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Latest revision as of 18:05, 29 March 2018

Gossip Office Hours - March 29 2018

Annapurna as Enid Schmitt (NPC). Kip, Haruki, Adalbert, Franklyn

29 March, 2018

Enid holds office hours at the paper!


MT03, Tamarack Times, Gossip Office

So the day is going to be like 50 degrees! But it's not. Not yet. It's still cold out, kept that way by the thick layer of humid moisture in the air. At least the wind stopped so it's not bitter cold. But for the two block trek down the road from his shop, Kip has thrown on his medium weight coat, hanging just past his hips in a surprisingly adult cut and camel color. If only he didn't have that ridiculous attempt at a man bun holding back most of his hair. He's heading through the office that houses the paper's inner offices, having just finished some sort of transaction involving payment for some advertising or something. So it's not like he was here to see Enid, even though he does have to pass right by her office again on his way out.

Haruki's carrying with him a huge bunch of flowers, all spring-ish blooms in bright colours. There's also a gift basket, beautifully wrapped up. There's expensive chocolates in it, a bottle of good wine, and some fresh fruit and berries that have been artfully cut to resemble flowers. The magician himself is dressed nicely, his clothes usually high-end, tailored perfectly to fit him, and with it being slightly warmer than it's been he's not wrapped up in a zillion layers, just a few. Nice long wool coat, scarf that provides a splash of colour. He's never been in here before and so he looks about in order to ask directions and OH there's Kip. He smiles brilliantly at the man, but there's got to be someone else who can give him directions? Only it's so hard to see around all the stuff he's carrying. "Is Enid in?" he asks.

It is a day of much gossip, here in the gossip zone, and Enid is relaxing in her chair with the door open, feet up under her desk, when she catches a glimpse of -- "Kip?" Her voice is sharp, incredulous, and projected with all the precision and audibility of a drill sergeant marshalling troops.

Grinning, just in case the notoriously awkward store owner has it in mind to sneak away or, fates forfend, pretend he didn't hear her, the writer bellows, "Get your shiny heinie in here, Kip, and thank me for all the hard work I've done this week!"

Guess that answers Haruki's question.

From the outside comes another new face to the place. Today, he's not wearing his usual uniform, but is also not dressed to impress like the small framed magician. He's very casual in his pair of jeans, boots and flannel t-shirt with his sleeves rolled up underneath a coat. When he sees Kip passing by and Haruki, he arches a brow and hesitates for a second. At that moment, he checks on his phone, as looking for a missed call or maybe just checking the hours. When he finally gives up on that, he approaches Haruki."Hey. Did you see Esther? I was supposed to meet her here." He whispers to the man.

Kip's steps toward the exit are slowed and stopped before he takes a few steps backwards to peek into the office he just passed. "Enid," he says though it's not in a surprise at her being there or a greeting, just a sort of statement. Hands shoved into the pockets of his coat, he turns on the balls of his feet to face into the office, but his attention is momentarily distracted by Haruki's voice. His head nods toward the office, though maybe he doesn't see the motion. So Kip adds a verbal: "She's in here." He turns to look back into the office at Enid and flashes his best smile, though it's a little dimmed at the edges with worry. "Hard work you've done this week?" he asks, finally stepping inside. Adalbert is given a nod of greeting, but not called out to. At least not yet. Enid has his full attention right now. "What hard work have you done this week? I swear Enid, anything you heard is probably wrong. I haven't /done/ anything!"

Who's that? The problem of being short with a big package is you just can't see anything really over the top of it. "Who's Esther? Do you mean Enid? I think I hear her in her office?" He sounds hesitant though. "Only I'm not sure what direction? Can you help with the doors? Please?" Haruki doesn't ask who it is, just assuming he must know the guy whispering to him. "Kip? Where's the door? I don't want to bash these."

Enid flashes Kip a wry half-grin, then lifts her chin toward the folded-up paper over on the loveseat. "This week's paper. Give it a gander, and tell me just how much of that was fabricated by the fertile minds of lonely housewives." There's a pointed moment of silence, her smile oh so innocent. "You do have so MANY fans, you know. Why, any week I don't write about you, I get letters begging me to do a nice, juicy personal interview..."

