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Invasion of Cyclone

Byron Dees, Dielle Henner, Max, Paige, Riley Jameson, Rorschach, Tegan Williams, Wally West, Zillah Grimes

16 March, 2017

People invade Cyclone and have some drinks.



There aren't too many people in the bar, it being Thursday night, but it's not empty. Perhaps it's people wanting to check out the bar that's had so many fights lately. And Paige? Well, she's sitting at the end of the bar, so she can lean back against the wall and relax. She's in jeans and a tee-shirt, sipping on what looks like a margarita. It's the right color, anyway! Just hanging out and watching the customers with a big grin on her face.

Byron? Byron has ulterior motives. He wants to check in with Paige on how things went this week, before Things Happen this weekend. The fact that the first place he checks is a bar has NOTHING to do with it. Nothing at all. So when the gargoyle pushes himself through the front door, he's first looking for the bartender, then blinks and smiles at who he sees hanging out there while approaching the bar, "Well, two things at once. Hey Paige."

Dielle walks in, wearing jeans tucked into brown, weathered cowboy boots, and a shabby, brown wool overcoat over whatever else she's wearing. Oh, and her head's covered with a brown, felt cowboy hat. She's huddled into the jacket and grumbling that she forgot a scarf, it's cold out! She steps to one side when she walks in, to look around.

Max likes to enjoy a few drinks from time to time, so she decides to drop in by a bar at random. As she wanders in, she pauses briefly and blinks as she's treated to a sight of not just one but three Changelings! After just that moment, she holds herself confidently as she continues to make her way inside. The young woman was wearing casual clothing, jacket, jeans, and boots, with enough layers to keep herself warm. Her hair is worn down in loose curls. A smile tugs at the edges of her lips as she moves closer to the bar. She lifts a hand to wave at Byron, the one familiar face, and offer him a friendly smile.

Paige glances over when she hears her name and grins. "Hi Byron! Wanna join me for a drink? My treat," she offers, sitting up and no longer leaning against the wall. "Can grab a booth if you want it," she offers, motioning to one of them that's empty. Since she's facing the door she notices Max waving to Byron and tells him, "Your friend can join us if you want." And hmm, another Lost, and a stranger! For the moment, though, she just watches Dielle.

Byron grins at Paige's offer, "Like I would turn down free booze. Absolutely. I wanted to check in with you and see how things went earlier anyway." He stops to glance around the bar, where he catches sight of Max and offers the woman a bow of his head in greeting. Not recognizing Dielle, he still offers the woman a lifted hand of acknowledgement before answering Paige, "Yeah, maybe a table would be good? I might be...a little rough on the barstools here."

Wally strolls into the bar with a jaunty smile on his face and a bounce to his step, looking around curiously at all the new faces.

Dielle smiles at all three new people, a little uncertainly. New place, after all. She moves forward, and with the wave from Byron, she sheds quite a bit of the uncertainty. "Hey, how y'all doin'?" she says, sounding distinctly Southern.

Paige slides off the stool, losing a couple of inches of height, and she grins. "A booth then." She considers the other Lost without losing her grin, before she calls, "You're welcome to join us." The offer is made as she makes her way to the booth and slides in, not minding being in the middle spot. Because of course she grabs the big booth.

Byron chuckles and nods, eyeing the two Lost he does not know, "If you're interested in having a seat, I'll even buy you a drink..." Max gets a more amused look, "In your case, I think we're even, but the first round is on me." With those offered made, however, he starts for the booth Paige picks out.

Dielle says, "Oh, hell. I'm so in." She smiles as she follows Max to the booth, and says, "I'm Dielle, by the way." She pronounces that as Dee-elle, or perhaps as though her initials are D.L., but she's slurring it into a word. She takes a moment to remove the coat, showing a shabby, red flannel shirt. She's also wearing a leather thong with a crystal claw on it as a pendant.

Although Max has seen Lost here and there before but it's a rare occurence, for her at least, to see a bunch of them at once. However, she does follow the group over toward the booth and sits down on a corner seat, giving her enough personal space to not touch anyone on accident. The young woman has a thing about being touched. "I'm Max," she offers the group with a friendly smile. "New to the area myself... How long have some of you guys been around?" she wonders, peering curiously around the group.

