Log:Have You Forgotten: The Missing Child

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Have You Forgotten: The Missing Child

Oh shit!


Poppy, Allen, Missy Lefevre, Ziv, Green, Teagan, ST


A group goes to investigate the East Bank after dark.


East Bank

It's a touch cooler this evening along the banks of the river. The cops have become less of a presence since the area has been 'cleaned'. But knowing this place there might be something else to come across. Whatever has brought the individuals here, there's the sound of the ripped police tape from the crime scene blowing in the wind that makes weird sound. There's not a lot of light out here, so flashlights, phones and other things might be good to use. If they have them.

That's a Torch in British Speak.

There's already someone there, standing off in the dark, staring towards where the body was found, staring past where the police tape should be marking off the area. She's tall, her hair is white, she's wearing a small black dress that really should not be worn by a woman her age. Nothing scandalous, but, really. How does one keep their legs looking that good at that age? Yes, it's Missy Lefevre. Without a flashlight. Staring at the darkness.

Pffff, flashlights. This is Darkling time. Maybe at some point in the future someone will question 'why is there volcanic sand on the ground here in Tamarack Falls where Teagan was?' but right now probably no one can see the scattering of black sand that follows the Mirrorskin as they casually sidle down toward the river. A smudge on a mirror in the closest gas station is the only other sign of Teagan's passing, so far.

Allen, by contrast to the absence of the being that might be Teagan or might not be, stands out like a big, grey, shy sore thumb. His trusty 8-lb. sledge anchored to his back, he stalks his way across the bridge, heading inevitably in Ms. Lefevre's direction as if he had a choice in the matter.

"...no, I know it was around here somewhere..." Ziv is telling Green, as she gets out of the woman's car and peers off into the darkness. For those that know her, or maybe not, she's looking rather more... human than typical, instead of her usual fuzzy self. Several steps are taken away, and she fishes around in the poncho-jacket she's put on over not really season appropriate garb she has underneath - that is to say, a pair of shorts, sandals, and a tank top that's many sizes too big.

"I guess if we take a look around, and don't find anything, we can head back to the apartment..." she's telling the Brit, with a shake of her head and looking kind of frazzled really. It's pretty dark out, but that doesn't seem to phase her much.

"Ziv, love..." Green says, as she's sliding out of the driver's side of the car. "I am rather positive there is not a party out here tonight," she says, trying to keep her voice soothing and warm, rather than agitated. She takes a breath. Serenity now! Then leans back into the car to grab a black leather jacket out. The jacket comes to cover up what is otherwise a tiny little blue dress with floral print. Green is also in sandals, and her legs are not covered in hose or tights or leggings. She was loving this heat wave! ... Of course, it's less warm now. She starts to zip up the jacket as she walks around the car, towards Ziv. And it's there she stops, and squints into the dark. "Well... someone... someones?... are out there..."

In quiet, scattering volcanic sand behind them, Teagan slows when they hear familiar voices. Arcing back around quietly toward the incoming bat and unwillingly-ensorcelled, the Darkling casually keeps a short, stealthy distance. But, when they spot Missy? Well, that's call to pull shadows closer around themselves, taking a few moments to be just this side of totally unseen.

"Maybe we can ask them, and perhaps they'll know?" wonders Ziv with a glance over her shoulder to Green. She hasn't strayed too far away from the British woman just yet, and actually starts drawing up short instead of going off along ahead. There's a slow blink of her dark eyes as she examines the area around them, tucking her hands into the pockets of her poncho-jacket and then offering up, with a small hitch of her shoulder, "Can also head back, I guess. It is kind of dark." She's looking over towards Missy, though, and then Allen nearby to her.

Missy reaches up a hand to scratch at the back of her head, as if she's trying to puzzle through something. Puzzle through staring at the dark? Sure, probably, maybe, who's to say! Eventually, she does turn, as she hears voices. Now, she's squinting into the dark. "Oh, hello!" she calls, over towards Allen. Big man that he is, it'd be rather hard to miss him! Then it's over to the sounds of Ziv and Green. "Looks like there is a party after all!" she offers.

Green sticks close to Ziv, as the other woman starts to wander out. She glances off, and she, too, catches sight of the big, big man. Her eyes flash wide, and instinctively a hand shoots out to snag Ziv's. "Ah, Ziv, love... this... this is where they found the dead body," she murmurs softly. And then the white haired woman is sending out greetings? Yeah, Green will just keep quiet. This was Ziv's plan anyways!

