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Kip's First Hedge-Venture

What happens when two awkward people are alone.


Paige, Kip and Augusta_Greyfell

3 May, 2017

Paige takes Kip to the Hedge for the first time since his escape. Awkwardness happens, before he meets up with someone from his past.


Homepage and H12

Mornings at the bookstore are usually quiet, with the watery morning sunlight streaming through the windows and that faint ambient music playing deep in the background somewhere. Because Kip likes music but he's still working up to listening to it at a normal volume. Today Kip is nowhere to be found. It's his worker bee Betsy, the nerdy college girl who works at the shop when she's not in class that's at the seat behind the register. But she's calling in a loud voice toward the STAFF ONLY door nearby. "Water before coffee. Trust me." She's wearing her jacket, so maybe she's leaving once the person she's shouting to makes his appearance.

Paige walks in wearing jeans and a tee-shirt, with a backpack on her back and a spiral notebook in her hand. She gets in just in time to hear the suggestion to Kip and her head tilts. "You hollering at Kip?" she asks, glancing toward that Staff Only door. "He back there?" she asks, pointing and grinning as she takes a few steps in that direction. She's talking in a normal voice, and her grin is a /bit/ mischievous.

Kip is back there and he pushes through the door with a coffee mug in one hand and a bottle of water tucked into his elbow. "Stop yelling," he chastises Betsy, though he does so in a goodnatured sort of way that shows they're friends. Paige is noticed. Or at least possibly noticed. Kip has on sunglasses. And he needs a shave. And his hair has seen better days. The attempt at a man bun has half failed, leaving much of his hair to hang in his face anyway. "Hey," he greets Paige. For someone who is clearly hungover, he's also kind of relaxed. Maybe a night of doing shots was what he needed to loosen him up some or something.

Paige droops for half a second when her plan to surprise Kip fails. But then her head tilts a little as she studies him. "She's right. Lots of water, then coffee. And some lightly greasy food, like french fries or something. McDonalds fries are apparently a godsend if you're hungover." She smiles then. "Hi Kip. Need me to sit somewhere and hang out while you wake up before I start hammering you with talking?"

"Don't mention food." Kip doesn't look quite /that/ worse for wear, at least, but he's not going to push it with thoughts of putting substances into his stomach. "Come on in back if you want. I'll make you some coffee." He holds the door open and nods his head toward the back room for Paige to head into. "And I'm fine. My head's just fuzzy." A pause. "I think I hate scotch."

Paige laughs softly as she heads toward the back room. "Is it because you never drink and so you're a hungover lighweight, or because you just don't like scotch?" she teases as she steps in and takes a glance around. "And I won't turn down the coffee. I had some, but I swear I've been going for three hours already," she says, shaking her head. "Other than your head, though, how you doing?"

Kip's got good taste in coffee at least so he has that going for him. The back room has a little kitchenette area with a keurig and he gets a mug and one of those cup packs of coffee and starts it brewing. "I'm alright," he says over his shoulder as he works. And he does seem slightly less uptight and anxious. While not /relaxed/, he's moreso than his usual state. But a little at least. "And I thought I would try scotch because of how it was described in a book I was reading. I don't know why I /kept/ drinking it." He waits for it to brew, turning to lean his backside against the counter, hands on each side of him to help support him even though he doesn't need the added support. But it's Kip and gravity and he have a unique relationship so maybe he does need it. "How are you? You look better than me today. I mean you usually do. I just meant you don't look... fuzzybrained."

Paige grins. "You kept drinking it because that's the way alcohol is. It's why I end up sending a lot of my customers over to Crossroads Cafe to have coffee and sober up, and have Kyle's number on speed dial for those who can't drive." His comments about looks have her brows lifting and her lips twitching, even as her cheeks stain lightly with color. "I do? Oh, not fuzzybrained. Well lack of fuzzybrain is good. And I'm good. Wanted to talk to you about something, and figured I'd do it early. Didn't expect you to be hung over, you know, and gotta head into the Hedge and wanted to /not/ do that at night," she says, after making sure the employee isn't within earshot. She's careful!

"I'm not--" Kip starts to say, though it's a lie. He's slightly hungover. But at least he's better than he was when he first woke up. "And I'm mostly awake. Just getting my coffee." Water first, he knows. "What'd you have in mind? Hedge? That's... wait, that's /there/ right?"

"There, but not /there/ there. It's closer and doesn't have Them running around so much," Paige says, nodding. "You can come with, if you want. We can talk while we walk, if you're up for it. And might not be a bad idea in general. Brought something I think you'll like, but away from prying eyes, you know?" she asks, glancing back to the door leading out into the shop.

"It's okay, she can't hear," Kip says as he spots the glance to the door. The sound of the coffee finishing happens and he pulls the mug out from under the machine. "Sugar and milk if you need it," he mentions as he gestures the mug toward the little fridge and the sugar next to it, setting the mug down and taking a seat so he can drink some of his own coffee. "So it's like... the part between the two? Kind of what I ran through on my way out? Maybe-- I should probably see it at least. Understand it more. Now that I have more of a handle on life out here." Because two months is more than enough time to learn about Real Life again after you were in Arcadia so long you forgot anything from life before. Clearly. "So you brought me something? Is it a book?" he jokes.

