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Swearing In For Autumn

"I love you."


Itsuki, Billy Ray, Reggie, Lumi, Calm, Etsy, Aaron, Haruki, Ashe, Esther and Verily


Ashe as the Autumn Monarch takes a few hours to swear in members of the Fate's Harvest Freehold.


The Wayhouse

It is SCORCHING outside. So it definitely doesn't feel like Autumn yet, but the leave are starting to turn colors and there's a bit of a shift in the wind. The weather would cool and the leaves would fall and Autumn would fully take over. The Crown had already passed from one ruler onto another, so that much is made available to those of the Freehold. Ashe Whelan was the new Monarch and she was going to be busy getting people repledged and meeting with new faces.

So it's no surprise that she is in the Wayhouse talking to a few people. She must have some downtime since she's sipping from a cup of tea. She's also not in her usual black. Her dress is a burnt orange color that hits at the knee and she's wearing brown riding boots. Maybe she's in mourning on the off seasons?

Haruki tends to avoid the wayhouse. He can count the number of times he's been here on one hand. But, being unable to attend to court in the hedge, there's few alternatives. He's dressed nicely, in a red suit, and he's carrying with him an autumnal harvest bouquet, with flowers and leaves and grain and some apples never mind the weather. Where do you put offerings? Is there a table?

Aaron comes down the hall, hands tucked in pocket of his denim jeans. He removes a custom made leather blazer bearing the red and black Imperial sigil on the left breast pocket. He also sports a t-shirt with some text: << Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. // Through Passion I gain Strength. // Through Strength I gain Power. // Through Power I gain Victory. // Through Victory my chains are Broken. // The Force shall free me. >> Accompanying the lean gentleman is a mangy cat, and a spectral companion (for those that can see ghosts).

Ashe takes another sip from her cup and there's a smile to one of the Waykeepers that she was speaking to, "Just a moment." she tells them. Then she gives a look to Haruki and a wave, the smile returning, "Good evening. Is there anything that we can help you with." she asks him. Then there's a look to the door when it opens again and there's a bright smile that pulls those stitches in her face, "Aaron, just one of the faces I wanted to see." she tells him. "And wearing your Sith shirt today I see." she muses.

Haruki bows because that's what you do to royalty even if no one else does, even if she's not on a throne, even if this is all so very awkward. He does smile, just a bit, and it's an awkward bow because his arms are full of this gift. Who puts apples in a bouquet? How do they even stick in there. Haruki obviously. "Your Majesty, Highness?" Keep bowing, don't make eye-contact.

Aaron starts to offer a wave to Ashe, but then opts for placing his hand to his waist and giving a slight bow. "I'm honored that I'm in your thoughts, your most August majesty." he offers a light smile. "I just got back from my horror conference--" points to the shirt, "saw this shirt and had to buy it." He then looks to Haruki, giving him a nod to his head. "Afternoon," he greets.

Ashe still doesn't know how to handle the whole being monarch thing, but she gives Haruki a smile, "Either one is fine." she tells him. Then there's a look to the bouquet and then back to him, "Are those for me?" she asks. Then there's a look given to Aaron and a bit of a chuckle, "Welcome back. As you can see...we've had some changes." she motions to the crown atop her head.

Haruki nods at Ashe. "Yes, your majesty." He offers the harvest bouquet to her, or to well whomever is going to take them. "I'm here to make the promise." He gets straight to the point. The sooner he does so the sooner he can scamper off.

Aaron nods. "Changes indeed," he then sets his hands in front of him. "So how can I be of service to you, my Queen?"

A couple cars pull up outside the Wayhouse, one definitely sounding like a sports car, maybe a truck engine in there... and then a whole procession of folks come in through the front door. Etsy is first because Couriers and princesses lead the way, and those who are both doubly so: she's light on her feet, her tatty slippers barely seeming to touch the ground, and she's not wearing her 'pile of thrifted clothing' style anymore. No, for this special occasion, the mermaid is wearing her single piece of Hedgespun: it looks like something out of the costuming of Sense & Sensibility, if, indeed, the sort of wife that a man with a fortune is in search of could wear a dress literally made out of ocean waves. The shifting and changing brackish dress rolls waves up from its empire waist to a square neckline, the breakers giving the appearance of lace at the neckline, hem, and the ends of the cap sleeves: there's a delicate sandbar just below the bust, providing that empire waistline. Her hair's a mess of curls and flowers all the same, and her white Courier sash is slung across her torso, giving the lily maid the look of a Miss Vermont: Changeling Edition contestant. She hums to herself, some sort of pop song tune, rising and falling, and steps off to the side of the entrance, waiting for everyone else to follow her. Slung around her shoulders is what looks like a blue-grey fur stole but which many people know to be her hedgebeast, the otter-beast known as 'the mrbl.'

