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Latest revision as of 04:32, 30 April 2017

Park Gathering

Haruki Itsuki Max Oliver Oberon Tom

29 April, 2017

A bunch of people meet and chat at the park.


R05 Riverside Park

Finally, the weather is clear and inviting. So people decided to go out and have some leisure. Groups of people are laying in the lawn relaxing, reading books, chatting. Couples are dating while kids play and laugh. An average spring afternoon at last. Oberon, a Fairest with bright green hair braided in a viking style, is sitting alone close to the river. He's using running attire and has an empty bottle of water by his side. Behind is pair of shades, he's, apparently, looking at a couple that is lying nearby with a special interest in the young man with blonde hair and many tattoos all around his body.

At some point, Olly has taken a seat under a tree where he smokes a cigarette and tears pieces of bread off of his crummy sandwhich to throw to the pigeons. He has a pair of very dark sunglasses on and is wearing an old top hat. He doesn't seem to be paying much attention to anyone or anythings except maybe the pigeons. His phone reests on top of a stack of manilla folders at his side holding the cover of the top one down so it doesn't get blown open.

Haruki's run takes him towards where Olly and Oberon are. With the park so busy he doesn't have much opportunity for his usual antics of leaping onto things he shouldn't, so the run's been fairly boring. It's the top hat that grabs his attention first, he peers over that way.

Eventually, Oberon loses interest in the mortal and glances around. Probably looking another target to set his eyes on. When he gets to the tree, he spots the gargoyle and, close to him, Haruki. He bites his lower lip but it doesn't take much to he stands up and makes his way to the other Lost in a way that he gets between Haruki and him. His paces are calm and casual looking, but he glances at Haruki before turning his attention to the other Lost."Hi. Oliver, right? I saw you last night in the meeting." He offers when he's in audible distance. The Fairest then takes his shades out to reveal a pair of bright green eyes and smiles gently."Oberon. Of the people of the antler crown." He offers and lifts a hand in a greeting."That's Haruki."

Oliver looks up at Oberon and then past him to Haruki. He extends a hand to the first one. "Hey. Yeah Oliver, or Olly, if you want to be friendly. Sweetie if you want to be even friendlier." He laughs shortly and tosses the remains of his sandwich into the bin. "Your pal seems a bit mundane to be in the loop. What gives?" He takes a drag from his smoke and blows it out of his nose.

Haruki will bound over to join Oberon and Oliver. "I love your hat," he says with a bright smile. There's a warm smile to Oberon too, to whom he just mouths a 'hi'. "Nice to meet you, Oliver. Olly." His accent's very faint as to be not at all noticable. He gives Oberon a quizical look as he mentions antler crowns. "Like Baratheons! I didn't know you cosplayed. Zelda liked the Targaryens best though, she had this awesome outfit."

"It's complicated. So, sweetie. I've never seen you here before. First time at the park? We come here pretty often and I must say that I'd hardly misses someone like you." He says after casting a glance at Haruki before locking his eyes on the other Lost and smiling.

Oliver laughs when you call him Sweetie. "Well.. I lived here a long time ago. So long I barely remember it. So almost every place I go feels like the first time. Trying to my sister and my other sibs.. not to say hello. Just want to see them. Make sure they made out ok." He looks at the Japanese kid and puts his hand out of a shake. "Heya kid." he tells the guy. He's wearing fingerless gloves and has glossy black nail polish on.

Haruki's looking hurt is it? His expression's pained for a moment, but he manages a smile anyway even though Oberon is kinda ignoring him. It's so awkward. He bristles a moment at the 'kid' not that it usually bothers him so much. "I hope your family's doing well." And then. "I'm twentyfour, not jailbait."

Oberon nods."I know the feeling. I'm a local. A Desrochers. Or used to be. You know." He comments and grins in a kind of sad way. Then he glances at Haruki again and back to the gargoyle."Do you mind if we sit here with you?" He asks and without waiting for the answer, he does takes a seat.

