Sorrel Yarrow

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Sorrel Yarrow

Court spring.png SorrelMask.jpg SorrelIcon.png SorrelMien.jpg Entitlement pilgrims of the endless road.png

Roleplay Hooks Pertinent
  • Parts Unknown:

      Sorrel doesn't know exactly where he came from, and the most he can say is somewhere in the Midwest. Maybe.

  • Amnesia:

      He doesn't know a thing about his time before, nor much of his entrapment in Arcadia. As far as he can tell (and mental probes betray) he can only tell you things about a decade back.

  • Spring:

      Sorrel has been a member for as long as he can remember, and, as expected of a Verdant Courtier, does everything he can to reach his desires and enable the wants of others.

  • Garden Gallant:

      Through Spring and his time abroad Sorrel is noted as something of a knight. He's not often clad in armor, but he carries himself with a chivalric attitude that's some times at odds with the modern world.

  • Pilgrim of the Endless Road:

      Anyone that knew him from his time before becoming a Brother remembers an extremely shy, stuttering Elemental. It's thanks to the Road that he broke out of his shell, and has only recently not gotten as preachy about his Entitlement. He tries not to place his own view of the Road upon others, but his want for improvement some times gets the best of him.

  • Name:

      Sorrel Yarrow

  • Virtues:

      Honorable, Just

  • Vice:


  • Keeper:

      The Most August and Emerald Knight

  • Seeming:


  • Kiths:

      Posionpetal, Oni, Earthbones, Flowering

  • Court:


  • Position:


  • Entitlement:

      The Pilgrims of the Endless Road

  • Motley:


Contacts Soundtrack

      I Fell in Love with You One Night in September

      Eternal Youth


      Defraction Spikes

  • prima:

      Autumn Leaves

  • Altitude:


  • jinsang:


  • Dust:

      Nuori prinssi


  • (2012.07.27)
On the Morrow
  • (2015.08.04)
The Right to Bear Arms
  • (2016.05.07)
A Change Meeting
  • (2017.05.20)
Knock Knock
  • (2017.05.24)
A Walk in the Park
  • (2017.07.26)
Visiting the Silken Garter