Ashe gives a look to Haruki and there's a smile, "We can do that for you, Mister...?" she hasn't met Haruki yet and she doesn't wanna make somone swear until she knows a name. Then there's a look to Aaron, "You can come and swear to the Crown and help us with making this a good reign my friend." she tells him. There's a look to the door when more people come in and there's a smile, "We will hold off a moment, in case anyone else is wanting to do so." she states to Aaron and Haruki.

Lumi is one of the people in the cars that just arrived, showing up with her motley so that they can mostly pledge together. She looks like the stereotype from a movie of a lawyer on their way to court, aside from the whole basically being made out of ice thing. Usually that's only metaphorical. None the less, she's in an expensive tailored suit and everything. She's also perfectly happy to let Etsy lead the way.

"Nakamura Haruki," Haruki replies to Ashe. And there's more people entering, which he exhales, looks around. He takes a step back and away to make room for everyone else.

Calm flows out of one of the cars, a vaguely defined mass of emptiness in the general shape of a woman, draped in a shimmering silken cloak the color of fresh blood. It seems to be all she's wearing, pinned tightly around her head so that only her face is showing and falling nearly to her knees. She joins the rest of her motley for the trip inside, saying nothing and bringing with her a nearly palpable sense of the Wyrd's presence. Her bare footsteps are almost silent as she trails like a spectre behind Etsy and Lumi.

Billy Ray arrives in the grouping. Wonder of wonders there's a suitcoat and a button down shirt and tie, slacks, shoes. Sure there's a heavy belt under the suitcoat with equipment and wrenches and whatnot but his beard is trimmed and his hair brushed and no trucker cap. He follows along with the others, before he steps in pulling a cigarette out from behind his ear to slide it into his suitcoat.

There's a chaufer to get the car door for Reggie and Etsy, which goes well with his poppin' tuxedo. It's a glaring teal blue that matches reasonably well with Etsy's get up, accented with white shirt and black tie. Mother of pearl cufflinks and buttons round out the 'I'm sort of nautical, but also conspicuously affluent' look he's got going on. The otterish fellow has a walk that's one part swagger and one part waddle. Like if a two year old learned how to walk shortly after shaking down a lesser toddler for its pacifier. He's all smiles, though. Bright white teeth, one of which literally gleams in whatever light and emits an audible *ting* when it does so. "Hello. Hiii. This is..." Reggie pauses to count heads, pointing at each person one by one and mouthing the count. "Most of us. Anyway. We'd like to pl-- that's her, right?" A glance to Etsy to make sure he's not addressing the wrong person whose head is suffused with the wyrd's own stamp of approval. "We'd like to pledge." He adds for specificity's sake, "To you." He's pointing at Ashe now, though he tacks on a quick, "Not that I'm sure the rest of you aren't spectacular people."

There's a saying about musical laughter, but Etsy literally laughs in arpeggios. Reggie's quasi-ramble is appended to by the mermaid, in her own... unique... way of speaking. "Yes, is coming to do a pledge." She drifts further forward, apparently taking it on herself to do the introduction. "Majesty, am having an introduce of most of members of Adventure Time motley. Regina Hazard, not here right nows, will come to do a pledgings laters. She is a busy very much lady." Sketching an absolutely perfect little curtsey (fucking Fairest, man), she steps aside, gesturing in turn to each of her motleymates:

"Introducing name of Miss Lumi Aaltonen, a Winter Knight of the Utmost Silences, and name of Mister Billy Ray Johnson, a Springs of the Honorable Orders of the Third Hours, and name of Miss Calm, a Spring of the Vizierial Counsel, and name of Mister Reginald H. S. Danger, a Springs of the Sacred Band of the Goldens Standards. And of course is myself a name of Miss Esther Swift, name of Etsy known, a Springs of the Guild of the Sacred Journeys. Is with name of Miss Regina Hazard a Spring Knight of the Knowledge of the Tongues a motley name of Adventure Time! with exclamation point at the end, very important. And yes, coming to make a pledges to Majesty name of Ashe Whelan, pleaseandthankyou."