Poppy picks her way almost idly towards the river; she's thrown a light jacket on over her current t-shirt, but otherwise is dressed in her usual - which is to say, entirely impractical footwear. Did she drive? Can she drive? However she got there, she's there, and clearly looking for someone. At the sight of those people visible, she squints a little. On the other hand, it's hard to miss Allen, and she waves at him, perhaps testing if he has eyes in the back of his head.

"Wait, what dead body?" Ziv stops in her walking and turns in order to ask Green that, her brows pinching together in a look of something nearing concern - but there's also a glint in her eyes that suggests she's, quite possibly, incredibly curious. Which could spell bad things for her estwhile companion at the moment. At Missy's words, though, she turns more towards her and says, "Oh, hello! You know about the party? I've been looking around for it, but I can't find it!"

"Hello," rumbles the Og... er, large man to Ms. Lefevre, and then hears the others around him. And then something draws his attention and he jerks his head in that direction and sees... a familiar Sired. No return wave, yet, since, dead body talk? What has Allen walked into?

It's fine, it's all fine. News of a dead body has the Darkling, all wrapped in shadows as comfortable as their tatty-ass trenchcoat, pull up alongside the Brit, silent and stealthy. Surely Green would find it very reassuring to know Teagan is kind of hanging out there to one side of her, just in case? Right? No? Oh well, that's what they're doing anyway. Never mind the stalking Darkling over here in the shadows.

Green's just walking along, minding her own business and then there's the feel of something giving a bit of a tug to her jacket. Much like a kid would do to their mother. It's a quick thing. Maybe Green was distracted.

"This is the party, sweet child!" Missy says, to Ziv, with a sweet smile. "All six of us, having a romp alongside the river," she says, sounding positively excited. Wait, how many people are here? "But... yes. Sad thing, that. They found that woman dead, they did," Missy says, as a frown spreads across her lips. "Don't worry, though. Neither of you will die tonight," she says, specifically looking at Green and Ziv. Which, is she purposefully excluding Allen...?

"Wow, that's not creepy as fuck," Poppy says cheerfully as she reaches the loose gathering, giving Missy a warm smile. Apparently creepy as fuck is fine by her. "I'll watch out for clowns." She glances towards the river, studying it for a long moment before looking back to the others brightly.

It wouldn't be the first time that Allen felt excluded from something, purposefully or not. It would be the first time that he wouldn't be okay with it, though.

Thankfully, Poopy's expected quips set him more at ease (if such at thing is possible). Did he edge toward her? Maybe not. He's absolutely keeping his eye peeled for... who knows, really.

Green seems entirely ready to stay close to Ziv, and keep her hand in the small Lost's. When Missy starts talking, Green can't help but blink, and stare. Her mouth opens, then closes. She considers a moment, then leans to the side, mouth opening to whisper. Then, there's a something that seems to grab her attention. Her head jerks and turns to look over her shoulder, entirely tense as she does. Then she blinks. Nothing? She's confused for a moment, and then she squints into the darkness. Eyes settle on... well. A very, very sneaky darkling. "If you're trying to play tricks it's not blooyd funny!" she says, loudly and entirely agitated... right at the darkness. Right at Teagan.

"Wait, what?" Ziv sounds confused at Missy's explanation of what's going on, and like she sounds... well, discomfitted at the prospect of what's going on here. Of course, tall white-haired ladies in the middle of the night are usually something of a bad sign. A faint cringe comes over her at the sudden (to her) yelling from Green. Rather than respond irritably, though, she gives the British woman's hand a squeeze and peers into the darkness... Nothing seems to catch her interest.

Which is Teagan's cue to shake their head just a little bit, bringing a hand up to their mouth, forefinger crossing their lips in a distinct 'ssh!' gesture. There's a short, sharp shake of their head, and they drop back a couple of steps, away from the Brit, into the dark woods; Green will be well aware that the left hand that's parked just at their waist level is exactly where Baby hangs, but there's no threat inherent in their gesture toward her. Quite the opposite: Teagan looks a little stressed, a little spooked, and a little 'oh my god don't blow my cover woman.'

"Well... well something bloody touched me!" Green shouts at the darkness, still seeming entirely annoyed. Because, well, someone's pranking her. Right? She looks over her shoulder again, behind her. Then back over to Ziv. "Maybe we should go," she decides.

