Thompson Meadows

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Thompson Meadows
On Game As: Saulot
Played By: Unknown.
Concept: Crippled Crosspatch
Date of Birth: 24 Frebuary
Apparent Age: Late TWenties
Occupation: Mailman
Virtue: Trustworthy
Vice: Cowardly

Freehold: Fate's Harvest
Motley: None

Seeming: Beast
Kith: Runnerswift
Court: Courtless
Entitlement: Court of the Solstice
Keeper: The Mother Who Feeds

“Larded all with sweet flowers which bewept to the grave did go, with true-love showers.”
– William Shakespeare



RP Hooks

  • Courtless: Thompson is without a court, but denies this notion and associates himself with The Court of the Solstice.
  • Former-Mailman: Due to his recent injuries Thompson has lost his job, but he's likely to have delivered mail to you if you live anywhere in Tamarack Falls.


  • Hates Darklings: After a not so fun foray through the Hedge Thompson is said to hate Darklings, or really any creepy looking fucker.


Information and Roleplay

This NPC is played by Saulot and is active in Tamarack Falls.

If you need something from this character, please page or @mail Saulot.


  • (2018.05.14)
The Church in the Wild: New Limbs, Old Pains
  • (2018.06.01)
The Church in the Wild: Meet n Greet