Ashe gives a nod to Haruki, "It is nice to meet you, Haruki." she tells him. Then there's a smile as more people follow Etsy in and there's a nod of her head to the group, "Good evening." she states to the group. And there's a look to Reggie when he steps forward and speaks, "I'm the Monarch, yes. Ashe Whelan. I know some of you though." she offers with a look to Etsy and Billy Ray. Then Etsy is speaking and she nods to the Mermaid, "Very good. I am guessing those that are not present will swear at a later date. Which is fine." she tells them. "For those of you that are new, have you read the Freehold Laws?" she asks them.

Lumi waits quietly, her expression blank, while Etsy is making introductions on the behalf of their motley. When Etsy is done she smiles and says, "indeed, as she said. I do wish to pledge myself to the Fate's Harvest Freehold, and I appreciate your making your time available to those of us who have such an interest. I believe that Regina intends to swear her own oath at a later date." There's almost nothing in the way of emotion in the snowskin's words, but she does her best to make it sound pleasant. "I am familiar with the Freehold's laws."

Aaron is quiet, turning his attention to all the others. He remains quiet as other business comes first.

Billy Ray sketches a bow - not horrible, at least he has great, great dexterity, 'Pleasure t'meet ya again, y'majesty," he says politely. He falls quietly, stepping back and letting the other speaks.

Haruki finds a quiet space to stand and watch the proceedings.

"Your Majesty," Calm says, her voice full of strange resonance and seeming to come from nowhere in particular within the empty void of her body. She bows as she speaks, offering deferernce. "As Etsy has said, I am Calm, and I am a Vizier. In addition to swearing myself to the Freehold, I wished to express to you that as a part of the duties that come with that title I am at your disposal as an advisor should you wish to call upon me." It's a fair trade. She gets to cling to the tatters of her sanity despite being half a step away from crossing the line into being Fae, and in return she gets to give people advise if they ask. Usually they don't even listen, because people are people. "I have spoken with a Waykeeper and been informed of the Freehold's laws."

"...Yes?" Reggie answers the question with a bit of a squeak, and a question of his own. He has. Yes? "I've been drinking rather heavily the past few days, but I had it written down on my hand to do so, and it was scratched off when I woke up this morning. So I can only assume that I did, at some point, read them." Reggie nods his head smartly and then looks down at his palm again, just to make sure. "Or did I just smudge the--" He licks his thumb, rubs at his palm, and then informs Ashe gravely, "Probably."

Ashe gives a look to everyone, a bit of a smile on her face, or well, when you're always smiling it's hard to tell. When Lumi speaks there is a nod to that, "Excellent, thank you." she tells her. Then there's a look to Calm at her introduction and list of skills, "I will keep that in mind, Vizier Calm." she states. When Reggie speaks though there's a quirk of her eyebrow, "It's custom for the Laws to be read, so you know what you are getting into prior." she chuckles at that. Then there's a look to the group as a whole, including Aaron and Haruki, "Shall we begin?" she asks.

Aaron says with a nodding of his head, "I'm ready."

"Yes, your majesty," Lumi replies simply, waiting for things to move forward.

"You have m'word y'majesty we'll make sure he knows 'em front a'n back," says Billy Ray of Reggie, from where he is near the back.

Blinking, Etsy looks aside at Reggie and then slowly facepalms. "You did the readings," the mermaid assures her motleymate; despite the facepalm, she seems quite amused of and affectionate toward the otter. The mrbl makes its first move, however, in lifting its head and blowing a raspberry at Reggie. "Am a readies, Majesty," Etsy offers, booping the mrbl wearily. "I have a readings of the laws alreadies."

Ashe gives a look to everyone, a bit of a smile on her face, or well, when you're always smiling it's hard to tell. When Lumi speaks there is a nod to that, "Excellent, thank you." she tells her. Then there's a look to Calm at her introduction and list of skills, "I will keep that in mind, Vizier Calm." she states. When Reggie speaks though there's a quirk of her eyebrow, "It's custom for the Laws to be read, so you know what you are getting into prior." she chuckles at that. Then there's a look to the group as a whole, including Aaron and Haruki, "Shall we begin?" she asks.