"Oh, lots of sugar," Paige says with a grin, and she does spoon a good bit of sugar in. "And yes and no. The closest part is the Hedge. It's alien to humans, sure, but not /too/ weird, usually. But the deeper you go, the stranger things get, until you reach Arcadia, which is where all of us were Taken to at some point. /That/ is the place you want to stay the hell away from, though some avoid the Hedge altogether. And like I said, you're welcome to come with me. We'll stay nearby so it won't be too bad." She smiles. "And yes, it's a book. Which is why when I saw it I thought of you."

Kip doesn't really say anything, but there's a slight shift to the set of his jaw at the words 'place you want to stay the hell away from.' "So you /can/ get back there through it?" He ventures. "But you don't get back there if you don't go too far. Gotcha." Even behind the sunglasses it's easy to see his eyes light up. Then again, they /glow/ so it's probably not too surprising. "I like books!" Duh. "I don't have anything for you, though."

Paige hesitates a moment. "You /could/, but it would be a very, very bad idea. I've never heard of anyone managing to escape Arcadia twice. It just doesn't happen. Not sure it ever has, for that matter." She smiles and takes a sip of her coffee at his excitement. "I found two, actually, in the Hedge, but only brought one with me." She sets her backpack down and opens it up, pulling out a leather journal and offering it to him.

"Thanks," Kip says as he takes the book from her. "It's beautiful. What's in it?" He sets it on the table, coffee nudged to the side, so he can untie the wrap around it and open it. But he does pause a second to look back up before it's fully opened. "I didn't mean... Nobody wants to go back. Right? I just meant... if you had to go back you could go through there to get there." He pushes the sunglasses off his nose and up to the top of his head so he can better look at the pages. "Wait, what is this?"

When the journal is opened and Kip starts talking, his words are translated onto the page exactly. And when he asks what it is, she smiles. "It seems to be some sort of transcription journal. When you hold it like that and talk, it writes down your words. Found that out by accident, but it's kinda cool."

Kip stares at the page. "Really? Test. Test one two three. Wow, it's actually doing it. Uh, rubber baby buggy bumpers. Butts. No not /butts/, I meant buts. Like more than one but. Not butt! One tee. Great now I'm talking about butts and everyone will think I won't shut up about butts." He quickly closes the book. "Is it still doing it? When it's closed?"

Paige laughs when Kip starts testing the thing out. "Got a thing for butts, do you?" she teases before shaking her head. "No, it won't do it when it's closed. Or when you're just holding it in one hand. Not sure why, but that's the nature of magical things, I guess," she says, shrugging and taking another sip of her too sweet coffee. She seems to enjoy it, though.

Kip's sparkles around him flare up a little as if he's blushing. "No! I mean butts are fine. I mean you probably have a fine butt, but they're butts so it's not like-- nevermind. I don't like butts. I mean not more than anyone else." He's really not helping his cause here is he? "So this is mine? Like to keep? I don't-- I don't have anything for you. I mean thank you." He decides to drink his coffee and be quiet for a moment.

Paige can't help but smile at his rambling, nevermind that she often rambles herself. "I have no idea if I have a fine butt or not," she admits with a shrug. "But yes, you can keep it. And you don't need to get me anything in return. I'm glad you like it, though, even if it is now full of talk about butts," she says, grinning a little. "So shall we go take a walk in the hedge and talk about scavenger hunts, or are you still fuzzy?"

Kip looks stricken for a moment. "Oh no. It's in there forever? Great." Figures. He tucks the book into the messenger bag that's hanging on the coat rack behind him. "Yeah, lemme finish this coffee and get a couple more aspirin and we can take off." Speaking of drugging himself, he reaches over to the counter for the pill bottle to take a couple more and pockets a couple as well. It's handy having everything in reach from where he's sitting. "Betsy's here until four, then she has class so we gotta be back before then. That work?" he inquires before popping the pills into his mouth and taking a long drink of coffee.

"I...dont' know. It might reverse itself. I've only had it for a couple of days, so I haven't really had the chance to do /too/ much with it," Paige admits, her head tilting when he self-medicates. But nothing is said about the pill popping. Instead she pulls out her phone and nods. "Yeah, that won't be a problem. We can just spend a couple hours over there and be back in plenty of time," she says, smiling and sliding her backpack onto her back once more.

Kip takes lots of pills on a daily basis. Most of them are for anxiety. Do they actually /do/ anything? Who knows. But he takes them anyway because a therapist prescribed them. He gulps down more coffee and gets up, setting the mug into the little sink. Jacket is slid on, messenger bag is grabbed because he doesn't go anywhere without it. "I guess we'll find out what it does. Alright, where do we go from here?"

Paige smiles. "We find a gate and go through. Then I'll show you a few of the safer places I've seen. And don't worry, I won't take you to this marsh place I visited a week or so ago." Her nose wrinkles. "I swear the smell didn't go away for days, and I scrubbed and showered half a dozen times," she says, shaking her head. Her coffee is finished off and she, too, puts her mug in the sink before she smiles. "C'mon," she says, leading the way!

Kip puts the sunglasses back onto his face and follows along. He doesn't mention the marsh. He doesn't want to think about it. Not when his stomach is still not quite 100%!

