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Spring Picnic

Happy Spring!


Andromeda (ST), Amber, Basil, Billy Ray, Brittany, Ian, Mina, Oberon, Ting

April 2nd, 2017

The Spring Court holds an informal picnic to get together, become acquainted with new arrivals, and stuff their faces.


Stoneheart - Spring Court

Picnics can be anywhere. Even caves. The Spring Court location has been spruced up to provide a hopefully cozy place for the courtiers to gather. Flower bouquets of every hue are scattered about in uniquely shaped vases, and there are even blankets and pillows on the ground to provide a more authentic experience. Tasty snacks to address an array of taste palettes are available off tables along the edges of the gathering space, and brightly colored - and perhaps slightly mysterious because of it - drinks are decoratively displayed in whimsical punch bowls. There is plenty of space for those that would like to bring their own refreshments to share with the others.

Andromeda is bustling about like a busy bee, dressed in a pastel blue sundress that is nearly as colorless as the rest of her pale, semi-transparent self. Strangely long fingers get to work tidying things up, and making arrangements straight - even if they're already pretty well-aligned to begin with. As others arrive, she pulls back to dust her hands off and greet the newcomers warmly. "Happy Spring!" she says, her voice sweet and clear as a bell. "Please help yourselves, get comfortable. How are you?" she asks in general, her expression twisting into an inquisitive one.

Billy Ray arrives dragging a cooler with another cooler atop it. He drops off some containers of shrimp an grits - a Georgia special, some fresh peach cobbler, fried green tomatoes. The second cooler? Bud. Beer, Gatorade. He brushes his hands, shrugging off his coat - he has on his rapier on his belt, and offers Andromeda a wide grin. Barely as tall as she is, he approaches. "Well split me four ways an' call me Sally, if it ain't mah favorite nurse in the world!"

Oberon arrives in his casual chiq outfit as always, though, this time, he is also bearing a violin. It's not a Hedgespun item. It's not even an ultra-quality stradivarius. It's just a common, very mundane violin. To those already there, he waves and smiles as he heads to Andromeda."Hi. I brought this in case there is the need of music going on in the background." He says.

No sundress for her, although she is rocking the spring colors of white and yellow. Brittany makes her way into the hollow with a brilliant smile spread across her face, a large, wide brimmed white Easter hat perched on her head, and platter of cupcakes precariously held in her hands.

Ting is on time to the picnic soiree, replete with a woven basket propped against her hip the way one might hold a child. She offers Andromeda a bright smile and lifts her free hand to wave to the hostess. "Happy Spring!" The Waterborn ventures over to the table of food and drinks to deposit her own items. Egg salad finger sandwiches cut to resemble flowers are placed on one table, while strawberry pound cake squares are arranged on another.

Once her picnic dishes are in place, Ting goes about filling up a plate with items she herself did not bring. Fruit, vegetables, and sticky honey buns shaped like bunnies. "These are precious," she calls over to the celestial blond. Once Oberon arrives, the Spring water femme hurries over to him to sat hello. "Oberon! How are you?" She leans in to press a kiss to both his cheeks.

Amber's usual wardrobe is a bit formal for a garden party, but she's at least taken some steps to lighten it up. The silk shirt she's wearing beneath the black vest is a pastel blue, with a sapphire silk tie to match and a deep purple iris pinned to her breast. A small wooden case holding six bottles of wine is carefully carried under one arm, her expression thoughtful as she studies the gathering from just off to the side of the entrance. New arrivals and all that, getting the lay of the land, it seems.

"Billy! Oh my, it's been too long," Andromeda smiles brightly, holding thin arms out toward the man to give him a quick hug. "It's good to see you. I'm still surprised you came out all this way! It seems this area just has an undeniable draw," she muses, giving his shoulder a quick pat before she pulls back to straighten up. "Oh Oberon, that would be absolutely lovely, thank you. I'm sure we'd all love to hear you play," she gives the man a grateful bob of her head. Fingers wiggle at Brittany as she arrives. "Those cupcakes look like-- they look to die for!" she finally decides, grinning brightly. "Are those strawberries I see? Goodness, I think we're all in for such a treat today," she beams at Ting, shifting some other food to make room for the Waterborn's offering. "Hello! I'm Andi," she introduces herself to Amber, moving to greet the new arrival. "Can I help you put thos edown?" she asks, gesturing toward the case.

