Difference between revisions of "Aneira Lloyd"

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(*Fixed category typography to drop into proper category group. No copy moved)
(PC Idle Froze)
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| apparent-age=late 20s
| apparent-age=late 20s
| char-type=PC
| char-type=PC
| char-status=Active
| char-status=Inactive
| family=
| family=
| family-position=
| family-position=
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| court=Sun
| court=Sun
| court-position=  
| court-position=  
| court-influence=1
| court-influence=3
| freehold=Fate's Harvest
| freehold=Fate's Harvest
| freehold-position=  
| freehold-position=  
| freehold-influence=2
| freehold-influence=2
| entitlement=
| entitlement=The Lost Pantheon
| entitlement-title=Divine Retribution, Storms, Protection
| entitlement-rank=Vahca the Ice Valkyrie
| motley=
| motley=
| keeper=
| keeper=
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| ensorcelled=No
| ensorcelled=No
'''''&ldquo;Readers will always insist on adventures, and though you can have grief without adventures, you cannot have adventures without grief.&rdquo;'''''<br />
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'''&ndash; Catherynne M. Valente'''
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{{Tab}}Things about your character should go here, whether it's their history, personality, how they ended up in town. Let us get to know who your character is.
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<div class="layout">
{{Tab}}{{lorem ipsum}}
<div class="title">
===RP Hooks===
{| style="width:100%; border-collapse: collapse;"
* '''Something Interesting''' - Hooks are meant to provide other players and storytellers easy starting points for RP.
* '''Something Special''' - They can be things which make your character unique.
| rowspan=3 |[[Image:Aneira3.jpg|x500px]]
* '''Something Shared''' - They can also be things which your character might share with other characters.
| style="text-align: center" |<div class="titletext">Aneira</div>
* '''Name''' - You can list people your character knows here.
| style="text-align: center" |<div class="icons">[[Image:Court_sun.png|75px|link=Sun Court]][[Image:Changeling_the_Lost.png|75px|link=Fate's Harvest]][[Image:Seeming-elemental.png|75px|link=Category:Elemental]]</div>
* '''Name''' - It could be someone they find useful, someone they care about.
* '''Name''' - It could be someone they loathe, an adversary or rival.
| style="text-align: center" |<blockquote class="quote">
She was fair and beautiful, but made of ice—
shining and glittering ice.
{| cellpadding=30px
Still, she was alive and her eyes sparkled like bright stars,
but there was neither peace nor rest in their glance.
—Hans Christian Anderson, <span style="font-size: 12px; font-family: Cinzel Decorative, serif">T<span style="letter-spacing:.1em">h</span>e Snow Queen</span>
<div class="bgradient">
<div class="header">About</div>
<div class="text textbackground">
Once upon a time in the distant land of New York City, there was a young girl. The girl had a brother, a mother and a father, and many more distant family members who made their home a cheery place to be in the winter season, which was when they all came to visit. The girl's mother taught ballet, and the girl's father taught literature at a local university. The girl's brother was older by a few years, and he went off to college, and later graduated, and even later became a quite fashionable photographer. Later, the girl also went to college, but she found herself more aimless than the rest of her family. Not knowing what to do with her life and on the cusp of graduation, she took her spring break alone in Washington D.C.
When she came back, she wasn't quite the same. Something had changed in her. She was colder, harder, more driven. Ambitious. The man she'd been dating noticed the change and found it attractive; it would be a useful trait for a politician's wife. She'd found the cherry trees of D.C. pleasant, though there'd been a strange cold snap when she visited and the place looked very nearly ethereal-- a temporary thing, no doubt. It would not be a bad place to work and live.
A year went by, and another, and another. The girl was no longer a girl, but a woman, and she went about her daily life with her husband, toiling toward doing good in the world. They clawed their way up through the ranks, one year after the next. The woman was barely recognizable from the girl she'd once been.
Then, after ten years, during the winter when her parents' house became merry... another girl appeared close to her family's home in New York, the spitting image of the woman as she'd been in her college years. A long lost cousin, perhaps? No. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong... but she never made it to the front door. A few others appeared and whisked her away, but not before the woman caught a glimpse of her. Her mother's favorite mirror shattered that day in a strange accident, and the woman changed again, just a little. She learned to use a gun, and she began taking late night jaunts around her own home in Washington D.C., looking for something. She would not say what, not even to her husband.