Paige took Kip out toward the not-so-civilized part of the city before she leads him through a gate and into the Hedge. Once through the gate she stops though, just giving Kip time to adjust to the abrupt change in the landscape, while she smiles. "Welcome to the Hedge, Kip," she tells him, reaching into her pocket and pulling out two knives in sheaths. How did they fit in there?! They're attached to her belt while she watches him and the area around them. Never know when you'll need a knife in the Hedge, right?

"Was I supposed to-- bring a knife?" Kip ventures, digging in his bag and bringing out a pen. It's the closest thing he has to a weapon in there. He kind of holds it up with a 'Sorry, it's all I got' expression. At least the sunglasses hide most of his goofy expression. "It's... interesting in here. Are we safe? I mean safe-/ish/?"

"No, you weren't. If I expected you to bring a weapon I would've said something," Paige assures him with a smile. "But I don't go anywhere in the hedge unless I'm armed. But yes, we're safeish. And I won't let anything happen to you. Promise." She starts walking, motioning for him to follow, but she's not moving in any sort of a rush. They've got time. "Just keep close, because the Hedge really can be deceiving. It takes time to really understand it. I do a lot of scouting out here, so I'm getting kinda good at understanding it."

Kip keeps close. Not quite inside her personal space bubble but pretty darn close to it. He's paranoid on a good day. This is not a good day. Not that it's /bad/. It's just... he has more reason than usual to have a layer of paranoia between him and the world. His eyes dart around, lingering here and there on more interesting spots as the landscape shifts and changes more and more. "It's... beautiful in here. I mean different but... so what kind of dangers are we in? I mean being here in general, not here right this second."

Paige smiles as they walk. "It really is beautiful. Or can be. There are creepy places, too, though, just like the mortal world. But there are all sorts of dangers, in general. There are hedge beasts and hobs, for one. which really isn't much different from a walk in the woods normally, where you might encounter a bear or psycho killer or something. But there are also plants that are sentient, and the ground isn't always what it seems, either. So unless you're in a hollow that you're familiar with, it's probably a good idea to just always been on the lookout." She glances at him. "But it's full of wonders, too. Fell in a cave the other day and found that journal. Then there are fruits which can heal you. Animals which will befriend you and can talk. So it's a trade off. But so few things are entirely good or bad, safe or dangerous." Then in an abrupt change of topics, "How do you feel about scavenger hunts?"

Kip is always on the lookout! He's like hyper vigilent. But without the added benefit of being /good/ at it. Just paranoid. The usual. "Have you ever found anyone in here? Like someone who was trying to leave?" he asks hopefully. "Scavenger hunts? They can be fun. I like the ones that are more puzzle-based but that's just me. Why? Are you going on one?"

Paige shakes her head. "I haven't, but it does happen, and I'm happy when we do because it means someone escaped Them." She smiles. "And I'm glad you like scavenger hunts. I'm going to be hosting a city-wide one. Hiding objects around town and in businesses, and giving hints for people to find them. Been going around asking for businesses that want to participate or donate prizes. Like Hazel at Crossroads? She's donating a prize. A month of free pie. When I was talking to her, she suggested I talk to you, too, about it. Oh, watch out for that," she says, reaching for his arm to pull him away from a harmless looking plant. "It'll take a bite out of you," she explains.

Kip's expression, and inner glow of his eyes, fades a little at mention of not having found anyone. But hey, it /does/ happen so there's a hint of hope back to him again after a brief moment. Maybe he's hoping to someday find someone or something. Or maybe he just wants to hold onto hope for something. "Talk to me? Oh like to give you--" His words cut off as she pulls him by the arm and he pauses to stare at the plant. "A bite?" Yikes. "Thanks," he says as he looks back up with a lopsided bit of a grin.

Paige smiles and gives his arm a friendly squeeze before releasing it. "Like I said, it does happen. Just hasn't happened to me. And talk to you like see if you wanted an item to be hidden in your store or if you wanted to donate a prize of some sort. And yes, a bite. And it won't be gentle about it, either. Carnivorous plants in the hedge don't just eat insects," she explains.

"I could do either. Or both," Kip offers, staying a bit closer to Paige's side than he was before. He was all up on the outer edge of her bubble of personal space and now he's invading it. Just by a little, but still inside it. "Just let me know how I can help. I'd like to help you. I like helping you."

Paige's smile brightens. "You do? That's so sweet!" she says, not seeming to mind the personal space invasion. She did tell him to keep close, after all. For his safety. She's an ogre, so surely she's tough, right? Then she pauses, pivots, and leans up to plant a little kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Kip. And I'd love it for you to help. Do you know what sort of prize you'd donate? Doing three prizes, with the month of pie being one of them, and a grand prize of five hundred dollars. Could maybe go a little higher, there, too. Unexpected windfall thanks to a well made pledge."

The kiss on his cheek causes Kip's lightning to sparkle and flare around him for a moment. "I-- you-- you're welcome and I uh... of course I like helping you. Friends, right? Isn't that what friends do? I mean I /think/? I'm not sure. I'm still new at having friends. But you can come pick out whatever you want or they can pick something out if they win or something. I-- I'm not sure what's best. But tell me about this unexpected pledge."