Paige grins. "First round's on me," she says, shaking her head. "Don't want your money for that one. Now, after the first you guys can figure out who owes who a drink," she says, getting comfy. She doesn't seem to mind being the short one, but she's probably used to it. "I'm Paige, by the way," she tells those who don't know her. "I was born here. And nice to meet you, Dielle, Max."

Byron gives people a moment to settle, before drawing out a spot and easing onto the bench, ignoring any protesting from the material. When Paige insists on buying the first round, he chuckles and dips his head, "Wont argue with that," and adds a bourbon to the table's requests. Max' question isn't DIRECTLY answered, but he does introduce himself to the others, "I'm Byron. I work over at the paper, so most of my evenings are free to be a bum like this."

Wally isn't five feet in the door before a pretty blonde woman invites him to sit with her and her friends. You don't have to ask *him* twice, and so he bounds over and has a seat, saying, "Hi! I'm Wally, pleased to meet you all!"

Rorschach came in from the cold, bundled in layers upon layers; hood up and only antennae poking out. With him was Zillah. IF there was one thing that killed lights it was a shadowsoul. Add a second one, some potent mantles of the moon, and have one of them being Family besides? Well let's just say the door opened and the light was leeched out of the wallk like a spreading infection bringing darkness and two very cold persons. It snowed. They'd walked. The bug tapped the top of one boot to get the snow off and halfway through tapping the snow off the other he paused and turned his head to look at the corner table. Iiiinteresting. A gloved hand was lifted like 'Hey' before making sure the door closed behind.

Paige laughs and nudges Byron. "Didn't figure you would," she says easily. "And nice to meet you, Wally," she offers, voice nice and friendly. When she notices that Rorschach has found his way into the bar too she lifts a hand, motioning for him to join them. She doesn't, at least, yell across the bar. This time.

The shadow of a shadow of a shadow. That's Zillah, as she follows in the wake of Rorschach. Her own layers are worn, an attempt at keeping warm in the cold of a Vermont winter. She snakes her cold hands out, pressing them against the bug for warmth. Never mind that he was cold, too. Dark eyes, looking around, in a room of unfamiliar faces.

Dielle says, "Nice t'meet all of you! I've been around, but been workin' so hard that I haven't had time to breathe, let alone socialize. Gets tiresome, so I'm sneaking out for the night." She offers up her order: virgin pina colada.

Byron grins at Paige and winks at her. To Wally, he grins a welcome, and when Rors makes his way in, apparently the antennae are enough for the gargoyle, because, despite Paige NOT yelling, Byron does, "Inkblot!" and lifts a hand to get the man's (and the man's company's) attention...but then he's settling back down and nodding at Max, but really speaking to Paige, "Max is good people. We've spoken a few times aleady and she hasn't told me to fuck off, so that's always a good sign. Did you get a chance to go camping like you had planned on?"

Paige eyes the booth when yet another Lost wanders in, then waves a welcome to Zillah. "Where you working?" she asks Dielle before grinning at Byron. "I didn't, no. But soon. Should be interesting." She leans forward so she can look over to Max. "Why haven't you told him to fuck off yet?" she asks with a quick grin.

"Pleasure to meet you Wally," Max replies to the enthusiastic man. If there's more room needed to be made for others, she'll get up instead of having people crawl over her. Then once she's also settled in, she'll give her drink order, a simple rum and coke. Nothing too sugary or expensive. Then she glances over toward Byron when he vouches for her decently enough, offering a smile his way. "You're not too terrible yourself," she replies to the stone Ogre. Her attention then turns to Paige curiously with a smile. "Is there a reason I should?" she first questions, with a follow up of, "You know of some good camping spots around here?"