<div class="header" style="margin-top: 0px">Roleplay Hooks</div>
<div class="text textbackground">
<div class="hook">Refugee</div>
Aneira is a member of the [[Sun Court]] and arrived in the local vicinity sometime last year. She was previously part of a freehold in the Boston area and made a reasonable reputation for herself as an outrider and occasional mercenary who ran with a group that patrolled the border between worlds in that area. Some time last winter, however, a tragedy struck her motley: the Wyrd's hold grew too strong for one of her brothers-in-arms, and in his madness he killed, wounded and kidnapped in true Gentry form. Aneira speaks little of this herself, but it's no secret to anyone who might have visited Boston in the last year.
Relevant to: former motley members, other former residents of or visitors to Boston in the last year, those who keep their ear to the ground for news of other Freeholds
<div class="hook">Unrested</div>
Aneira rarely shows her emotions in an easily interpretable way; her face is as frozen as the rest of her, and she doesn't often express herself verbally. When emotionally off-balance, she's far more likely to push too hard, to try to keep going when it's wiser to turn back, and when truly upset, a walk around the block to clear her head isn't enough— she'd rather go wander the Hedge. Instead of sleeping, she sometimes takes late night walks to clear her head, and sometimes when she gets started, her feet go where they will.
Relevant to: others who like to wander the Hedge
<div class="hook">Steel and <span class="hooksecondary">P</span>aper</div>
Aneira is a member of the [[Fate's Harvest/Harvestmen|Harvestmen]] as well as the [[Fate's Harvest/Custodians|Custodians]].
Relevant to: Harvestmen, Custodians, anyone seeking an extra hand from either group
<div class="hook">Traveler</div>
Not that she's established much of a local reputation, but for anyone who might pay attention to such things: Aneira often leaves the area to travel. There's often a small ripple somewhere on the internet on those weekends citing freak storms or references to having seen a ghost, or a moving statue, or a pale lady on the eve of some personal disaster, when the disaster is sometimes averted.. and sometimes not.
Relevant to: consumers of occult news, other travelers
<div class="hook">Soldier of <span class="hooksecondary">F</span>ortune</div>
Her traveling is sometimes business-oriented. Over the past six years or so, she's offered her sword arm temporarily to other freeholds and even non-changelings, for the right price.
Relevant to: those who might be hiring
<div class="header">Information</div>
<div class="images" style="height:520px;float:right;">[[Image:Aneira1.jpg|350px]]</div>
<div class="textbox text">
{| class="vitalbox"
| Alias:
|Aneira Lloyd
| Date of Birth:
|January 1, ????
| Apparent Age:
|late twenties
| Occupation:
|"day trader", apparently
| Virtue:
| Vice:
| Played By:
|Nastya Kusakina
| Court:
|[[Sun Court]] mantle {{4dots}}
| Kiths:
|snowskin, di-cang, stonebones
| Entitlement:
| inconspicuous {{4dots}}
| Motley:
|none yet
| Freehold:
|[[Fate's Harvest|Fate's Harvest]]
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvLnPO9t4Wg David Bowie - As the World Falls Down]'''
|previously Boston
:''There's such a fool heart beating so fast,''
:''in search of new dreams.''
| Associations:
:''A love that will last within your heart.''
|[[Fate's Harvest/Custodians|Custodians]]
:''I'll place the moon within your heart.''
[[Fate's Harvest/Harvestmen|Harvestmen]]
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgzGwKwLmgM Queen - Can't Stop Me Now]'''
:''I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky''
:''like a tiger defying the laws of gravity.''
:''I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva.''
:''I'm gonna go go go!''
'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X-Mrc2l1d0 Michael Jackson - Rock With You]'''
:''Out on the floor,''
:''there ain't nobody there but us.''
:''Girl, when you dance,''
:''there's a magic that must be love.''
<div class="header" style="margin-top: 0px">Rumors</div>
{{ RP Logs | columns = 2 | order = ascending }}
<div class="text textbackground rumorbox">
<div class="header" style="margin-top: 0px">Researchable</div>
<div class="text textbackground">
Aneira has gone through a lot of trouble to hide her past, but it's accessible if one really, really knows what to look for. Hidden Life 2, New Identity 2, Inconspicuous 4 (Entitlement).
Looking for an ST for PRPs regarding anything in this section.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed researchable">
<div class="hook">Self-<span class="hooksecondary">P</span>roclaimed <span class="hooksecondary">H</span>eroine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed researchable">