Oliver shakes his head. "Not at all. Grab a... He holds his cigarette in his teeth while he unzips his black vinyl rain slicker so he can be more comfortable. "So I met this guy yesterday. I think his name was Joel? He was supposed to pass my number on to someone from the you-know-what so I could be vetted for a pledge." He tells Haruki. "Sorry, secret society stuff. Don't mean to be rude."

"Ah," Haruki says. "I'll make myself scarce then?" he says. "It was nice meeting you again. And seeing you, Oberon." He can get a hint, especially when it's as blunt as that. So he won't join them, instead he turns to walk away.

They're in the park. Everyone's gathered beneath a tree, Oberon and Oliver are sitting, Haruki's standing awkwardly near them... or walking away.

Rorschach seemed to frequent the area a lot in deference to the buildings he usually tagged. It was his stomping grounds and the creepy mother fucker was, once again, gracing the mindful park with his presence. The author here is quite certain they'd be more appreciative if he stopped, but today this was not the case. The punk rolled up in a black-grey hoodie that was up smashing his antennae down a bit. Welder's goggles were on with their dark vindigo lenses, and his black leather jacket withthe white inkblot butterfly painted on the back of it, and fixed up with safety pins and wire where there was a hole torn through the shoulder at one point. Someone was visciously gnawed on. There was, for what it was worth, a small red cricket riding 'ahotgun' on his shoulder. The thing with Roaches was they were used to infesting things. The Moon Court? More so. So over he went and invited himself.

Oberon bites his lower lip for a second in hesitation as his bright green eyes are still lingering in the gargoyle's."Wait. You don't need to leave, Haruki. We can discuss business stuff later. It's really not an urgent matter." He says as he turns to look at the mortal. The approaching roach, for now, is ignored.

Oliver is in the middle of telling Haruki to come back when Rorschach arrives and completely captures his attention. He rarely meets anyone with so strong a wyrd. He's stunned at the mans appearance. He's been doing this for a little while now but man... that's something. He takes the last drag on his smoke and then flicks it away into the grass in a low arc. "Friend of yours, Oberon?" he asks.

"Rorschach!" Haruki turns and smiles brightly when he sees the man approach. He waves happily. He smiles at Oberon. "Thanks." He does look grateful.

Rorschach walked over with a swaggering gait and slung an arm around Haruki's shoulder, pun him on heel, and point-pointed him back to the conversation. He was noshing on a sucker and gave it a spinlooking Oberon up and down as if 'placing' him. Perhaps the Roach was classifying him as: food/notfood, worth looting/no-touchie, or even threat/chill. He took in the Gargoyle while beneatht eh bug his mantle stretched like tentacles or a virus eating and destroying all colour around it desaturating things. There was an upnod given to Oberon and waited to get the gist of the conversation so see what was going on. A hand slapped Haruki on the back as if to affirm no one was getting eaten today. Yet. Not presently or at least not Haruki...we hope.

Oberon turns to look at Ollie and nods."Yes. He's a friend." He then turns to Rorschach and Haruki."Join us. Swetie here was telling us that he came to town to look at his family." He then grins to all of them in an attempt to make the social bubble to circle them all.

Haruki smiles up at Rorschach as he's spun around. He doesn't seem to be worried about getting eaten, for once. There's a slight wince is it when Oberon calls Oliver 'sweetie'. He's still feeling a bit awkward.

Oliver points a finger at Oberon. "I was kidding about the Sweetie, you darn literalist. Call me Olly." He watches Haruki with curiosity. Then: "You don't look 24.. you look barely 17 at most." He quirks a smile with his black-lipsticked lips. "And who says I don't like a little bit of jailbait once in a while."