Noting that there is someone out there with Kip, she calls, "Who's keeping our favourite page-turner company out there?" with amused interest. "Come on in. Just give Kip a shove inside on your way in; that way he can't escape."

"Nevermind." Adalbert says and shrugs, but when he sees Haruki is in trouble, Adalbert moves forward and help him get into Enid's office giving him directions and opening the doors when necessary. When he, by helping Haruki, gets inside the targeted office, he looks from Kip to Enid and, then, to Haruki."Here we are". He murmurs to the last. To the others, the Fairest only offers his bright big smile.

Kip does reach up to grab some of what Haruki carries, probably the flowers since that'd likely be the easiest to take, right? Though the motion is stilted slightly for a second as he looks over his shoulder at Enid, then at the paper on the loveseat and groans slightly. "How about your paper announces that I've become an antisocial monk who does nothing but the utmost virtuous acts all day every day?" he offers with a slightly chipper tone. Apparently over time he has learned to roll with the punches or whatnot, not letting the gossip get him too worked up unless the contents require it. But then Adalbert is helping Haruki and Kip's chance to help is lost because he hesitated. He is, however, firmly trapped inside the office so he moves to grab the paper off the loveseat and sit down to open it and find the column. "Alright, let's see what craziness you think I've been up to this-- w...eek," he says, the last couple of words almost mumbled as he reads. "Oh Enid. No. Tell me this didn't actually go to print! This is-- this is a joke right? I did not ask her-- I was asking if I ... I mean hot like... feeling hot, not like did she think... oh my god." He gets to a certain part and all the color just sort of drains from his face for a moment. "She's gonna kill me. You're going to have to pay for my funeral, Enid. I'm broke."

Haruki beams brightly at Adalbert. "OH! It's you! I didn't recognise you with your clothes on." Wait? "I mean... uh... uniform off?" Is that any better. "Is there somewhere I can put this down?" he asks of the stuff he's carrying. "It's a bit heavy. Thanks." He says when Kip takes the flowers. "Is that true? You've not become a monk, have you? What would Mina think? She's your girlfriend?" he checks. "Not Cerise or anyone else? Just one girlfriend? Hot?"

"Yes. It's me. Sorry to dissapoint you, Haruki." Adalbert whisper to the asian man and then turns to Kip. Being completelly out of Kip's love life, Adalbert just arches a brow in a mix of surprise and curiosity."I though you were just pondering the idea of asking your girlfriend, Kip. How was that? The proposal, I mean."

Enid, spotting Haruki and his oversized burden, lifts a salt and pepper brow. Her hair, for the record, is salt and pepper too, but with the 'salt' dyed a lurid acid green with darker tips to match the paint on the walls of her office. "Hey, kid," she greets, and Adalbert gets a wave. "What can I do you for? Need advice on a girlfriend?"

She waves at Kip, blithely ignoring the man's suffering. "I hear that guy's pretty good at keeping women."

The columnist scoops up a bonbon and tosses it toward the couch, where it bounces a bit on the cushion to land near Kip. "Have some chocolate. If she kills you, I'll write only good things in your eulogy."

Kip shoots Adalbert a LOOK. His eyes move a little to motion toward Enid without Kip actually moving his head to do so. But well, cat's out of the bag. And he's being pelted, or at least almost, by chocolate so he sets the paper aside and takes the bonbon, but doesn't make any move to eat it just yet. "I uh-- haven't asked her yet. And I was kinda keeping it quiet so she doesn't find out," he mumbles in that whispery voice of his, looking more than a little awkward. "I go all this time without saying anything, then I let something slip /once/ and now I'm sitting in Enid's office talking about it. So Enid, I am begging you, please /please/ keep this out of the paper? I wasn't planning on actually asking her anything for a while yet." He pauses and then gets up from his seat and moves closer toward Enid's desk, trying to look sweet and charming. Even though he has that man bun. Even though he could really use a shave. "You wouldn't want to ruin her romantic moment, would you? Because I was going to come ask your advice about how to ask a girl to do something ridiculously stupid like ask her to marry a guy who has no idea what he's doing in a relationship." Oh. He's gonna try the sweet-talking thing? That's new. It's a very new tactic for Kip, actually. New like that grown-up coat he's wearing. "And no," he mentions to Haruki. "I was asking Cerise if I was hot as in did I have a fever. I wasn't asking, you know, if she thought... I was attractive. She works for me. It would be wrong of me to ask her that."

