Calliope Kraus

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Calliope 'Clio' Kraus
On Game As:
Played By: Chelsea Christian
Concept: Bluebird of Friendliness
Date of Birth: Nunya
Apparent Age: 20s
Occupation: Hah!
Virtue: Faith
Vice: Everything

Freehold: None
Motley: None

Seeming: Beast
Kith: Truefriend Levinquick Bright One
Court: Summer
Keeper: The Twins


““When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.” ”
– Edwar Teller



      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In blandit mauris id lorem fermentum, nec lobortis lacus convallis. Etiam pharetra erat ut quam tempus fermentum. Donec convallis, nisi in pellentesque hendrerit, tortor ligula vulputate augue, a convallis enim metus et mauris. Aliquam quis erat at felis fringilla aliquam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce eros nisl, semper ut lorem eu, varius convallis leo. Vivamus ut venenatis odio, quis fermentum nibh. Nulla vulputate erat nisi, a pharetra purus mollis quis. Maecenas semper vitae ante nec porttitor. Curabitur vitae elit id mi varius fringilla. Quisque fringilla erat nec nisi dapibus elementum. Donec tortor dolor, auctor non odio vestibulum, viverra semper massa. Donec non quam iaculis, luctus sem ac, ultrices quam. Ut eu ante mollis, dapibus ligula in, molestie mauris. Pellentesque scelerisque risus vel justo semper fringilla.

RP Hooks

  • Something Interesting - Hooks are meant to provide other players and storytellers easy starting points for RP.
  • Something Special - They can be things which make your character unique.
  • Something Shared - They can also be things which your character might share with other characters.


  • Name - You can list people your character knows here.
  • Name - It could be someone they find useful, someone they care about.
  • Name - It could be someone they loathe, an adversary or rival.


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Hugo - 99 Problems

Tip my hat to the sun in the west
Feel the beat right in my chest
At the crossroads a second time
Make the devil change his mind.
It's a pound of flesh but it's really a ton
99 problems and a bitch ain’t one

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
like a tiger defying the laws of gravity.
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva.
I'm gonna go go go!


  • (2017.07.18)
Birds The Word
  • (2017.07.19)
Wayhouse Meetings
  • (2017.07.22)
Jam Sessions and Swearbirds
  • (2017.07.24)
Attack of Squidtopus
  • (2017.07.25)
Life Skills and Spin Cycles
  • (2017.08.12)
Open Mic @ CAT-22
  • (2018.02.07)
Sacred Order of the Alabaster Bitches
  • (2018.07.20)
July Emergency Freehold Meeting
  • (2018.08.21)
Escape from the White Hand
  • (2019.12.27)
Giants & Bluebirds