Rorschach rolled a look to the gargoyle tilting his head one way and then the other. At Ollie's introduction there was an arched eyebrow. There was no reaction otherwise and didn't seem to find anything in partular off center any more than it usually was. If anything, while he did take two steps to scoot under the heavier part of the trees' shade as he could, lookd quite entirely calm compared ot the alst few days. Long, grey fingers with dirt still in teh cuticles dug out a notebook. One hand flipped the spiral book back to a new page and the other reached up under the hood to pull a mechanical pencil out. There was a note that was scribbled that he flased to Oberon before waiting for some answer.

Oberon reads the note and nods to Rorschach as he picks the pen and writes down something back to the other man. Then he turns and smiles to Olli."Sorry. I though it was for real. You can call me sweetie if you want, though." He's grins again teasinly.

"Good genes," Haruki says with a shrug. "My mother still looks in her twenties." Change of subject. "Besides, I'm a Magician and one of the first things we learn is that appearances can be deceptive." So speaks the mortal, who appears as if he's totally oblivious to the fact he's speaking to a gargoyle, a giant bug, and a flower-fairy. His gaze flicks between Rorschach and Oberon a moment. "So what do you do?" he asks Oliver, conversationally. Oberon's flirting with Oliver, again has him looking tense and awkward.

Oliver tells Oberon, "I'd rather call your number. If I had it." He winks. To Haruki he answers. "I was a bounty hunter but now I'm going to be a bail bondsman too. As soon as I can put a little office together and get the paperwork in order. A magician.. Alright so give us a trick then, will ya? Know some closeup magic?" He looks at Ror. "You gonna write out your name for me?" he asks. "You know I'm Olly."

Rorschach Wrote a few things on the notepad to teh tue of four letters and circles it with a sigh. To this effect he's not said wrod one and if the note was rude? Well... How does one explain rudeness to a cockroach? It's not like boundries are really a thing. Starting with cupboards. In fact especially cupboards. At the question of his name betilted his head like 'are you kidding me' and pointed to haruki who aready spoke it out loud. He picoted and let teh mad read the back of his jacket that had the inkblot butterfly on it and looked back like no really that was me. Apparently the jagged scar where he was throated wasn't purely decorative.

Oberon arches a brow in a light surprise to what Ollie just said. He then glances at Haruki and back to Oliver."My number? I'd give you a greeting card with it, but I was running. Not really on duty yet. But you can find me at the Wayhouse if you need directions around the community." The Fairest explains as he too looks a bit tense. His gaze then turns to Rorschach and writes down something on the roach's notepad again."His name is Rorschach. But we call him Rory. Rors. Little cute bug. And a few other names." He grins as he teases the bug a bit.

"Ah, that's cool," Haruki says to Oliver. He laughs as he's asked to do a trick, but he does at least brighten a bit. He's about to open his mouth and offer Rorschach's name when Oberon does it. A magic trick? Right. But his brain's frozen a bit. He stuffs his hands into his pockets to check and see what he has there. But nope, no tricks are coming to him. Smile and no one will notice.

"Wayhouse? What's that?" lly asks this of Oberon but is watch Haruki curiously. "No? Nothing?" he asks the youth. The roachboy gets a friendly smile. Now that the sun is gone he takes off his sunglasses revealing (to the other fae) a pair of glowing milk blue eyes. The twin little circle shoft between the other three for a bit. "I really only got here yesterday afternoon." he says. "Stayed at the Days Inn last night."

Rorschach was not, in fact cute, but the langy punk preened none the less. As Oberon rattled off names he started to count on fingers...and tacked on a few more fingers witht he implication that there were a score of names he went by. He hip bumped Haruki. Yup. I see you there. He scribbled on a page that he flipped to and scrawled 'Nice hotel. Used to kick there.'

"The Wayhouse is a house to those that have no place to go. We live there. Most days, at least." Oberon says and gestures to him and Rorschach."You should go there at some point and talk to me or Ava." Then, he realises that his words could be mistaken and flushes."You know, in separate rooms."