"I'm Haruki," Haruki smiles, happy, bright, now he's got everything settled down and the flowers and basket are laid down... well somewhere. "I'd love your advice on how to get a boyfriend," he admits. "But that's probably not happening, and that's okay since I'm happy anyway. You don't need a relationship to be happy in yourself. I can be strong and independent like you are. And fly in a hot air balloon. I love your hair." The words all jumbling about. "You are strong and independent and not with Mayor Jack? Was he really running about in just his boxers? You're so much more awesome in person. Will you sign my book? Please?" He starts to check his pockets and then looks disappointed. "I think I left it in the car." He processes what Adalbert says and... "Woah Kip, you're getting married? Wow! Who to? When? That's going to be amazing! Can I come to your stag night? We should have it at The Plank! It'd be so much fun there! There's pirates! And booty! And chests!" He's just so excited! "Oh! If you promise some photos and a story when you do make the proposal? Could you do that? Everyone would love to hear about how romantic it is? I'm sure Enid can keep a secret." He looks at Kip. "All relationships are different, and you shouldn't be down on yourself." He nods. "It would have been inappropriate, you're right. It's wrong for a boss to do that sort of thing but you're a good guy. And since I don't work for you, you're so freaking beautiful, you know Kip, even with the shyness and it all and it's no wonder half the women of the city are gazing at you googly eyed and Mina is so very lucky. But so are you. And I'm so happy for you both!"

Even if Adalbert had something to say, Haruki had it covered already with his waterfall of compliments and excitment. So, instead of saying something supportive to Kip, the handsome blonde man just mouths a 'sorry' to him before turning to look at Enid. To her, he just lifts a hand in a shy kind of greeting. He looks a bit shy, but also a bit tense at the presence of the only entity that can torn apart someone's life in the entire Tamarack Falls area.

One can almost SEE the information being neatly filed away in the gossip queen's memory, though there's no indication that the recorder on her desk is being used. The little screen is dark.

Splitting her attention between Kip's efforts at being charming and Haruki's SO ENTHUSIASTIC pelting of questions and commentary, Enid assures Kip, "You should ask her soon. Keep it simple. A nice private meal, maybe a candle or two, and whatever you do to accidentally make yourself or Mina bleed will just be part of the rosy memory when you're a happily married man." Considering Kip, she tacks on, "I'd buy the food, myself, or have it catered. Giving your future fiancee food poisoning wouldn't have the same rosy memory value. Kinda green, to be honest, and not something any woman wants to reminisce about."

Addressing Haruki, the columnist assures the magician, "Jack and I have been friends for decades, and if you get your book, sure, I'll sign it."

She lifts a brow as if to tell Haruki to go scoot and get that book, then smiles at Adalbert, leaning over her desk toward him to offer a hand for a shake. "Enid Schmitt. You'd be one of our fine lawmen, now, wouldn't you? What can I do for you?"

It's not unusual for Kip to use ten times more words than necessary to finally spit out what he really means, but that's because of his mannerism of stumbling over his words, repeating things in an attempt to unstick his brain like a car stuck in mud, or just rambling without realizing it. But Haruki? Haruki's spill of words comes almost as a surprise to him and he just stares at him for a minute, mouth slightly agape. "Uh-- I ... I uhm, thank you?" The last two words are almost choked out like he really has no idea what to say. His expansive grasp on the English language means nothing right now. Oh but he does blush. Too bad Enid can't see the way the lightning sparks up around his face. She only gets to see the flush of pink that creeps up over his neck and across his face. "I mean-- it's... nobody's... googly... And wait, does /everyone/ know it's Mina? And ask her soon? Wait, why soon? I... waited this long... Maybe I won't. Ask. Just forget anyone said anything." A hand absently goes up to the back of his neck, just into his hairline, right below that man bun, and absently scratches there a little. "Yes!" That word comes out almost shouted in a way, or at least as close as Kip ever gets. "Yes, he's a cop. A nice one. Very nice. I met him in C.B. Alexander's commune cafe place." Wait, so he /was/ hanging out with his bestfrenemy? So maybe the gossip is at least partially true in that respect. Or something. But let's talk about Adalbert!