Oberon grins to Andromeda before turning to look at Ting. "Hello, darling. How are you doing?" Oberon asks as he gets close to the Waterborn and plants a kiss on her cheek."What are you doing to eat?" He then asks picking one of the treats from Ting's plate and putting it whole into his mouth.

A cotton maxidress of sage green is worn about Mina's petite, curvy form. The ballerina moves upon quiet feet, her flats slid out of once she reaches the inside of the Spring hollow, toes wiggled. There's a polite curve to her lips, and pair of champagne bottles in her long-fingered hands. Sliding in, as Andromeda makes room for other things, to make sure it doesn't have to be done again.

"I hope everyone enjoys them." Brittany replies, her smile widening a bit more as she moves to tuck the plate where there is still an open space for it. Then she steps away, checking her hands quickly to make certain that there are no stray smears of frosting left behind on them. Satisfied that her hands are frosting free she turns her attention to examining those that are arriving, or have already arrived.

Billy Ray's mantle is warm refreshment - invigoration, the scene of a wonderful spring morning before the rain. He grins at Andromeda, hugging her back. "IT's nice t'see ya again, Andi, been since that California place. Well ah heard y'all got a new Freehold here an' last time ah checked, y'all c'd use an inventor an' scientist and whatnot and sides, ah spent time here as a kid - highschool, at least." Ting gives a warm wave. He makes his way to his cooler, shoving a cigarette into his mouth and grabbing a Bud tallboy to crack open.

Ian comes bearing a large tightly sealed container of a cold gazpacho soup, light and crisp with a bit of a spicy bite, made from the freshes of vegetables from the greenhouses of the Brennan Gardens. He makes sure that it is set among th eother offerings to share and opened up, small bowls set out, and a ladel dipped in. He is dressed in a pair of comfortable jeans, boots laced up his calves, and a loose billowy green shirt that flutters around his slender frame, a top hat set upon his head, the eglantime blossoms in his hair forming a ring beneath it, seeming to hold it up and peak out from below. The smell of rain follows him, those small tendrils that sneak outward from him coiling and then fading away. He gives a warm smile to those gathered "Cupcakes!" He swings past Brittany to pluck one from those she's brought with a brilliant smile.

Amber smiles brilliantly at Andromeda as she approaches, and laughs as she looks down at the crate. Despite its size, she carries it as if it were no trouble at all. "Just point me toward the best place to put it, I think. I'm afraid the best of my collection is still in Chicago, but...I was able to get my hands on a few things I thought would go with the occasion. I'm Amber. A pleasure to meet you, Andi."

"We have too much food," the Waterborn notes in a sober tone. "It's perfect!" is Ting's joyful follow-up. Too much of a good thing is rather Spring-like, no? "These bunny rolls look delicious. I can smell the honey from here." Oberon soon snakes one of those honey bunnies and starts off with the taste testing. "Is it good?" A sidelong glance is offered to Andromeda when she mentions putting something down. More food? More food is worth investigating. "How have you been, Oberon? Are we still going to have a Wayhouse party? Hazel could cater it. Open to all Courts, yes?" Because the more the merrier. Ting is all smiles and waving to people as she moves along the refreshment tables. Like most here, her Mantle is warm and happy, with the added bonus of saltwater scented breezes accompanying her.

There was a moment in Spring where it was not the rush of life that screamed loudest, but lightening crashing into the earth, and the gentle rush of rain breaking the hardest of ice forcing it in the ground to be cashed away for later. This was one of those moments. The Wyrd meter just spiked in the room by a bit.

When lightening struck, proverbial even, something beautiful and terrible occurred and that moment...was oh god one of Them? No... not a Gentry a... a Basil? A disconcerting and beautiful thing that that seemed to move with utter precision, and needing not height to have that otherworldly quality gods who walked the physical realm bore... for a premium. Every gesture calculated and weighed, every moment measured.

And he arrived not early, and not late, but precisely on time with the silver capped heels of his shoes ticking like a clock on the cavern floor. A white, catlike grin crossed the Telluric's dark features, braids swinging behind like a pendulum. "Aaaaaandromeda?" The words rolled , "Thank you for hosting. You are too, too kind."

