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Aspire Arena Open House

Billy Ray, Haruki, Jon, Dielle, Zephyr, Mason, Max, November

29 March, 2017

Mason and the gang hold an open house at Aspire Arena to welcome potential new members.


Aspire Arena and Obstacle Course (FB04)

Aspire Arena is free for all who wish to try it out this evening. There are healthy beverages from the juice bar, snacks from the cafe, and staff on hand to talk about the various different features of the complex from the use of the arenas to the gym and obstacle course. Equipment is free to use, and staff are on hand to give each group a bit of time before allowing the next group in to take part in everything that the facility has to offer. Membership signups and subscriptions to the gym or other services are also available.

Mason may be a Winter but has become accustomed to the necessary evil of sometimes having to be social with groups of people. He seems to be bearing up well enough as he greets people that come over to talk to him. As the proprietor of the establishment, he stands off to one side of the various folks describing the facilities and services offered with a mug of some warm beverage in one hand, or at least what was once a warm beverage in one hand, shaking hands and greeting people.

Zephyr's never once come to terms with being social, but she is also fully capable of it as long as things are nice, and calm, and quiet. Or she has people to hide behind. For now she seems to be using a cup of hot chocolate like a shield, watching the groups come and go with wide eyes and the sort of uncertain expression of someone that really does, probably, maybe, want to be social, deep down. Just can't make themselves move.

Haruki steps in, looking around curiously, if a little lost. He's amongst the groups but not with anyone in particular.

Dielle is sitting on a stool near the cafe, to pass out hot drinks or make smoothies and chat with folks. She's smiling and for once, has foregone her cowboy hat, although she's still got the cowboy boots on.

Billy Ray has on a baseball cap - 'Big Greens Tractor Shoppe' it reads, and it appears lovingly cared for but very old, shoved down over his mullet. His scraggly beard is clean and he has a pair of jeans and boots, a flannel shirt worn over a white tshirt and a hip length coat. He steps in - short, but his movements are fluid and languid, belying a sort of inner grace even if he's slouched down and moving carefully into the area, looking left and right.

For those that are Lost, his Fame 2 ties to his reputation as a great gunsmith, weaponsmith, token maker.

Jon was coming down the stairs and seemed indifferent to the place being packed with people he didn't know. It was sorta his whole life. He arched an eyebrow coming upon Haruki looking a bit uncertain. He stopped far enough away wearing a grey t with EEX branded across the chest like the flagrant frat boy he was, gym shorts, and a serious pair of sneakers. He said to the Japanese man, "Hey, how's it goin man. How's it goin?" For a guy who says very little he was surprisingly comfortable in crowds.

Around the room, people are coming and going. Small groups are being allowed into the obstacle course, a few at a time so that they have time to make their way through before the next group crowds up on them. All things considered, with the number of people there for the free food and drink and all -- it seems to be running fairly smoothly.

Haruki's startled for a moment and has that whole 'do I know you' confusion written all over his face before he's smiling in response to Jon. "Good, good. Yourself?" He's dressed down, in casual clothes perfectly suited for clambering about, and a good pair of sneakers. "This looks like an amazing place!" he says enthusiastically.

Mason makes his way over to those who recently entered, pausing to greet Billy Ray and Haruki. "Welcome to Aspire, let us know if you have any questions." His voice is somewhat soft-spoken but he seems friendly, or at least pleasant.

Billy Ray glances at Mason and at the tables, "No beer?" he asks, the drawl thick in his voice. After a moment he sticks out his right hand - he's short as the day is long. "Billy Ray, bubba. Nice to meetcha. Y'all done got a pretty good place here. For the runnin' and jumpin' and whatnots. For that fancy French runnin' thing, the park thing, right? New to town, been gone a bit, did mah high school here ol' way back."

Zephyr sips at her hot chocolate, trying to muster up the courage to go out and be social. There are people! New faces! Faces that are important to know. But for now, no. She just seems to hang back, uncertain about how to go about it, or who, perhaps, might be less frightening to say hello to.

Dielle gets off her stool, grabs a hot cider, and goes over to stand next to Zephyr. "C'mon. I'll make sure that if anyone bites, it's me. Let's go bother some folks!" She grins at her motley mate, and has, for a wonder, modulated her tone of voice to be gentle and shit. It's sooooo weird.

Although Max has no plans on trying out any of the equipment at Aspire Arena this evening, the enchanted mortal shows up for support! And there's free food and drink (healthy drinks but hey still delicious probably!), who could resist such temptation? Wandering inside, those bright blue eyes of hers glance around and she's somehow both surprised and not surprised that there's a lot of Changelings milling about. As per usual, she's dressed rather casually - a jacket with a hoodie underneath, leggings, and sneakers, with her hair worn down and groomed into loose curls. Those that get close enough to her might pick up on an 'herbal' scent about her, her eyes a bit pink and glazed. After glancing around, she spots her favorite colorful unicorn and starts to make her way over. "Hey Dielle. How's it going?" she asks with an easy-going smile.

"Thank you!" Haruki replies to Mason. He's all smiles and enthusiasm. "Parkour?!" he replies to what Billy Ray's saying. "Is that french? And fancy? Is there an area for doing that?" He looks around as best as he can. He spots Max and he's oh so pleased to see her, waving in her direction.

Jon shot DL a look and a wry grin like 'that's all you, darlin' written all over his face. Presently he was greeting Haruki and broke a faint smile. "Hey, any day we can say taht is a win. Name's Jon, one of the trainers. "They got a killer juice bar. hockey rink that a way, derby and free skate out there, and what I like to call the Jumanji room that way. You got a name, neighbor?" Christ on a cracker might be the most he's said all week. Someone was in a good mood today. He looked around for familiar face and also to see if Max was gonna show.

"Not so much parkour here, though we do have a climbing wall in the obstacle course, both indoor and outdoor," Mason says in answer, gesturing down the long hall past the gym that leads to the indoor section of the obstacle course, the outdoor being beyond that. "Though right now, until it warms up, just the inside is open." He watches people as they come and go, keeping an eye on the proceedings while he answers questions in the lobby area. "If you haven't given it a try, you should. It's a lot of fun to see how far you can go."

"Huh. A'ight," says B-ray to Mason with a nod. He offers the other man a grin and looks around, making his way over to the climbing wall. He shrugs off his coat and his boots, reaching into his pocket for a tin of Copenhagen. A snap snap snap and he puts in a pinch, putting it away and turning his baseball cap backwards. He peers up at the wall and starts humming a song under his breath as he begins to climb up, the 5'5" form moving up the wall - or trying.