"Kip, if you love her, you shouldn't wait, you shouldn't make her wait, you should do it soon before someone else slips up," Haruki says. "Now so many of us know there's no way of keeping it a secret. If you want to marry her, why wait? You should ask. It'll make her so happy." Haruki's managed to get his words down to a manageable flow. "She should really be the first to know you want to marry her, not the last. Just speak to her."

Adalbert takes Enid's hand with his own and shakes it while grinning due Kip's strategic social maneuver to get the spotlights out of his person. Adalbert's grips is firm but gentle and his skin is soft to the touch and smells of expesive creams."Yes. I'm officer Garfield at your services, ma'am." He introduces himself sweetly."And I must say I read your column every week."

Enid smiles up at Adalbert, and waves at the candies on her desk. "Help yourself, officer, and thank you for your service." Glancing over at Kip and Haruki, she points out, "Haruki's right. Take it from me, kid. Even when they're in love with an adorable disaster like you, a woman still likes to know her partner at least made an effort. If she's smart, she'll know you've got a whole town waiting with bated breath for you to do something amusing. She'll forgive the gossip."

"I don't think the words 'forgive the gossip' will ever apply to Mina Grey," Kip mentions with a slight smirk. "Though I do hope she would agree with me being adorable. I know she thinks I'm a disaster," he points out. "But once I /do/ ask her, if I do, I'll make sure you all find out about it. Until then, mum's the word. I don't want her getting wind of it. I was hoping to surprise her when I finally save up enough to buy the ring I was looking at." Clearly he's putting his haircut fund money toward it. "Okay so what's with the... stuff?" he asks, motioning toward the items that Haruki brought. "I didn't know we were supposed to bring offerings and gifts. What'd you bring her?" he asks Adalbert before remembering OH! Bonbon. He pops it into his mouth.

"When not if," Haruki says. "Do it soon so it'll be a surprise. I'm sure the price of the ring..." he gets distracted by Kip's question. "I heard... it said Enid got kidnapped and hurt and that's awful. And I was so worried about her. And I just... well wanted to do something nice to balance out the bad. Just a little. Not that it would. But it's important..."

Adalbert shakes his head to Kip's question before turning to Enid when the other men are done talking."Thanks for the offering, ma'am. But I don't eat chocolate. It's out of my diet." He says kindly.

Leaning back to slide open a drawer while listening to Kip, Enid casually reaches in to pull out a pad of paper in a case covered with ludicrously fluffy fake 'fur' neon flowers. Never any glitter, no, but acid-bright colours are everywhere. She writes something on the page, sets the pen aside, and tears the paper off. Gee. When it's not half-hidden by fluffy fake fur, it's awfully obvious that was a checkbook. She folds the page in half, then slides her chair back to get up and take the small step over to where she can reach Kip. She opens it where he can see, and no one else, then folds it again, dropping it in his lap and patting his shoulder on her way back to her desk. "Pay me back later."

When the mystery heap of goodies is explained, she laughs, and looks at it with more interest. "Damn, boy, you sure know how to make a woman glad she takes yoga. Just wish I healed as well as I squirmed." The latter is somewhat rueful, a finger lifting to tap the thin vertical scar on her cheek, just under her eye, long and still new enough to be plenty visible. "Thanks." She glances at Adalbert with another laugh, brief, and teases, "More for me."

Kip stops chewing the chocolate and looks a little surprised for a moment before he reaches for the folded bit of paper that-- he stares at. "Oh no, I-- Enid, you can't... I can't. This..." He just gapes a little, fish-mouthed, not quite sure how to form words again. What happened to the suave front he was trying to put on earlier? Yeah that was never going to last long. "I can't-- I can't take money from you. Even though it... I could get the ring she should have. I mean, she should have something worth a million dollars and it still wouldn't be good enough for her, but there's one I think she'll think is pretty. I mean I /hope/. But I can't take this." He's all stammery and awkward and shy again as he just sits there, still holding it.