Aneira belongs to the [[The Lost Pantheon|Lost Pantheon]], but she's been (so far) careful to keep ''Vahca'', the ice valkyrie, separate from ''Aneira'', the self she presents to the Freehold. A glance over her history might explain this: the incident with her motley looms as a reminder of what happens when one's clarity slips, not just to herself but to others who might find her hobby less than amenable.
Aneira believes she has been called to a higher purpose and that her time in Arcadia was akin to passing through the (frozen) fires of Hell. Perhaps she doesn't quite believe in a Christian God, but she certainly believes she was stripped of her humanity and that her aspect is meaningful in some way.
Her hidden self (or true one, depending on how you look at things) proclaims herself as a demigoddess of winter storms and crystalline light, a measured hand that metes out justice, and a protector of those she perceives as weak, particularly of women appearing to be being abused by men. The abusers often find themselves soundly beaten down by a blindingly bright crystalline figure and the women dispensed advice to extricate themselves from their situations. She drinks shame from them both and sometimes escorts the transgressors to [[Erebos|another Pantheon counterpart]] to be dealt with.
<div class="hook">Mirror <span class="hooksecondary">I</span>mage</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed researchable">
Aneira's fetch is her Enemy.
Her fetch is fairly powerful in the mortal world. Having stolen the life Aneira had before she was Taken, the fetch holds Aneira's true name, Clara Mueller née Stahl. 'Clara' married an up-and-coming lawyer with political aspirations who works now for the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. The Muellers, now middle-aged, are only prominent to those who understand the inner workings of that side of things, but they are very well-connected.
The fetch knows Aneira escaped and will kill or return her to her master given the opportunity, and is quite actively looking for her. The fetch is no friend to changelings in general, and works actively to change identification laws to make their lives harder. It also handles something of a local neighborhood watch aspect and has taken on a low grade Hunter's mentality.
<div class="hook">The <span class="hooksecondary">S</span>culptor of <span class="hooksecondary">F</span>rozen <span class="hooksecondary">R</span>oses</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed researchable">
Another thing Aneira never speaks of: her Keeper, the Sculptor of Frozen Roses. A Bluebeard-esque figure, he had a habit of taking wives and instituting a number of rules that had to be followed. Difficult to please as he was, each wife would eventually fail his tests and be transformed into a statue. Despite that her time in Arcadia is becoming increasingly clear in her memory, she knows little about this figure other than what she herself experienced and, as is common enough for changelings, fears nothing more than him finding her.
The Sculptor's domain is a land of sharp edges and frozen beauty. Nothing grows there, and there is a stillness to it that might be mistaken for peace or serenity. Objects that resemble trees or flowers are in fact carved from sharp, hard crystals and gemstones. Furniture has no cushions, only cutting edges. The ground is composed of diamond shards that will cut the feet of the unprepared. In this land are statues of beautiful women: ice, marble, alabaster, granite, blue gemstone. Those who suffer his attentions are liable to find themselves painfully reshaped when his temper strikes.
<div class="header" style="margin-top: 0px">Playlist</div>
<div class="images" style="float:left; margin-right: 40px;">[[Image:Aneira2.jpg|400px|This is kind of, but not really, what Aneira's mien looks like. It's really halfway between this and Emma Frost diamondform. Close enough, though.]]</div>
<div class="plainlinks playlist text textbox">
<div class="playlistchild">
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bZIQ5gcDrU <span class="elinks">One Note</span>]
<blockquote class="lyrics">
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeLNuQdfcQw <span class="elinks">Glass</span>]
<blockquote class="lyrics">
When two suns are shining
The battle becomes blinding
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEbBIswSsEA <span class="elinks">Death by Diamonds and Pearls</span>]
<blockquote class="lyrics">
You got your figure all nice
But the heart stays colder than ice
<div class="header">Logs</div>
<div class="text textbackground">
{{ #dpl:
| category=RP Logs
| linksto={{BASEPAGENAME}}
| includematch=/\{{!}}\s*gamedate\s*=\s*\d{4}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}/si
| replaceintitle=/Log:/,
| include={Log}:gamedate:[[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]]
| ordermethod=sortkey
| order=descending
| table=class="logbox sortable",-,
| tablerow=\n* (%%),%%
| columns={{{columns|1}}}
| noresultsheader=''No logs have been posted yet.''