"Cupcakes!" Brittany agrees with Ian, smiling back at him when scoops up the cup cake, "I couldn't decide on a flavor, so I got one of eat they offered." Because, why not? More the better, after all. She reaches up to adjust her hat, laughing a bit, "Too much food? No...I think we couldn't ever have too much. I think we're right on target for just enough."

Billy Ray takes a step back as the Wyrd level jacks up through the roof, his fingers dance down to his rapier and he backs himself up against the table. He stares at Basil for long seconds before he drains his beer, opening another one and chugging it down, and then grabbing a third. He drops his gaze and glances away, lifting his hand. "This sumbitchin' place is gonna give me a heart attack, ah swear," he mutters, blowing out a breath.

Andromeda wiggles her fingers at Mina, nodding toward the champagne. "I love bubbles," she admits with a sheepish smile. "It's very nice to meet you too. Right over here, thank you!" she tells Amber, clasping her hands together after gesturing toward one of the tables with some space to spare. Basil's perfect arrival is greeted with a sunny smile, from one star to another. "And you are too kind for coming. Please, enjoy!" Taking a breath, she gravitates toward the center-ish of teh room, and lightly clears her throat. "Thank you all for bringing such lovely things to share - food, drink, and company. It's so good to see you all. I wanted an opportunity for us to make one another's acquaintance if we haven't already, and to celebrate the arrival of what I hope will be an invigorating Spring season. I did not have anything particular on any sort of agenda, but I do think we're all dying to hear our own Oberon play at some point. If anyon else would like to perform...?" Her pale gaze skims the room, full of hope and curiosity.

Amber is easily lead over to the table in question, setting the crate down on the edge before pulling out the bottles. Expensive stuff, for any who know about it, but Amber doesn't bother to call any attention to it in particular - she just brought the good stuff for the right people. Once the crate is emptied, she tucks it out of the way beneath that same table, then turns to look around the party again, eyeing Oberon curiously when Andi calls him out in particular, and then the others to see if there are other musicians in the crowd.

"Ah got my gee-tar but ah ain't gonna be anywhere near as good as someone that's y'know, more trained and whatnot," offers Billy after a moment's pause. He gets himself a plate of food, digging in - clearly distracting himself, his gaze bouncing around Basil. "Billy Ray Johnson, y'all. Andi an' ah go back, she plum taught me everything ah know about first aid an' whatnot. Pleasure t'meet y'all."

Ian examines the cupcake that he's acquired, finding it to be strawberry with a vanilla frosting. He takes a bite from it and says, "Perfect." Then there's mention of Oberon playing and he chimes in, "I'd love to hear Oberon play." He then looks over to Billy Ray and says, "We should have a sampling of everyone's musical talents this afternoon." His attention flicks over in Basil's direction because who could miss that entrance, and then he's moving to Andromeda to say a quiet, "Thank you for hosting," to her.

"They're absolutely fantastic," chimes Mina, her voice holding sweet, honeyed tones to it. It makes the Boston accent not sound awful. "Yes, thank you for gathering us all," the foxglove-adorned woman chimes, reaching up to tuck a bit of stray hair behind one horn. And giving Basil a bit of a side-eye, though it's a difficult thing to notice, with solid-blue eyes. Stepping aside, as she glances about the gathered faces.

The Waterborn gives Brittany a sly grin when it is announced that the copious amount of food is just right. Of course it is! "You are quite right," Ting notes in a happy lyrical tone (with the faintest trace of a Baltic accent). Then Basil arrives with his Wyrd bells on and scares more than just Billy Ray. The iridescent Spring jumps a little as well, like the first cold droplet of a rainstorm just hit her face. No Gentry is the very best Gentry, so once that excitement has settled, Ting goes back to socializing. She does go silent when Andromeda offers her picnic greeting, however. "I would honoured to sing if things became too quiet, but Oberon is quite capable of sustaining us for some time," she says with no small degree of admiration for his skill. A finger points daintily to Billy Ray when he offers up his "gee-tar."

Oberon swallows and smiles to Ting."I'm dating a mortal. Nothing big. It's that magician. Haruki. He's a nice guy." He says to Ting. Then, he glances around to take a look at those faces he doesn't recognize."I should play something."