"Kip, any ring you give her is going to be from you, so that makes it more special than a million dollars," Haruki says. "She's chosen you, not a millionaire, not someone who can deck her out in diamonds. So whatever ring you choose, as long as it's well thought out, from the heart, and probably best not to be a ring pop or made out of plastic, or like the one ring, I'm sure it's the thought that counts."

Adalbert follows with his curious bright blue eyes all the action going on. The offered mysterious paper, the unveils of its content and Kip's lack of ability to form a full phrase. But it's just when Haruki talks that the pretty officer nods and grins."Haruki is right, Kip. Whatever that comes from your heart will make her happy. Just do it at once before someone spoils your surprise or she sees the Enid's today's column." He says gently as he heads to the man and pats his shoulder supportivelly.

Enid, on the other hand, is perfectly calm, assuring Kip that, "Yes, you can take it. Number Six's thoughts to the contrary, I'm not a monster, and I don't go out of my way to ruin people's lives. If reporting on the gossip's gotten you in any trouble with that girl, I had a hand in it."

And that, to her, seems to be that.

Turning her desk chair to face Haruki and all of his goodies, and, for that matter, the door behind him, she beckons him to bring the goodies closer, grinning. "Let's see what all you got the hapless victim, kiddo."

Laughter from the bullpen -- some sort of Socialisation is happening, or rather coming to an end right near the door to the office. Is there glass on the door? A shadow may be seen out there, if so; someone taking a few moments to Compose Themselves. Hair is smoothed, shoulders rolled, gestures made. Who has to psych themselves up lie that, to walk into the Gossip Zone?

Franklyn steps through the door. "Knock-knock; it's another person here to---" The Mortal girl stops short in her greeting, as she realises Enid's office is full of, well, MEN. Blinking doeishly, and lifting her hand to her cheek, Franky looks from Enid to Adalbert to Haruki, then back to Adalbert, then back to Eni--- wait, there's Kip lingering over there. Franklyn's mouth opens, but no words come out - she just looks, uh, kinda pained: fingers pressing against her temple as she tries to, uh... Why's she here?

Kip's got his too-long hair in that stupid man bun and he's dressed like his usual self (nerdcore with a hint of almost cool) but he has on a rather nice coat. The kind that hangs just past his hips and is in a very adult camel color. So grown up. He also forgot how to use a razor, leaving his face in need of some attention by one. But as he sits there on the loveseat, a slip of paper in hand, he just looks torn between maybe kinda gawking at it and looking up at Enid like he's going to say something that never quite comes out. "I uh, I wasn't planning on getting her something edible or something cursed," he does manage to croak out to Haruki in a bit of an attempt at a joke. But then when he's about to look back down, his attention snaps over to-- "Franklyn." He watches her a second before rising from his seat, forehead scrunched up slightly. "You alright?" His comments to Adalbert and his words for Enid are put on pause as he watches Franklyn for a moment.

Haruki smiles at Enid. "You're not a hapless victim. You're Enid Schmitt. You're strong and a survivor and amazing. What happened? Or is it too hard to talk about? It's okay if it is I don't want to dig up bad memories." Other than the flowers, there's a really good bottle of wine, good chocolates, and fruit and berries that have been carved into flowers to resemble a bouquet. "Hi Franklyn!" And her entrance seems to remind him. "I need to go to my car to get a book. I'll be right back." And he begins to dash off to do just that.

"I'll come along, Haruki." Adalbert says in a hurry after paying attention at everyone else's reaction to Kip's statement."Have a good day you all. I was just passing by anyways." When he sees Franklyn, he just offers her one of his bright smiles before heading out of Enid's office.

Since Haruki is dashing off to get his book, that spares Enid from having to answer him just yet.

Enid does, however, flash Franklyn a wry smile. "At last, another woman to appreciate presence of all this handsome man meat." The delivery is dry, amused, and the looks she gives Adalbert and Kip are reassurance that she's teasing. "Bonbon?" The columnist looks Franklyn over with a flicker of concern, then smiles again and waves a lazy hand at the loveseat by Kip. "What can I do you for?"