"I'm ready as well," the darkness draped in scarlet replies, that cloth being most of what makes it possible to see the slight tilt of Calm's head.

Haruki's quiet, he knows his oath's meant to be slightly different from the Lost, and so he's just kind of sticking back for now as he watches the goings on and tries his best not to feel completely out of place. When Ashe addresses the group he blinks and doesn't say anything.

"I'm positive I read them," Reggie amends with a nod towards Etsy, who seems keen to assure him that he has, "so we can just skip right on ahead to the swearing bits. That's the fun part, anyway."

Itsuki arrives a little behind his brother, probably distracted by something shiny along the way. The slightly shorter Nakamura shuffles behind his twin, trying to avoid attracting any notice at the formal-sounding goings-on. He's wearing pretty much a stereotypical black-and-white magician's suit, complete with tophat, although some of the pieces seem a little ill-fitted.

"Excellent." Ashe smiles to everyone. Then the Queen starts to open her mouth to speak again and a magician appears. There's no look of aggravation on her face. "Are you here to swear to the Freehold?" she asks. "If you are, please join us." she motions him forward.

Haruki's so glad it's Itsuki getting the attention and not him. He mouths 'you're late' though at the shadow-bunny. And then 'someone's in trouble' all teasing. Haruki was good, early, and has already given his name.

The mermaid sways back and forth on her feet, barely touching the ground as they seem to be, as if she's drifting back and forth on a current only she can feel. Etsy's hand reaches out to briefly touch Lumi's, and she circles around her motleymates, checking in with each of them similarly -- she even reaches out and touches the inky blackness that is Calm, the scary proto-Gentry that she is -- before she finally circles back to Reggie and takes his hand. Rafting is soothing to otters, after all.

How did Haruki manage to miss Calm's presence? He's been distracted what with royalty in the room. He's perhaps subconsciously been blocking it out but the moment he spots her his eyes go wide, and his hands start to tremble, uncontrollably although barely perceptible. Has he been noticed? Don't stare! Don't stare. He does his best not to but all other thoughts have fled his mind apart from that urge to get away. Slowly, carefully, no sudden movements so that people actually notice what he's doing. Edge for the door. Edge for escape.

Ashe gives a look to Haruki and there's the hint of a smile when he calls out his brother. she starts to move though, towards the mortals. Then she gives her attention back to the crowd.

Her eyes lose their silver striations, "Repeat after me." she grins.

"I pledge my time, my talents and my fealty to Fate's Harvest."

I swear that I no longer serve the Fae, nor will I while this promise stands; that while I am under its protection I will obey the principles and bylaws of the Fate's Harvest Freehold as ratified by Monarch and Council, in return for the support and safety they provide."

"May I perish in exile, should I be forsworn." she can recite it from heart. Good ol' memory.

"Ah. Yes. Sorry. Nakamura Itsuki. I'm here to swear, yes." Itsuki flashes a nervous smile, removing his hat. Freeing floppy lop ears, trying to smooth them back, the motion turning the fur from black to pale white. The chiaroscuro bunny's lips twitching back into a frown as he notices his twin's panic, shifting to move in front this time, with a backwards glance and whisper to Haruki.

Lumi turns to give Etsy a faint smile, the slightest hint of one, at the touch to her hand, and then retunrs her attention to Ashe. When asked to repeat the words of the pledge she does so, her voice without any tone. There, promise made!

When the words are fixed, it's possible for Etsy to recite them properly, and she does exactly that. Unlike Lumi, though, Etsy practically sings her pledge, her voice rising and falling easily, a little made-up tune. Doot doot doot, doin' a pledge!

Verily is late, late late late, not knowing what she's late for. She has brought food, or a dirty fast-food chicken bucket with greasy fast-food chicken in it. One of the doorways props her up while she watches and nibbles what little tendrils of gristle cling to the bones.

Calm only seems to notice Haruki when she starts to feel the emotions her presence inspires radiating out from him. She turns his direction, eyes like nebulae spinning in the dark void of her form watching him unblinking. Then Etsy touchers her hand, distracting her, and she gives the mermaid's hand a gentle squeeze and turns away, facing Ashe again. The words are repeated, and then she's bound by the Freehold's laws and hopefully some people worry a little bit less about the proto-Gentry hanging around.

