Anita Taylor
Anita Patel was born in New York City in the 60s, to very strict parents. She wasn't a very strict kind of girl, so did what anyone would in her situation; she started sneaking out. Which was fine for a while, but it didn't last. It was when she had snuck out to go to a party when she was tricked into going to Arcadia, lured there by a guy she favored. She was just 17.
Several decades later a woman named Anita Taylor showed up in Maine, confused. The local freehold helped her adjust and get on her feet. After a time she joined the Barony of the Lesser Ones, though she was reluctant to join a Court. Who knows why. Then, in the latter part of 2016, she up and moved to Vermont to become a bartender. Why Vermont? She hasn't shared. Why a bartender? Well, it seems she enjoys it, and is good at it.
- Bartender: She is a bartender! And a good one, from all accounts. She likes to put on a show while still serving the right drink.
- Barony of the Lesser Ones: She is a Baroness, which, hopefully, means she is good with hobs and the Hedge.
- Book Nerd: It's not something she's super open about, but she loooves books. Primarily non-fiction, though there are exceptions.
- Courtless: She's been out of the Hedge for a while, but doesn't seem to have settled on a Court yet.
- Dancer: While she will hit dance clubs, she does seem to prefer dances like the salsa.
- Information: Some people collect stamps, others coins. Anita collects information. (Probably why the books!)
- Karaoke: She's not exactly what you'd call a good singer, but she does enjoy singing karaoke!
- Milk and Honey: She was captured by this Keeper in the 80s. Yes, 1980s.
- Party Girl: Even when working this often comes through. She loves to party.
- Onieromancy: And she loves to dream. And see what others dream.
- Scary Stories: A guilty pleasure. It doesn't matter if it's horror novels or creepypasta.
- Stoner: She likes to party, but this is a good way to relax, too!