"Do you not like clowns?" Missy asks Poppy, seemingly confused. She doesn't seem overly worried about Green's yelling into the darkness. Rather, she's focused on Poppy. "But you did arrive just in time. So that's... good," she says, though that last word seems just an itsy bit uncertain as it comes from the lips of the old woman. Finally, she looks back to Ziv and Green. "You might want to listen, though, dears. You're too loud. You'll wake the dead," she says, that last sentence coming off wholly matter-of-factly.

With little light, the group is a bit at the whims of the wind and the clouds and whether there is going to be any light that gets to show them paths. There's the sudden shift in the wind and it starts to blow the grass along the bank in a peculiar way. Just as there's the splash of something hitting the water not far from them.

Green and Teagan are probably focused on the same area, so it's no surprise that they both catch the sight of a young boy that gives another tug to Green's jacket and then takes off giggling towards the tree line. Away from the bank of the river. Farther into the East Bank.

"Depends on the clown," Poppy says matter-of-factly. "Some of those bastards are pretty evil." A pause, then she smiles to the others that she can see. "Hey." A glance back at Missy. "What am I in time for?" she asks curiously. "Are we holding a seance?" At that splash, her attention shifts immediately in the direction of the sound and she momentarily goes quite, quite still. Speaking of creepy.

Well, everyone knows that "loud enough to wake the dead" is just an expression, right? Even Allen? He's not acting like it, though, squinting into the darkness, and then squinting into it just a bit harder. The splash draws his usually underwhelming attention, so he reaches back and pulls his sledge from his back holster.

There's that splash, and Missy just gives a sigh. "What did I tell you?" she asks Green. There's a slow, disapproving shake of her head. Then her attention is back on Poppy. "Oh! ... Do you know how to do one?" she asks, bright and cheerful.

When Teagan spots the kid? Their head snaps back toward Green for a moment, and then they turn and take off, quiet and quick as they can, following the kid. Despite their urge to do so, Baby the Machete stays right in the ring holster under their trenchcoat. The heat of Teagan's Mantle dissipates from where they were, chasing off into the darkness after the kid. Anyone surprised that Teagan immediately ran off after the thing, well, okay.

"Oh, sod off!" says the annoyed little Brit to the old woman. Respect your elders? Annoyed Amanda seems incapable! Before she can say more, she's interupted again. This time she whirls. "I said-!" she starts, ready to brow beat ... the shadows? But then her eyes go wide, and she stares, mouth agape, her eyes and face moving to track something that's heading into the distance. "'s a little boy...?" she says aloud, dumbly. Her grip on Ziv's hand gets quite a bit tighter.

"Um... yeah, maybe we should," Ziv kind of agrees to the British girl next to her, not seeming entirely thrilled. She doesn't, afterall, have much defense against ghosts. And she's not aware that Teagan is lurking around nearby, dark eyes flitting over Missy. At the sound of the splash, she turns her head towards the water, and her tongue slips out to wet her lips. "Not really um... the kind of party I was looking for, I think." Stepping back, she goes to nudge against Green, back towards the car.

As Teagan takes off after the kid, they notice something. Something not very good. The back of the kids sweater is drenched in blood. And right above where the blood is pouring down is a crack in the back of his skull, the dull colored meat of the brain showing through. That kid is most assuredly not living.

At Missy's question, Poppy animates out of that strange stillness, turning back to look at the older woman. "In theory? I have a feeling now is a bad fucking time for experimentation. I don't need to piss something off." A pause as she considers, then says, "Off more." She looks to the others, giving Green's words and Ziv's response an interested look.

The barest rustle of something that's barely rustling jangles Allen's usually sluggish perceptions, and his eyes and ears seem to barely follow someone off into the darkness. Grunting, Allen, now finally and fully in Hammerman mode, gives chase.

Things that Teagans are used to: dead bodies. Probably more than they should be used to them. Things Teagans still don't care for: dead bodies. They miss a step, but then they keep chasing the kid, because... well, because Teagans are not always very smart, and sometimes act like they have the death wishes that they are reputed to have.

"Oh... what is time?" Missy asks Poppy. "It might be the perfect time. Which... if you don't go after your friend..." she points in that direction. "I'm worried there will be more dead for the loud Englishwoman to wake," she says. "Just be careful, please, children!"

Green continues to look spooked, her eyes wide, her grip on Ziv's hand tight. She sees Allen start, and she hesitates. Then she jerks a head back, to missy. "What?!" she blurts. Then she turns back to the direction she was staring in. "C'mon, Ziv!" she says, and starts forward, tugging the other tiny woman with her.