Billy Ray repeats the oath solemnly, his hands in behind his hips, loosely interlaced, rocking a tiny bit back and forth on his feet. He dips his head down and seems to let out a bit of a breath of relief as the pledging seems to take hold over them.

Haruki's lips are not going to... oh no Ashe is looking at him... and he can't escape and... and... Haruki takes a slow breath and then another. He doesn't answer his brother's whisper. He doesn't say anything in response to the pledging. He's frozen like a bunny in headlights when Calm looks at him. And he collapses down onto his knees since he can't get his legs to work and run away. Is this what being around a god is like? His brain can't seem to take it.

When Haruki goes down, Ashe takes a knee and takes a hold of his hands, "Deep breathes for me. I know you're a bit overwhelmed." she tells him in a reassuring tone. "Let's get you up." she murmurs as she rises and keeps a hold of his hands. Maybe she noticed he was going to do this.

Itsuki's ears shoot straight up as his gaze follows his brother's. Nose twitch. Eyeing the door. The rabbit version of a fight-or-flight instinct has 'fight' in tiny-squished-together letters and 'flight' in ten foot tall neon sparkler signs. He doesn't quite collapse though, edging closer to Haruki and giving Ashe a grateful look. And pointedly trying to avoid looking at said proto-Gentry for now. It does however drive some other concerns out of his mind, the monochromatic magician opening his mouth, blinking, closing it again and flushing, cheeks turning a slightly darker shade of silver. "Um. Could um. Could you repeat the pledge again? Sorry."

The Playmate that is Etsy slips over to Haruki, and gently rests her tiny webbed hand on his shoulder. There's something oddly comforting about the strange little thing, the cloud of lily scent she brings with her. "You can has a doing. Will say togethers, with a brothers also?"

Aaron takes a moment to hear the pledge, then goes down on one knee. His head bowed to the Autumn Crown. His manner is one of revered respect and honor. His voice, though whispered and hushed, is crystal clear:

"I--Aaron Fletcher, Speaker for the Dead, and member of the Autumn Court, pledge my time, my talents and my fealty to Fate's Harvest. I swear that I no longer serve the Fae, nor will I while this promise stands; that while I am under its protection I will obey the principles and bylaws of the Fate's Harvest Freehold as ratified by Monarch and Council, in return for the support and safety they provide. May I perish in exile, should I be forsworn."

Reggie recites the pledge crisply in his posh British accent. And the good ol' Wyrd does the business of locking the pledge down once he's finished, too. (Awh. Good old Wyrd.) Once that's done, he reaches into his breast pocket for a silver flask which he open with a screw of the cap. "Well. Long live the Queen, eh? Your health, ma'am." He toasts Ashe with his flask and takes a nip from the flask before offering it around to his fellows. "Care for a celebratory nip?"

Haruki's eyes go wider and he gazes at Ashe with awe, focusing on her, on the solidity of her hand, of her words and everything else recedes away and he nods at what she says. He does manage to get to his feet, with her help and... "Gentry?" he asks, that's the word. And then there's Etsy and. "I love you." He declares. Wait? No that's not what he meant to say and now he's all ablushing which is better than being ashaking. But he's never felt more safe, more comforted than now. And he wants to hug someone and there's a monarch in front of him and a brother beside and never mind he's just caused a scene. And thankfully it's his brother asking for the pledge to be repeated. "Do I give a different one?"

"Now that I've made my oath, perhaps it would be easiest if I were to leave," Calm suggests, since she's quite aware of the fact that she's likely the sourrce of the panic that poor Haruki is feeling. There's some reluctance in the suggestion, though. She likes to be kind when she can, but the emotions are so wonderful. It hardly matters what they are any more. "If I have your leave, your majesty?" She raises a shadowy hand to decline Reggie's offered drink.

"We can repeat things, yes." Ashe nods as she looks to Itsuki. There's a smile to Etsy when she helps out and then she's looking to Haruki, "No, she's not a Gentry." she tells him. "Some of us grow stronger with the Wyrd than others is all." she tells the man. "And you repeat the same pledge as they do." she adds. There's a smile to Reggie and a shake of her head, "No thank you, sir." she tells him. And then she gives a look to Calm and a soft nod, "Yes, that's fine." she tells her.

Now all of this is absolutely fascinating! Verily's dark eyes stare right into the room, into the ceremony and watch the dynamics, the dance of it all. It's almost enough to make one forget about scrounged dinner.

