "The only time my heart ever burns is with love for..." She stops. "Nope, that's not working. Stopping now. I really don't get heartburn from them, though." She grabs one to nibble on to prove it, since they get brought out to ehta ble then. "A worker's collective? I work with workers collectives too, but probably not the same kind. I'm an apiarist. And I," she turns to Teagan, "like my buffalo wings with ranch. Bleu cheese is better for sandwiches." She starts devouring her wing then. And there's STILL beer foam on her nose.

C.B. blinks a few times at Teagan, but the look on his face is equally amused. "Yes, yes I am. Have ancestors who came over on the fucking /Mayflower,/ don't you know. And look at what all that has given me." Mouth pulled up into a caustic little smirk, he slides off the stool as he finishes off his beer. Then he taps Teagan on the shoulder. "Gonna head out, at least for a smoke. Might be back, but no promises." To June he snorts, "Well, congrats on not getting heartburn. Must be nice. You make honey? You should stop by, we use all local products and stuff. Could always use another honey distributor." He gives June and Ziv a vague little wave, saunters to the bar to pay his rather small tab to Noah (in cash, of course), and then heads for the door without looking back.

"...What's an... app-ee-err-ist?" wonders Ziv, reaching out one of her own wings (to those that can see through her mask) to grab one of the buffalo wings. Bringing it up to her mouth, she starts to gnaw on it, stripping the meat off the bone. The spice doesn't appear to particularly bother her - or maybe she just doesn't have very good taste buds? Who knows. "See you later, C.B.," She calls out to the departing man, giving a nod of her head before tucking back into food and drink.

Cardinal brings her right hand flat to touch fingertips to her lower lip then tip forward in a gesture of gratitude--literally 'thank you'--to Noah as the pint's settled before her. There's an agreeable nod for Gigi on her assessment of that read, but when no further conversation's forthcoming her direction, she settles into sipping and listening, happily minding her own business. Probably. For the most part.

Gigi can't help but watch CB head out, and catch the tail end of that conversation. She snorts, and shakes her head. "That might be the most entitled man in Fort Brunsett... fucking Alexanders," she says, aloud, for all and sundry. She lifts her beer and takes a swig, then focuses on Cardinal again. She stares for a long moment, then leans a bit closer to the woman. Going in to whisper, maybe?

When CB gets up from his chair? Teagan coughs mildly, and excuses themselves from their chair. "Scuze me a sec. A smoke sounds like a good idea. If I don't come back, drink my drink and eat my wings. That thing is the shit, you should try one." They wave a little bit to the room as a whole, adding, "Juney, text me, I owe you some gym time, as promised." And then on the way out the door, the androgyne finishes Gigi's sentence, "... sounds like fun!" Whether or not it's clear that finishing the sentence is what Teagan is doing? Eh.

Cardinal doesn't say anything. She hadn't said anything before. She's not gonna say anything now. She does give Gigi a bit of a side-eye as she otherwise keeps still for whatever the woman might be whispering. It's distracting her from her eavesdropping, that's for sure!

Noah gives a bit of a grin to Cardinal and a nod to her, "You're welcome." he states. Then there's a look to Gigi and a chuckle, "Yeah...he did not take the passing very well, but he's doing better." he admits. Then there's a look to the door Sig disappeared out of and a sigh, "I'm going to go check on them, just real quick." he tells them as he heads down the bar.

"Apiarist! A beekeeper," June says with a proud smile, like it's the coolest job ever. The tiny little red panda is so enthusiastic about things. When Teagan and CB get up to go she waves goodbye and tells Teagan, "I will!" Then she returns to eating, because the two things that red pandas are really good at is eating and sleeping. And climbing trees.

"Ooooh," says Ziv after June's explanation, growing somewhat wide-eyed. Apparently, she doesn't completely disagree! "That is pretty cool." And then, there's a midi-sounding tinny of music coming from her pocket. A pause, and she slides out the phone, before hopping up excitedly and heading to the door, "Oh! I need to take this. I'll be back!"

"Alright, Noah. I'll make sure nobody but me steals beer," Gigi says to the man, with a smile along with it. She then looks aside to Teagan, and gives an odd look. "Alright," she decides. Another glance over to Cardinal, then June and Ziv. "Bees," she says aloud. There's a faint shake of her head, then it's back to Cardinal. "You met June, Li-... uh. Cardinal?"

Cardinal swivels in her seat, distracted by the one-after-the-other departures now that Gigi's not all up in her personal space, but her attention eventually settles on June when guided that way. There's a nod to the correction from Gigi, another tip of fingers to lip then forward again, a thank you for respecting the weird name change. But then she's shaking her head for the question actually asked and waving a hand to June in friendly hello.

Suddenly June is alone at her table. With a whole lot of food. She has her mouth full when Ziv gets a phone call, so she waves with messy fingers. She seems content to just keep eating alone, but then she hears her name and looks up toward Gigi. Hmmm? She doesn't really say it, just vocalizes as she chews, and then she waves back to Cardinal. Then she looks at the big spread of appetizers that she's been stuck with herself, spread across her table, and makes a wave of invitation to go with a querying look. And she still has beer foam on her nose.

Gigi gives a snort, then a nod. "Don't have to ask me twice," she says, aloud. Then she grabs her beer and swings around off her stool, to head for the food. Because, food. "Juney, this is Cardinal Fry," she says, with a little gesture. "Case you two haven't met. She runs Dare... the ice cream shop across the way?" she offers, as she slips into a chair, takes a moment to roll up her sleeves, then reaches out to grab a wing. "She doesn't talk, either. Got sick a few months back and lost her voice, poor thing," she says. "Well, not that she didn't talk your damn ear off before..."

If anyone needs food, it's Cardinal. Skinny thing's practically swimming in her clothes. And not because she doesn't know how to buy in her size. She may well be underfed. Does she never taste any of that ice cream she's making all day? As Gigi makes her way over to the table, the redhead follows rather gladly, settling into one of the recently abandoned seats as she nodnodnods along with the explanation that the Garreau matriarch offers. She signs something to the pair, whether they understand or not, letting them know, <> Maybe the eyes falling out gesture she makes will translate? Whatever the case, she's quickly digging into some of those fries and whatever other fried goodies there are. All while angling an inquisitive look toward June. Who knows what she's after.

Signe comes back through the door, her shirt and hair disheveled, "Got him." she says triumphantly. Then there's the sound of a horn honking and she pinches the bridge of her nose, "I'm going home, Night Gigi. Night June." she smiles to them as she grabs her jacket and keys. Then she flees into the night!