Log:February 2018 Council Meeting

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February 2018 Council Meeting

Annapurna as Charlie O, Ashe Whelan Dielle Henner Isolde Garreau

8 February, 2018

The Council (mostly NPCs!) discusses current events preparatory to tomorrow's Court meeting.


H06 - Stoneheart - Broken Hearth

All of the non-Seasonal Councilors are present and accounted for, with most of the Seasonals there as well. Word has already gone out that as the Wayhouse is busy at the moment, November won't make it, and neither will Rorschach. King Charlie is currently toasting what appears to be a turtle on a stick over the hearth fire, which is a blend of blues and greens today, surrounded by a small handful of the hobs who help tend to the Hollow.

Dielle comes in, looking a bit out of sorts. She's wearing tight jeans over a blue body suit and a black vest, also over the blue top. She's kind of stompy seeming. She's also got the usual cowboy boots and hat.

Ashe is still dressed like the Witch King of Angmar when she's in the Hedge. Minus the big iron crown. The Autumn sits silently as Uvall lays on her head and there's a look over to Pook while he sits close to her. There's a sniff at him. But it's just her ribbing him. Maybe he smelled nice. There's a wave to Dielle when she enters though. Then she returns to playing Angry Birds.

Isolde is in attendance as the Leaders of the subgroups were asked to attend. She didn't want to be a no show. She's dressed in a toned down green dress and black boots with a black coat. Because it's cold outside. She doesn't sit at the council table, it's in the audience seats like a regular meeting. When Dielle enters she gives her a nod of greeting, "Captain."

With the ladies present, and Meredith of Summer hurrying in behind Dielle with an even grumpier expression than the Captain's, King Charlie hands the stick to one of the hobs, who exclaims something in an odd language, then promptly begins to tear the 'turtle' apart. Inside, it appears to be some sort of starchy tuber instead of flesh, and the hobs all take turns juggling bits of hot toasted turtleroot from hand to hand on their way out, none of them over three feet tall.

"I'll keep this brief," sayeth the King. "I've had reports from the groups searching for other freeholds and markets, and I've heard tell that the woman taken as a Loyalist of Neirin's Fae acquaintance has been beheaded." He pauses, looking over the group. "What do and don't you know about the groups and their activities? I'll be asking members to report tomorrow evening at Court, but I want us all to be apprised beforehand."

Dielle says, "I know that the Loyalist doesn't operate out of our area, and she was born and bred in Arcadia. She wouldn't even consider changing sides, either. Vorpal "took care" of her. I don't actually have a lot of information about the market situation, though." She's taking her seat as she talks, and tips her hat to the three folks at the table with a small smile.

Ashe reaches up to pull the hood back, "The Loyalist are operating for a Keeper and are called the Children of the Sun. They have brands that identify them. Neirin inadvertently got one when he brought the necklace together. I'm going to have to peel it off of him." she frowns. "We saved a human that they were torturing in the Hedge, they were flogging her. We killed all but one. Who was the one that was interrogated. I did not take part in it." she admits.

Isolde sits quietly for the moment, "I have nothing to add, your Majesty. I have heard of the quests, but have not been on any. Only encouraged the Greenies to be available if the can be." she states.

Dielle says, "Honestly? Vorpal said she never gave a name, she absolutely refused. And it's Teagan who's got her stuff. Not freehold."

King Charlie nods to Dielle, and, after Ashe and Isolde have had their say, to them as well, his hoary hair an odd greenish blue instead of icy white, thanks to the flickering of the hearthfire. "As regards the other Logan and two unaffiliated Changelings from the area, Poppy and Daniel Dross, were the last to pursue more information about Freeholds in northern Vermont. I'm hoping one or more of them will be available tomorrow. They have a good lead, but I agree with their assessment; we need a larger party to go with them, for safety's sake."

He leaves that for a moment to add, "The market trip seems to have been successful as well, though I'm still waiting to hear more details there. There was evidently a great deal of help from an unaffiliated Moon-" here, he flicks a glance at Tracy MacGregor, "-who called herself Uschi."

The King looks back to the leaders of the subgroups as a few of the other Councilors murmur among themselves. "I'd like to see if we can get some joint training missions started, to better-prepare us all for travel. There seem to have been a number of miscommunications in the groups, and if a serious threat comes, we can't be tumbling over one another like puppies in a box."

Ashe gives a nod, "If need be I'll go or we can try to send other members of the subgroups or those interested. We've been working well with non freeholders pretty well." she admits. At the mention of Uschi there's a nod, "I know of who you speak, I worked with her as well, she has indeed been a great help." she adds. "As for joint training, I like the idea. I support that." she nods in agreement.

Dielle says, dryly, "Seems like communication between the groups at all would be good." Like she can't quite help herself. "I'm not that hard to get ahold of and I know no one's really tried."

King Charlie glances at Ashe, nods, and agrees, "While I'd prefer to get them into the fold, so to speak, we can't ignore them. They're a benefit as much as a threat." He lifts a single icy brow toward Dielle in response to her tone, but only adds a tactful, "That's what the group training's intended to fix." Drumming his fingers on his belt buckle, he suggests, "Let's see what we can come up with over the next month, and whose schedules match whose. I've had a few hob visitors lately, and while none of them are being specific, all of them are hinting at trouble on the wind. I'd rather not be caught with our pants down."