Anthony Polk

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Anthony 'Tony' Polk
On Game As: Polk
Played By: James Badge Dale
Concept: The Beard Does Not Abide
Date of Birth: 23 Sept 1922
Apparent Age: Mid 30's
Occupation: Private Contractor
Virtue: Vigilent
Vice: Vengeful

Freehold: Fate's Harvest (pending)
Motley: None

Seeming: Tough to Tell
Keeper: Unknown

"The nation that will insist upon drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards."
-Sir William Butler, 1889


      Tony has been around the block once or twice. He escaped in 2003 near Darwin, Aus, and joined the local Freehold right away. After finding out certain Truthes he never looked back. The Fae-Touched became a history junkie right away and checked himself into using his skillset from before he was taken. Once Polk had matured heavily into the life of the Lost, he struck out on his own and went back to his home nation, the United States. He bounced around the world working for various companies doing 'consulting work' in different regions. After several years of this Tony had amassed quite a savings and moved to Miami and joined the Freehold there while doing more 'consulting work' with the Broward County Sheriffs Office while joining the Freehold there. As interesting as it was, the weather was wearing on him and the big city wasn't his show so Tony pulled up stakes moved to the Northeast, returning to a small area like his hometown. He joined the freehold in Bar Harbor, Maine, and stayed active. He used his reputation from Broward County and took to doing a lot of the same work all over New England with various State Police departments and some of the larger Sheriffs Offices. But things happen. Again sick of the ocean, he decided to move inland and see what a friend from Aleswich was up to.

"Keep open and friendly relations with everyone you work with and you will be much more effective. Keep in mind that there are sometimes contentious, power-hungry manipulators who look for any little mistake, even from the new, untrained workers, to make fun of, because doing so makes them feel more secure. In combat, these types of people will betray their own men and take credit for the deeds of others. Avoid them."
-Daidoji Yuzan, The Code of the Warrior

RP Hooks

  • Cops - Some of the cops around town seem to know him and will wave or flash lights in passing. Have Contacts or Allies in Law Enforcement? Might find out quite a bit.
  • Unassuming - Polk doesn't go out of his way to be unassuming, but he doesn't advertise particular skillsets. But he will answer direct questions most of the time.
  • New in Town - He just got into town at the end of August. Show him around, ask about where he's been.


  • Dielle - He's known her for several years now. Done some adventuring together.

"Be an example to your men, in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself, and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance of fatigue and privation. Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide."
-Field Marshal Erwin Rommel


Polk1.png Polk3.png Polk4.jpg Polk2.png


The Builders and the Butchers - Bringin' Home the Rain

Blood-shot your eyes drop
and the skin's all wearing thin
There's no one here to tell you about the depth of the water
or the trouble that you're in
You're dancin' with your demons baby
You forgot your former lie
and it was hard swimmin' once
and now you're daily divin' in

Anthrax - Catharsis

All these years I've been the hard man
All these years it's been so hard man
To live my life for someone else
In fear of being honest with myself


  • (2017.09.02)
Catching Up At The Wayhouse
  • (2017.09.13)
September Court 2017
  • (2017.09.16)
Dinner and Dream Talks
  • (2017.09.20)
Talking Dreams With Lulu
  • (2017.10.03)
Harvestmen Meeting: October 2017
  • (2017.10.09)
Catching Up With Polk
  • (2017.10.29)
Broken Dolls: Compromised Looptrod
  • (2017.11.05)
Second Court of Autumn