"Oh, thank yous, but am a spokens for, Haruki friend." A chaste, friendly kiss is given to the bunny by the mermaid: she leans down just a little, being so short. "Calms is a good persons, do not worries. Is sweared to Freeholds same as you, and to Adventure Time! motleys." Etsy's arms wrap 'round Haruki's shoulders in a brief hug, and then she stands up. "Come, will say agains with you."

Lumi doesn't turn the drink down. Nope. She takes the flask from Reggie, takes a swig from it, and offers it back. "Well then," she says. "Our business is handled." She glances sidelong at Etsy, because she has her own serious doubts about that 'good person' thing, but she's not going to voice that aloud right now. Good or not, Calm's bound by some pledges. That means something!

"Chin up, lad," Reggie offers to Haruki with a pat on the other beast's shoulder, drawing himself up to his full noodly mustelid height. "Courage is not the absence of fear, it's doing what one must despite the terror. You're a brave fellow, by that measure." Reggie accepts the flask back from Lumi with a salute of the flask, then passes it over to Haruki. "That said, a little liquid courage never helped the hun, eh?"

And Ashe goes through repeating the pledge again with Itsuki and Haruki. She doesn't mind it at all it would seem.

When everyone has recited the pledge, they can feel the Wyrd working, the binding sinking in. It's one of those weird sensations that happen. Ashe gives a smile, "I have something for everyone." she states as she steps away to open up a small wooden chest that was sitting on the table. "I have something for everyone. Just a little token for the season." she states as she places a small pin in everyone's hand that has sworn. "If someone could give one to Calm as well." she offers.

Itsuki takes Haruki's other hand, giving it a squeeze of comfort as he looks at Etsy with the air of a trusted and valued friend even though he's never met this person as far as he remembers. He does seem to relax, especially after Calm makes her exit.

Haruki's smiling by the end, helped by Calm agreeing to leave. He has questions, questions for what Ashe explained but he doesn't ask those, not just yet, there'll be time later. He's happy and content. He smiles at Etsy. "Good. Promises and swearings safe and good." He blushes as he's kissed on the cheek and he hugs her, he likes warm hugs. Haruki's just plain mortal, not beast, Itsuki's, well beast-like Fairest, what with the bunny ears. It's confusing, they're sort of similar in appearance. He takes the flask, and downs some... well sleight of hand pretends to drink it while not actually doing so, as he does with much he's offered, but who's paying attention. "Thankyou." Time for pledge. Hauki's got the pledge memorised. He takes a breath and quotes the slightly different wording, same as he did the other two times. "I pledge my time, my talents and my fealty to Fate's Harvest. I swear that I do not serve the Fae, nor will I of my own volition while this promise stands; that while I am under its protection I will obey the principles and bylaws of the Fate's Harvest Freehold as ratified by Monarch and Council, in return for the support and safety they provide. May I perish in exile, should I be forsworn." It's easy to say once he gets started.

Verily smiles brightly, energetically to the Autumn Crown when she passses her on by. The bird does not mind not getting a little pin; the company and events seem to interest her all the same.

"I'll see to it she gets hers," Lumi volunteers, offering to take two so that she can be certain that her motley mate receives one as well. "Thank you, Majesty." She's not very talkative in general, but in this setting even less so. There's no need for her to interrupt the proceedings.

"Majesty, am having a meetings with the Dielles of Dawn, to speak about dreamings. Is a special talents of an Etsy, to know of dreams and dreamings. If a needs, please do a calling of an Etsy." And then she accepts the pin, attaching it to the dress she wears -- Etsy's Hedgespun looks exactly like a party dress from Sense and Sensibility, made from waves crashing over her delicate frame. "May have an excuse, Majesty?" Leaning again to kiss Haruki's cheek as if they have been friends forever, Etsy passes both him and his brother her card, a simple sea-green card with the initials E. S. and her phone number on them.

Billy Ray gets his pin on his suit, solemnly, "Make sure y'all call Miss Etsy if'n y'need help," he adds to Haruki and Itsuki.

Itsuki follows along with Aniki and Etsy in reciting the oath, and accepts the pin with a bit of a smile, nodding. "Thanks." He waves cheerfully to Etsy as she slips away, turning back to examine the rest of the gathering of Lost now that the immediate drama seems to have died down.

