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{{ Log
{{ Log
| cast = [[Dave Mikhael Desrochers|Oberon]], [[Kerrigan Desrochers|Kerrigan]], [[Dobson Desrochers|Dobson]], [[Haruki]], [[Tegan Williams|Tegan]], [[Amber]], [[John Preston|John]], [[Max]]
| cast = [[Dave Mikhael Desrochers|Oberon]], [[Kerrigan Desrochers|Kerrigan]], [[Dobson Desrochers|Dobson]], [[Haruki]], [[Tegan Williams|Tegan]], [[Amber Watson|Amber]], [[John Preston|John]], [[Max]]
| summary = A bunch of people get together at [[Desrochers Family|Desrochers Bar]] to talk about current events and see a magic trick.
| summary = A bunch of people get together at [[Desrochers Family|Desrochers Bar]] to talk about current events and see a magic trick.
| gamedate = 2017.03.25
| gamedate = 2017.03.25
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Kerrigan gives a bit of a smile to John when he explains things and given the overly intelligent look to Ker's eyes, she's following along fine. "Thank you for that." she tips an invisible hat to him with tattooed fingers. She then drains the rest of the beer from the bottle and settles it down, "I've got to get going. Have a body to pick up from the morgue." she tells them as she rises to her full height. She then gives Oberon's cheek a quick sisterly peck, "Be safe." she tells him. Then she gives a wave to the others, "Nice to meet you, John and Max. And it was good to see you again, Haruki." she tells the Mortal man before starting for the door.
Kerrigan gives a bit of a smile to John when he explains things and given the overly intelligent look to Ker's eyes, she's following along fine. "Thank you for that." she tips an invisible hat to him with tattooed fingers. She then drains the rest of the beer from the bottle and settles it down, "I've got to get going. Have a body to pick up from the morgue." she tells them as she rises to her full height. She then gives Oberon's cheek a quick sisterly peck, "Be safe." she tells him. Then she gives a wave to the others, "Nice to meet you, John and Max. And it was good to see you again, Haruki." she tells the Mortal man before starting for the door.
Max smiles over at John as she listens to him. "Whenever you get your shop set up, you totally have to show me that." A pause before she adds, "Unless you can safely do it in the woods or something. I don't want to accidentally get shot in the name of entertainment," she says, chuckling playfully before she sips at her drink.
John says, "Woods are difficult but not impossible--not a lot of hard, ricochet-able surfaces to play with unless I can immediately spot all of the rocks. It's not something I can do quickly, at least without time to study the area." He shrugs. Then he looks to Max, and asks: "Would you like to attend a dance with me, Max?" He looks to the others and says, "I believe it's open to all. It is apparently dedicated to different earlier decades, such as the 60s, 70s, and 80s."
A party that he didn't heard about? Dave arches a brow and stares at John."A party? When and where? I heard nothing about it." He says calmly as he turns to look at the other man."I don't have clothes from the past."
Haruki looks curious as the dance is mentioned. "You can pick up some clothes from that second hand store," he suggests to Dave. "They'd lots of old stuff inside when I was there earlier today. Maybe even dresses," he teases.
John replies, "I believe it is located in one of the empty warehouses near the old logging mill; live music, and the like. I found it on Facespace."
A brow raises at the invitation and Max glances toward John curiously. "Well, if you don't mind not being able to dance properly, then sure, I'll come with you," she replies, giving the Lost a bit of a knowing look. "Sounds like it could be fun," she tells him with a grin. Reaching over for her drink, she finishes it off then sets the empty glass back down onto the counter. "Do I have to dress up or anything?"
Dave arches a brow for a second and bites his lower lip. Spring cogs running inside his head. Then, suddenly he turns to look at Haruki."You should you with me." And it gets out of his mouth like an order.
"You don't have to, but a tie-dye shirt or a Walkman or something from the past will do. I have a few colorful scarfs that might help?" answers Max.
Haruki nods at Dave, smiling. "It should be fun. I've no idea what I'll wear either though. I've probably got something amongst my costumes."
"Dave picks his phone and starts surfing. A few types later, he hms."Oh my..." It's in a few hours." Then, he turns to Haruki."Where is this second hand store again? There is so few time to come up with a whole costume." He frowns.
"I could wear one of the scarfs as a headband or something like I've seen hippies do in pictures. That could work," Max replies to John with a grin. "Do you plan on dressing up very much yourself?" she wonders, giving him a curious look. Then she glances to both Oberon and Haruki, smiling softly. "Hopefully I'll see you both there."
"It's nearby," Haruki says. "Shouldn't be a problem to just grab something from there. Even if it is some tie dyed shirts. They'd 80s band tshirts and suits from goodness knows when too." He smiles at Max. "You'll definitely see us."
John smiles and opens up his coat a little bit, inserting his hand into it with a really, really crappy display of showmanship, but which makes his arm *appear* as if it's going farther than it should. He draws out four different tie-dyed scarves and four different pairs of those really large sunglasses, each in a different color, with the louvres on them, each of which *looks* like it would fit into his coat if he worked real hard at it but which he draws forth with ease and sets on the bar.
John says, “Ta-da?”
Upon seeing John's magic /trick/, Dave laughs and applaudes before picking one of the scarfs and a pair of glasses."That was really impressive, John. Good trick." He says as he puts the costume on himself. Then, he turns to Haruki and smiles."How do I look?"
Haruki laughs at the trick too, and applauds. "Now that's talent put to good use." He looks Dave up and down. "As good as ever."
Careful not to touch John, Max reaches over to take one of the scarves that catches her eyes. The sunglasses are glanced over only momentarily before she picks out a pair that matches with the scarf picked out. First she ties the scarf around her head, then slips the glasses on. A playful smirk is given to John, then she glances to Oberon and chuckles. "You look fabulous."
John says, "Well, I don't know how much *talent* was in that. I happened to buy a bunch of them because they came in bags in the dollar store in the city, and thought there might be some folk who didn't have any costumes." He himself puts the items on, a rare grin on his face.
Oberon grins at Haruki's words and to Max."Thank you both." He says before looking at John."I think we're ready to party, Mr." He jokes and he finishes his beer and lands the empty glass into the sink in the staff area of the bar counter."I mean, I am."
Haruki takes what's left. "Foresight, knowing they'd be needed. That is talent." He smiles at Max. "Fabulous is a wonderful word."