GAME: Oberon spends 1 Willpower

-> >> Oberon to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 9 >

===========-> >> Intelligence + Expression.Violin + 3 No Flags << <-

"Oh! Performances?" Brittany nods, "I agree, everyone should totally give a performance." She lifts a hand up, fingers touching at her breastbone for a moment, "I can sing, or dance...If we're really doing this." She then shoots a wink to Ting before she finds herself a place to sit, legs crossing as she settles in to listen, then adds, "Oh! Yes...thank you for hosting.. You should totally come to mine so I can return the favor."

Billy Ray ducks out and returns with an old, old battered guitar case. He opens it up after putting his plate down. He opens it to reveal a simple acoustic blues guitar; he throws the strap over his shoulder and snags a pick. He'll pause to dig into his plate some more - eating most of his plate before sipping his beer and making his way over across from Oberon. He gets himself into a good seated position, putting his beer down and pointedly where he doesn't have to eyeball Big Scary Basil. "Country an' western, blues, folk, that kinda stuff is what ah mostly know. Ah'll try not t' embarass us too much," he tells Oberon. He pats his pockets, lighting his cigarette behind his ear and inhaling, exhaling to one side.

"It would be fun to hear you too," Andromeda tells Billy, her smile bordering on cheeky. As Ian approaches, she smiles warmly at the man and gives his arm a quick pat. "And thank -you- for coming. It just seemed about time to get everyone together," she muses, chin lifting as she turns to look out toward the others. "Fantastic, well, I won't wait to try one then." Grinning at Mina, she reaches for one to start nibbling away. "Anything you like," she suggests to Brittany. "Maybe both! At the same time? Anything to keep spirits high, really."

"Dating a mortal?!" This is big dramatic news to Ting, and the Waterborn throws an arm around her fellow Spring. "That is the most wonderful thing I have heard all year!" She kisses his cheek and offers him a positively beaming smile. "You must come over for dinner and bring Haruki. I insist. I will make anything you like. Or... a date night? Have you seen Beauty and the Beast yet?" Spring love is about the coolest thing ever in her book. Even if it all turns violent, scary, and cold when the other lesser Courts come around. Spring desire can do no wrong. "Oh, almost time for you to perform," she notes, giving Oberon an affectionate pat on the shoulder then retreating to allow him space to play. Ting finds a spot near Brittany and offers her a grin. "I love butterflies," she whispers, like it's some secret confession. Then it is time to eat the goodies on her plate.

Ian smiles and gives Andromeda's hand a squeeze on his arm for a moment, golden eyes glinting. Then he slips on past her so as not to interrupt her hosting, but instead to gather some of the food and drink, and find himself a blanket on which to sprawl comfortably, his eyes shifting over to Oberon to watch the coming performance.

Brittany laughs at the suggestion, "Both? Maybe...we'll see." She shakes her head a moment with amusement before her attention shifts towards Ting and her whispered confession. Her eyes widen a bit, then she leans towards Ting, glancing left, then right before she whispers, "Me too."

Basil drew up short. An eyebrow arched at the implications of performance. Eyes of tiny brass clock faces fixed their gears on Brittany. Time froze; literally and figurativly in this case as Basil ceased to move for a moment. A hand pressed the seam down the front of his tailored waitcoat (Seriously have he and Grillo met yet?). There was simply a "No, I do not think that will be happening." to the dazzling bejeweled butterfly. Something of a conflict of expression graced his face. With a twist of guile he took up a glass and lifted it to her and said, "I'm certain you would make us all very grateful if you would though." Long fingers, like those of a piano player, lifted his glass, and one tapped the side. Billy Ray seemed to be getting an unsettling and appraising stare; that hint of a wry grin was not helping.

"A lovely time for us to gather, yes," Mina agrees with a pleasant smile. "And I fear that I lack the correct footware to perform this day. More's the pitty." The flowercubus moves about, taking up a cupcake as if it might be secret pleasure.

Amber ends up claiming a glass of something sparkling, and one of those cupcakes as well. "And here I start to feel entirely shamefaced -- newly arrived, and not in possession of any talents that are particularly geared toward performing on stage. At least not in polite company." She flashes Mina a little grin as she says this, just after they've each claimed one of those cupcakes.