Haruki smiles at Rorchach and that seems to jolt his brain into action. Coins! Haruki has coins. He pulls his hands from his pockets, and displays them to show that they're empty. Only then they're not, as a single quarter appears. He lets that quarter dance agilely over his knuckles, something he's practiced over and over again. The fluid motions are elegant, graceful. The coin disappears, and then appears again in his other hand. Then there's two of them, as if from nowhere, each doing its own dance in his hands, displayed with a flourish, then vanishing. They're joined by a third, and then a fourth, which seems to be the limit of numbers. Coins multiply and then divide, appear then disappear, switching hands.

Oliver watches the display of legerdemain with eager attention. "Wow!" he says the magician. "That's awesome, kid!" He looks to the others to see if they similarly appreciate the illusion as well or if they are too jaded by the workings of real glamour. He gets his cigarette pack from up inside his tophat and lights one. The flame is bright in the darkness.

Rorschach wrote a scribbled note and flipped it around reading: 'I'm too expensive for O to keep on retainer' Since he couldn't wink with goggles on there was an eyebrow waggle, and his scarred lips split into a skeleton grin. There was, though, Haruki's trick which got a frown and a hastily scribbled note that read: 'YOU COULD MAKE MONEY AND DIDN"T TELL ME? (all caps.)

Oberon clasps his hands and smiles to the trick. Even if he had seen that already a few times in other circustances."You have no clue, Rors. Mr Magician here is pretty awesome and full of nice tricks you can't even imagine." He then eyeblinks to Haruki and grins.

Haruki beams at Oliver's praise. "Thanks." He laughs at Rorschach's comment and shakes his head. He shows his hands again, with a flourish. Nope, no money at all, they're completely empty. "If only! No. There's the law of conservation of matter, or something, where nothing can be created, just changed. The only real way for Magicians to make money is vegas. Or selling tricks. Actually the money in selling secrets is usually far, far better than it is for performing, unless you're amongst the best of the best." It's Oberon's praise though that causes him to positively beam with brilliance, and blush ever so slightly.

Oliver looks between Haruki and Oberon but can't even begin to understand the dynamics between them. He turns his attention to Rory. "Where are -you- staying? You got some place? I might just head up to this Waustation or whatever it's called. He checks his mascara in his pocket mirror and takes another drag from his cigarette, the orange cherry floating in the dark. "Vermont is as beautiful as I remember." he says. "There were times I never thought I ever get to see it again."

Rorschach scribbled on teh note annoyed and flipped it over while it read: 'Bullshit. I was selling tricks and still couldn't make cash do that. Maybe I should steal CJ's tophat.' The Roach crunched on the sucker still in his mouth and soundlessly chuckledwith a dip of his head to the side. Vermont was... what it was. There was an open comisseration withthe statement of missing it though.

"Yeah, money's difficult," Haruki says. Of course, Oberon's seen the place he stays at which would seem to say otherwise. "I was never able to make much money through street magic, or stuff. Even my youtube channel doesn't get much hits so there's nothing from advertising. But that's okay." He nods at Oliver. "It's stunning in Autumn. And Spring. And... well always. Even if Winter's so cold. It must be good to be back home?" He fidgets with the coins, dancing them over his knuckles back and forth. "You meant magic tricks?" he checks.

Oliver speaks darkly and soberly. "That remains to be seen, Haruki." His dimly glowing milk blue irises drop down to the ground before him. He reaches into his glossy black rain slicker and adjusts the holstered revolver under his arm with a grimace of discomfort.

The moment Oliver starts reaching for a gun, Haruki's darting away, quickly, behind Rorschach, since that seems safest, all quivering with terror. The coins he was carrying are dropped on the ground.

