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A bunny out of the hat

Haruki, Itsuki and Oberon

29 April, 2017

Haruki takes both Itsuki and Oberon back at his place so the two Lost could have a talk and the Waykeeper could explain the whole joinging the Freehold thing to the bunny.


Haruki drives everyone back to their cottage. He's quiet on the trip there.

Itsuki is riding shotgun because he will fight for it, but is otherwise also pretty quiet and curled up in his seat and listening to music and trying to pretend that this isn't awkward.

Oberon doesn't say a word either as his shoulders tense with all the awkwardness going on. When the car stops and before the engine dies, he is already in the outside. The Fairest takes a deep breath as he retrieves his phone from his pocket and checks on it briefly before setting it back into his its previous place. He waits for the owner of the house to get inside first.

Awwwwkward indeed. Haruki enters the house. "I'm sorry again," Haruki says to Oberon. "And I'll do everything I can to make it right. Do you need me to make myself scarce while you talk to Itsy?" A pause and then. "Thanks for what you did at the park. That was kind."

At the mention of a time to talk to Itsuke, Oberon arches a brow in a light curiosity. Then he turns to Itsuki."It depends on what you want to talk, I guess." He says with a uncertainty to his voice.

"Don't apologize." Itsuki is quick to snap, ears tufting, bristling and on edge as he moves to stand by the older twin. He does wonder what the apology is actually *for* but that consideration is pretty secondary here.

"Promises," Haruki says. "And helping. And the things he needs to know." He does give his brother a fond look. "It's okay."

Itsuki is still a little bristling, but it's not very effective or intimidating at all. Like at all at all. He just looks kind of grumpy as he stays huddled by aniki, reluctantly shrugging. "Yeah. What's this bit about the promises, then?"

Oberon bites his lower lip. Like he always does when he's thinking. Or about to do something that is not that sure about."Sorry, Haruki. But you know how this thing goes." He says as he turns to take a look at the mortal.

"He's going to have to explain without me," Haruki says. "I don't know any of it. But I trust Oberon. I know he won't hurt you. It's to keep us both safe. But it's to be you, not me. But if you need me, just shout."

Itsuki tries not to look terrified of the prospect of being alone with the green boy, pulling his hood up a little and looking at Haruki a long moment. Finally he nods, "Sure. We can talk uh. In the back?"

Oberon grins faintly to Haruki before following Itsuki to the back; When the two Lost are alone, he wanders around and leans against the wall."So." He crosses his arms around his big chest and grins."How much of our world do you know?"

"What if he takes off his shirt?" Haruki asks. "Will that make him less scary? Or just talked to you in his underwear? Only that's like really, really distracting. He's like the sexiest man I've ever met. You should ask him anyway." He asks all this quietly to Itsuki although easily overheard. "He's so amazing. Just yell if you need me." He heads out of hearing distance, out to potter around in the garden or something.

Itsuki blushes, although there's barely any hint of actual color to the moon-bunny's appearance, swatting at Haruki's shoulder as he clears his throat, going back to glaring as he leaves the door partially closed, ready to shout if any help is needed. "I don't know. What do you mean exactly by, 'our world'?"

Oberon bites his lower lip again as he stares at Itsuki."Do you understand what happened to you back There? Do you have any memory of There?" He asks calmly and gently, His voice is as sweet as the scent released by his tiny little flowers in his hair.

Itsuki goes back to rubbing his brow, scowling as he sinks into a crouching position, "More than I want. Some of it feels... fuzzy. Weird. Was kind of running on fumes though. What do you want to know, and why should I tell you?"

Oberon grins."No. You don't need to tell me. Most of us don't remember enough of it to make sense. It's normal." He starts and pauses for a second to check on Haruki inside."Now you're here. Lost. Like all of us. We form communities called Freeholds. Do you know that?" He asks calmly.

Itsuki frowns. "I'm not lost. I have Haruki." The chiaroscuro boy seems confused, shadows playing over his face as he leans back against the wall. "I don't know anything about any communities though. There's a shit ton of you in town though. Unless... the whole world's like that? I guess I haven't been out much to compare."

