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Polychromatic Kith

References: WM 84
Theme: Rainbowchild, Emotional Epileptic

Kith Blessings

Passive Blessing: Kaleidoscopic Camouflage

Polychromatics are difficult to read. All rolls to deduce a Polychromatic's emotions or thoughts, including all Empathy rolls and many psychic abilities, suffer -1. This blessing stacks with any standard resistances.

Active Blessing: Prismatic Heart

Polychromatics may spend a Glamour once per scene to gain +2 to resist all emotional manipulation, both mundane and supernatural, for the remainder of the scene. This blessing may be used reflexively.

High Wyrd Blessing

Polychromatics of Wyrd 7 and higher can see more of the color spectrum than mere mortals, granting them +1 to Investigation rolls. Additionally, they ignore up to -2 on penalties to sight-based Perception rolls depending on visibility, per ST discretion.

Pages in category "Polychromatic"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.