Rorschach has mandables that come out of his face and a deathrattle. Creepiest might be in good comapany. At teh question of meaning magic tricks the Roash-man shook his head no. Apparently Rorschach didn't mean those. But he wasn't hanging on teh topic. He was, however, a finely tuned combatant that was always in survival mode. Sadly that was something that never broke from te high Wyrd Roach. One hand went out and shoved Haruki behind him. He didn't have to speak to make a point. He reached back behind himself in the way people ho just lack joints or need for joints and bones doand itched his lower back with his thumb. There was a sheathed, rusted hilt that was wrapped in worn hockey tape in the manner one would s prison shank that was there. That had an unclean aura of its own. The bug though was still completely casual of expression and gave teh stick from his once-sucker a flick. Nope. Didn't need to speak for that one to be understood.

Max had been out for a run, enjoying the weather as it continued to warm up. Since she's still technically human, she does eventually start to tire and shifts from running to walking. Down a path she goes, glancing around at the various scenery around her. The outdoors is where she prefers to be most days. As she continues along, she spots a group of mostly familiar faces. One of those faces, Haruki, looking rather scared. A brow raises in concern and she veers off her path to head over to them. "Everything alright?" she questions as she approaches, peering between the formed group. The enchanted mortal is dressed casually, wearing an unzipped hoodie with a tank top underneath, shorts, and sneakers, all varying shades of gray. A backpack is hanging from her shoulders and she has her hair pulled back into a ponytail to keep it from her face.

"Whoa, whoa, now." Oberon stands up and gets himself between Ollie and Rorschach/Haruki."Let's not do anything stupid, alright?" Somehow, his voice has changed and he does look more impressive and in a unnatural position of superiority. His voice is clear and clean of emotions like a crystal. His bright green eyes glances between all the presents, including Max."We're all friends here. No need to come to that. So let's just chill, okay?"

Oliver looks at the overreactions happening in front of him. "Are you people for real?" he asks smartly. "Relax. It was just sticking me wrong and I needed to make it comfortable." He shakes his head and looks to Rory as possibly the only rational one left. "What gives?" he asks the roach. He looks up at Max approaching. "Hey shorty." he says with a smile. The man is wearing mascara, black lipstick and black nailpolish tonight.

Does Haruki really think Oliver's going to shoot him for some comment he made? All signs point to yes, since he's still trembling terribly. Hiding here, behind Rorschach seems a much better plan than making a run for it though, and that doesn't mean he's not looking for an escape route. Max's presence barely registers with him. His breath's coming quicker, heart pounding so hard he can barely hear Oliver's explanation. Calm calm calm. Push away the panic. Breathe. Long slow breath. Count to three. Exhale.

Rorschach scribbled Oliver a note, apparently happy to share He didn't have to look where he was writing. he watched the slick fucker in teh black coat, and neatly tore teh note politely handing it to him with a bit of a nod. That should explain thing. He was apparently all that the Borrower's tests and trials offered. He was chemically radioactive and seemed to glow a faint noxious lime when his hackles went up. He glanced to Max and signed two short gestures and a wave.

"Haruki, I don't know what's going on but you've got to chill, alright? You're among friends. Nobody's going to hurt you here," Max tells the other mortal, speaking with a soothing voice as she attempts to calm her friend down. The rest of her approach is slow and she comes to a stop just a few feet from them. She watches the small group momentarily, offering a small wave to those she's familiar with. Then her bright-eyed gaze shifts toward Oliver, offering him a curious smile. "Well hey to you too. New around here or have I just not met you yet?" she questions, her tone a friendly one.

Oberon shakes his head slowly as he takes a deep breath. Then, he turns around Rorschach and hugs Haruki. The small frammed human almost dissapears in the Fairest's arms. A second later, Oberon murmurs something to the mortal.

Oberon whispers "I'm here now. Relax. Nothing is going to happen to you."

Oliver tells Max. "Just blew into town last night for a meeting." He's watching Haruki just enjoying the Autumness of the kid's fear but making no further move that might scare him. He flicks ash from his smoke into the grass and draws hip his knees, hugging them and better concealing the weapon. He yawns widely and to fae eyes he reveals many very sharp looking teeth.