Latest revision as of 04:00, 2 April 2017

A Beer At Desrochers

"You could wear a dress?"


Oberon, Kerrigan, Dobson, Haruki, Tegan, Amber, John, Max


A bunch of people get together at Desrochers Bar to talk about current events and see a magic trick.



"A night of stars?" Haruki sounds a little uncertain. "Not that I am one, but I wanted to ask." He takes a swig of his beer, and then examines the label. "Is this one of your families?"

A little while after the newest arrivals another new one comes in, this one not in a black coat, shabby or chic. Tegan's got on a heavy, red plaid woodsman's style jacket on. She has her hands shoved deep into her pockets, her shoulders hunched and a sour look on her face.

"Oh. Alright." He says and glances at the bottle on Haruki's hand."Yes. But I'm not part of the business. So. If you want to make a compliment, say it to Dobs here." The Fairest says and gestures with his head to his cousin in the other side of the bar.

Amber watches people thoughtfully as the small crowd settles in, her eyes glancing toward the door every time it opens. Her face lights up, in fact, as she spies someone she actually recognizes, lifting her hand to try and catch Tegan's eye.

John, meanwhile, is lurking in the background, watching the people just as much as he is watching the TV. He is working on his beer and while he isn't really -trying- to hide or stealth or be invisible or unnoticed, he just sort of -is-. He knows but one person here, and he isn't about to interrupt.

"Thanks," Max replies to Oberon with a friendly smile. "I'm doing pretty well myself. Better since last night," she says, nodding her head a few times. "Looking forward to the weekend. That's when things get more fun." A playful wink is offered toward Oberon. Then she glances curiously to Haruki, the other mortal somehow catching her attention more than the other Changelings in the room. She lifts a hand to wave to him. "Hey there. Friend of David's here?" she questions curiously.

Kerrigan's spidey senses must be tingling. Or her ears were burning. The lanky Dusk comes into Desrochers in search of a beer and finds a lot of people in the place. She reaches up to mess with the ring in her nose and then finds where her brother is in the crowd. The Darkling sneaks over to where he's at and claims a seat with a bit of a nod of greeting as she rubs her hands together to warm them, "Good evening." she smiles to everyone.