Billy Ray glances at Basil, and at the the others, and exhales on his cigarette. "What's a Wayfarer?" he asks the group, and side glances at Basil. "Lissen bubba, we're all inna same court, amirite? An' lissen, ah'm gonna be man 'nuff t'admit that in a decade an' change a' livin' this new life as a Lost that ah ain't seen as many powerful folk around as ah do here, so while this may be a normal meeting t'you, t'me it's like seein' what ah came from. So either ah need t'go get mah whiskey an' start doin' shots everytime y'glance my way, or can ya, y'know, like be, ah dunno, mebbe less creepy? Ah'm wound tighter'n a cougar on half off fish night."

"No?" Brittany blinks owlishly at Basil, looking confused by that, "What isn't going to be happening?" She glances over towards Ting, then looks around to see if anyone else understands what she just got told no about.

Ian has no idea with Billy Ray just said but he seems to find it vastly entertaining either way, chuckling a little bit as he glances between Basil and Billy. Then he draws out a small case from within his pocket and plucks a joint from it, sparking up and taking a toke from it, sprawled out comfortably with his head propped up on one hand, enjoying watching the others.

A grin spreads over Mina's lips, and her brows give a little wiggle to Amber. "I'm hardly polite company," she says with a conspiring tone. Dexterous fingers split her cupcake in two, offering one half to Amber.

Ting leans closer to Brittany and offers her conspiracy theory input, which will undoubtedly involve gondolas and rose petals. "Oh, he was referring to everyone performing, perhaps? I don't know, actually. But he was staring at you and fidgeting with his coat button things," she whispers, which to the romantic Waterborn means something about star-crossed lovers and love at first sight, blah blah blah. "This apple tart is lovely," she blurts out suddenly. "It has sweet cream mixed with cinnamon. Heaven on Earth. Do you want a bite?" she asks the jeweled butterfly girl. Her excited new-boyfriend talk with Oberon will have to wait until later, it seems.

Andromeda rubs her palms together, giving the others a bright, but pointed, look. "Alright, who's up next! Billy? Get up there with that guitar," she shoos the man with her fingertips toward the center of the room. "Perhaps you'd like to sing after that?" she wonders of Brittany, her gaze open and wide. "Or... sing -along- with him! Goodness, we could be a merry sing-along bunch up here."

Basil swirled his wine and found the exchange no less amusing now. His hand flitted as if it was not, in fact, a worthy of his, "Tell me, William, what is the point of living without being better than that which has failure to keep you on retainer?" An eyebrow arched as he was called creepy. "Your assessment doesn't equate. When you want to ring collateral worth considering concessions may be made, but I cramp this style for no one. When you spend the last four years putting your time in I'll take your suggestion on my fashion sense under advisement, friend. That said I am -quite- curious to hear you play. Where did you learn?" A pause and a reasonable request of information was made by the butterfly. His tone melted like warm honey,"I regret I have retired from the stage though I haven't the privilege of your introduction."

Amber laughs brightly, a warm and sultry sound as it pours out of her. "Good to know," she purrs, smile only growing as she takes the half-cupcake offered her way. "And thank you, very much. It was Mina, yes? I'm Amber." She lifts her shared pastry as if offering a toast, then nibbles on it as she peers curiously toward the verbal tug of war between Billy and Basil.

"I don't, either." Brittany replies to Ting with a laugh, then she nods, "Oh, certainly, of course. I'd like a bite." Would she? Maybe! She is at least polite enough to accept the kind offer either way. When Basil answers, however, she glances over at him, a pale brow arching a moment before she smiles, "Well, if you've retired far be it from any of us to tempt you out of retirement. I'm Brittany."

GAME: Billy Ray spends 1 Glamour

-> >> Billy Ray to Here << <-=========================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 1 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 10 >

===============================-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd No Flags << <-

-> >> Billy Ray to Here << <-=========================================

Rolled 4 Successes 
< 1 2 2 2 3 6 7 7 9 9 10 10 >

=================-> >> Dexterity + Expression + 2 + 1 No Flags << <-

"Y'crazy. Plumb local." decides Billy Ray to Basil, but he's grinning at the others, "Y'all heard that, right? Kookier than a left handed one armed paperhanger?" An inhale on his cigarette and an exhale and his fingers clasp the pick and he begins to tug a tune out of the old guitar - it's that classic John Denver song, 'Country Roads.' The little man can play okay - he won't be getting into Carnegie Hall anytime soon, relying on a tiny bit of skill and mostly natural agility - plus, if the glamour floating around is to be believed, hints of wind itself to help move the strings and chords along and carry the notes on the air surrounding them.