Haruki clings to Oberon, and suddenly nothing else seems to matter. He just clings. His heart's still hammering in his chest, the whispered words seem to help, . He murmurs something softly in return that's probably. "Everyone's laughing at me." He corrects himself though. "No one's laughing." Calm breaths.

Rorschach looked to Max and shook his head. Apparently the Bug was of a different mind. No, he didn't have to chill. The Roach was the definition of chill and at the same time ready to spring into action but that was any day that ended in a Y for him. The Roach was a strange, mostly gentrified nightmare given curious form. There was something in his friend's panic that brought out some measure of infinite patience here.

A brow is raised at Rorschach shaking his head at her. Then she glances at the still somewhat panicked Haruki. Finally, she shrugs. She's done her best at trying to help in the moment and Oberon seems to have it handled. Her attention returns to Oliver and there's a light smile. "Wonder if it was the same meeting I was at last night," she states with a playful tone. If Oliver had been at court, he might recognize the mortal who had introduced herself there the night before. "I'm Max, by the way. What business brings you around the area?" she wonders. Her tone is far from any attempt at interrogation, the mortal simply curious and interested in the newcomer!

Oberon nods to Haruki as he releases the asian man from him embrace remaining shoulder to shoulder to him. He glances to Max in time to see her making the question to Ollie. The Waykeeper just keeps himself calm and supportive to the other man by his side while the girl leads the conversation for the time being. Rorschach, at some point, receives a glance to asure him everything is alright in Haruki-world. Or will be at some point soon.

Haruki's reluctant to let go of Oberon, and is just taking his time to try and compose himself a little more. He stuffs a hand in his pockets, but his coins are scattered. It's a piece of paper he comes up with instead, and he starts meticulously folding it, something to occupy his hands and his mind.

Bad penny, turning up; rough beast slouching his way in, his hour come round at last. Which is to say that Tom is in the park, a fact presaged by a funny rustle in a set of bushes. He might -- is he? -- yes, he's chasing something in a bush. This would be normal if he were in the form of a fluffy kitty, but he's sort of half-dived in while still walking like a two-legger. A yowl of: "I got you now! You can't get away from me!" It might make for a distraction for whatever tension is taking place, this ridiculous sight some yards off.

Oliver extands his hand from his seated position to the small lady. To fae eyes the hand is dark purple black with obsidian talons on the fingers. To mudane eyes he's wearing a fingerless glove and black nail polish. "Hi Max. I'm Olly DeSoto. I'm setting up a bail bonds business here in town. I was born here. Still got some family around here, I expect. Might take some time to look for em." He looks around at the others. "Y'all seem to have a family vibe going on here. That's nice."

Rorschach seemed confused by this concept. The Roach's head tilted but his attention was taken up by his fellow Moon. He had thoughts on many things, the majority of which were not written down. Oberon got a nod. The bug man seemed satisfied and with that went to investigate. Curiosity curledone antennae, then teh other, then the first.

Haruki watches as his meatshield goes off to investigate... something. Now there's no one to shield his embarassment from Oliver. He keeps on folding his paper, into some sort of intricate origami creation. He smiles and nods. "It's good to have friends." There. Everything's normal. Nice and cheerful as if moments earlier he hadn't been fleeing for his life. He does turn to look in the direction of the yowling but isn't brave enough to investigate. Nope leave that to the others.

It's afternoon! Everyone's in the park, gathered under a lonely tree, apart from Tom who's stalking something in the bushes, or something.

Oliver gathers up a dandilion in his talon/hand peers at it for a few moments. "Momma had a baby and it's HEAD popped off." he says nostalgically then used his thumb to pop the yellow flower from it's stem. He takes a long drag from his cigarette, the cherry actually crackling audibly as he pulls. "Where," he begins, "Should I have my dinner?"

Itsuki arrives at a jog, although even at a casual pace the bunny is pretty much breezing past any other runners on the path. He's dressed in shorts and an oversized hoodie that mostly obscures any obvious supernatural features, although the tip of lop ears hang out from the corners of his hood, listening to music as he runs into- ohmygodthere'sacatjustdon'tlookatit. Nose twitches as the prey animal quickly swivels, avoiding Oliver and spotting the crowd. Slowing to a walk as he tries to make eye contact with his twin.