Dobson shakes his head. "Nah. Don't really do much to for the family business, 'sides haul things around when needed. But I'll pass on any compliments you got." He offers a smile, and it is revealed that a few of his teeth are missing. "How do you two know each other," he asks of Haruki and Oberon, glancing between them. The question is momentarily derailed by the arrival of Kerrigan, who gets another gap-toothed smile. "Hey there, cousin."

Amber is a hard person to miss, so when she lifts a hand to catch Tegan's attention she gets noticed. That sour look vanishes pretty quickly as she starts to head in that direction, "Hey, fancy meeting you here."

"I'm planning a party at the Wayhouse for this weekend. Just need to talk to Ava first." He says to Max before turning to look at his sister."Hello, sis. Haruki here just asked about you. Something to do with a night of the stars things." Then, to Dobson, he glances at Haruki as to let the mortal hand that part of the conversation.

"Good beer," Haruki raises the beer to Dobson in praise. He smiles at Dave. Nods at max. "Yeah, I hope at least." He looks back to Dave to confirm. Friends? "I'm Haruki. You got good plans for the weekend?" He smiles bright and happy as he spots Kerrigan come in. To Dobson he says. "Met in the coffee shop. He did an amazing magic trick."

Amber actually rises as Tegan comes her way, nodding toward one of the other seats and waiting for the other woman to settle before she does the same again. "I was gonna say." She looks around at the rest of the bar, then back at Tegan before she grins wryly. "I wanted to get out and stretch my legs again, maybe see some of the wildlife. No better place than the local watering holes, hrm?"

"I don't usually make plans," Max answers with a light chuckle, followed by a few quick sips of her beer. "I just kind of wander around until I come across something or someone interesting. Tends to work out for me," she tells the other mortal, smiling over at him. Not wanting to hog the other mortal from the other conversation, her bright blue eyes drift over to first Dobson, then to Kerrigan. Again she lifts her gloved hand to offer them both a friendly wave. "You guys are all family?" she wonders, giving a brief gesture between the three Lost.

"Hiya Dob." Kerrigan beams a smile at her cousin Dobson. Then there's a squeeze to Oberon's arm with a grin as he talks. The Dusk then looks over to Haruki and there's a smile to him, "Hi there. Did you want a spot in the show?" she asks him with a quirked eyebrow as her tattooed fingers fidget with a napkin.

Kerrigan adds to Max, "This one is one of my older brothers." she points to Oberon. "And Dob is my cousin." she points out to the other Desrocher. Then she looks around, "I don't see anyone else in the family ight now." she offers with a chuckle. "I'm Kerrigan." she offers.

"Plenty of wildlife to see." Tegan sheds her coat, tossing it over another seat before she drops herself onto it, a hand raising to scratch at one side of her head, "You had a chance to actually meet anyone yet?" She pauses, then glances around, shaking her head, "Not that I can probably help with that much, you know?"

"Oh he /did/, huh?" Dobson folds his arms over his barrel chest and looks from Oberon to Haruki and back. "What /kind/ of magic trick?" In spite of his tone, there is a slight upward tug at the corner of his mouth.

"Kerrigan, Dobson and I are family, yes, Max. Kerrie here is my little sister and Dobs, cousin." Oberon explains briefly to the other mortal. Then, he turns to look at the other pair of Lost."Hey, you two. You can join us." He says cherfully."I'm Dave. These are Keerigan and Dobson. Max and Haruki." He says introducing everyone in his circle to the pair."Do you girls want a beer? It's on me tonight." He says and looks at Dobson looking from a confirmation. Or a permission. Who knows.

"I'd love one," Haruki says to Kerrigan. "How long are the slots? Where is it? Am I enough of a star? I mean, put my name down and we can discuss the details later?" He sounds so excited by the prospect. He nods at Max. "That sounds like fun." To Dobson. "He dunked a card in his coffee then drank it up. Gone!" He spreads his fingers wide on both hands to imitate it.