Paige giggles softly at the lightning before she smiles at him. "Yes, that's what friends do. Or what they're supposed to do, anyway. Some people aren't very good friends. And I'm sorry, but I have to say that I like that little sparkling and lightning stuff. It's cute," she admits, though the admission does make her cheeks flush a little. "There's some slumberberries," she says, pointing out the fruit. "Great to have if you ever have insomnia," she asides before nodding to him. "Like a gift certificate for a book? That would work. And spreads out what people can win. And could get you more customers, too, since I'll make sure you're noted as a sponsor."

"What spark-- oh." Kip holds a hand up. Blue-to-green lightning zaps off his fingers. "I forget about it. I mean I don't usually see myself so I don't notice it. I'm not sure how cute it is, though. Half the time you can barely see it." His hand sparkles sizzle off and fade as if he's somehow controlling their intensity even though he's not. It's just coincidental. "Slumberberries. That sounds... appropriately named," he points out, pausing to look closely at the berries. "And yeah, like a gift certificate. And customers are good. I think I need more of them. The money my uncle gave me won't last for too long if I don't stop spending it on everything." But hey, the store just opened. So there's time before it's capable of being considered a success or a failure.

"Oh, trust me, it's cute," Paige assures him with a smile. "When it flares up like that, it kind of makes me want to kiss your cheek again to cause it again," she says, looking very intently elsewhere. Elsewhere is safe. Elsewhere hides her blush. "I'll try sending people your way if they mention wanting books. You're a good guy, Kip. You definitely deserve to have more customers and a successful business." She clears her throat quietly and glances at him. "This is the first time you've been back in the Hedge since you escaped, right? You got any questions, or anything you'd like to see? I'll try to avoid taking you to a briar wolf den or anything like that."

There it is. The flash. The flare. The look of near terror for a moment. "Uh-- you uhm..." Thankfully she's looking elsewhere! "You don't have to do that. Kiss me. My cheek. You don't... I mean, thank you. For the uh... saying that. Customers. Successful business." He stops stammering to blurt out, "It's my first time. Since I-- got out, yeah. I uhm..." He looks around again. "I wasn't sure what to expect. I don't exactly remember all the details of when I got out. Just that suddenly I was."

"I um...do you not want me to kiss you? Your cheek! Kiss your cheek, I mean," Paige mumbles, giving him a sideways glance. "First time was just a thank you, for being a good friend and helping out." Pause. "Um...only time was." She coughs softly. "There's a lot to the Hedge...as varied as the mortal world. Rivers and lakes and oceans and mountains and forests and...stuff." Yes, 'stuff'. Very precise of her.

"No! I mean-- yes. I mean..." Kip looks flustered for a moment and stops walking, pulling up short. "I didn't mean I don't want you to? I just-- you don't /have/ to." Talk about the mountains and forests is forgotten for a moment in favor of looking not at the landscape but at Paige. "I /do/ know how to kiss. Everyone seems to think I don't know about kissing. Why does everyone think I don't know about kissing?"

Paige cocks her head and looks back at him. "I didn't assume that. I /wouldn't/ assume that." She goes bright pink and glances downward, absently toeing at a rock. "I don't know about kissing, not really. Got kissed once which uh...doesn't really give you that much experience," she mumbles, kicking the rock away.

"Sorry, not-- not just you. Just tired of everyone thinking I don't know anything about anything. I mean it's not like I'm a virgin or anything," Kip mumbles, apparently not even thinking about what it is he's saying. Because his sparkles don't flare up like mad as he goes on and on. "And you've only been kissed once? You mean one time or just by one person? And do you mean like any kissing or /kissing/ kissing?"

Paige only blushes harder and stares more intently at the ground. She mumbles something which is kind of hard to make out before she sighs softly, jerks a shoulder in a shrug, and speaks in a more audible voice. "One person. Well, one person two times, but it was kind of weird and I sort of just stood there because I was so surprised. But I don't think you dont' know anything about anything. I don't know what you know or don't know."

"I only remember kissing one person. But I think I did kiss others before. I mean I kinda remember doing it a long long time ago," Kip says softly. He uses a fingertip to push his sunglasses up higher on his nose. "And I-- I don't know anything about this place, really. That's something you kow I don't know." He moves a hand around to encompass the area, clearly meaning the Hedge. "Which I guess isn't the same as kissing or... other things."

Paige scuffs a foot in the dirt before she looks up at Kip. The blush still lingers on her face, but there's an intensity in her gaze now as she studies him. "No one knows everything. And not everyone knows the same things. I bet you know tons of book stuff that I don't. And I bet I know some stuff about fighting that you don't. It's why working together is a good thing," she says, tone distracted. "I didn't ever kiss anyone Before. Was focused on training. And just hasn't come up since, really. And she goes quiet for a minute there, brow furrowed lightly in thought.

"Well I read almost every book there ever was," Kip admits, "So I might know more... book stuff than you. And you definitely know more about fighting. I don't really know anything about it. And it's hard. Kissing in... there. I didn't really have anyone to kiss most of the time. So I'm definitely far from an expert in that."

"I was just utterly focused on training before. And then over there, they turned me into a fighter. And since I got out...well, been adjusting and getting my bar up and just..." Paige trails off and shrugs slowly, still looking up at him. She chews lightly on her lower lip before shyly and hesitantly asking, "You said before that you didn't /not/ want me to kiss you, just that I didn't /have/ to. Does that mean you want me to kiss you?" Oh yeah, she doesn't know what she's doing, and it shows!