Latest revision as of 01:03, 4 November 2017

Court sun.pngChangeling the Lost.pngSeeming-elemental.png

She was fair and beautiful, but made of ice—

shining and glittering ice.

Still, she was alive and her eyes sparkled like bright stars,

but there was neither peace nor rest in their glance.

—Hans Christian Anderson, The Snow Queen


Once upon a time in the distant land of New York City, there was a young girl. The girl had a brother, a mother and a father, and many more distant family members who made their home a cheery place to be in the winter season, which was when they all came to visit. The girl's mother taught ballet, and the girl's father taught literature at a local university. The girl's brother was older by a few years, and he went off to college, and later graduated, and even later became a quite fashionable photographer. Later, the girl also went to college, but she found herself more aimless than the rest of her family. Not knowing what to do with her life and on the cusp of graduation, she took her spring break alone in Washington D.C.

When she came back, she wasn't quite the same. Something had changed in her. She was colder, harder, more driven. Ambitious. The man she'd been dating noticed the change and found it attractive; it would be a useful trait for a politician's wife. She'd found the cherry trees of D.C. pleasant, though there'd been a strange cold snap when she visited and the place looked very nearly ethereal-- a temporary thing, no doubt. It would not be a bad place to work and live.

A year went by, and another, and another. The girl was no longer a girl, but a woman, and she went about her daily life with her husband, toiling toward doing good in the world. They clawed their way up through the ranks, one year after the next. The woman was barely recognizable from the girl she'd once been.

Then, after ten years, during the winter when her parents' house became merry... another girl appeared close to her family's home in New York, the spitting image of the woman as she'd been in her college years. A long lost cousin, perhaps? No. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong... but she never made it to the front door. A few others appeared and whisked her away, but not before the woman caught a glimpse of her. Her mother's favorite mirror shattered that day in a strange accident, and the woman changed again, just a little. She learned to use a gun, and she began taking late night jaunts around her own home in Washington D.C., looking for something. She would not say what, not even to her husband.

Roleplay Hooks

Aneira is a member of the Sun Court and arrived in the local vicinity sometime last year. She was previously part of a freehold in the Boston area and made a reasonable reputation for herself as an outrider and occasional mercenary who ran with a group that patrolled the border between worlds in that area. Some time last winter, however, a tragedy struck her motley: the Wyrd's hold grew too strong for one of her brothers-in-arms, and in his madness he killed, wounded and kidnapped in true Gentry form. Aneira speaks little of this herself, but it's no secret to anyone who might have visited Boston in the last year.

Relevant to: former motley members, other former residents of or visitors to Boston in the last year, those who keep their ear to the ground for news of other Freeholds


Aneira rarely shows her emotions in an easily interpretable way; her face is as frozen as the rest of her, and she doesn't often express herself verbally. When emotionally off-balance, she's far more likely to push too hard, to try to keep going when it's wiser to turn back, and when truly upset, a walk around the block to clear her head isn't enough— she'd rather go wander the Hedge. Instead of sleeping, she sometimes takes late night walks to clear her head, and sometimes when she gets started, her feet go where they will.

Relevant to: others who like to wander the Hedge

Steel and Paper

Aneira is a member of the Harvestmen as well as the Custodians.