Amber shakes her head. "Not yet. It's been all business calls and meeting with realtors so far. Dreadfully boring stuff, but necessary in the long run." She peers up curiously toward the conversation happening at the bar, head tilting just a moment before the introduction and the offered drink earn a broad grin. "I'd love a beer, thank you. I'm Amber, and this is Tegan."

Kerrigan cringes when Oberon calls her Kerrie, "Ker is alright." she murmurs to that. A look is given to her brother and she sticks her tongue out. Then she looks over to the people he said could join them and she waves to them as well. "Welcome to you both." she nods in greeting to them. Then there's a look to Haruki and she takes out a pen and a notepad. She scribbles down a note and then nods, "We can hash out more details later. Basically it's going to be local talent and well, you're talented." she tells him. "So sure, I think we're going to try to keep slots short. So like 20ish minutes?" she offers to him.

Free beer? Hell, free anything. Best damn way to get the cat's attention. Tegan glances towards the offer, brows lifting a bit before she grins, "Sure, a beer would be awesome." She agrees, giving the others that are introduced a wave, "Hey, people."

Dobson laughs. "Oh yeah. The old...drink the card trick." He shoots Oberon a look suggesting that he thinks his cousin is mad as a hatter, then grins broadly. Reaching down, he pulls two more beers from the cooler, then sets them on the bar top, using a church key to pull the caps, which clatter to the floor. "Good to meetcha, Tegan and Amber. I'm Dobs. Welcome to Desrochers."

John arches an eyebrow when he hears talk of magic tricks amongst the mortals, but continues to sip his beer and just watch the proceedings, getting a general idea of how polite society in Tamarack Falls--and the Lost amongst the mortals--functions before throwing himself into the pyre.

Max waves around to the various Lost around her and introduces herself a moment later. "I'm Max, somewhat new in town," she says with a light smile. Then her gaze turns curiously toward Oberon, grinning a bit as Haruki describes the magic trick. "I didn't know you were a magician. Got any other cool parlour tricks you might want to show off?" she questions of Oberon. Then she looks between Kerrigan and Haruki, her gaze settle on the later. "You're a musician or something? What's this show I'm hearing about?" she asks curiously, her eyes flitting between the two again.

"Hello," Haruki greets the girls as they're invited over. "I'm Haruki. Also new in town." He takes the note from Kerrigan and glances at it, smiling. "Thanks. 20 minutes sounds good." He looks at Dave, hoping to see another trick. "I'm a Magician." He looks to Kerrigan to explain the show.

Dave nods to his cousin."I used some old /Illusion/, you know?" He says to his cousin but loud enough so the other Lost can hear. The very discreet tone he gives to the illusion word meaning there is some hidden information into it."And, well, yes. I have a few other tricks, but I'd love to see more of Haruki's. If he doesn't mind. No more magics coming from here." He grins and shows his both hands with the palms outwards.

"Nothing wrong with new," Amber says with a broad, easy smile. "Hell, I'm still in a hotel room, after all." She glances briefly at Tegan, perhaps to make sure she's content with a free round and meeting new people as well, then turns back toward the converation. "Musicians and magicians -- I'm almost feeling positively talentless in this crowd."

John, sitting near the crowd in the bar, finally speaks up. He says, "Excuse me. I could not help but overhearing. I know some pretty good sleight-of-hand tricks, but I am a poor showman, I am afraid. They are mostly just simple disappear-and-reappear legerdemain which I learned when I was younger and bored. I would quite enjoy seeing a true showman demonstrate some of his art, however." He looks to Haruki, his interest piqued.

"We've all been new at least once in our lives." Tegan offers to Max, grinning at her before she scratches at her chin, pondering, "Don't feel talentless, I'm not a magician or a musician, unless you want to talk about a symphony of cries from rats caught in traps." Then to clarify, she adds, "I'm in pest control."

Kerrigan gives a look to Max and is about to explain, but her attention is brought back to Haruki, "Excellent. I'll get you down then. And we'll do a practice run a couple of nights leading up to the show." she assures the man. Then she looks back to Max and the others with a smile, "Well, A Night of Stars is showcasing the local talent. Basically its musicians, magicians and anyone else that would like to do something." she admits. "Not sure who is headlining yet." she admits. When John speaks up she looks over and there's a wave to the man, "Haruki here is a good magician." she offers.