Oberon grins again."A ton of us. You're part of us. And we call ourselves Lost." He pauses again, as trying to put his own thoughts in a sequence that Itsuki can understand."We gather in Freeholds for mutual protection. The more of us together, the safer it gets to everyone. Each of us making our best to help the group. Some are good at fighting. Some are good are researching and some are good at chatting to people and seducing them. Like me." His grins gets bigger at that last commentary."It's very important that you, and Haruki, understand that you are not going to be forced to join the Freehold. But it is better to you if you do. But it is totally up to you to do it. Or not."

"Why Haruki? He didn't... he didn't take the offer. He's not, um." Itsuki waves vaguely, flipping one of his ears demonstratively. "But it is voluntary now? Last I heard we had to do pinky swears or get ganked or something."

"He was Taken just like we did. But his time there was much more shorter than our time. It means he can see us. It means he is a half-Lost. He's accepted in the Freeholds just like one of them. Mostly. There are some positions he can't take, but otherwise he's one of us." Oberon explains."And no. You can't be forced to do anything against your will. But if you don't do it, you'll be on your own against our enemies."

"Taken? In that dressing room..." The Japanese boy is muttering to himself, still crouched against the wall as he scowls. It's not directed at you this time, lost in thought a moment before he shakes his head, brushing his hair back behind a lop ear. "So we're not alone if we do, I suppose?"

"No, Itsuki. We're not alone. There are, at least, a hundred of us here in the city. And almost all of us are in the Freehold. But, apart of that, we gather in other independent groups called Courts. Have you ever heard about the Courts? Here we use the four seasons as court. I'm Spring. As you can sense." He explains and gestures to his feet where tiny little flowers and mosh appears around his feet."You don't need to pick a Court. But you can do it too. Each court is linked to a emotion. I can teach you about it all later. At this point, you need to understand you're not alone and we're here for you. A for Haruki too." He says and offers the man a grin.

Itsuki is hesitant, viewing the taller man with suspicion. But he's obviously not immune to the flowering's charm, feeling his guard lower despite himself as he sticks his hands sullenly into his sleeve pockets, glancing away. "No. I don't know about any of that. It all sounds kind of complicated. So..." He squints out of the corner of his eyes. "You're not going to eat us, then?"

Oberon looks at the other man's eyes even if they're not looking back to him."It's not really complicate when you started co-living with the many Courts and other Lost. And. No. None of us is going to eat you. But the Loyalist, Privateer and even Them can do that. That is why we gather and we create communities. To protect each other against Them."

Itsuki stands up, then, lowering his hood as he returns the flowering's gaze, the half-illuminated bunny seeming to consider it a moment before he nods briskly, trying to look more determined than scared. "Alright. We're in. Well. I'm in. But I think aniki's probably on board."

Oberon gives the bunny a big smile and just heads to hugs him. His hug, if taken, is warmth and good smelling. Like childhood."I will set a meeting so you can meet the Queen and pledge to him. Her. You got it." He says cheerfully."And. Haruki must pledge secrecy to a Lost. It can be you. And besides that pledge, he can also pledge to the Freehold and receive full benefits. Like you and me. It's up to him."

Itsuki starts to jump away as you approach him, nose twitching. When he realizes the flowering's intent, however, he goes perfectly still instead, no less surprised. Well, the twitchy thing's shoulders do relax a little after a moment, blushing and squirming uncomfortably as he does then pull away, nodding and looking away. "Yes. Him. Her?" He sounds confused. "We can um. Okay. I'll talk to him about it."

Oberon grins and picks his phone. He quickly sends a message away to someone before setting the device back into his pocket."Okay. Done. I sent a message to the Queen. I'll tell you the day and time as soon as I get an answers, alright?" He then pauses and stares at the bunny."Is there anything else I can do for you guys?"

Itsuki still looks rather jumpy after that hug. He stares up at the pretty flowering for a minute- like an actual, solid minute- after that question, cheeks slowly turning pink in an actual display of color for the monochrome lapine before he finally shakes his head, looking away, "Ahm. I don't think so. I um. I'm going to go talk to aniki."

"Oh. Alright, then. Pick my number with Haruki. If you need anything, just message me. Or call me." He says and turns around to depart;

Itsuki nods quickly, the fidgety creatures darting inside with a last glance back.