The monstrosity of a checkbook on the desk, fluffy and acid-bright faux-fur flowers, is tucked back into the drawer whence it came, and she lifts her free hand at Adalbert when he departs with Haruki.

Franklyn gives Kip a wary, hazy look as the Man Bun'd Bookseller stands -- but she becomes Too Distracted as Adalbert and Haruki start making their exit. "Hhhh--" Besides that unformed sound, The Magician gets a finger-wiggle as a hello/goodbye - but Hot Cop gets a mere upnod of vague acknowledgement. She watches Adalbert leave, though -- not exactly super-friendly like, though. Why so skeptical yet captivated, Franks?

After the door closes, Franklyn finishes rubbing at her temple - hands moving to smooooths down the front of her jacket, rings getting temporarily caught in a necklace. None of them are on her left or right /ring/ finger, mind - but damned if she hasn't filled nearly every other finger with one or two, perhaps in some compromise or wishful thinking. Seriously. Look at that champagne coloured diamond in some deco setting. Crazy. All her jewllery and nonsense aside, Franklyn turns to Kip and...

Well it's a smile. It's just somehow a sad one. "Why wouldn't I be?" Frank gestures as if brushing her words away, continuing; "How are you? Digging the hair," Said with no obvious irony. "Where you been hiding? You're well?" So many questions. Finally turning to Enid at the offer, Franklyn laughs -- MIRTH -- and shakes her head, "Thank you, so sweet, but no." More hand gestures as the animated chatterbox picks up steam. "And are -YOU- well, though? Enid, I popped by because... Well you know, the news and all that - there's so many /terrible/ things, kidnappings, murders, abductions, unsolved - does anyone ever solve -anything-? Is there -no- justice? Well if there's not to be, if we're going to live in such an /awful/ world, it'd be -wrong- to not, well, try and..." Franklyn bites back an awkward smile, and shrugs her shoulders. Sheepish. "I wanted to see how you were doing."

Kip just stands there, almost akwardly, for a moment before he reaches a hand out toward Franklyn's upper arm, just below her shoulder, and pats her gently a couple of times. "Oh Enid, I didn't mean to not ask you how you've been, but everyone else was so..." So he let them do the asking part of it all. The other hand, the one that wasn't patting Franklyn in that barely-touching sort of way, is holding onto that check still so he slips it into the pocket of his jacket. So much for his refusal to take it, right? "You sure you're alright? Both of you?" Don't worry! Kip is here to make it all better! Probably by doing something ridiculous that makes them forget any of their woes. Just give him time. "Oh, uh thanks. I keep meaning to get it cut but... forget. Do you two want to uh, be alone? Girl talk or whatever?"

Enid waves off the concern with a brief, "Word to the wise: even if you never want to get into a fight, at least learn how to get -out- of one. It sucked. It was scary. Would not like to repeat, but I'm here and they aren't." She flicks a glance at Kip, veiled, with a certain sour note like, gee, she's holding him or His People responsible for something. "I have plenty of folks keeping an eye out for me, whether or not I want it."

Yep. Heather was correct.

The columnist looks between the two, then plucks up a sleek pheasant-feather pen from her desk, running the fluorescent apple-green thing between her fingers. "Stay or go is up to you. I'm here for the public. Have to get -next- week's column ready." She winks.

"I left it at home!" Haruki complains as he returns. "Or Itsy stole it. Is it okay if I get the signature another time? Please. Also, I'm doing a magic show for Easter, you're welcome to come if you want to. It's going to be mostly for the children."

Franklyn's animation slows -- well, that is to say when Kip starts patting her, her arm tenses up as if she's bracing for some impact or shock that never comes. She doesn't move an inch towards-or-away from him, although after a moment her head turns; quickly checking to see what his other hand is going. Phew, not a knife -- wait, what /is/ that? Is that a cheque or-- too fast to see.

Franky's attention then ping-pongs between Enid to Kip to Enid -- lingering on her for a moment, before finally turning back to watch Kip's expression instead; her head tilting, complicated little look on her face. "...No." She admits after a moment - then suddenly laughs, rolling her shoulder and leaning her head back. "Nooo, why cut it? You're not vying for a promotion to Vee-Pea of Investment Fuckery -- keep it long, go hiking up Salvation and let the wind rustle through, see how it makes you -feel-..."