Dobson snorts out a laugh for Oberon, then turns his attention on Haruki, along with half of the bar. A long, slow smile splits his ugly face. "Looks like you're on in five. The crowd will not be denied."

"We can be talentless together," Max offers to Amber with a playful grin. It's followed by a chuckle and another drink from her beer. "I've got skills, not talents. I'm sure you could say the same, yeah?" Looking to Kerrigan, there's an obviously interested expression on her face. "When is this? Sounds like it'd be pretty fun to watch."

Haruki's seemingly oblivious to whatever nuance Dave put into his words. "It's a cool party trick. I'd like to see your others. I used to go to bars just to watch these guys do bar tricks. It's a whole different skill set. Lots of fun. Very intimate. Moreso than up on a stage with the big illusions." He looks at Amber. "I'm sure that's not true. Everyone has a talent." He flushes at what John says, and glances down. "I'm... that's the tricky part. The showmanship, the whole act. Dave here's a natural at it, all the warmth and charm. But I know what you mean, it's not just the endless practicing to get good, it's the performance that's magic. And the difference between good and great. I wouldn't claim to be a true showman. I used to watch them in Vegas, and LA, and well that's the real magic." He laughs at Dobson. "What's the difference between skills and talents?" he asks Max.

"Amber, if you need a place to stay, we can talk later. The Wayhouse has its doors always open to newcomers" Then, Dave turns to his sister."You know you'll have to let me be part of the organization, right? I can help decore the place and do stuff." He offers with his puppy eyes."Please?"

Amber's smile turns positively wicked for a moment as she looks over at Max. "I try not to brag /too/ much," she replies in a voice almost like a low purr. She winks then, her smile turning more benignly playful as she turns it on Haruki. "I did say /almost/, after all." She then laughs warmly, and incines her head deeply toward Dave. "I appreciate the offer, but I'll be all right I think, unless my realtor turns out to be much more terrible at her job than her references would indicate. I'm just...particular, about finding the right place. But thank you, truly."

Kerrigan recieves a beer and there's a smile from the Dusk to the bottle. Oh yes. She then gives a smile to Haruki as he goes about showcasing his trick before looking to Max, "It's April 19th in the evening. It's not dressy or formal. I'll probably be running around in jeans and stuff." she laughs. Then there's a look to her brother and she reaches out to pinch his cheek gently, "Oh could I say no to that face?" she muses. "Sure, you can help out." she smiles. "Dob, you wanna be a bouncer for a night?" she asks her cousin.

Tegan's phone rings and she digs it out of her pocket to answer. A brief conversation occurs before she slides to her feet, "Gotta go...work calls." She shoves her phone into her pocket and picks up her coat, "Nice to meet everyone. Amber, call me later."

"Yeah. I like to bounce," Dobson rumbles with another of those mangled smiles. "Let me know where to be, and I'll be there. For now, I'm gonna take off before I give away all the beer," Tossing the bar rag over his shoulder, he adjusts his grip on the empty crate and winks. "I'll be in the back. Just should if you need anything."

Amber looks up quickly at that, studying Tegan thoughtfully before giving her another small smile. "Damn that work. Good luck, with whatever it is, and I will, definitely."

Pulling out her phone, Max taps the screen a few times to input the date of the show. Then her phone disappears back into her pocket. It's apparent that Kerrigan has just caught another audience member for the show! Downing the rest of her beer, she gives a small wave for the bartender and orders something a bit stronger for her next drink. "Nice meeting you Dob. You too, Tegan," she calls out to them both before they can make it out of her line of sight. Then her attention returns to those still around her, a light smile lingering on her lips.

Dave smiles widely to his sister before turning to Tegan and lifts a hand."Have a good day." He says. Then, he turns to the group of people around him."So. Are you going to show us some magic, Haruki? Just a small sample of what you're going to show in the Night of the Star." The departure of his cousin is just ignore.

Kerrigan gives a smile to Tegan and a wave, "Take it easy." she tells her. Then there's a look to Dobson and she wiggles her fingers at him, "Let me know if you need help." she smiles. Then she looks around and there's a small frown, "Are we scaring people off?" the tall Darkling asks. Then she looks to Haruki as he prepares to do a trick.

