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Scavenger Hunt Kickoff

Beatrice, Miranda, Kseniya, Haruki, Max, Paige

12 May, 2017

Cyclone's Scavenger Hunt gets kicked off!



Though it's a Friday, and most bars are busy, Paige has been advertising for this scavenger hunt and a lot of the usual clientel aren't here. Paige definitely is here, though, looking bouncy and excited. She's got a beer but hasn't really touched it as she sits at the bar, grinning and waiting for people to arrive, a stack of papers sitting next to her.

Haruki's here for the scavenger hunt. He did show up early, eager as he is to take part, and is sitting at the bar, waiting. It's just water with a slice of lemon for him, but he tips well, and looks cute so maybe that's forgiven.

Kseniya arrives, dressed in a manner that is part casual, and part appropriate club wear, though this is a bar, rather than a club. Ankle boots lift her a good three inches, which means she actually manages to push past the five foot mark, paired with black leather pants and an electric-blue, scoop-necked shirt, her hair gathered up in an intricate braid designed to weave the coloured streaks - also electric blue - amidst the black. The tiny little acrobat makes her way in, through whatever crowd is gathered, and hops up onto a stool, where she sits with feet dangling. She also gives Paige a quiet sort of double-take, but at least doesn't gawk afterwards. Not much.

Although Paige's bar is her favored place to drink, Max has arrived this evening to participate in the scavenger hunt. Wandering inside, milling about with the other bodies, she glances around curiously for any familiar faces. The harpy is of course spotted, but Max figures she's busy with running things. So instead, a grin and a wave is offered to Paige as she heads over to Haruki. "You don't like drinking?" she questions of him as she easily notes his choice of non-alcoholic drink. This evening, the enchanted mortal is dressed, well, casually as usual. Hoodie, denim shorts, and sneakers, with her messenger bag hanging from her shoulders, her hair down in loose curls.

Miranda is dressed in a decidedly not casual way as she strolls into the main room of the Cyclone bar, her gaze drifting across the various patrons and attendees. She lets a thin smile form upon her lips before starting her way over towards one of the booths, near enough the bar to hear any announcements that might be made.

Paige glances at her phone in between grinning and waving at people. But finally she...stands up on her stool. Hey, she's short. No one will notice her otherwise. "Hey! Okay, if you're not here for the scavenger hunt, keep on drinking! If you /are/, listen up!" she says, trying to get attention of the players-to-be.

"Need my mind sharp for hunting," Haruki replies to Max with a grin. "Besides what if I need to drive?" He smiles at Kseniya as she sits down near them and mouths a 'hi' but then there's Paige speaking and it's scavenger hunt time.

Kseniya takes note of Max's arrival, and looks almost immediately sheepish. One small hand is lifted, fingers waggled at the other Enchanted one - not that she knows about that, or even the word, followed by a return of Haruki's smile - then she turns to face Paige. Her gaze hitches momentarily upon Miranda, but then moves on as the diminutive bar owner gets up on her stool, which makes her grin suddenly. Also? She now has every excuse to look at the interesting feathers.

Max smirks at Haruki. "One little drink won't mess you up enough where you can't drive or play," she points out, though doesn't press him any further than that to indulge. As she starts to turn her attention back to Paige, she notices Kseniya and offers a friendly smile and a small wave her way. Then the harpy gets her full attention, obviously here to play!

Paige waits until she has people's attention before she grins at them. "So! Thanks for showing up! I'm sure all of you know what a scavenger hunt is already. There's a list," and she picks up one of the pages, waving it around, "and you need to follow the hints on here to find each of the items. Now, here's the catch. You need to find these with friends! Which is good since these items are scattered all over the city, in businesses, other public places /and/ outside."

Haruki smiles at Max and then Kseniya. "Friends?" he asks them, hopefully. He doesn't seem to have spotted Miranda yet, unfortunately since she's at a booth. And then he asks Paige. "If we're working as teams, with friends, then won't that mean several people will win? Are the prizes divided?"

Kseniya does take the time to flag a bartender down and order a beer, then returns her attention to Paige, sitting there with her chin propped up in one hand, booted feet swinging. A little flicker of concern crosses her face, when friends get mentionned, but her expression clears again. Her head turns, back to Haruki, and she blinks in surprise, then suddenly grins a smile too brilliant for a Goth. Someone should revoke her membership.

Beatrice is a late arrival, an honest to goodness rabbit hanging by the nape of the neck in her left hand and a bit of dirt on her knees. She lifts an eyebrow at Paige's announcement and smiles, going over to look as the rabbit kicks and tries to get lose ineffectively in her hand. "Is rabbit on there?" Maybe they play these things differently where she comes from.

Paige shakes her head at Haruki. "You don't have to pick teams. You could go hunting one day with your brother, the next with Rorschach. Whatever. And each /person/ collects items. This means if you and two friends find something, and there's only two...well, only two of you get items," she says with a quick grin. "You'll have until next Friday to find as many items as you can, before other people do. And there are prizes! First prize gets five hundred bucks! Second gets a month of free pie at Crossroads Cafe. Third is a gift certificate to Homepage Books!" Then there's Beatrice and her head tilts. "Um...you can't have that in here. Health inspector sees that and I'll get shut down."