"No!" Kip sputters. "I mean if you want to. I mean-- not that you have to or have to /not/," he's stammering to Paige as they stand there, Kip close enough to invade her personal space bubble but not up in her face or anything. "I think you're good at fighting. You're prepared. Look at me, I have a /pen/." And indeed he does have a pen in his hand. As if that's some sort of weapon. "I'm not good at this. Talking to people. I'm used to being alone and sometimes I don't know what to say. Or how to say it. I don't not like you." The hand that isn't holding the pen to his side holds onto the strap of his meseenger bag that he wears diagnonally across him as he looks at Paige almost pleadingly. His stance and demeanor is generally awkward. And he talks too much in that whispery-quality voice of his. Like he's making up for all the decades trapped in the Library with few chances to talk to anyone.

Paige doesn't seem to mind the personal bubble invasion, and where Kip has a pen, she has a knife on either hip. She also has a nice blush on her cheeks. She laughs softly and shakes her head. "Does it seem like I'm any good at it either?" she asks with a wry smile. "I'm sure my face is beet red, right? And I...I know I don't /have/ to, and you won't try to make me, but I was just wondering if you /wanted/ me to." She scuffs her toe in the dirt again before offering, "I could teach you. How to fight, I mean." It's a safer topic!

From deeper in the hedge, a warm breath of air moves through the crevasse. The heat intensifies till it reaches the sultry oppression of the dog days of summer...

Kip's not used to the Hedge. He's new to it, in fact. This is his first time in it since he got out a couple months ago. So the heat? The warmth? It washes over him and he looks mildly uncomfortable from it, but not like he realizes it's not a normal thing. Maybe the heat is from the combined blushing between he and Paige. Paige blushes. Kip /sparks/. Green and blue lightning zaps and sizzles around him, flaring up around his head like it's his version of a blush. "It uh-- it's kinda warm here," he mumbles as if trying to figure out the best words to speak next. "I mean fighting is good. Teaching me. Not fighting with me to... fight. I don't want you to have to fight me ever. You'd win."

Paige doesn't seem to really notice the heat too much, but then, with a Summer mantle as strong as hers, she probably walks around in a vaguely warm cocoon. But their blushes could certainly heat a room easily enough. She chews on her lower lip again before thinking enough to look around and make sure they're not about to get ambushed before she looks back to Kip. "No, I don't want to fight you. I want to teach you how to fight in case you need to protect yourself. I dont' want you to get hurt." And even though he didn't answer her question she doesn't reask it, not yet anyway.

From around the corner of a rock outcrapping a light also appears, coming from where the wind is blowing. It appears to be sunlight, but from a closer source. There is a flash of light from behind the rock before a tall woman steps around it. The source of light is her as is the summer breeze. The flora around her and preceeding her deepens in color, taking on the tones of deep August rather than the lighter shades of spring. <faedesc notes on mantle>

"That makes two of us. I mean I don't want to get hurt. You. Don't want you to get hurt," Kip mumbles to Paige, maaaaaybe getting a tiny bit closer to her. Because it's a scary place and she can fight. That's why. Yeah. "I uhm... wow it's hot," he says before his head turns enough to notice someone else. He pulls away from Paige, stepping backward. Lightning zips around him frantically, like he got caught doing something he shouldn't be doing.

Paige smiles a bit up at Kip when he eases closer. "Good. It's mutual." But then he notices the woman and steps back, and she's moving to step in front of him like a short little shield, while her knives come out. Scary Wyrd woman who happens to be a stranger? Yeah, she's going into shield the adorkable one mode. "Hi. Who are you?" she asks, voice still /mostly/ friendly despite the wariness in her gaze and the fading blush on her cheeks.

It does not appear that the woman was entirely aware that the two were there. It is hard to read her expression with her molten eyes, but she stops her approach when Paige speaks, the verdant growth of darkening flora reaches Paige's mantle and is encouraged, surrounding the two young Lost in a ring of dark grass and flowers.

The tall woman considers for a moment then raises a clawed hand in a peaceful gesture to the two, "I am not a threat to you." Her voice is richly layered in tone and deep, "Augusta Greyfell. I am newly returned to the area. I am sorry if I frightened you." She is a bit frightening in a True Fae kind of way. One would also notice that there is a slim scabbard and sword hanging from her waist, lost a bit in the folds of the golden-scaled robe.

Is Kip the only one without a stabby thing? Wait, he has his pen. Which he grips in his hand like he's not afraid to use it. Even after Paige steps between him and the unknown entity. He pulls to the side a bit as if to tell Paige she doesn't have to protect him. Even though she really would if it came down to it. Kip's more likely to hurt himself than any enemy. At least he doesn't pat Paige on the head when he shifts to the side or anything. "We were just leaving," he ventures warily, not having exactly having come up against this amount of Wyrd just yet. He's got the New Lost smell to him so hard that it's likely he doesn't even know what Wyrd is yet, just gets this sense of awe in her presence that is somewhat unsettling. He slides his foot sideways as if away from the ring of grass and flowers that circles them like he's not sure about it. "We were leaving, right?"