Rorschach waded over upnodding at teh greeting of 'hey Inkblot'. Apparently he answered to this. Gloved fingers pulled the hood back from teh hoodie that was layered under the leatherjacket with, true to form, did have a white inkblot butterfly on it. He paused, not minding at all Zillah stealing what bodyheat he didn't have, and walked over at a pace she could continue warming her digits. He paused and a finger came out and pointed at paige, then at Byron, it paused and hovered at Wally before pointing at him and even Dielle got a point? Scared lips pressed together curiously. He turned to Max though and offered a hand. She he didn't know, or maybe he felt he didnt. Without saying a word he gestured the table and then to Zillah. Then from Zillah to teh table as if introductions were made. But they weren't... but they kinda were. Fun shit.

Dielle smiles at Paige and names a bar waaay out in the sticks, halfway between here and the next town. "But only until lately. That and college, which I think is a special level of hell." She looks over at Inkblo...errr...Rorschach and Zilla and waves at them, and adds an extra nod to Wally. "There's...a lot of us. Holy cow."

Wally looks around and replies, belatedly, to an earlier question by saying, "I got here six months ago--but then I've been running around delivering things out of town, and now I'm back, hopefully for good," quietly with a smile, then orders a honey stout from the bartender.

Zillah is shameless, in the way that she follows right behind the bug in the leather jacket, fingers between it and his hoodie, where there might be the chance for trapped warmth to become hers. She looks over his shoulder, with those blue on black eyes, to take in those at the table. "Hi," she offers, apparently the one of the pair able to actually speak. "I'm Zillah." The inkblot already introduced, and the shadow smiles.

Paige laughs and shrugs to Max. "No reason I can think of," she says cheerfully before taking a drink of her margarita. Then she peers curiously at Dielle. "What are you doing now, then, if you're not working at that bar? And clearly this is the /much/ better bar. Just sayin'," she says with a cheerful grin. "And yes, there's a lot of us. I dont' mind. I like a full table. And hi Zillah! I'm Paige."

Byron offers a nod of his head to Zillah, "I'm Byron. If you're a friend of Inkblot's, then you're good with me. Come sit. We are mutually scarfing down alcohol." He shoots a glance over at Max, maybe just checking to see how she's doing, while he finally picks up his bourbon and has a drink of it.

Max looks at the offered hand and looks apologetic for a moment. "I have a thing about touching," she says, simply and dismissively as if there's no reason to question about it! However, she does lift her hand, placing it near Ror's and mimicking a shaking motion. "I'm Max, nice to meet you," she says, both to him and Zillah his shadow. Looking over at Paige, she chuckles at the answer given. Leaning back in her seat, she makes herself comfortable. Although one wouldn't consider her completely at ease, Byron could see was relaxed enough. She glances his way, offering a smile, then looks back to the group at large. The enchanted mortal studies over their varied appearances, unable to help but be curious of them all.

Rorschach tilted his head to teh side. Apparently he got that a bit and didn't seem to fault Max for it. Then there was Dielle exclaiming that there were a lot of them. He was taking off his gloves to stuff them in his pockets but stopped to hod them between his teeth to sign back: Shape of a flapping bird? Bat? And then a circle made with two hands above. Ah. SOmeone flashed the BAtsignal. Gloves proceeded to get put into his pockets before fishing Zilla's hands from hic collar. (coldocldcoldcoldcold). He rubbed his hands together to warm them up and sammiched her hands between. An eyebrow lifted to Byron wwith an enthuastic nod? Drink like a fish? Yes they could have this cofered!

"He tolerates me well enough," Zillah says with a grin, even as Rorsch wrestles her hands out of their place of stolen warmth. Her own fingers are not covered in gloves, and so there's extra cold involved, though it starts to change as they're wrapped around by the little bug. "Drinking sounds really, really good." A glance, to the bug, a chuckle. And then, with offer extended, she slides in to join the rest. "Thanks," is said with a genuine, warm flash of smile.

Paige waves a server over to take orders for those who haven't gotten a drink yet and she grins. "This is awesome. I like seeing so many people in here!" she says happily. "So what do all of you do? Those who haven't said already, I mean."

Dielle finds herself quieting down, because she'd rather listen than talk. She learns more that way.

Byron chuckles at Zillah and Rors, and nods as they sit down. He's already answered the questions, so leans back a little to listen to the other responses, savoring a bit more of that lovely, lovely bourbon. Can hunks of obsidian get drunk? Surely they can get /stoned/.

