Log:Visiting the Silken Garter

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Visiting the Silken Garter

Sorrel, Glitch, Etsy, Miranda

26 July, 2017

Etsy drags Glitch to Miranda's place. New folks are met.



The Silken Garter is an establishment tucked away in the hedge, those in the freehold are usually welcome, and those out can often get a visit for fairly cheap at the goblin market, a trinket or bauble, or a hedgefruit or two for a single visit. Tonight is a small gathering in the parlor, an invitation extended to Etsy and her guest(s), and anybody else who might be visiting as a patron or otherwise.

Soft music fills the room currently, a harp, coming from nowhere immediately obvious, and Miranda lounges on the central dais, watching quietly across the room, enjoying the music, and a hint of a smile rests upon her lips. The room, at the moment, is rather quiet, with no other guests currently in attendence.

She promised she'd show up, and Etsy is good on her promises, so she shows up literally the very next night; she's got Glitch in tow, almost literally. If he were any more 'in tow,' the mermaid would be dragging him along by his wrist. As it is, she's dragging him along by a string of words. "... a place for a swims, which is a most importants. Maybe if we are finding a Mirandas, she will say where is a swims. If it is a salts, would be the most happiest." Her loose thrift-store clothing flutters around her, Courier sash bright but not lit up, silk slippers almost not touching the ground as she drifts along. Her hands absently work the air next to her as she moves, an instinctive motion.

Glitch trudges along in Etsy's wake, not looking like he's prepared for swimming. The pixellated teen has his hands shoved in the pockets of his black hoodie and a set of studio headphones clasped over the muss of squares that constitute his hair. He glances around here and there, eyebrows raising at the sight of the parlor. "I take it she's Spring," he beeps faintly.

It was with a bit of bartering that Sorrel finds his way to the Silken Garter. The verdant Changling's in cargo shorts, a tank top, and sans shoes as he often is when away from mundane attention. His arrival is shortly after the pair of Glitch and Etsy, and he offers a wave and bright smile to any that look upon him.

"A Spring yes, and the Sage Escort for Fate's Harvest." Miranda says, her attention turning towards the new arrivals with a smile. She is wearing a loose toga, that's maybe a bit too on the transparent side of translucent, and shows off a healthy amount of skin anyway. "Welcome to the Silken Garter. It's a bit quiet still, I haven't gotten many to come fill out the roster, so to speak, since I've opened it up. What can I do for you all? And yes, it has a little bit of salt in the water instead of chlorine or anything similar."

"Yep, we are a Springs. No titles for me excepting a Courier." That Etsy is a Spring as well is pretty obvious; her Mantle chases her footsteps. She leaves scattered white flowers and verdant green vines and the scent of sea air behind her wherever she treads. "Well, am a hope you will find someone for your rosters. And hooray, a salts is so much better than a chlorines," the mermaid enthuses. Her clothing's fairly modest and quite literally pedestrian. She walks mostly everywhere. Sorrel's arrival has her wiggling her webbed fingers at him -- the mermaid's sea-change eyes, no pupil or iris, turn entirely bright seafoam green. "Helloandgoodevening," she chirrups in her musical, siren's song voice. "Am an Esther Swift, but everyone calls me an Etsy, because of Count giving a nicknames. Am not a knowings, who is?"

Glitch looks impressed, or at least surprised, by Miranda in all her glory, along with her declaration of title. It's not clear if he knows what a Sage Escort does, but he turns his head to break his gaze away from her outfit as the pixels of his face flicker and scramble on the edge of his forehead. "...Glitch," he says, offering a nod but not a hand, keeping that shoved in his pocket. While he makes no declaractions of Court, there's a big crescent of Etsy's Spring missing around him, the flowers and vines never managing to get closer to him than a few feet.

There's a quirk of Sorrel's brow at the dual mentions of Spring Court, and his happiness is betrayed by a brief flaring of his mantle with a hint of roses in the air. "Sorrel Yarrow. Spring Court as well," he declares with a wide smile. He lowers his head in greeting to all three, and then to Miranda says, "I'm not 100 sure to be honest," he admits while rubbing at the back of his neck. "I heard about the place, and had things to trade at Market. I figured, what's the worst that could happen."