Mina lifts her cupcake in salute, before nibbling it. "Mmm. Yes, you've got the name right. Pleasure to meet you, Amber. Do keep it in mind." A wink, and then she's meandering away to the side, to listen and watch.

"Country roaaaad, take me hooome, to the plaaace where I was booorn," Ian sings, quietly, from where he is sprawled comfortably when Billy Ray begins to play, idly lofting his cupcake and swinging it back and forth to the melody of the song. Every so often he takes a toke from his joint, letting the smoke curl away from his lips. He sings well enough, and it's barefly loud enough to reach more than those directly around him.

Ting is most certainly giving Brittany a bite. Then she leans a hint forward to look past the butterfly girl at Basil. What's this? Budding desire? The Waterborn looks between them, three times even, then grins. "You should tempt him out of retirement. This sounds like a very good idea." Somehow a mimosa arrives in Ting's hand, like magic, so she does what any good party guest would do and begins sipping from the champagne flute. Then the music begins and she smiles up at Billy Ray. "He's very good," she notes to her newfound picnic pal. Gears begin turning and an idea alights in her expression. The Waterborn is full of great ideas.

"Be nice," are Andromeda's 'stern' words for Billy Ray and Basil, glancing between them both with slightly narrowed eyes. It's her 'professional' tone, the one she has to use when scolding unruly patients in the emergency room. She falls quiet as Billy Ray begins to play, but in the meantime, she scoops up a few glasses of champagne to start offering out like candy. One for Basil, one for Brittany, another for Ian. "I should have brought a tray..." she mumbles to herself, dusting her hands down the front of her dress before she moves to retrieve more.

Brittany accepts both the bite, and then the champagne when it is offered to her. She smiles in thanks to both, makes certain she's not gotten crumbs or anything on herself, then reaches for one of the cupcakes. This she proudly offers to Ting before she settles back to listen to the playing, a look slid towards Ian when he sings along quietly.

Billy Ray picks through the song, giving Ian a nod, thankfully, as he begins to sing. He exhales smoke to one side, politely, and gives a chastised nod to Andromeda - it has the sense of a long time gesture, as if the small Georgia Lost is used to her chastising him over something or another. Who knew you weren't supposed to turn an EKG machine into a railgun battery? No one ever SPECIFICALLY said not to do that.

And then there's champagne. Ian shifts the joint from one hand to the other, holding the cupcake and bud in one hand and the glass in the other as he sits up so as not to spill everything all over the blanket. He gives Andromeda a small dip of his head and lifts the glass in salute to her before taking a sip.

Basil seemed to pay the complete lack of manners any mind. He did not, though, speak during the performance. For as poorly as he has been welcomed by the man upon setting foot in town the Chatelein-Ganharva gave him the courtesy and attention performance merits. His attention glanced to Ting and was curiously wary now. "Would it be an insult not to do so and the lady a consession may be made." He was not elated about this, but the Chatelein of him was allergic to a breach for protocols. As Billy Ray stepped from teh moment there was a quiet clap. However it was there, "You make me wonder what you would be with banjo or bouzouki."

Amber pops the last of her half-cupcake into her mouth before she sets in motion after Mina wanders off, slowly wandering through the remaining crowd as she listens, not attempting to interrupt until Billy Ray finishes performing.

"Mah banjo got wrecked in a rescue mission t'the Hedge 'fore ah left California," admits Billy Ray as he finishes his song. "Ah sorta smashed it against a briarwolf's head 'fore runnin' fer cover." He eyes Basil, thoughtfully, and pinches out his cigarette between wet fingertips and slings the guitar around his hip. He rises, moving to busy himself at the tables. When he comes back it's with a Budweiser can, open, and a plate with shrimp an' grits, a cupcake, and some peach cobbler. He puts it down near Basil - still unable to look him in the face and pushes out a small delicate fingered hand. "Lissen, bubba. Ah ain't .. y'all are powerful as a hurricane here. Ah didn't 'spect it, and ah ain't seen power like that 'fore - let 'lone twice inna week. Y'er Spring, so yer friend t'me. Jes' ... it's weird. F'r me. Ah reckon ah owe ya an apology man to man."