With all eyes on him it's not like Haruki can say no. "Hmm. Do you have any coins?"

"Not scaring me off," Amber assures as she rises up to her feet. Claiming her coat, she carries it over to the bar to get a better look at the trick to come. Her beer goes down on the counter, her coat draped over one of the seats, and she fishes in a pocket before offering Haruki a quarter. "This do?"

Haruki takes the quarter with a 'thanks', and looks around to see if anyone else is going to offer him money.

Dave is the one that does that. He picks a 5 dollars bill and offers it to the magician."Here. Take it." He says and smiles like a child that is about to see something totally awesomely impossivel.

Kerrigan gives a smile to Amber and a nod, "Awesome. I wasn't sure." she states. Then she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a silver dollar and slides it over to Haruki quietly before sitting back.

Max decides to chip in for whatever the trick may be. Reaching into her pocket again, she slides another quarter toward Haruki. Those bright blue eyes of hers are a bit widened, curiously to see what he might do with all the money. She would probably be amused if he decided to just run off with all the change.

Haruki takes all the money with a smile. The bill that Dave hands him is rolled up into a thin cylinder. He raps one of the quarters onto the bar once, twice, three times, and then pushes the dollar bill right through the centre of it with a smile. "Tada!" And with a smile. "And now I'll make everything disappear." And he does, pocketing all of the money with a cheeky smile.

John laughs pleasantly at the magic trick. "Well done! You can make this disappear, too, for a showman should be rewarded for his work." He removes a billfold from his pocket and places a 20 before the man.

Dave's smile widens even more and he applaudes the trick."That's cool. You need to teach it to me at some point, Haruki." He says as he picks his beer and sips longly from it.

Kerrigan gives a smile when Haruki finishes the trick and the Nightsinger lets out a whistle, "That's fantastic." she claps softly. She then settles back in the chair and sips at her beer while she watches the other occupants.

Amber laughs, and lifts her beer in salute. "Nicely done," she agrees with the rest of the watching crowd. "Now I may have to make it to this talent show just to see what else you can pull off, when up on a stage with time to prepare."

You have requested Nightingale Mortuary as a Build request from staff. Please allow for some time to process it.

Haruki looks at twenty and laughs and laughs and laughs as if all of this is funny. There's such a joy to his laughter. He flicks his hands and a quarter appears in each of them, raps both onto the bartop and they double, so he's holding four quarters. He makes them dance over his knuckles, there's six, there's eight, there's none. Coins appear and reappear in fluid motions. He smiles at Dave. "You want to be a Magician? Maybe I could do with another assistant for my act." He smiles at Amber. "You should definitely come to the show. It'll be fun."

Max watches on with a rather amused expression. The enchanted mortal can't help but laugh lightly at the end of the trick. "Impressive," she tells Haruki with a playful smile. "How'd you get started with all this anyways?" she wonders, her brows raised with apparent curiosity and interest. The young woman leans lightly against the bar, occasionally glancing around at the various Lost gathered there. A smile is offered to John if she catches his gaze.

Dave grins at Haruki."I though that magicians only use pretty girls as stage assistants. But if you need, I can help. You just need to teach me what to do." He comments lightly.

John ventures a joke in Dave's direction: "Wear a dress?"

Kerrigan gives a bit of a smile to everyone and the Dusk watches quietly for a moment. Then she gives a look to Oberon, "You could be a good magicians assistant for a night." she tells him with a grin. Then there's a look to John and she laughs, "Don't tempt him. He just might." she nods sagely.

Amber laughs quietly, then frowns as her own phone beeps. She fishes it out to check the screen, then sighs gently. "Damn. Duty calls." She drains the last of her beer, then finds her feet again as she picks back up her coat. "It was a pleasure to meet you all. I'm sure I'll see you around -- the next time I stop in here, if not before."

Haruki laughs at John. "Yeah, you could wear a dress if you want. I've probably got a wig too. Usually it's partner not assistant. My last... she hated that everyone thought she was just the assistant. It's not fair really. Especially when she thought she was better than me." He shrugs at Max. "I just did? Movies and tv and watching it and wanting to do it so much and because the world needs more joy and wonder in it so I just practiced and practiced. Youtube and library books to begin with."

