Want to make a motley? Use the guidelines below to ensure the speediest processing with staff.
Creation Requirements
- Have 2+ people, at least one of which is a Changeling.
- Have the text and mechanics of your motley pledge worked out before you contact staff.
After that? Easy peasy. Send up a +req/fae with the motley's name, pledge details and CC all members. All members must add a note to their +myjob confirming their desire to join the motley.
If nothing is wrong with the pledge, it will be approved, and staff will add you to the list of active motleys. Nothing else to it.
A motley pledge is an alliance, when it comes right down to it. If your character has the energy and inclination to do so, he may be in as many motleys as he pleases.
To make sure your motley shows up on the page below, make sure to have the tag [[Category:Motley]] and either [[Category:Active]] or [[Category:Inactive]] on the page.
Please also include the below on your motley page so the information shows up properly:
{{Motley | name= Name of the Motley | short-desc= A short (twitter length) description. | icon= An icon image for your motley (Just the name. Example: Image.jpg) | status= Potential/Active/Inactive | recruiting = Recruiting, Not Recruiting, Inactive | members= List members here. }}
Motley Channels
Motleys can get their own channels. This still requires a Tix expenditure, but for Motleys, this is discounted slightly. It only requires 30 Tix, rather than the normal 40. Also, all members may contribute to the cost of the channel. So a motley with 3 members could have each member contribute 10 tix and get their very own channel.
Active Motleys
Name | Description | Recruiting | Members | |
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Terrible People | Does the name not say enough. Those that do what is required to accomplish unspeakable and amazing things. | Not Presently | Basil and Tristan |
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Knights of the Harvest | A short (twitter length) description. | Maybe! | Lolly, Charlie, Raymond |
Guild of Free Crafters | A guild of craftsmen and performers. | Inactive | Eden |