Paige frowns at Kip when he steps to the side, but keeps her gaze on Augusta. Nope, she doesn't trust that woman, not one bit. "Yeah, we were leaving. Need to get you back," she agrees with her companion, nodding. "You didn't frighten me though, I just tend to be leery of strangers I meet in the Hedge. Especially when they...But yes, we were just leaving. Nice to meet you, Augusta." She motions for Kip to lead the way back the way they came, before giving Augusta a quick smile.

The golden-scaled woman gives Paige an understanding nod. She knows the effect she can have on people, and the quick smile is returned. A knowing fellow-Summer aknowledgement. It is only then that her eyes fall on Kip with any real interest. There is a moment where she tilts her head in confusion. She then says flatly, "Kip?" She certainly recognizes him.

Kip reaches a hand out toward Paige's shoulder, his eyes focused onto Augusta. Or at least probably. He is wearing sunglasses. In fact, he looks like he is in the aftermath of a rough night. Needs to shave. Needs to brush his hair. Flaring, flashing glowy eyes muffled by the sunglasses. His hair was once in a man bun but lots of it has come loose and hangs limply in his face. "Wait," he says quietly to Paige in case the movement of putting a hand toward her shoulder isn't already to indicate that. "I-- You know me?" He looks like there's more to it. Like maybe he's trying to place her. Something clearly seems familiar as he stares at her. "I--" He just trails off.

When Augusta says Kip's name, Paige steps closer to him, sheathing a knife to lay a hand on his arm while she looks between them, going quiet as she lets them hash things out. For now.

"It has been so long ..." Augusta doesn't move closer. She is well aware of Paige's stance and knows better than to antagonize a fellow Summer who is so wary. There is a faint smile on her face as he continues, "... It is me ... Lady Greyfell. I haven't seen you in ... it has been so long. But I do not forget faces and yours. I remember all of us who were lost amongst those books. All of them. Someone has to remember."

Kip sort of halfway pulls away as Augusta speaks. Almost like her words have become tangible and taken on form that has come closer to him despite her not moving. His anxiety and paranoia have flared up, evident in the way that his lightning has flared /down/. It's almost like it's going into hiding. At least Paige keeps him from outright bolting for a moment as he settles himself back down and continues to study Augusta. "Lady... Greyfell is a dragon," he says quietly. Uh Kip? She's a dragon. I mean use that imagination you have. "You remember me?" he ventures before stepping back a step. "Are you here to take me back?" Did Paige lure him there for a trap?

The moment that Kip asks if Augusta is there to take him back, Paige's eyes narrow and she steps in front of him again, hand tightening on the knife she still has out while her other dips into her pocket. "No one's taking him back. He's out, and I won't let him get Taken again," she warns Augusta, and ooh boy she sounds seriously, her mantle flaring hotly.

There are two immediate reactions in Augusta to the ones before her, the first is in response to Paige's mantle flaring and the challenging tone. The older Lost is just as much of a Summer as she is and doesn't flinch with a biting, "Stand down, child. I am not threat." The voice is steel and that regal bearing seeps into her own Mantle in response.

Augusta while still holding a stiffer posture in response to Paige, regards Kip, "Take you back? Kip ... I have not been in the Library for nearly a century. I am no servant of that vile creature. But you do remember ..." well she hopes he remembers a little .. obviously he remembers what she was most of the time there. "I ... have wanted to go back. To save who I could. And I have ... a few. I did not know you escaped."

There's a moment when Kip looks at Paige like he's going to say something, but it passes. She might not even notice since he's kind of behind her once again. "It-- it's okay," he says quietly, possibly to Paige even though his eyes remain locked on Augusta. "I just... I just got here. Out. I just got out. I thought I was... someone else tried to get out. It got her." The word 'It' being spoken in That Tone. The one that clearly means the entity many of them dubbed The Librarian. The looming darkness that Kip never saw, but knew was there. The blanket of nothingness that fell over him for so much of his existence. "I used to bow to you. You were my queen. My enemy. My friend... they were all different stories, weren't they? You were all of them. All these differrent things. I-- I was scared of you. Of making you angry. Of... disappointing you," he whispers, almost to himself as if reciting memories that are swirling back to the surface. "You were amazing. I mean you still are but... you were a dragon. The first one I ever saw."

"She sounds like she was your Keeper, then," Paige says, not relaxing one whit. Not at Kip telling her it's okay, not at Augusta telling her to stand down. In fact, Kip's words seem to make her all that more determined to be his shield. "Kip, we can go. You don't have to deal with this right now if you're not ready to," she tells him, risking a glance back over her shoulder to him, and when she does, her eyes are full of sympathy for him.

Anger flares from Augusta at Paige's words and licks of flame literally dance along the golden scales of her robe as well. "How dare you? Our ..." and she clearly indicates Kip in that, "... made him fear me by making me fearful. You insolent girl." Yeah ... the problem of course is that Augusta can get a bit 'Keeperish' in her tone sometimes. It doesn't help her case. She looks at both, "I am sorry, Kip. But I am NOT a dragon. I was never a dragon. I was what that filth made of me. I am so sorry. But for me that was very many years ago. I have been out for a long time ... I am sorry you have only just escaped." Her tone with Kip is maternal and genuinely caring, though that edge of steel to it cannot full be removed.