As some might know, Haruki's brother is a rabbit. Strange thing that. Although Haruki himself is perfectly normal(ish) as he spots Beatrice and the rabbit his eyes widen with horror. "Don't hurt it!" he exclaims before he can think better of it. "Poor lost bunny." He murmurs under his breath. All other thoughts are forgotten in his sympathy for that rabbit.

Kseniya turns her head sharply, seeming to perk up even more upon hearing a certain accent. But before she can say anything, she sees from whence it came. A huge woman.. with a struggling rabbit. She looks immediately concerned.. not -horrified-, no, but concerned. The horrified bit comes when she spots the spider, making her shudder and look away, towards Haruki. She nods once, but looks back to Paige.

Beatrice looks at Paige when she says that, furrowing her brow a moment before looking at the rabbit. She looks over to the scavenger hunt list to make sure she read it correctly, then a look of understanding comes to her face. "Oooh, not 'scavenger' hunt. What is the word... Knick knack hunt." Beatrice glances over to Haruki, giving a soothing gesture with her empty hand. "Will let rabbit go, is fine. Misunderstanding." Beatrice goes back to the door and opens it, setting the rabbit down outside. "Shoo." The rabbit needs no encouragement, it bolts.

Paige lays a hand on Haruki's shoulder at his concern, giving it a light squeeze. "So! Like I was saying...hell. What was I saying? Oh right! Anyone have any questions about how it's supposed to go, or do you just wanna get your lists and go hunting?" she asks, grinning.

Miranda slips from her seat at the booth, glancing over towards Beatrice and her odd rabbit, brow arching ever so faintly. "I'm amazed the little darling didn't die from fright coming in here." She hmns softly, "It sounded fairly straight forward."

Max can't help but chuckle in amusement at the misunderstanding by Beatrice. That was certainly a sight to see. Leaning against the counter, the young woman remains quiet otherwise as she listens to Paige, ideas already forming in her mind on how she's going to win this thing. It's great to play for fun, but it's the most fun when you win!

Haruki smiles at Paige, and then at Beatrice and nods. "Easily done. English is tricky. Nicknack hunt." He agrees. He looks to Kseniya, seems to notice her concern and gives her a smile. "Can I get one of those lists? Then maybe it'll be easier to tell if there's questions or not."

"It's an American thing. Not scavenger like a raccoon." That would be Kseniya, speaking Russian like it were her native language, mostly because it is, despite her utter and complete lack of an accent. In point of fact, she has no regional accent, either, it's just a generic American one. Turning back to Paige, the little carnie girl offers a smile. "I don't think I've any questions." Again, a glance at Miranda, abrief pause, then she makes herself look away.

Paige beams and picks up the stack of papers and starts handing them out to anyone nearby who will take one. Oh yeah, she's excited. "I can't help anyone with clues, but again, that's why you go with friends!"

Beatrice gives Kseniya a once over as she walks back towards where the lists are, giving a toothy grin out of one corner of her mouth before answering in Russian. ~I know. It is just fun to screw with the Americans. They think foreigners believe anything.~

Haruki pulls out a pen and starts writing on his list the moment he gets it. Scribble scribble. He pulls out his phone and checks up a few things. And yep, he's writing in Japanese just in case anyone wants to copy his answers. "Hmm, where's nearest? There's none here?"

Kseniya takes her own list and looks at it, looking for a moment concerned, until she evidently gets to something that rings a bell. She perks up, reaches for her glass and takes a drink, only to choke, splutter, and laugh, presumably at what Beatrice just said to her in Russian. She glances over, grins, but it fades when she again sees the tattoo. Twitch.

Paige grins and shakes her head. "No, none in Cyclone. And that is the /only/ hint I'll give anyone. Otherwise it's not fair. And I wanna see how good my hints are," she says, laughing. "Anyone have any questions about the hunt, though? If you don't, you can go ahead and start hunting now!"

Miranda steps up to accept her list from the pile, glancing down at it a little and hmmning ever so slightly, "It looks like an interesting little game, doesn't it?" she says to noone in particular.

Haruki smiles at Paige. "They're good. This is going to be fun!" he looks around, and then hops up to his feet, looking at Max, and Kseniya, who he's picked to be on his team. Seeing if anyone else wants to join them. he asks "Should we all start together? I suppose, it'd be best to map it all out first, make the most efficient route, but I really want to get going!" He nods eagerly at Miranda. "It does!"

Max is already looking over her list, jotting a few suggestions of the places in short hand. When Haruki suggests three of them team up, she raises her brow. "Well, I could be fine with that but, what if one there's three of us but only one or two items? Would be unfair to the third person, no?"

"Rock paper scissors," Haruki suggests with a shrug. "Or whomever grabs it first. Or we can fight." He smiles. "The real prize is friendship though!" That's his favourite line. "So if you want to go it alone, that's okay too. I'm happy to go with whomever. It's just such a good idea to get to know people and the town too, and for us all to work together and help people."