"You can go try it out if you'd like, Etsy." Miranda says with a little gesture, "Maybe I'll come join you as well in a bit." She adds, her smileflashed briefly at the Mermaid before seh turns her attention back to Glitch, patting the platform beside her lightly, "You can come sit with me if you'd like? Did my friend tell you what sort of place we have here?" she asks, glancing over towards Etsy a little. "Not that you're expected to behave in any particular way." She adds her head nodding to Sorrel next, "Please, make yourself as comfortable as you like, the pool is free to use, or you can sit with us, or find your own entertainments." She says, "The Silken Garter is a social space where those can come and indulge themselves, I hope to find a couple other employees who might help with those indulgences, on my own it could be quite a handful! Would any of you like anything to drink?"

"Nope, did not have a tellings of what it is the place. Is best to have a learns of self." And then Etsy flashes Miranda a smile that's as brilliant as it is close-lipped, and wanders over closer to Sorrel, offering him her webbed hand in greeting. "Is a goodness to meet. Is of Fate's Harvest?" Presuming that he shakes her hand, she adds, "If wants to have a swims, is good for a swims. Maybe people come and sits near pools, so a mermaids can be comfortable and also have a talks." When Miranda asks what people would like to drink, she queries, "Can has a meads? Do like a meads."

Glitch does a quick flick of his eyes around to count heads, and makes a face, as if realizing he's outnumbered. He listens to Miranda speak and watches the spot next to her, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot. "I'm good on...indulgences...for now," he murmurs in his staticky voice. Someone might be determined to not be any fun.

Sorrel shakes his head to Etsy's question. "No, I'm not. I've been caught up looking for someone, and trying to get a job." There's a bashful smile as he looks off to the pool. "I'll have a beer or whatever you might have in supply. What kinda stuff are you hiring for? Physical labor around the place or..." His voice trails off as he waits for an answer, and he looks back to the collection of Changelings.

"Well, labor, security, those sort of things are easy to find around." Miranda says to Sorrel, "What I would ideally like are a couple of pretty young women who would like to entertain the guests and visitors of the Garter." She says with a little shrug of her shoulders, "If any of you know anyone and would like to refer them, I would be quite grateful!" She adds, slipping from her seat to move off to a nook to start pouring drinks for the guests, delivering the beer to Sorrel, and a cup of mead to Etsy, her attention then settling on Glitch as she walks towards him. "Well, what would you like then, if to not indulge in anything?"

GAME: Etsy spends 2 Glamour with reason: omen 2 bcause mermaids show off mkay

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 1 1 4 4 5 5 6 9 9 >

====================================-> >> Wits + Wyrd No Flags << <-

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 4 Successes 
< 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 7 7 7 8 8 10 10 >

-> >> Manipulation + Persuasion.Wide-eyed_Pleading + 2 + 2 + 2 9-Again <====

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 >

-> >> Manipulation + Persuasion.Wide-eyed_Pleading + 2 + 2 + 2 9-Again <====

"Well, if needs a job, can be asking around for yous," Etsy assures Sorrell, adding, "Hoping you did find person." Then she fixes her face toward Glitch, and while it's usually hard to tell where she's looking, clearly right now she's focused on Mr. No Fun.

Sidle. Sidle. Sidlesidlesidle. Etsy eaaaases away from Sorrel and sidles up alongside Glitch. He probably has notice that she's on her way, because her Mantle's vines creep around the Glitch deadzone of no fun and dusk, and then suddenly there's a tiny big-eyed creature next to him, leaning right up against his arm and tilting her head back to stare at the computerized face of the guy she dragged here. "Glitch," she wheedles, her eyes getting big -- like anime girl big -- "do not being a No Fun Glitch. Being a Yes Fun Glitch." She bumps her shoulder against his. Bump bump. "Have a drinks. Have a swims. Is all a tightness like a spring wounded up. Come be a Fun Glitch. Not a bug, a feature. Yes, yes? Yes." Ah, yes, the siren's song of fun. Nothing bad ever happened to anyone who listened to a siren, right?