Fade out, as Franklyn turns to watch Enid again - nodding slowly as she listens; rings glinting as the Mortal girl covers her mouth, fingers tapping against her lips. Pensive, concerned. "...I'm glad to see you're still /here/." She chimes, then nods twice. "And yes, yes, of course - I'll leave you to it. Hey, the new editions out today, right? I'll pick one up on the way out." Laughter, and she turns to Kip - moving as if to step out of the office, but pausing as Haruki enters and chats to Enid. Eyes on Kip, Frank asks: "Have you read the news today, boy-o?"

Kip is very good at talking his way out of fighting. Except when he's not. Like the time he famously flew over the counter at the store, knocked over a stack of books and a rack of bookmarks and slugged someone in the face. But we don't talk about that. Still, he catches The Look focused on him by Enid and he has the good sense to look a little sheepish. "Gotta look out for you. You're an important resource. For news," he mentions to Enid with a hint of a tone feathering against his words, but not outright forced into his voice. But the talk shifts a bit toward his hair and a hand raises to the strands that have come loose from the bun, fingering them gently like he's not sure what keeps him from hacking it all off right this moment. Enid must have scissors at her desk, right? However, when the news is mentioned, his face tightens. "You mean Enid's column? Yeah. I read it. I'm guessing you did not?" Oh is he gonna /distract/ her on her way out? Never. He'd never do that, would he? "A show for the kids? Where you doing that at?" he asks of Haruki.

Enid glances at the door as Haruki returns, a brows raised in expectation. Expectation shifts toward amusement when he didn't find the thing, and she nods, agreeing, "Come back any time, kiddo."

The columnist just gives Kip a Look, and rolls her eyes, waving a hand to shoo him after Franklyn and Haruki. "Go make that girl happy. And feed Franklyn a sandwich!" she adds, while reaching for the bowl of bonbons on her desk to start unwrapping one with pointed interest and a sly look toward the pair from the corner of an eye. "I'm glad I'm still -here- too."

"Here, somewhere," Haruki says. "I can't remember. The details are at home. We got asked to put on an Easter Performance and there's going to be easter eggs and bunnies and lots and lots of sugar. But no Jesus, because doing Jesus magic tricks is tasteless, even if it is Easter Fool's Day. I saw a magician once who did the nails through the hand, blood spurting trick, and the water into wine, and disappearing from his coffin, and it was very tasteless. But that was Vegas. Oh he did fake raising of the dead too. Or maybe it was Hollywood." He smiles at Enid. "So am I! Bye! It ws lovely to finally meet you." He looks Franklyn up and down, suddenly concerned. "Are you okay?" he plans to follow them.

"Not yet!" Franklyn chirps to Kip -- glancing around the office, as if she expects to see a copy of the paper available for her to pluck right up and commander for the trek outwards. Midway through looking, Franklyn just kind of stops though - staring out into the middle distance at, uh, nothing. Frowning a bit, distracted. "...I need a coffee, or codeine." She says to, er, nobody?

Hand is raised to wave to Enid as she beams a goodbye smile -- then Franklyn rubs at her forehead and turns, swaying as she glides towards the exit. All the better to shield her expression from Enid as she reacts to the sandwich comment: So Supremely Sad. Aw. It's like Winter never ended. Check her out, wrapping her scarf around her neck as she replies to Haruki; "Just need fresh air and caffeine."

Kip has, thankfully, managed to stay between Franky and the copy of the paper he'd earlier scanned and tossed aside after folding back up. Now just to get her the rest of the way out of the building without seeing it! He's not that good, though. They're /everywhere/ in here, after all. But he does move a hand toward her back, not quuuiiiiiite touching, to guide her toward the door. "I'll let you know how it goes," he mentions to Enid. But he does listen to Haruki's words and winces a bit at the off color magic tricks. Even /Kip/ knows it's Very Bad. "Codeine? You sick? I have some cough drops at the shop. Lemon honey. They're good. Come get one and some coffee if you want." His head nods to invite Haruki along, even though he doesn't say anything to him about it. But it's clear the invitation is there.