Out from the bush rolls Tom, the feline man brandishing a piece of paper triumphantly for a moment before shoving it away to hide it from any other eyes, then he strolls towards the others. "Heeeeeey!" He doesn't comment on his momentary previous indiscretion of not keeping tamely to paths, nor does he immediately seem to spot Itsuki, though there's a moment where he sniffs and lowers his head that might hint at the good ol' instinct hindbrain speaking up..

When Oliver offers a hand, Max looks toward it apologetically. "I have a thing about touching people. But, it's a pleasure to meet you," she assures him with a friendly smile. "I wouldn't say 'family'. Maybe community?" Then she shrugs. Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out her phone to check something. "I've got to move along, but, it was nice meeting you. I'm sure we'll see each again soon." A smile is flashed to Oliver. Then she waves to the others before continuing on her way.

Rorschach motioned to Haruki to call him. THough with no phone that'd be hard. Well reach out if need me. The sign was pretty universal. Hands in pockets of his leather jacket Rorschach walked over to Tom and took his life into his hands by booping Tom's nose. OH that Roach may lose a hand there. He knew it too as he hopped just back out of reach and opened a pocket pulling out a green pouch which Tom and Oberon would recognize. They were there when he got it. His head jerked to the side as if indicating he was going to go find some shade somewhere.

And look, there's Haruki's baby brother. He spots Itsuki and waves happily over to him. Everything's okay. Well apart from the coins scattered near his feet from the magic he was doing. He gives Rorschach a thumb's up in response. Which leaves him standing with Oberon nearish Oliver.

So many people so soon and Oberon is a just a single entity. He waves and grins to Tom and then turns to look at Itsuki, the rabbit. To the other man, he gives a slightly bigger smile and pokes Haruki in the ribs just in time to wave a bye to the departing girl. She too gets a big smile. For final, he looks back at Oliver."As they said. We're friends. And a very close community. But prety young as a group so family is kind of too much. But I hope we get there at some point."

Oliver looks over at the other Asian kid. "More bubblegum." he says with interest. "Hey there, kid. What's hoppin'?" he grins mischeviously and asks Hiruki, "And this one's another friend?" he asks the magician. He flicks his cigarette but away onto the dirt path.

Tom yowls and bats at Rorschach when he gets his nose booped, and there's a sense of the pupils of his eyes putting him on chase-mode, almost. But he doesn't yet dart after his fellow Moon courtier, holding himself back. "That's not fair!" he calls after Rorschach. "That's an assault upon my person and my dignity, and -- and -- " Tom has dignity? The incongruity of having claimed so halts his argument, and he notices the others. "Sorry to interrupt," he says, without much real regret. "That bastard did the nose thing, and -- I don't remember why I came out this way. Anybody hear the weird bells? They were mad strange, I tell you what." Is he high? And if so, is it on the catnip or something harder? In any case, the mystery bells he mentions have not actually been in evidence.

Itsuki almost flinches at the cigarette flick, sidling up to his "older" twin- who is actually a couple inches taller (sans ears), in fairness- in a half-protective and half-hiding gesture, although the hopping comment makes his brows knit together in what attempts to be a fierce glare. "Hi, um. Hello, yes." The jade rabbit also seems confused by all the comings and goings, instead just offering lamely, "Uh. Hi. I'm Itsuki." He glances at Oberon with a suspicious, possibly malicious squint? They've met, of course. "We've met, of course."

"Itsuki's my baby brother," Haruki replies. "I think we need to speak to you Oberon. Maybe somewhere more private though?" He smiles at Tom, and then there's recognition. "It's you!" He shakes his head as he's asked about bells, and then looks around. He doesn't dare to say he didn't hear them, since what if everyone else did. "Should you boop his nose in return?" And then as if he remembers something. "Never, ever follow the bells. Always run the other way. They lead to danger and bad things. A warning. Run." He shivers, and looks around for any bells. "If you hear them don't listen to their call."