John comments, nodding to Haruki: "I was able to puzzle out the sleight-of-hand well enough, but as you said earlier, the performance is the art of it. I can make things disappear and reappear, but I have never had the stage presence to perform to an audience that appreciates such things. Not as well as you can, though. Can you do the trick where the magician pours a liquid into a rolled-up newspaper funnel but the paper does not get wet and the liquid disappears?"

"That's very sweet. It's rare that someone wants to do something to bring happiness to those around them," Max replies with a light smile to Haruki. Then she glances to John with a playful smirk. "You can probably do cool shooting tricks," she points out.

Dave smiles to Amber."Stop by at the Wayhouse at some point too. I bake good stuff." He offers to the departing girl gently. Then, he turns to Haruki and John."You'd be impressed on how pretty I can be when I drag." He says serious. There is some pride into his words, also."And, honestly. There is no way one can be better than you, Haruki. You're a very good magician." The Fairest says as if he was a Muse instead of a Flowering. And when John talks about a specific trick, Dave smiles brightly and stares at the mortal as confirming that he should do it.

Amber nods. "The Wayhouse," she agrees. "I won't forget." She smiles again, then turns and strides out, already dialing her phone as she vanishes out the door.

Haruki shakes his head. "Not now and not here for that one. Can you?" he asks John. "The greatest magicians can make the simplest of tricks look exquisite." He glances at Dave, trying to find an answer for that, and just shakes his head and smiles. "Thank you. But, there's plenty who are, and that's okay, you know. Success shouldn't be measured against other people. Well unless it's my brother. I am better than him." He grins suddenly.

Kerrigan shakes her head to that, "No guns, no." she states. She doesn't own the bar, she just doesn't think that it's wise for inside. "That would most certainly spook the rest of the people here." she muses.

John answers, "I can do a variation on that trick, and a few others involving making things disappear and reappear, but that's about it. Basic things--I could not do what you just did, making the bill go through the coin, or anything more elaborate." He looks to Max and says, thoughtfully, "Hm. I suppose I could do trick shooting. That's a different thing from magic, though; magic appears impossible, but you can imagine someone being a very good shot. I will say that one of my proudest moments was when I figured out how to accurately ricochet shots. I had to study all sorts of different surfaces and angles to puzzle that out, but for example, if I were rude enough to fire a gun in a bar--" he looks at Kerrigan significantly--"which I am not, I could hit the metal holding up the TV on the stand over there," he points, "bounce the bullet off of the floor by that table over there," he points, "and then ricochet it off of the back wall, so that the bullet would strike, say, just that one bottle behind the bar and break it, without enough energy left in it to shatter the mirror behind it. It's quite like extremely high-speed billiards; knowing how to retard acceleration and bleed off force enough to make the bullet not go fast enough to cause too much damage." He realizes then that he's babbling about physics, which is odd for the normally reticent and quiet man, and he says: "Sorry about that."

Dave smiles to Haruki before turning to listen carefully John's explanation as his eyes trip around along with the explanation. When the Winter courtier is done with his talking, the Fairest just nods in silence as he, once more, sips from his beer."

Haruki listens enthralled as John speaks of his trick shooting. "That seems like magic to me too," he says. "And amazing. But yeah not safe around an audience really. When I used guns it was all just fakery. Faking trick shots, not doing them. Like the bullet catch. And, well it's a bit risky and dangerous for me, I think. Too much possibilities for accidents. But to practice so you have the skill level to actually do all that, it's amazing."

Kerrigan gives a bit of a smile to John when he explains things and given the overly intelligent look to Ker's eyes, she's following along fine. "Thank you for that." she tips an invisible hat to him with tattooed fingers. She then drains the rest of the beer from the bottle and settles it down, "I've got to get going. Have a body to pick up from the morgue." she tells them as she rises to her full height. She then gives Oberon's cheek a quick sisterly peck, "Be safe." she tells him. Then she gives a wave to the others, "Nice to meet you, John and Max. And it was good to see you again, Haruki." she tells the Mortal man before starting for the door.

Max smiles over at John as she listens to him. "Whenever you get your shop set up, you totally have to show me that." A pause before she adds, "Unless you can safely do it in the woods or something. I don't want to accidentally get shot in the name of entertainment," she says, chuckling playfully before she sips at her drink.