"No," Kip says to Paige, his voice a bit firmer than it's really ever been before. It still has the papery whisper to it, but there's a hint of solidity to it. "She wasn't. She was in the stories-- we were. I just... remember them but not all of them." He shakes his head a little and slips closer to Paige's side, his hand reaching for her own as if silently telling her it's okay. He nods to Augusta, head tilting downward a little as if he's being chastised by her words. "It was the stories. That wasn't us. I-- was never me. I had to lie. Send others to their deaths, knowing that was what awaited them. I never wanted that but I-- I couldn't /not/. You were never my enemy even when we had to pretend to be and I'm glad you got out-- wasn't there another one with you? I... remember someone else. He. I haven't seen you in so long, I just thought... I wasn't needed in your stories." He pulls himself from his inner thoughts and offers a slight smile. "I'm glad you're out. If I made it out and you did... maybe others have."

Paige shakes her head slowly. "I"m not insolent. I may be wrong, but...My one and only concern right now is Kip's well-being, both physically and mentally." But then her hand is in Kip's and she looks at it, then actually /blushes/, despite the tension, before she looks up to him and her head cocks. "We can go if you want to, and if you want to stay I'll stay with you," she tells him quietly. "Whatever you need, okay?"

The older Lost falls silent. She doesn't respond to either for a moment, looking at the intimate moment between them. She even takes one step backwards as if to allow for privacy. It is hard to tell who she is looking at when one doesn't have irises or pupils. Is it the memory from her time in Arcadia or this young Summer and the challenge of duel and honor. There is a brief smirk of appreciation for Paige though. She's doing her job at least.

"I'm /fine/," Kip insists, though it's amost in an 'Oh my GAWD mom' sort of tone that could kind of be directed at either of them right now! "My physically and metally are alright, I was-- I was just surprised. It's a lot for one day. Being... here." In the Hedge, apparently. "And then... you." Augusta, apparently. But he does tighten his fingers around Paige's hand a little. "You're cute when you get heroic," he points out to her in a quiet voice. "And nobody is being insolent and nobody is challenging anyone or anything like that." Clearly Augusta is not the only one to pick up on the challenge vibe. He nods his head to Augusta in a respectful sort of way-- habit perhaps? From their days /There/? -- and then tugs at Paige's hand to get her to step back a couple of steps with him, turning to face her as he moves. "It's alright. I'm alright. Are you looking for a fight or is it because of me? You aren't responsible for me just because you brought me here. Don't feel like you have to be."

That blush? Yeah, it gets deeper when Kip calls her cute, and she squirms a little, but keeps hold of his hand. Paige glances to Augusta, then back to Kip, shaking her head. "I'm not looking for a fight. I don't ever /want/ to fight if I can avoid it. And while I kinda am responsible for you since I brought you here, it's not that. I just...I...You...We're friends and I want you happy and safe, that's all," she explains, but the red isn't fading at all.

Augusta remains standing quietly, her clawed hands folding in front of her as she regards both of them speaking to one another. She doesn't interfere, but allows them to resolve things.

"I chose to come here. I'm responsible for myself. You don't have to worry about me," Kips says quietly to Paige, his hair all falling in his face as he looks down at her because he's taller than her. Even when he slouches. Which is like almost always. He keeps a hold of her hand. "I'm safe enough. Safe-/ish/ is what you promised. And you're living up to it and I appreciate it. But this-- this is my /history/. My life. I can figure out more. I don't want to piss her off or make her hate me and not want to talk to me or anything. Plus I think-- I think I /liked/ her. Not /liked/ liked. But... liked. Friends. Maybe. I think."

Paige studies Kip's face for a long moment before she nods slowly. "Like I said. Whatever you want to do. Because I know it /is/ your life. Your history." She smiles a touch. "But I'm staying until you're out of the Hedge and safe, not just safeish. Not because I brought you, but because I...um...you know...just because, okay?" She glances back to Augusta once more. "I'll be good though, and be nice, so long as she acts like your friend. I promise," she adds quietly.

And with that, Augusta moves forward a few steps. The way she postures herself suggests that while the challenge may be gone ... the threat of one always remains. Summer girls, what are ya gonna do? She offers that kinder smile to Kip again, "I remember my time there, Kip. Quite vividly. I am happy to share with you what I know. If you want ..." she would obviously understand if he didn't. "I have just returned to Tamarack Falls. It is where I was born a long time ago. I go by Augusta Miller here at times. We do require a long talk ... but your friend here is right about one thing. We are exposed in the Hedge. We can meet another time, outside." She then turns towards Paige, "And you, my dear. You're not little songbird. We share a Court ... please put aside your distrust. I am Vizier Augusta Greyfell, sworn to Summer these fifty years and your compatriot in arms." She actually offers the young woman her clawed hand to grasp in greeting.

Paige has a dilemma. She's got two hands, one is in Kip's and the other is holding a knife. But after a moment the knife is sheathed and she takes Augusta's hand. "And I'm Paige Holland, Iron Adjutant of Summer. But, and not trying to be a bitch or anything, but I think the distrust from strange Lost is going to keep happening." You know, because of the Wyrd and Gentry-like bearing and all that.