Relevant to: Harvestmen, Custodians, anyone seeking an extra hand from either group


Not that she's established much of a local reputation, but for anyone who might pay attention to such things: Aneira often leaves the area to travel. There's often a small ripple somewhere on the internet on those weekends citing freak storms or references to having seen a ghost, or a moving statue, or a pale lady on the eve of some personal disaster, when the disaster is sometimes averted.. and sometimes not.

Relevant to: consumers of occult news, other travelers

Soldier of Fortune

Her traveling is sometimes business-oriented. Over the past six years or so, she's offered her sword arm temporarily to other freeholds and even non-changelings, for the right price.

Relevant to: those who might be hiring

Alias: Aneira Lloyd
Date of Birth: January 1, ????
Apparent Age: late twenties
Occupation: "day trader", apparently
Virtue: righteous
Vice: arrogant
Played By: Nastya Kusakina
Court: Sun Court mantle ••••
Kiths: snowskin, di-cang, stonebones
Entitlement: inconspicuous ••••
Motley: none yet
Freehold: Fate's Harvest
previously Boston
Associations: Custodians



Aneira has gone through a lot of trouble to hide her past, but it's accessible if one really, really knows what to look for. Hidden Life 2, New Identity 2, Inconspicuous 4 (Entitlement).

Looking for an ST for PRPs regarding anything in this section.

Self-Proclaimed Heroine

Aneira belongs to the Lost Pantheon, but she's been (so far) careful to keep Vahca, the ice valkyrie, separate from Aneira, the self she presents to the Freehold. A glance over her history might explain this: the incident with her motley looms as a reminder of what happens when one's clarity slips, not just to herself but to others who might find her hobby less than amenable.

Aneira believes she has been called to a higher purpose and that her time in Arcadia was akin to passing through the (frozen) fires of Hell. Perhaps she doesn't quite believe in a Christian God, but she certainly believes she was stripped of her humanity and that her aspect is meaningful in some way.

Her hidden self (or true one, depending on how you look at things) proclaims herself as a demigoddess of winter storms and crystalline light, a measured hand that metes out justice, and a protector of those she perceives as weak, particularly of women appearing to be being abused by men. The abusers often find themselves soundly beaten down by a blindingly bright crystalline figure and the women dispensed advice to extricate themselves from their situations. She drinks shame from them both and sometimes escorts the transgressors to another Pantheon counterpart to be dealt with.

Mirror Image

Aneira's fetch is her Enemy.

Her fetch is fairly powerful in the mortal world. Having stolen the life Aneira had before she was Taken, the fetch holds Aneira's true name, Clara Mueller née Stahl. 'Clara' married an up-and-coming lawyer with political aspirations who works now for the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. The Muellers, now middle-aged, are only prominent to those who understand the inner workings of that side of things, but they are very well-connected.

The fetch knows Aneira escaped and will kill or return her to her master given the opportunity, and is quite actively looking for her. The fetch is no friend to changelings in general, and works actively to change identification laws to make their lives harder. It also handles something of a local neighborhood watch aspect and has taken on a low grade Hunter's mentality.

The Sculptor of Frozen Roses

Another thing Aneira never speaks of: her Keeper, the Sculptor of Frozen Roses. A Bluebeard-esque figure, he had a habit of taking wives and instituting a number of rules that had to be followed. Difficult to please as he was, each wife would eventually fail his tests and be transformed into a statue. Despite that her time in Arcadia is becoming increasingly clear in her memory, she knows little about this figure other than what she herself experienced and, as is common enough for changelings, fears nothing more than him finding her.

The Sculptor's domain is a land of sharp edges and frozen beauty. Nothing grows there, and there is a stillness to it that might be mistaken for peace or serenity. Objects that resemble trees or flowers are in fact carved from sharp, hard crystals and gemstones. Furniture has no cushions, only cutting edges. The ground is composed of diamond shards that will cut the feet of the unprepared. In this land are statues of beautiful women: ice, marble, alabaster, granite, blue gemstone. Those who suffer his attentions are liable to find themselves painfully reshaped when his temper strikes.

This is kind of, but not really, what Aneira's mien looks like. It's really halfway between this and Emma Frost diamondform. Close enough, though.