Teagan sprints after the little boy still, it's probably a bad idea for them to do so, but the Darkling gets the odd feeling that they are about to be in trouble. They have just enough time to see the little boy disappear like going over a ledge and then that ledge is abruptly upon them. There's enough time for them to stop fast and not go plunging into the darkness that awaits.

Ziv wasn't planning to go running after anyone in particular, since she only saw the big dude go running off who knows where and has no idea that there's Teagans angering their way after something she didn't see. A sudden squeak comes from her as Green starts running, tugging her along. Several steps drag, but then she soon falls into pace without too much effort or hesitation in doing so, seeming confused anyway. "Wait, wait, where are we going?"

And they're off!

Teagan chases after the unseen to the others child. Well, Green can still see him, but probably doesn't want to. One of his shoes are indeed missing. It looks like everyone is going to be running after the Darkling this evening.

"I'm going to guess you know Alice," Poppy says in amusement to Missy at her comment about time. As she points off after Allen, the blonde makes a face. "Ah, fuck," she mutters disharmonically in annoyance. A long look at the line of people, now running and she adds, "Or maybe the white queen." And then she heads off after the others. Apparently despite the heels she can actually make a fairly reasonable clip.

Well, Allen is chasing a thing that he *thinks* he sees; what everyone else is chasing is up to them. Since Ogres aren't known for their stealth, he might be an easy mark for anyone after him. Let's hope he knows when to pull up.

"Alice who?" Missy answers, her brows lifting up. But then people are turning to go, and so Missy just flashes a simle. "Watch your step!" she calls. "Oh, and take out a flash light!" she calls, sounding ever so matronly. It would seem Missy is going to stay right here.

Screeeeeech! Good thing that Teagan's angery-training includes both feelings about omens and -- oh, hey, wait. When they stop solid, waving their hands so they don't go over into the darkness, they watch the dirt falling below them, scattering into the darkness. What does the dirt say?

Green is indeed running after, whether Ziv likes it or not! Or, well, Ziv is probably far stronger and could just stop Green, but so long as the other woman is with her, Green will keep going. She does hear that advice from Missy, though, and she starts digging through the pocket of her jacket, until she can pull out her phone. It's hard to do while running, but in a few moments, she has it out, and with it, a light! Sorry Teagan. "I think I know how to get rid of it... if we need..." she huffs out to Ziv.

"Oh right..." Ziv says, panting a little as she keeps pace with Green. Running's not really her strong suit, so much as other things. A light breath comes out through her nose, as she squints off into the darkness and then blinks a few times afterwards. "Like you did at um... the day I met you... with something going weird," she confirms, any nodding she does probably lost in the heat of the moment. "I'm... well. I'm only good at a few things," she says, apologetically. "But I can maybe do something that would help."

Poppy is definitely at the end of this line. Hopefully there isn't something stalking behind to gather up stragglers. She does at least also manage to get out her phone to finagle some sort of flashlight, which is trained firmly on the ground to keep her from measuring her length on the bank.

If there is anything coming after them, well... Missy is staying behind. That means their safe, right? ... Right?

And then suddenly, Allen senses that stopping is a VERY GOOD IDEA INDEED. His runs slows to a trot slows to a walk slows to a stop. And if there's a confused look on his face, well, then, no one can see it, right?

Apparently Teagan has decided to join everyone in the land of the visible. "Little shit," they drawl, standing at the edge of the cliff, and smiling a winning smile back at Green and her flashlight. Hello, Green, here's a lovely metaphor for the Darkling in question: Teagan casually standing at the edge of a cliff, and just-as-casually taking a few steps back away from it. "So, that's a ghost," they offer, hooking a thumb over their shoulder. "Old, definitely malicious -- well, I mean, like, he's trying to get people to follow him over the edge. It's debatable if he actually knows that kills people. Ghosts, you know?" Nah, why would they say why they know these things? It's so much better to just lean against a tree and light a cigarette. "But there's some sort of resolution we can bring him to that he'll knock that obnoxious shit off."

Green continues on, running after Allen, who is running after Teagan, tugging Ziv along the whole time. "Ghosts are not... exactly... my specialty!" she says to Ziv. Then, Allen is suddenly stopping, and there's Teagan, too! Oh, my. Green stops as well, but being unable to run very fast it's not some action movie skid to a stop. She just... stop her run (jog). Then she takes a deep breath, and stares at Teagan. Blink, blink. "Well it-..." She stops, to look back, as Poppy is following too. There's a quick smile to the other woman with a light, then back to Teagan. "Ghosts have anchors. We can just destroy the bloody anchor and it will be gone," she says. "And I think I might know what it is. Maybe."

