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{{Lorem ipsum}}
Founded here in 1798, the Lefevre family exemplifies both 'old' and 'strange', with ties to France strong at the time of its arrival here in what was then the wilderness of barely-settled lands.  Private even then, the family promptly began work on the establishment of a homestead far from any other home in town, alone, on the east bank of the Tam.  Given that one of the founding members was a maple-bodied Woodheart, their choice to dwell on Maple Hill had very personal meaning...as did the relative nearness of, oh, Hedge Gates and particularly useful places of power.<br><br>
Knowledge is power, and power is security: as a family, they are unusually focused upon the occult, and psychic gifts, or others, are nothing to be ashamed of.  A child found flinging toys across the room with thought alone might be scolded for pelting his brother, but not for showing telekinesis.  Granted, knowledge IS power.  While time has shown that the insular Lefevres are a strange lot to the outside world, they keep their secrets to themselves.  If a member chooses to show off, that is their choice, but betraying the gifts of other members will see them punished for it.  More than most, they know exactly what they have to lose.<br><br>
The family earns its living locally by selling maple syrup and various related goods, harvested from the dense forests about their hillside home.  Members have scattered to the four winds to learn other trades, to study at universities, international or local, but they'll always have a home on Maple Hill.  Unlike the Millers, the family can't afford to send all of its children to the brightest and best schools, so Lefevres either learn to apply themselves...or learn to tap a tree.  Many members never leave Vermont at all.<br><br>
More of a loose compound than a single house, the Lefevres strive to avoid cutting trees wherever possible.  Their homestead is a sprawling collective of smaller buildings instead, the largest of which, built earliest, contains the family's most prized possession: books.  Hundreds of them, thousands, their library is their treasure and their secret, added to over two hundred local years. 
* '''Those Guys''' - Explanation.
* '''Those Guys''' - Explanation.

Revision as of 18:57, 7 April 2016

Lefevre Family

Family Motto or Something


Founded here in 1798, the Lefevre family exemplifies both 'old' and 'strange', with ties to France strong at the time of its arrival here in what was then the wilderness of barely-settled lands. Private even then, the family promptly began work on the establishment of a homestead far from any other home in town, alone, on the east bank of the Tam. Given that one of the founding members was a maple-bodied Woodheart, their choice to dwell on Maple Hill had very personal meaning...as did the relative nearness of, oh, Hedge Gates and particularly useful places of power.

Knowledge is power, and power is security: as a family, they are unusually focused upon the occult, and psychic gifts, or others, are nothing to be ashamed of. A child found flinging toys across the room with thought alone might be scolded for pelting his brother, but not for showing telekinesis. Granted, knowledge IS power. While time has shown that the insular Lefevres are a strange lot to the outside world, they keep their secrets to themselves. If a member chooses to show off, that is their choice, but betraying the gifts of other members will see them punished for it. More than most, they know exactly what they have to lose.

The family earns its living locally by selling maple syrup and various related goods, harvested from the dense forests about their hillside home. Members have scattered to the four winds to learn other trades, to study at universities, international or local, but they'll always have a home on Maple Hill. Unlike the Millers, the family can't afford to send all of its children to the brightest and best schools, so Lefevres either learn to apply themselves...or learn to tap a tree. Many members never leave Vermont at all.

More of a loose compound than a single house, the Lefevres strive to avoid cutting trees wherever possible. Their homestead is a sprawling collective of smaller buildings instead, the largest of which, built earliest, contains the family's most prized possession: books. Hundreds of them, thousands, their library is their treasure and their secret, added to over two hundred local years.


  • Those Guys - Explanation.


  • These Guys - Explanation.


Town or city blurb.

  • Place - Grid - Desription.


Influence 5

Test.gif Name - Title/Position
Role within Family
Template Details

Influence 4

Test.gif Floyd Lefevre - Old Man Mechanic
Tinkerer, Tale-Teller, Even-Tempered

Influence 3

Test.gif Janey Lefevre - Handy & Helpful
Floyd & Gigi's Daughter
Test.gif Name - Title/Position
Role within Family
Template Details

Influence 2

Test.gif Jackson Smith - Font of Information
Seems to Know Something about Everyone
Test.gif Name - Title/Position
Role within Family
Template Details

Influence 1

  • Name - Role within Family - Template Details
  • Name - Role within Family - Template Details
  • Name - Role within Family - Template Details

Goodwill Holders

  • Gigi Garreau - Goodwill ••• - Floyd's Old Lady - NPC
  • Nicky Garreau - Goodwill •• - Floyd & Gigi's Son - NPC
  • Name - Goodwill • - Relation to Family - Template Details


Mechanical Bonuses
  • Skill: -1xp to purchase Skill
  • Skill: -1xp to purchase Skill
  • Merit: -2xp to purchase Allies: Lefevre Family
  • Merit: -2xp to purchase Contacts: Lefevre Family
  • Merit: -1xp to purchase Merit
  • Merit: -1xp to purchase Hobbyist Clique (Activity)


  • Common Professions - List, list, list.
  • Resources - Money money!
  • Wanted Concepts
    • Stuffity stuff!
    • Something!
    • Something!


  • Influence 5 - Responsibilities and expectations. Information and access.
  • Influence 4 - Responsibilities and expectations. Information and access.
  • Influence 3 - Responsibilities and expectations. Information and access.
  • Influence 2 - Responsibilities and expectations. Information and access.
  • Influence 1 - Responsibilities and expectations. Information and access.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In blandit mauris id lorem fermentum, nec lobortis lacus convallis. Etiam pharetra erat ut quam tempus fermentum. Donec convallis, nisi in pellentesque hendrerit, tortor ligula vulputate augue, a convallis enim metus et mauris. Aliquam quis erat at felis fringilla aliquam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce eros nisl, semper ut lorem eu, varius convallis leo. Vivamus ut venenatis odio, quis fermentum nibh. Nulla vulputate erat nisi, a pharetra purus mollis quis. Maecenas semper vitae ante nec porttitor. Curabitur vitae elit id mi varius fringilla. Quisque fringilla erat nec nisi dapibus elementum. Donec tortor dolor, auctor non odio vestibulum, viverra semper massa. Donec non quam iaculis, luctus sem ac, ultrices quam. Ut eu ante mollis, dapibus ligula in, molestie mauris. Pellentesque scelerisque risus vel justo semper fringilla.

Other Families

  • Alexander - Thoughts and things!
  • Desrochers - Thoughts and things!
  • Fry - Thoughts and things!
  • Garreau - Thoughts and things!
  • Miller - Thoughts and things!
  • Utridge - Thoughts and things!






