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'''''"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."'''''
'''''"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."'''''
'''''– Neil Degrasse Tyson'''''
'''''– Neil deGrasse Tyson'''''

Revision as of 17:49, 13 June 2017



"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."

– Neil deGrasse Tyson

      Leo's history will go here.

RP Hooks
  • Changeling He is Lost. A Summer Fairest and Squire of the Broken Bough.
  • TV Host He is secretly the sidekick on a TV show called 'Mad Maddox's Mechanical Magic', which focuses on educating viewers on machines and robotics. The shows are known for going slightly awry, with Leo's voiceless character playing cleanup.
  • Junkyard He spends a lot of time at one
  • Hedge He spends a ton of time here. Local hobs know him fairly well.
  • Video Games He's really into them, and his 3DS is almost always open to Spotpass.
  • Chill af He is. Except when discussing the True Fae.
  • Space He'd spent a lot of time in space. He really likes space stuff.
  • Zoey: Family. Fuel brewer.

Leo1.jpg Leo3.jpg Leo2.jpg Leo4.jpg

Full Name: Leonardo 'Leo' Greene
Played By: Chazwick Bundick
Appears As: Leo
Date of Birth: July 30, 1987
Apparent Age: Mid 20's or so
Occupation: TV show sidekick
Virtue: Hope
Vice: Sloth
Template: Changeling
Keeper: The Functionality, The Refuse Recluse
Court: Summer Court
Seeming: Fairest
Kiths: Telluric/Gameplayer/Manikin
Entitlement: The Squire of the Broken Bough

Freeze Me - Death From Above

"How you freeze me"
"We're so cold now"
"Are we outside in space? (so cold, so cold)"
"Are we outside in space? (so cold, so cold)"