Ziv slows when Green does, seeming to be able to function fairly well with someone close in more or less tandem with her. She stares off into the darkness, finally seeming to spot Teagan after and tilting her head in that direction. A steadying breath is taken in, and then her brow knits and she wonders. "Are there um... lots of ghosts around here? And... and I guess that sort of makes sense. I'll need to... do a little more reading up. I think I've -heard- that somewhere before... and um... I've heard old towns like this draw a lot of supernatural activity... so maybe there's something around and..." She kind of trails off.

Poppy trails in at last, pocketing her phone. A smile to Green, then she tilts her head at Teagan, expression curious, although whether at their appearance or their words is unclear. "I'm all for spoilers," she says frankly to the former at the mention of anchors.

Ghosts are not at all a thing that Allen dabbles in. But maybe they're a thing that he should at least pay attention to. The Ogre settles back into listening mode as Teagan and Green say words that sound like English even though they're used in a way he's not familiar with. Ziv and Poppy also get spared some attention, but, honestly? There are no punches to absorb or things to hit with a hammer, so Hammerman is a touch out of his element.

"That's kinda what I was thinking, yeah," Teagan agrees with Green. Were they actually thinking that, or were they just agreeing with Green? They're not Masked, so it's not like watching their face be lit up by a cigarette during intermittent drags on same is exactly comforting. "What do you think the anchor is?" The smoke curls up, into the darkness, and Teagan closes their eyes for a moment for whatever reason, then slowly opens them once more, ashing their cigarette and watching the bits of burnt tobacco fall toward the ground.

"There are ghosts everywhere," Green says, with a glance aside. "Everywhere that there's death, which is... everywhere," she says, with a faint sigh. "And they're meant to be in the underworld. Obviously this one is not," she mtuters out. "But if it's killing, it's surely creating essence, which it can use to keep itself from falling into slumber," she explains. With more words that are decidedly English but likely don't make sense to poor Allen. Blame it on the accent!

Green then nods to Teagan, and turns to look at Poppy once more. Only now, she can actually see Poppy. Green blinks. Oh, pretty. She's distracted a moment, before she clears her throat. "We found a shoe. The child's shoe," she says. "It could be it. If not... then likely the child's body is down there," she says, pointing. "And we'd need to find it and salt and burn the bones. Which... I could use the shoe to find..." she explains. Then clears her throat once more. "That is, in theory. Not that I'm often... digging up children and burning their bones..."

"...some things have to be done; and it's usually um... something personal to the person, right?" Ziv looks off towards the cliff, not straying in that direction, nope. Her hands tuck into the poncho jacket she's wearing, pulling it closer to herself and tucking her neck down further into the slightly higher collar. "...Might be something to do in daylight, though. I um, could probably find a way to get down there without it being too hazardous to me. But everyone else... it's really probably better to wait, until most of us can um. At least see, instead of..." She lifts a hand, unwrapping it from her jacket, and makes the motion of someone flying off a cliff and falling. Along with the suitable whistling sound ending in a 'splat'.

"There isn't exactly a giant fucking audience; I'd expect we can get away with a fire without too much attention." Poppy nods to Green, then grins at Ziv's sound effects, perhaps somewhat sharply. "Right. In the morning, in the interest of not creating more bones."

For a long moment, Teagan's just... watching the ash from their cigarette as it falls and falls, not tapping the cigarette, just watching it. After about ten seconds or so, they tilt their head out toward the emptiness beyond the cliff. "You've got it, my love," she says, turning her head back toward Green. "Destroy the shoe and we'll resolve this dangerous little shit." They say it with such an air of finality and authority. "No need to salt the earth or burn the bones. The shoe will do it. Well done."

"I agree, whole heartedly. I can barely do stairs in the dark," Green murmurs out, her eyes flashing wide. She's back beside Ziv, holding her hand once more. "But... I strongly advise you all find someone who actually knows about ghosts? Because... attempting to dig up a ghost's anchor... without a means to combat said ghost? If it's old, it's powerful. And you'll die. Probably..."

But then, Teagan's talking of shoes. Green offers a tight smile. "I'll need to prepare," she says. Simple as that!