Picking up her drink, Max enjoys a few sips of the simple mix of soda and booze. Mostly the booze. There's a brief glance given Byron's way before she looks back out to the group. "Well, I like painting and drawing some. Not sure I could make it into a living, though. Mostly I just like painting or drawing things that I see here and there," she answers with a light smile.

It is a thursday night, but no night is the wrong night to go drinking. Tegan pushes the door open, holding it for Riley before releasing it and looking around. Whatever conversation the pair might have been having before they arrive, she lets it drift away, and instead opts for the most important question, "What do you want to drink?"

Rorschach dragged a chair over and flipped it around to straddle it. His arms folded across teh back of teh chair and his chin atop. His head tilted sideways to watch ZIllah find something on the list she liked. Antennae swayed as he thought about it, but the only indication that was given in return was an arched eyebrow. Maybe she read minds. Max started talking about painting though and the scarred lips curled into a smile at both ends. She got an upnod like what's up? Which was able to be interpreted as approval. The door opening though had his head-dealies straighten a bit and his attention was arrested from teh table. He assessed the pair walking in and went back to resting his chin on his arms.

"Well, Paige," answers Wally, "I'm a messenger, a courier. I get things from point A to point B. And when I'm not doing that, I dance, and can teach other people how to dance." Eventually the man's beer arrives and he takes a drink.

Paige grins at Max. "Well if you ever want to be a waitress or bartender..." she offers, glancing over to the newest two. Watching who comes in seems to be part of her MO. How else is she going to make new friends though, right? "A courier, huh?" she asks when she turns back to Wally. "Bet you meet lotsa interesting people, at least briefly, huh?"

"I don't do anything seriously," Zillah murmurs, as she considers her drink choices, and keeps glancing over to the bug and his expressions. She must read minds, because she gives a nod. "But I do jewelry work, or will once I get settled." When there's a chance to make an order for drinks, she gives it up to the waitress.

Riley slips through the door when Tegan holds it open, making her way inside, dressed in a long flowing skirt of black and a pair of knee-high boots. A ribbed red turtleneck can be seen beneath her warm winter coat. "Whatever you are having," she says with a little smile. Her eyes drift around the room, taking in those gatherd, and remaining close to Tegan's side.

Dielle sips her so-called drink that fails at booze. And she watches more people come in. She looks mildly uncomfortable. "I ain't seen this many people in one place without being behind the bar in a long time," she remarks. "Hell, I didn't know there were this many people in the state of Vermont!"

"Black and Tan." Tegan replies, hooking her arm around Riley's to draw her with her towards the bar, "I was thinkin' about getting myself a Black and Tan, but I'm open to options." She steers Riley towards a place at the bar, not releasing her arm even after they get there.

Byron winks at Dielle and murmurs, "Wait for it. Something will explode. If not, well, the place looks really popular. Might get Paige more business later on, hmm?" Upending his glass, Byron signals for a refill, and shoots Zillah a curious look, "Special jewelry, or pretty pretties?"

"Nothing wrong with making jewelry. Lots of people like jewelry," Paige tells Zillah, smiling. "And I'm loving how many people are here. I'd happily take this many people, or more, every night! Even if some of them do start fights." But she grins at that, and with ehr mantle...well, a Summer's not likely to bitch about a few fights, right?

Wally says, "Oh, I certainly do meet lots of interesting people in my travels. All sorts of folks, and in all sorts of situations. Not to mention, the things that I carry are usually things that can't be mailed, and that's usually for a reason--the number of times I've had to deliver stuff to houseboats or truckers are legion. But the favorite thing I deliver, I do for free. I volunteer to courier organs for transplant recipients. Not much call for it out here, but...I get around." He smiles broadly, looking to Dielle and adding, "You're right, this place got packed -real- quick."

Glancing over at Rorschach, Max grins curiously at him. There's a brief, subtle glance over his moving antennae, but she could be looking at anything, right? "Fellow artist? What's your preferred medium?" she wonders with a small tilt of her head. Although she does keep an eye on the bug so she can hear his reply, she gazes just as curiously toward Zillah. "What's the style of the jewelry you usually make?" she asks, sitting up a bit in her seat.

