Louisa Dalton

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Louisa Mae Dalton
Home State: Georgia
Birthday: April 25, 1978
Sun Sign: Taurus
Virtue: Trustworthy
Vice: Stubborn
Occupation: Bouncer
Occasionally: Musician
Seeming: Ogre
Kiths: Troll, Hoofstomper, Thusser
Keeper: Master of Wine and Spirits
Title: Blackbird Bishop
Court: Summer (Mantle •••)
Goodwill: Dusk (•)
Striking Voice: Southern Honey ••
Siren Song: Unignorable, Distracting
Time will do the talking.
Years will do the walking.
I'll just find a comfy spot,
and I'll wait it out.
Time will do the talking.
Years will do the walking.
Time will tell you, baby,
what you can't hear now.
Patty Griffin
Why We Go Where We Do
Georgia Native: Born and raised in Georgia, she might still be there were it not for complications, were it not for the looks on their faces.
Missing Person: Reported missing in 2003, she returned eight years later, tattered and changed, the center of the local spotlight for a while.
Journalist: Before she went missing, she was a journalist for a local paper. She hasn't felt the urge to return to her previous line of work.
Bouncer: Instead, she's taken to bouncing, enforcing a safe and enjoyable environment for bar and venue patrons. With only occasional violence.
Minotaur: Might have something to do with her Wyrd-ingrained urge to protect a place. She's got the horns and hooves which mark her mythical.
Musician: Sometimes, she might find herself on stage, too. She can play guitar alright, but it's her singing that really draws people in.
Unignorable Voice: Even when she's just speaking, that voice of hers is impossible to ignore. She very easily commands attention.
Steadfast Summer: She doesn't have much of a temper, but she's very good at dealing with those who do, stoic calm at the heart of the raging storm.
Wandering Bishop: She's been traveling up the east coast for a while now, helping others as she tries to find a place which fits like home used to.

What We Bring With Us
Blackbird Pendant: Always visible over her shirt, this hammered tin pendant identifies her as a Blackbird Bishop.
Floral Flask: She carries a pewter pocket flask engraved with floral patterns and filled with water. This is her Aspersorium.
Big Sword Hilt: Sometimes hidden, sometimes at her hip, she carries around a two-handed sword hilt which some might recognize as a token.

Those We Meet Along the Way
Gabe: A taste of home. Easy on the eyes.
Nathania: All the warmth of a fireplace in winter. Fellow Bishop.
Sid: Easy-going humor all tangled up in hurt. Fellow Bishop.
Aiden: Laidback and unafraid.

The Stories We Take Home
  • (2017.10.02)
Spontaneous Synod
  • (2018.06.06)
Bitty's Hospitality
  • (2018.06.16)
Trouble at the Wayhouse