Augusta shakes Paige's hand in a warrior's way before releasing. She nods to her, "I am aware of the distrust I can engender with some." Her brows furrow a bit at that, as if remembering something disturbing, "But I am a true defender of the Lost, Adjutant. I am a holder of a Summer relic and will serve the Freehold loyally as Vizier. I will earn their trust."

Kip sort of hangs back a little from the pair, though he still remains clasped hand-in-hand with Paige. "Paige just worries about me. I mean because she feels responsible. For bringing me here," he points out in his stammering sort of way. "She's very nice. And has beer. I mean at her bar."

Paige arches a brow at the mention of a Summer relic, but gets distracted by Kip and smiles at him shyly. "That's not why I worry," she says, shaking her head. "But yes, I do have beer at my bar." There's a beat then she adds, "It's called Cyclone. Easy to find."

Augusta nods and smiles to both, "Kip ... please do look me up tomorrow. I live at the Miller Estate. We have must to discuss. And you, Adjutant. After I present myself to the Crown, I suppose it would be prudent to meet the others. I look forward to it. Perhaps even at your bar ... so I don't scare them." She doesn't offer Paige a wink, she's far to regal and ... well psychotic ... for that, but the humor is intended. Until then, I did have a destination in mind when I came across you both."

Kip mumbles something about the Crown. Maybe it was that he, too, needs to present himself or something. But he does nod to Augusta and gives her a warm smile. "It-- I'm glad we came across you," he mentions. And he seems sincere about it. "I look forward to talking to you more... Augusta? I'll call you Augusta?" He seems to be making sure of that because, well face it. Augusta is many things and regal is one of them and he's the type to be in awe of that. "Maybe we can have a-- few people at the bar to meet each other?" he ventures to Paige to get her take on that idea.

Paige gives Kip's hand a squeeze. "Yes, you need to talk to him too," she tells him, but lightly and with a smile. No pressure! "But yes, we'll see you later, and we can certainly have some people at the bar. I like people at the bar. They buy beer. And the back room gives us privacy. /And/ beer," she says with a quick grin.

Augusta actually laughs and surprisingly, for one so seemingly reserved, it is open-mouthed and delightful to hear. She is certainly someone who enjoys laughing. The golden scales of her robe are licked with blue flames at the sound of it. Was it really that funny? Probably not ... but we're dealing with a Vizier. The only thing keeping her from going full tilt insane and laying waste the the Freehold like a WMD is the old oath of her entitlement .... awesome!

The Vizier turns away from the both of them and heads towards the hedge gate, the heat following her and a path of summer blooms sprouting behind the train of her scaled robe. "Good day, friends."

Kip likes beer so he clearly perks up a little at first when it's mentioned, then he looks not-perked-up immediately after. Because beer reminds him of scotch and he was introduced to it the night before. It was a bad idea. It was a very /very/ bad idea. He waves after Augusta and just takes that as, well, apparently a yes. That is what he should call her. Unless she objects at some point. "Bye," he calls out, his voice still whispery even though the volume is higher. And then he gives Paige a squeeze of his own hand and a bit of a smile. "See? That wasn't so bad. We met someone new."

Paige watches Augusta for a moment before she smiles at Kip. "We'll get you something to settle your stomach before we get the beer," she promises. "And no, it wasn't so bad. I'm just glad she /wasn't/ here to hurt you or take you back. But we should start heading back since your friend needs to leave the shop soon," she says, though she doesn't take a single step yet.

Kip keeps watching after Augusta as she leaves, his expression almost unreadable behind the sunglasses. "Hmm? Oh, it's, my stomach is fine. I should probably eat something. Back at the shop. Bets has class today." He's saying it in a sort of distracted manner, still watching for a long moment even after Augusta is long gone. Then he starts to turn and realizes his hand is still in Paige's. "Oh," he says, seeming to become aware of the fact for the first time. Like truly aware. "Sorry," he mentions, starting to loosen his grip shyly.

Paige smiles and nods before he notices the hand holding. She bites her lower lip lightly and hesitates before giving him a shy smile and light blush. "I don't mind." But she doesn't try to stop him if he tries to pull his hand away from hers. "But yeah, we should get out of here. Longer trips are more dangerous than short ones," she says, starting to head back the way they came.

Kip's fingers stop loosening and remain in place as he turns to follow along back to where they came from. "Maybe we shouldn't let ourselves get separated," he suggests as they walk. "After all, I'm the one with the pen to protect ourselves with."

Paige's smile brightens a little as they head back toward the gate. "True. But I was serious, I will teach you how to fight if you want to." She gives him a quick, sideways glance. "And anytime you want to come to the Hedge for something, let me know. More than happy to help and make sure you get back out safely."

"This wasn't so bad," Kip mentions. "The Hedge. I thought it would be... more scary. Maybe I'm just not too scared because I'm with you." He pauses. "I mean someone who can fight. Someone who is good at it." Aaaaawkwaaaard. "And I like spending time with you. You're smart and fierce. Surprising being that you're so little. Tiny. Short." He grins as he lists off the words, clearly waiting to get smacked or elbowed.

Paige's smile gets bigger at each misspeak, until she just snickers softly and bumps her shoulder lightly against his. "There are places in the Hedge that are terrifying, but this isn't one of them. And I do like to think that I can make a person feel safe." She glances up at him and smiles. "I like spending time with you, too. Even if I am tiny," she teases.