Maggie Locklear

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Maggie Hania Locklear
On Game As: Maggie
Played By: Genevieve Padalecki
Concept: Always Watching
Date of Birth: April 18 1990
Apparent Age: Late 20's
Occupation: Animal Sanctuary Owner
Virtue: Hope
Vice: Wrath

Freehold: Fate's Harvest
Motley: None

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”
– John Muir


      Maggie Locklear was born and raised in Fort Brusnett, Vermont. Her father, Mark, is of Abenaki descent and her mother, Linda, is a French woman. They never married given her father's people did not approve of the 'White Woman'. Maggie grew up with her mother and was a pretty quiet child that had a way with animals. Maggie's mother thought she was Autistic given she'd 'communicate' with animals better than she did with humans. That wasn't the case though. What was happening was that her psychic powers were emerging. Ones that mainly dealt with animals. Maggie's father was contacted and after a very heated conversation he agreed to come with his father and speak to Maggie and her mother. When the men arrived, they were suspicious of Linda due to the past that Mark and she had, but when Mark's father met his granddaughter there was a definite love for the little girl. He explained to Linda that some of the family members before Maggie had exhibited psychic abilities before. And it was decided that it would be best for Maggie to spend the Summers with Mark and the rest of his family so they could keep track of her abilities and teach her of the ways of her heritage.

      Maggie was excited, Linda was not. But she relented and from six to sixteen Maggie spent Summers on Lake Champlain visiting with her father and having lessons from her grandfather in the languages they spoke, how to hunt with a bow and the backstory of the family. Maggie has never minded her gifts, but it has weirded out most people that she knows, so she doesn't talk about them a lot.When she was sixteen it was her last trip out to see her grandfather due to his failing health. He took her out for her 'last big test' with her powers. The test was to meet with a black bear and commune with it. And she did. It was pretty terrifying for the teen, but at the end, she didn't get her or her grandfather eaten. This solidified her choice in job when she decided to become a Zoologist. Which is what she attended college for. Maggie got word that her grandfather had died when she was about to start college. She started a week later and went to Lake Champlain to attend his funeral. While she was there she was notified that her grandfather had left her a large box. When she collected it she was surprised to find a lot of old books and journals on spirits and animal totems. It's a cherished part of her home and library to this day.

      The Summer she was 18, Maggie was abducted on her way home from her last late class and taken into Arcadia. She was not sure what happened. Nor did she want to stick around and find out. She was being held in a small cell with three other people. Maggie ended up drinking what they gave her, not knowing what it was going to do to her. At about the week mark, Maggie realized that one of the other people in the room was not like the others and she was freaking out.The Changeling took this opportunity when the guards came in to make a break for it. He was fighting off the guard and in the scuffle a knife slid across the floor. Maggie used it to stab the guard and while he was distracted by the pain she ran out of the cell...and ran into the loyalist that had taken her. Her knee jerk reaction was to stab him in the face...which ended with her taking his eye out. And then there was more running. The Changeling that helped with the escape was a rather large Ogre that more resembled a boulder than a human. Maggie was shot in the shoulder with an arrow before they made it to the thorns. She didn't want to be left behind, but before she could heft herself back up her new friend grabbed her by the back of the collar and drug her through the thorns with him, which was a painful beyond words experience for the woman. When Maggie got out she realized that she wasn't anywhere near home. She was in Seattle, Washington. It was a very odd conversation with the cops and the police once they got her home, but they chalked things up to her being drugged or being hysterical. Except a patrol officer that was a Lost.Edmund talked to Maggie and took her under his wing. Taught her about things. Once the Freehold was founded, Edmund took her to talk to the Monarch and she swore to the Freehold. Because she still had a one eyed Loyalist out there that wanted to stab her repeatedly for blinding him in one eye.

RP Hooks

  • Enchanted Mortal - Maggie got snatched and spent a week in Arcadia.
  • Abenaki - Maggie's father is full blooded. She's half.
  • Fate's Harvest - Maggie is a member of the Freehold.
  • Zoology - Maggie is a Doctor of Zoology.


  • November - The new Waylord. Hopefully she won't toss me out.
  • Maxwell Moreau - I don't think he likes me. But it's hard to tell if he likes anyone.
  • Paige - One of the Waykeepers as well.
  • Calliope Kraus - She was a sailor in a previous life? Maybe this life? Swear bird.
  • Cian - Kinda creepy. But that's okay.
  • Allen - We'll get you all set up.


Baloo.jpg Maggie1.jpg Maggie2.jpg


David Bowie - As the World Falls Down

There's such a fool heart beating so fast,
in search of new dreams.
A love that will last within your heart.
I'll place the moon within your heart.

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
like a tiger defying the laws of gravity.
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva.
I'm gonna go go go!

Michael Jackson - Rock With You

Out on the floor,
there ain't nobody there but us.
Girl, when you dance,
there's a magic that must be love.


  • (2017.07.09)
Waykeeper Meeting - July 2017
  • (2017.07.18)
Birds The Word
  • (2017.07.28)
Cassian and the Wayhouse
  • (2017.08.06)
Waykeepering With Allen
  • (2018.04.24)
Spontaneous Session at the Wayhouse
  • (2018.04.25)
A Broken Fairy Wing
  • (2018.04.29)
Visiting Fairy
  • (2018.05.01)
Beltane Celebration
  • (2018.05.05)
Dinner At Red and Gabe's
  • (2018.05.19)
Waykeeper Meeting - May 2018
  • (2018.05.20)
Wildfire: Predators And Prey
  • (2018.05.23)
Nothing Weird
  • (2018.06.05)
Pink Cow Run 2018
  • (2018.06.16)
Trouble at the Wayhouse