John says, "Woods are difficult but not impossible--not a lot of hard, ricochet-able surfaces to play with unless I can immediately spot all of the rocks. It's not something I can do quickly, at least without time to study the area." He shrugs. Then he looks to Max, and asks: "Would you like to attend a dance with me, Max?" He looks to the others and says, "I believe it's open to all. It is apparently dedicated to different earlier decades, such as the 60s, 70s, and 80s."

A party that he didn't heard about? Dave arches a brow and stares at John."A party? When and where? I heard nothing about it." He says calmly as he turns to look at the other man."I don't have clothes from the past."

Haruki looks curious as the dance is mentioned. "You can pick up some clothes from that second hand store," he suggests to Dave. "They'd lots of old stuff inside when I was there earlier today. Maybe even dresses," he teases.

John replies, "I believe it is located in one of the empty warehouses near the old logging mill; live music, and the like. I found it on Facespace."

A brow raises at the invitation and Max glances toward John curiously. "Well, if you don't mind not being able to dance properly, then sure, I'll come with you," she replies, giving the Lost a bit of a knowing look. "Sounds like it could be fun," she tells him with a grin. Reaching over for her drink, she finishes it off then sets the empty glass back down onto the counter. "Do I have to dress up or anything?"

Dave arches a brow for a second and bites his lower lip. Spring cogs running inside his head. Then, suddenly he turns to look at Haruki."You should you with me." And it gets out of his mouth like an order.

"You don't have to, but a tie-dye shirt or a Walkman or something from the past will do. I have a few colorful scarfs that might help?" answers Max.

Haruki nods at Dave, smiling. "It should be fun. I've no idea what I'll wear either though. I've probably got something amongst my costumes."

"Dave picks his phone and starts surfing. A few types later, he hms."Oh my..." It's in a few hours." Then, he turns to Haruki."Where is this second hand store again? There is so few time to come up with a whole costume." He frowns.

"I could wear one of the scarfs as a headband or something like I've seen hippies do in pictures. That could work," Max replies to John with a grin. "Do you plan on dressing up very much yourself?" she wonders, giving him a curious look. Then she glances to both Oberon and Haruki, smiling softly. "Hopefully I'll see you both there."

"It's nearby," Haruki says. "Shouldn't be a problem to just grab something from there. Even if it is some tie dyed shirts. They'd 80s band tshirts and suits from goodness knows when too." He smiles at Max. "You'll definitely see us."

John smiles and opens up his coat a little bit, inserting his hand into it with a really, really crappy display of showmanship, but which makes his arm *appear* as if it's going farther than it should. He draws out four different tie-dyed scarves and four different pairs of those really large sunglasses, each in a different color, with the louvres on them, each of which *looks* like it would fit into his coat if he worked real hard at it but which he draws forth with ease and sets on the bar.

John says, “Ta-da?”

Upon seeing John's magic /trick/, Dave laughs and applaudes before picking one of the scarfs and a pair of glasses."That was really impressive, John. Good trick." He says as he puts the costume on himself. Then, he turns to Haruki and smiles."How do I look?"

Haruki laughs at the trick too, and applauds. "Now that's talent put to good use." He looks Dave up and down. "As good as ever."

Careful not to touch John, Max reaches over to take one of the scarves that catches her eyes. The sunglasses are glanced over only momentarily before she picks out a pair that matches with the scarf picked out. First she ties the scarf around her head, then slips the glasses on. A playful smirk is given to John, then she glances to Oberon and chuckles. "You look fabulous."

John says, "Well, I don't know how much *talent* was in that. I happened to buy a bunch of them because they came in bags in the dollar store in the city, and thought there might be some folk who didn't have any costumes." He himself puts the items on, a rare grin on his face.

Oberon grins at Haruki's words and to Max."Thank you both." He says before looking at John."I think we're ready to party, Mr." He jokes and he finishes his beer and lands the empty glass into the sink in the staff area of the bar counter."I mean, I am."

Haruki takes what's left. "Foresight, knowing they'd be needed. That is talent." He smiles at Max. "Fabulous is a wonderful word."