-> >> Glitch to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 3 9 9 >

============================-> >> Resolve + Composure No Flags << <-

Glitch is already off guard as Miranda approaches, his fidgeting frame and darting eyes accelerating in her presence. "I just came here to..." And in no time, Etsy has ambushed him. He freezes, looking almost aghast as he's flanked and grabbed by the little Fairest. She can see his expression, beginning at "grim no fun stare", slowly soften into more of an awkward young look. "...I need to meet people, I need to train, I need a sword," he rattles off to Miranda before looking up at her. "I need a lot of stuff." There's a pause, and a glance to Sorrel, before he adds: "...maybe just a coke for now..."

Sorrel's mirthfulness softens a bit with Miranda's response, but there's a nod of understanding. He looks over to Etsy then, nodding fervantly at the offer. The act sends those loose, dreadlocked vines flying this way and that, and he has to brush a few aside when he takes his beer from the hostess. "I'd very much appreciate any kinda help I can get, really." To the glance he gets from Glitch the Elemental shrugs.

Miranda is off again, fetching a coke for Glitch and she nods towards Sorrel, "Once I have entertainers, I'll be looking for other help, security and such.. but it doesn't make much sense to hire someone to guard a place that doesn't see much use." She adds, making her way back to Glitch and handing the drink over to him. "Would you boys like to join us in the pool?" she offers, "I would personally welcome the company." She says before nodding her head at Glitch, "What sort of training do you need? And what sort of Sword?"

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 6 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 2 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 >

-> >> Manipulation + Persuasion.Wide-eyed_Pleading + 2 + 2 + 2 9-Again <====

"Hoorays!" Etsy takes her mead from Miranda with a rote "Pleaseandthankyou" given to the other lady in the room -- well, the other woman, Etsy ain't exactly a lady -- and then she turns her big, pleading eyes on Glitch again when Miranda invites him to go swimming with them. "Yeeees, come and having a swims!" Her big green eyes and winning smile precede a sip of mead and then the mermaid skittering happily across the floor toward the salt-water pool. "Is swims times! Do not be a No Fun Glitch!"

Glitch looks from Miranda and Etsy, and follows along in the wake of the latter, rubbing at one arm. "I didn't really bring a swimsuit or a towel," he beeps out, though he's joining them as he goes. In fact, Etsy's pleading looks have him already shrugging out of his hoodie, subtly cued to go along with it as they do...

Glitch is actually so struck by Etsy's pleading little insistance on the pool that he completely forgets to answer Miranda. The Dusk may need some prodding.

Sorrel's attention remains on Glitch, and it sounds as if he'll be the one to prod the Dusk. "What type of training are you looking for?" he asks with a smile. "I'm fairly well off with a sword, although I can't truly make anything nor do I know of anyone that could. The things I teach, though, tend to be a bit exhausting and painful from what I've been told."

Over to the pool goes Miranda, smiling at Glitch a bit, "I could help you track some of this stuff down, the sword I mean, I know folk in the market who deal in those sorts of things." She says, reaching to her belt to unleash it, shrugging out of the toga and stepping into the water quite undressed. She nods towards Sorrel, "There are many folk who can offer many types of training about, I am sure we can find you someone who can take care of your need."

-> >> Glitch to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 3 4 >

========================================-> >> Resolve No Flags << <-

Glitch nods to Sorrel. "My sword skills are decaying. I need them better than ever before. I need to be at the top of my game," he murmurs. "I'll fight anyone who wants. Until people don't want to anymore." Miranda's offer gets his gaze, and he nods at being told she can find him a sword. "Thank..." And then he trails off at the casual disrobing, standing there with his hands on his own jeans waistband, unable to not stare outright even in front of everyone.

"Hoorays!" Etsy sets her cup of mead down on the edge of the pool, and then casually strips. It ain't no thing, just a naked Spring. She stacks her clothing loosely out of the way of the pool's edge, her Courier sash neatly on top, and then dives into the pool. Surfacing a moment later, she swims lazily back over to the pool's edge with a flip of her... tail? Yep. Apparently her feet flare out and expand when they're not in shoes, each turning into half of a mermaid's tail. "A Billy Ray can make weapons. He did making a bow for Dielle and he is owning a guns range," she volunteers, pulling herself up to lean her arms on the pool's edge and pick up her mead cup, taking a swallow. "And Clio can has a fighting with a trident, I bet she is using a sword also. Iron Walls are good fighters."

