Basil A Utridge

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羅勒 Basil A. T. Utridge


      For some Spring courtiers 'making it rain' means the blessing of water, the nourishment of plant, earth and spirit, and the healing of the body. For Basil 'making it rain' involves a downpour of hundred dollar bills. Basil's story started across spanning continents, cultures, and economic roots.

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RP Hooks

BaztrolabeSm.png Finding Ethics - He is astral navigation equipment, yet has no moral compass. The irony.

BaztrolabeSm.png Afro-Asian - His grandmother, Zhilan, was of a influential trade family in Hong Kong and met his grandfather during business arrangements establishing trades between the Tsai and Utridge families. His mother, Olatome, was born and raised in Ghana. His name Luólè translates to 'Basil' which is what he adopted when he started to attend boarding school in the US.

BaztrolabeSm.png Panic at the Opera - Basil's mother achieved international fame as a stand out opera singer. Most notably taking up a leading role in the resurgence of La Bohème. The music world suffered when she was killed in a chance drive by shooting of the Onyx cafe after the Boston premiere of the production. Several E Entertainment documentaries were done on the event. Since then her sons, Jia and Luole (westerly known Basil) whom were following musical projects of theirs own, seemed to have dropped out of the scene entirely.

BaztrolabeSm.png Musician No More - Not to the caliber of his mother but definitely his mother's son, growing up he was noted as an accomplished vocalist and pianist. That was a long time ago, presumably for the aforementioned reasons.

BaztrolabeSm.png Time Lord - At some point in his life he stopped aging and started remaining frozen in the present. He is never early. He is never late. He seems to always be on time like a motherfucking wizard. The Living Astrolabe has acquired devotees in curious places who all want a little more time or who were in a rush to make distance or money. Some include: Barons of Industry looking to turn profits by end of quarter, the dying and those caring for them, students cramming for tests, and people who are overall impatient, greedy, and ambitious, and a variety of others for their own reasons. It's not a bad gig though. Time conquers all, in the end time always winds out, and no matter what happens time will move forward. On the flip side? It is a lot of taxing responsibility. Good thing he can do his own taxes.

BaztrolabeSm.png Time is Money - His skills at acquisition, bartering, and haggling are nigh legendary in the hedge as well as out. You want to make money? You want to get your mitts on something well out of your budget? This is the man to talk to. There's rumor that he was a former Satrap of Pearls?


BaztrolabeSm.png Tristan - Closest to perfect not-me will be; perfect balance too perfect to ruin.
BaztrolabeSm.png Miss O. - You love to wind my clock and watch it whirr. What are you hoping it will do? Careful, bombs whirr too.
BaztrolabeSm.png Jo Montgomery - Custodian of my every filthy lie, the uglier truths, and all the wonders in between. However do you put up with me?
BaztrolabeSm.png Callie Utridge - Little cousin, big world. What will you do with it? Everything, or nothing perhaps.
BaztrolabeSm.png November - So very much in common. Perhaps too much; all of it excellent.

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The Astropath
Fullname: Luólè Adwale Tsai Utridge
On Game As: Basil
Played By: E. Jackson
Concept: Financial Con Artist
Date of Birth: October 23rd
Apparent Age: Early 30's
Occupation: High Finance Investor
Virtue: Ambitious
Vice: Ambitious

Freehold: --
Motley: Terrible People
Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Telluric/Chatelaine/Gandharva
Court: Spring
Entitlement: The Lost Pantheon
Keeper: Sky Admiral Santei
The Score

Gorillaz - Sweepstakes

There's nothing as dealers
and players and killers and me
You play there you play
The rules of the trade
The math of the date
The times and the age
But you want how you like
Hey my man why not?
Sun Moon Stars y'all
Ditching all the y'holes
Mathematics and dealers
and players and me
They say that they're winners
Okay well let's see

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