Haruki's eyes go wide as Ashe offers him a gift, and he takes it as if she were Galadriel and he one of the fellowship. "I willl treasure this forever." He declares and he gazes at it with admiration. "It's beautiful." He takes the business card and smiles at that too and just says a thankyou and puts it in his pocket. And he smiles at Billy Ray and nods. Everything's good. Everything's wonderful now.

Esther nervously shuffles into the room just as the previous group completes the pledge. She drops her head, rubbing the back of her neck, glancing towards the new monarch, then back to the entrance, then back to Ashe again.

"Everyone that would like to go is free to go." Thank you everyone.

Ashe gives a look to the side and there's a smile, "You're welcome. Haruki." she tells him. Then she looks to Aaron and there's a smile, "Thank you." she tells him. Once she realizes that Esther is there though she smiles, "Esther, welcome. Please join us if you like." she offers to her fellow Autumn.

The higher energy dying off, Verily stretches, pressing her shoulderblades against the doorframe and fastidiously licks her greasy fingers.

Itsuki steps out through the mudroom door, then the front door some few feet beyond it, leaving the building.

Haruki heads out after his brother, once they've made their promises. He leaves his bouquet of flowers and apples behind.

Esther lifts her head up. "Thank you, that I would," she replies in her low raspy alto. She trods forward to join the group. "Congratulations," she adds, dropping a quick curtsey, since Ashe *is* a Queen now.

Ashe gives a smile to Esther, "Thank you. I was a bit surprised, but we'll get through the season alright." she tells her. "If you would like to swear to the Freehold we just need to make sure you have read the laws. Have you done that?" she asks her.

Verily stands straight and pauses before taking a step forward. She looks into the main room and waves a hand into the space, asking those of the Freehold or soon to be, "May I?"

Esther slowly nods to Ashe, after a wave to the retreating people. "Yes, I have. Though I don't quite know what "Consectatio Scientiae" and "Consectatio Prudentiae" mean. Something about pursuing science and prudence? I'm fine with both."

When Verily speaks up there's a smile from Ashe, "Sure. Come on in." she offers to her. Then there's a look to Esther again, "It's Pursuit of Knowledge in Latin. Mostly a motto." she states. "I've been doing this all day it seems." she tells her. "Please repeat after me." she states. Then there's a breath taken"

"I pledge my time, my talents and my fealty to Fate's Harvest."

"I swear that I no longer serve the Fae, nor will I while this promise stands; that while I am under its protection I will obey the principles and bylaws of the Fate's Harvest Freehold as ratified by Monarch and Council, in return for the support and safety they provide."

"May I perish in exile, should I be forsworn." she states.

Verily puts her chicken bucket remains on the floor and steps inside, then stops and holds her breath quite literally while the Oath is being recited, like she's afraid to touch the air between the two women or risk pulling it toward her.

Esther frowns deeply as she hears the words, nodding a few times as if to make sure that she knows them. Or in agreement with the sentiments expressed. Then she speaks, her voice strong in its intonation:

"I pledge my time, my talents and my fealty to Fate's Harvest."

"I swear that I no longer serve the Fae, nor will I while this promise stands; that while I am under its protection I will obey the principles and bylaws of the Fate's Harvest Freehold as ratified by Monarch and Council, in return for the support and safety they provide."

"May I perish in exile, should I be forsworn."

Ashe listens to Esther rectite the pledge back and Esther herself can feel the bonds of the pledge settle over her shoulders and then it's gone. The Autumn Monarch smiles, "Welcome to Fate's Harvest, Esther." she states. "If you will take this as a show of my appreciation for you joining." she tells her as she holds out one of the autumn leaf pins to the woman. "Is there anything that I can do for you at the moment?" she asks her.

Verily lets out the held breath as the pledge settles into place, but she doesn't speak up, the moment between the two Freeholders still holding the room. She tweaks her lips to the left then to the right, looking up and around, at everything or possibly at nothing in particular.

As the Wyrd binds her to the Freehold, Esther's mien flares up. For a brief moment, there is a strong smell of gingerbread and the moaning of the wind through skeletal autumn trees. It quickly fades, and Esther sighs contentedly. She bows her head and takes the leaf pin, her eyes widening a little. "Oh! This is beautiful. Thank you so very, very much." She quickly pins it to her jacket.

"I don't have any wishes for the moment, but I am at your command if you have need."