Sorrel can only go so close to the pools before he has to come to a stop. From there he drinks a bit of his beer, gaze going from each of those talking. "I think I'll have to stay out for now," he points out with a brief smile. "Nothing of the hospitality or present company, of course."

"Do you need any help with your trousers?" Miranda asks, brow lifting as she comes to the edge of the pool, the water only up to her waist in this spot. "Come closer and I can give you a hand if you'd like." Her gaze drifting over towards Sorrel, nodding her head a little towards him, "Well, sit as close as you'd like and we can keep you company, anyway. So what is it you do?" she asks, her gaze drifting towards Glitch, "You'll have to tell me what you want in a sword sometime, I'll see if I can help make a deal." she nods a bit at Etsy, "And it sounds like there are other options as well, it depends what you'd like, I suppose."

Glitch flushes some and lifts a hand as Miranda so politely offers to help take his pants off. "I'm fine," he beeps a bit rapidly, and slips them off along with his shoes and socks easily. Left in modest, if tight, boxer briefs, his body on display is pixellated like his face, and slim and toned, but more notably scarred dramatically all over. Huge swaths of his chest and arms show obvious vast channels of damage. He actually gets in the pool, as Etsy convinced him to, submerging into the waters. Looking over towards her with a bit less comical interest, he answers "Depends on what's avaliable. I need the highest stats I can get."

Despite it all, there's nary a bit of shame nor judgments from Sorrel. He idly sits just a bit away from the pool, legs crossed as he listens. It's Glitch that has his attention, and he's left blinking after the man's second statement. "Stats? Like, um, baseball? You need the highest on base thingy to do the running thing. Right?" he asks before taking another sip of his beer.

Off into the water goes Miranda once Glitch settles in, floating there effortlessly in the pool as she looks towards the two, "That's an interesting way to word it, I'm not sure how to interperet that." She says, "But I know that there are some rather fine things available at the Roses if you're willing to pay for it."

Glitch looks to Sorrel first. "Statistics. Points. Bonuses." He turns his head to Miranda, pixellated gaze steely and purposeful somehow even while floating in the luxurious Spring pool. "I'll need one that does as much damage as possible," he beeps out. "All attack power. Nothing fancy." He keeps looking after the Fairest for a bit as she floats there.

"Glitch talks him like a video games, you have to thinks like a Mario Karts," explains Etsy to Sorrel, pushing away from the pool's side and lazily cruising around the pool. There are scars on her slender arms and back, disrupting the vague scale-like patterns on the skin of her legs. Long, white, ugly things, like bitemarks or clawmarks. Old, faded things. She dives down to the pool's bottom, then, and stays there for a bit.

"Sorry," Sorrel responds bashfully. "I'm still afraid I don't really follow. I was gone for kind of a while from what I was told, and missed out on a bit of stuff." He smiles, beer lifted in mock cheer. "If you'd be willing to teach me that kinda stuff I'd be happy to trade on it."

"Ahh." Miranda says with a slight nod of her head, "I'll ask around a bit and see what there might be." She says, "I gather he just wants a sword that is really sharp, and will cut through bone and flesh easily." The woman scoots over towards the edge, towards Glitch a little, "Do you like big swords, little swords, medium swords?"

Glitch nods at Miranda's words, her simple appraisal of the matter seeming correct. He watches her approach, just a bit away from the edge himself, deep enough to submerge his shoulders. "...medium," he says, eyes flicking around a bit as he decides how to respond. "One-handed longsword...Katanas are good too..."

Sorrel remains silent while finishing off the rest of his beer, and then rises to his feet. He bows ever so slightly at the waist, "Thanks for the beer." When standing straight once more he gives the group a wave, and thumbs at the place's entrance. "I think I need to head out, though. I didn't really realize how late it might be." With that said he gives another little bow, and makes for the exit.