Dessert exchange is a favoured pasttime of Ting's. She bows her head in quiet thanks to Brittany, then begins to lick frosting from the cupcake. Soon she has a mustache of pink sugar across her upper lip. Free food, free entertainment, and all the delights of Spring. The Waterborn takes to the blankets at her disposal and lounges about, all sunshiny warmth and ocean air. As she sucks frosting from the tips of fingers she shoots Basil an amused grin. "I cannot offer the measure of said insult unless it is pushed my way. I don't mind if you do not perform. I just thought you might enjoy being convinced to do so." Then she nods her head toward Brittany with a "well, /look/ at her" kind of expression. Desire fulfillment is how Glamour is best served. The back and forth between Billy Ray and Basil is between then, and Ting leaves that confusion alone.

As the music plays, Andromeda seems pleased, and finally stands still for more than a few moments to just enjoy the company. It's still not for long, though, once she has finished a cupcake and dusted her fingers off. "I know we have another party to look forward to soon, right?" she looks to Brittany for confirmation, excitement glimmering in her eyes. "And an egg hunt?" She twists to look at Ian, tapping a finger against her lips. "Is there anything anyone else was thinking about throwing? Any help needed with coordinating, or..? I think it would be nice if we had a recital for the Freehold, a night for everyone to show off their best."

"Mine? Yes." Brittany agrees with a flash of a smile, "I was hoping to have a garden party, but it's really just not warm enough yet, so I thought I'd do an indoor garden party, of sorts." She glances at Ian at the mention of an egg hunt, "Oooh, that sounds exciting. Full of candy?"

Ting's plate is soon an empty plate, so she gets to her feet and begins walking over to the food and drink tables. So much to choose from, but something gives her pause and the Waterborn turns to look back as if remembering something. Did she... leave the stove on? The vague alarm on her face has that kind of feel to it. She forgot something important and just remembered it. The plate is discarded in its proper place, then Ting hurries over to Andromeda. "Thank you so much for hosting the picnic. It was lovely. I have to go take care of something I completely forgot. Oberon had mentioned a Wayhouse party a few times. Perhaps he would like your assistance in planning that. Anyway, thank you. I have to run." Then Ting hurries off to do whatever it is she had forgotten to do.

"Would anyone else like to perform?" Andromeda prods, giving each person still around a little smile. "Come on-- anything! A song, a story... can anyone breakdance?" It sounds like a genuine question, her expression thoughtful.

Amber laughs at that, and shakes her head. "No pop and lock from me, I'm afraid." She licks the last little bit of frosting from her fingers, then tilts her head curiously. "What about you? Any special talents aside from arranging this gathering you'd care to show off?"

"Ah can swing another song or two," tells Billy Ray to Andromeda, as he finishes talking to Basil and sits down again with a new beer and cigarette, picking at the guitar. "Thanks fer hostin' this, Andie, this was nice. Good fer us all t'get together an' whatnot. Ah clearly got a lot to learn 'bout this place. That reminds me - anyone you know needin' a token or Hedgespun or a weapon, ah'm goin' into business with John Preston, we're combinin' talents."

When the others mention the egg hunt, Ian grins and says, "Full of something, candy among things, you'll have to come play if you want to find out what else." He smiles, finishing off the remainder of his cupcake and then pulling himself to his feet to go and find more of the bounty of the picnic to gather up for consumption. He shakes his head a little at the mention of performing. "I grow things.. and heal.. I'm not really a performer. I'm more of a shower singer, myself."

Considering Amber's question, Andromeda drums her fingertips against her chin. "I sing... sometimes," she admits uncertainly, with a sudden smile for Ian. "I know exactly what you mean," she says brightly. "I'm better at making things with my hands," she admits, turning her hands so her palms face the ceiling. "I had hoped our Queen could make it tonight, but next time, perhaps. Thank you all for coming, again. I hope we all have a marvelous Spring."

"Nor for me." Brittany replies with a shake of her head to Andromeda, "Not at all a style I learned, I'd probably break something if I tried." She shrugs a bit, almost apologetically before she looks at Ian, a thoughtful look passing over her face before she smiles, "Maybe I will."