Kseniya turns to Haruki, and looks briefly gleeful.. then disappointed. "Damn it. I can't." It's back to sounding American, and not like she just stepped off the boat. "But. Look." She fishes a battered pen from her pocket, and jots down a number, and her name. Then repeats it. "If anyone wants to gang up another day? I've got a van. Though if there's more than two, some will have to sit on the bed in the back. But.. I'm actually supposed to perform in an hour, I just ran out because I wanted to meet people and learn the town."

Paige wiggles a finger at Haruki. "No going alone!" she says with a grin. "Doesn't have to be anyone here, but seriously, go with someone else. Meet people, have fun. Bond over finding devil rubber ducks or something. Remember, you've got a whole week, so just have fun doing it!"

Beatrice sniffs, tucking her hands into her jacket pockets. She lifts an eyebrow over at Kseniya's reaction to her tattoo, at least seeming to realize what it is they're looking at. Rather than give a hard time, Beatrice looks around at the others in the room. "One, two, three... All on team. More fun when you lose." Beatrice looks up at Paige. "Excuse me. When I win, I can take second prize, yes?" She eats a lot of pie. A LOT of pie.

"Of course, team work could be quite useful I imagine." Miranda says with a nod of her head at Kseniya as she makes the offer and suggestion, "Though, it is a competition as well, we wouldn't want to make our groups too big."

Haruki takes Kseniya's number, and gives her his in exchange. "Aww, sorry to hear that. It's so good to meet you though. What do you perform as? Good luck! I'd definitely love to meet up tomorrow." He laughs at Beatrice's question about pie. "I've heard it's the best pie in the whole state. They write poetry about how wonderful the pie is." And then, with no attempt to be quiet, and oh so easily overheard by any and everyone in the bar, he asks Max. "Hey, I heard Enid Schmitt and the Mayor are having an affair? Do you know if there is any truth to that? That they were seen canoodling together, there's like these grainy pics online, although that could be anyone including bigfoot. It's ridiculous, isn't it?" Enid Schmitt canoodling with Big Foot?

Paige cocks her head and blinks at Beatrice. "Only /if/ you win and /if/ second place is okay with it. And by the way, need to talk to you soon. Not tonight, just...soon," she tells the woman before hopping down from the top of the stool. Then she grins. "Now go! Have fun, find things," she tells them.

Beatrice grins widely at the 'if' she wins. The rest gets a small shrug and a nod from Beatrice, not being bothered by it in the least. Taking one of the lists, Beatrice folds it up and slips it into her jacket. Glancing over at the sudden gossip about the mayor Beatrice gives a helpless shake of her head and roll of her eyes before looking back over to Paige. "Now is good for me, if it is good for you. Get it out of the way, yes?"

"Enid Whozawhatsit?" inquires Kseniya. She does take her list, folding it up and sliding it into a pocket as she leaps down from her stool, landing lightly, despite the three-inch heels. Showoff. "Aerialist and fire dancer at Club Carnivale." She glances to Miranda, hesitates, then offers, "I'm in it to meet people. So. But, time to go put on spangly clothes, nice to meet you folks." And the tiny acrobat is off, zooming out the door.

Max raises her brow at Haruki before she starts to laugh lightly. "If they're having an affair, that's not any of my business. Why would I care about who either of them are having sex with?" she questions, shaking her head and shrugging gently. Gossip, especially regarding /those/ sort of rumors, are not what interests Max. She's simply glad that no rumors like that can be started about her! "Let's focus on the hunt. If you have any gossip about yourself, my friend, I'd be glad to hear that instead," she says with a laugh.

Haruki scribbles something down and shows it to Max in answer.

Paige glances to Haruki and smiles, before she looks to Beatrice and considers for a moment. "Sure. I'll meet you back there in a minute," she says, jerking a thumb toward the back room. "Just need to make sure everyone is settled and has lists."

Beatrice nods agreeably to that. With another glance around the room as she goes, Beatrice produces a smartphone and thumbs it on as she walks into the back room. Checking messages maybe.

Haruki's gaze flicks around the oh so busy room, he holds Max's gaze a moment. Looks to see who's left now everyone seems to have disappeared. "Okay, so where we starting? Let's head out." And he walks for the door.

The note she's handed is picked up, Max furrowing her brows lightly. "I have my thoughts on the matter. We can discuss them while we're wandering if you really want to know them," she states. Then she moves to her feet, finishing off her drink, and picking up her bag. Grinning over at Haruki, she lightly taps her list. "I know for sure where at least one of these are. Do you have a car or are we hoofing it?" she asks as she heads to the door with him, then holds it open for her friend.

"I've got a car," Haruki says. "We start nearest then work our way out? Seems like most of them are rather obvious. Famous last words though." And out he steps onto the street. He shoots a look at Miranda to see if she's coming with them or not.

Miranda tucks away her list as well, considering the departing Haruki before stepping out to follow after the odd youth out towards the street beyond.