Riley's attention is caught by the mention of jewelry. She wears a charm bracelet around one wrist, but there are currently no charms on it, looking thoughtful. Then she turns back toward Tegan and she says, "Black and tan is fine with me." She smiles a little bit, leaning in a little bit, her arm firmly captured. She idly people-watches, though not staring at any individual for an inordinate amount of time.

Rorschach held up a boyscout salute to Paige. He was bein good. Unlike the other night... it was a wedding though. Those kinda beg to wind up with cops called. A glance was show to his shadowwed cohort and back to Byron. Two fingers were held up and wiggled. Both options apparently. It was good to see her proud of her work. Speaking of he looked back to Max really enjoying the commonalities that were coming out. To answer her question though he pullled a sharpie out of his back pocket with two Micron pens. Then he made a gesture as if, ah. Spraypaint. He pulled out a bent, beat to hell notebook from his back pocket. newp. That's the one he answered questions with. He dug inside his pocket and pulled out a 4x6 sketchbook tied closed with a shoelace around it and handed it to Max

As soon as the attention of the bartender is gotten, or anyone that can supply the drinks, Tegan places an order for two black and tans before she lets her attention travel towards the group talking about jewelry. A hand reaches down to twist Riley's bracelet around her wrist before she nods her head in that direction, "You wanting to ask about charms?"

So many questions! Zillah's eyes dart back and forth between those at ask them, and the shadow dips her head briefly. "Regular jewelry, though I can do special things. Wire work. Metal. I can adapt, depending on what people want. I don't have a shop yet, so I'm a little limited by that? But that will end soon enough. Once I find a place in my means, you know?" What sort of means -can- a woman that's dressed in velvets, like she just stepped out of the 90s and The Craft really have?

Dielle grins, glad that she's not in the hot seat, and paying attention. "Do you have a place to work, yet? Or do you need a shop to have a workshop?" she asks of Zillah. Rorschach gets a curious glance as he pulls...things out of places. It's an impressive show.

Byron waits for his refill, slowly nodding at the information from Zillah, as he himself falls quiet a bit to listen to the interaction between the tablemates going on. His gaze travels over to Riley and Tegan to watch them for a moment, then the glass is offered like a toast or a salute to them, before he takes another drink

Max watches Rorschach curiously as he answered her question with motions of his hands rather than verbally. She impressed by his apparent ability to stash things away on his person and makes some mental notes to improve her own skills. The mortal carefully takes the sketchbook, both ensuring that she doesn't make accidental contact with him and not wanting to damage the sketchbook. She's respectful of people's things after all. Usually. Flipping through some of the pages, a smile spreads across her lips. "Wow, you're definitely more talented than I am. Do you ever sell your stuff?" she wonders of the bug as she eventually hands the book back to him.

"I'm...honestly not sure what to say about that," Paige tells Wally, her head tilting a little. "Good, I think?" she adds, grinning a little. A waitress waves at Paige then, trying to get her attention. "Oops. Back to work. But you guys enjoy your drinks!" And since she's in the middle of the booth she does what any sane, short person would do. Climbs under the table to freedom! "See you guys," she adds cheerfully before heading off to find out what's up.

Rorschach grinned and lauged soundlessly. His head shook, antennae taking a moment to keep up. he scribbled on a note and held it out that Max coud read and anyone else: "Sell? Usually for my work I'm getting fined. PD Doesn't appreciate art showing up on buildings' There was a wry grin that followed. THough the other part caught him as a thought. It was something. Not impossible either.

Riley murmurs to Tegan, "Maybe." Though she makes no attempt to call out to Zillah, instead just listening quietly to what sort of jewelry Zillah might make. She then takes a sip from her drink when it arrives. The salute from Byran is met with a small smile and a dip of her head, a little finger-wiggle.

Byron catches enough of Rors' note to snicker to himself and nods at Max, "Inkblot does not feel confined with keeping his artwork just to canvasses he would have to buy in a store. Especially when there are so many plain surfaces out here in the world begging for attention."