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Revision as of 16:12, 4 January 2016

Freeholds on Fate's Harvest

As of game opening, there is only one player Freehold, but it is not the only Freehold in the area.

Players are welcome to decide their characters were once part of the other nearby 'holds, though that will have consequences.

If you have an idea for a far-away Freehold and would like to invite other players to share it in their backstory, please send up a +req/fae with the text you would like submitted here.

Nearby Freeholds

These Freeholds are those which are within a 50 mile radius of Tamarack Falls/Fort Brunsett.

Fate's Harvest

Founded in early 2015 by migrants from freeholds in Maine and Massachusetts, Fate's Harvest is a young and active group with the primary goal of gathering knowledge about the Fae, the Hedge and all other sources which could aid in the protection of both its own membership and other changelings in the world. For a price. Nothing comes for free.

Courts: Autumn, Dawn, Dusk, Moon, Spring, Summer, Sun, Winter
Crown Type: Seasonal+ (Dawn=Spring, Sun=Summer, Dusk=Autumn, Moon=Winter)
Internal Organization:
  • Council: Previous Crowns from every Court or, if unavailable/unwilling, Court-elected members who keep the Crown up to date on what the Courts are doing. Primary Court POCs.
  • Harvesters: Combined militia and exploration group. They defend the freehold and study/map the territory around it.
  • Greenies: Healers and herbalists. They use Contracts, goblin fruit and modern medicine to keep members alive and well.
  • Watchers: Oneiromancers and seers. They guard the dreams of the Freehold and watch for troubling omens.

(Player-Submitted) Distant Freeholds

Your Freehold here!

Freehold Name

Freehold Description

Courts: List of courts accepted
Crown Type: What crowning pattern does it use?
Internal Organization: Any notable subgroups?