Ashe gives a smile to Esther, "You're welcome. And I will need help from Autumn's coming up over the next week. I'll be sending a memo to you if that is alright." she asks her. Then there's a look to Verily and a smile, "I had enough time to come in and speak with people and get the Freehold pledge back on track. Anything that we can help you with or anything that you'd like to ask?" the woman asks.

Esther purses her lips, her face set in determination. "That is quite alright. Thank you, my Queen, and good night." She drops another curtsey. Hey, it's not like Ashe told her not to! Then she backs away, with a quick nod to Verily as she leaves.

Verily has come to tilting her head side to side, rolling it around when she's addressed and it shakes her from the world of her spinning inner ear. "Oh!" she says in a little squacking sound and stands upright, then her inner ear gets the better of her for a moment pulling her head slightly to one side. There it stays. "What? Oh, no." She smiles at the women, brightly and energetic. Then she gives a friendly, "Hallo." Then a quick pause she adds for Ashe's sake, "Your Majesty." Then a quicker pause, "You're not a majesty, are you?" she asks Esther.

The crown on top of Ashe's head is a bit of a give away, but there's a nod to Esther, "Be safe in your travels." she tells her. Then there's a look to Verily, another smile, "If you are not sworn to the Freehold like the rest of these folks are doing then no, I am not your Monarch." she tells her. "Until then, I'm Ashe Whelan." she offers as an introduction.

The woman with seagull feathers in her hair, almost as her hair, introduces herself quickly. "I'm Verily Kittiwake and I know the crowns of many Freeholds. They're all Majesties or Raj or however they like it even if they're not mine. Why not?" she shrugs in her coat and smiles again, always happy to share a grin with anyone who is around. "They were chosen. You were chosen, but I don't curtsy well. Maybe next time?" she says, teasing and pretending to be sly, obviously pretending.

"It's nice to meet you, Verily." Ashe tells her. "And while the Wyrd chooses us. We are chose to be the Monarch of the Freehold. If you are not a member, then my power doesn't affect you. It shouldn't." she points out. "That and my ego isn't he size of a house." she chuckles. "Do you have Jon Snow syndrome? Knee doesn't bend?" she muses.

Verily affects the confused expression of the fae out of time, which is so many of them. "I can wait for the snow. I like it but it has its time. You bend to forrage, sometimes?" she offers, trying to help Ashe understand the ways of life in the snow.

Ashe doesn't laugh at all, she forgets that some haven't seen modern shows. "It was a bit of a joke from a tv show. I apologize." she tells her. "Are you doing alright though in town, Verily? Even if you aren't a member of the Freehold I like to make sure people are alright." she offers.

Verily says, "Oh yes!" She beams again and smiles to illustrate her contentment. "I've found many underpasses and alleyways that are very protected from the weather. Your town is quite well sheltered. You should thank your city planners," as if that's something people do. "Though maybe not this late at night."

Ashe gives a curious look to that, "The Wayhouse here has rooms you can stay in if you are without a home. With the weather changing it's going to be growing colder and Vermont winters aren't something to be out in when it gets later in the year." she tells her. "Your Court might also have a place to stay as well." she offers.

Verily stands straighter and throws her chin up slightly, "I," she says with pride, "am from Maine. The snow is just another kind of shelter. It can be very cozy if you layer right. Rain, though?" She makes a genteel sound, of all things, as a snort. "The rain in Maine is largely quite a pain. Maybe it's better here but I doubt it."

Ashe gives a nod to that, "Boston can get bad, but not in a bit." she tells her. "Maine is cold." she agrees. "Is there anything I can do for you this evening, Verily? I just want to make sure things are finished on my end for the night before I head home." she tells her.

Verily says, "No but thank you. You have an interesting little Freehold and, well, I don't understand it but someone told me that it's new. I've never seen a Freehold that's new. I'd like to see what happens with it."

Ashe gives a little dip of her head, "We've been up and running for about a year, but we're still growing." she admits. "If you need anything, let us know." she tells her. "And if you would like to learn, the Waykeepers can help with that." she adds.

Verily nods. "I would. I've met one of them, I think? I will keep looking and listening and watching."

"Excellent. I'm sure November, Nathania or Logan would love to help out. I think there is a class this week for things as well." she states. Then there's an apologetic look, "I'm going to head home. Welcome to town and let people know if you need us." she tells her as she picks up her sweater and prepares to depart.