With the coming and goings, Oberon waves byes and hellos and lets the others introduce themselves around. When all the interactions are done. He takes a deep breath and checks on Haruki. To his request, he arches a brow."Me? Really? Hm." He hesitates as he glances at Oliver for a second."You ask around where the Wayhouse is, I'll get a bedroom ready to you by the end of the day. But we'll need to chat as soon as you get there, alright?" Then, he turns to Haruki once more."At your place?" He asks as he puts his hands into his pockets.

Oliver lifts his face to the sky. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee." His voice crackles with creepiness. He looks to Itsuki again, then Haruki. "You two would make a hell of a good movie." he says. There's something lecherous on the young man's face but its fleeting. He reaches behind himself between his back and the tree trunk and lifts out a fifth of gin. "I better start looking for this Wayhouse if I'm going to find it before dark." he says unscrewing the cap. After a generous draught of the spirit he says. "After all, there's a serial killer out there."

"Damn skippy, it's me," Tom says, but Haruki's response brings him up short. "Well, damn. Are you sure? I just thought somebody snuck into a church and...mighta kinda sorta kicked the chimes until they started at the wrong hour." There's a shifty glance there. Was it you, Tom, desecrating the holy ground? Probably so. His gaze is drawn not to the bunny-guy -- Itsuki just gets a toothy grin that might be unsettling in its understated menace -- but to Oliver and his gin. "Wayhouse? Not hard to find."

Haruki pulls a face at Oliver. "Eww. He's my brother. Stop thinking those things." As if he's psychic and can read the man's filthy filthy thoughts. He edges closer to Oberon, as Oliver starts acting creepy and making comments about serial killers. He's scared again. He looks at Tom, and there's a touch of suspicion there as he cottons on, and then he laughs. He then looks to Oberon and nods. "Yeah, my place."

"Like, what, literally two minutes? And I have to deal with this the rest of my life." Itsuki grumble-bunnies, although Oliver's comment causes him to stare, shifting uncomfortably at the posslby lech-y grin as he looks from Oberon to Haruki, to back. "Are you two...?" He doesn't *say* boinking again, but he's thinking it. Hard. Until the talk turns to bells, a worried and distracted look appearing on his face.

Oberon doesn't look to understand the whole bell thing going on so he stays quiet and waits for Haruki to lead the way out of the park. To Itsuki's half question, the Fairest shakes his head calmly.

Oliver shrugs as if discarding the fact of a fraternal bond as irrelevant. "There's a whole subgenre.. oh never mind." He gets up and dusts off his bottom. The slender profile of the black vinyl slicker and the high heeled boots make him look tall and imposing. He lifts a long clothwrapped bundle from the ground. It looks heavy and carries it in his left arm. "You want to give me a clue about where I should look for it, man?" he asks Tom.

"You're not the first man, or even the tenth, or the hundredth to make a comment about twins," Haruki tells Oliver. "We've been told, in excruciating detail." He looks suddenly sad at Oberon's response to Itsuki's question. "No, he doesn't like me anymore." He sighs. So sad. So heartbroken in fact. And trudges off towards the car. He remembers, belatedly to offer a bye to Oliver and Tom. Oliver waves back.

Tom turns around. "Okay. Sure. Where are we? Park." He gestures vaguely north-and-west. "You actually gotta head out of town towards Tam. Tamarack," the cat advises. "The Wayhouse is around the place where Tamarack Road turns into Main Street in Tamarack Falls proper. I could probably show you, Mister Gloom, but it'd be a bit of a hike. Do you have a car? Bike? Uber?" He flaps a wave after Oberon and Haruki.

Oberon looks at Tom and Ollie and gives an apologetic smile."See you later." He murmurs as he turns to follow Haruki away.