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Woodwalker Kith

References: CtL 123, WM 95
Theme: Gardeners and Protectors of the Land

Kith Blessings

Passive Blessing: Wildcraft

Woodwalkers gain 9-again (/9) on Survival rolls. Any plant may provide sustenance to woodwalkers.

Active Blessing: Rootstep

Woodwalkers may spend a Glamour once per scene to roll Dexterity + Stealth and, on success, hide behind one tree and appear behind another within 50 yards as an instant action.

High Wyrd Blessing

Free Direction Sense merit while in the wilderness; +Wyrd/2 to all Survival rolls.

Example Frailties

Poisoned by rose petals, cannot refuse aid to someone that is lost, may not hurt a wild animal, repelled by church bells, cannot rest in a room without living plants, bane of hornet's venom.

Pages in category "Woodwalker"

The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.