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Boxes and Birds

You're joking right? I think you already did the missing act before.


Ben Utridge, Weaver Utridge

28 June, 2018

Ben calls over Weaver for a long chat.


The Oak and Thistle

The address was sent through a txt message along with the time. The reason for the meeting, unkown. Ben just said it was important and that the front door would be unlocked despite the 'CLOSED' sign on it. Inside, the Witchtooth is sitting at one of the armchairs facing the center table and, over it, a metal box. The Autumnal stares at the thing as if it was something very important. Around the shop there is no sign of Ben's two companion, Helga, the crow and Gru, the goblin servant.

Weaver arrives, although a tad bit later after receiving the message. Since it's family he doesn't bother dressing up for the occassion. Tank top, jeans, and sneakers are what he's seen in when he hops out of his car. He comes around to knock on the few times, and calls out, "Uncle Ben? I'm here, and please don't tell me it's about someone trying to kill one of us."

Ben doesn't even bother to stand up to greet the other Utridge. He looks concerned too."No. At least not right now." He says and points to a chair gently."You're family and the only one I really trust, Weaver. And now I need somone I trust in case I go missing."

Weaver laughs when goes past the threshold, and then takes a seat when he finds one. "You're joking right? I think you already did the missing act before. Me, too, but you're still here." He leans back, and sets his hands in his lap. "What's the melodrama for? Somebody's coming at you crazy?"

The older Utridge doesn't smile to Weaver's jokes and just points to the case with his chin."Did you remember the strange bell sounds we all heard a few weeks ago? The one that no one managed to track down? This is it. It's not a Token. It's not Hedgespun. It came straigh out of Arcadia and I think it's a Title. It's locked in this iron case so it doesn't call its owner's attention. And They are looking for it. I'm going to take it into the Hedge and see what happens. If I dissapear, I was Taken. Or, luckly, just killed." He explains as he rests his hands together over his lap. His wicked yellow eyes doesn't leave the case not for even a second.

"I can't really say I remember a whole ton of last week, but I vaguely remember some bells." Weaver's gaze goes to the box now, curiousity staring it down as if that'd somehow reveal its secrets. "So, this thing came from Arcadia. You put it in a box, or it came in a box? Either way, if it's in a box that sounds like it shouldn't be opened. Maybe shoved into the ground. I talking other side of the earth shoved into the ground. Maybe throw it in the ocean if that doesn't work. Just a liberal amount of cement into the tons."

"It wasn't in the iron case when we found it. Uschi, Seven and I. That's why it was triggered in the first place. The foxfire in the mine outside town. It was caused by this thing. Some Hobgoblins crossed the Gate at the EverDark into our world to mine. They found this artifact and, somehow, managed to activate it. It exploded, killing all the Hobgoblins and left the Gate open when it was supposed to shut down after a while. lightsippers crossed the Gate and sucked as much light as they could becoming huge creatures. They infested the mine in our side of the Gate. We had to make it through the Hedge until finding it and crossing back into the mortal world. There, in the botton of the mine, we found the dead hobgoblins and the artifact. My studies at the Library pointed to a very old tale saying a Gentry's title was reaped out and burried in a mine. That's why I assume this thing is a Title made into an object. But it still has some connection to its previous owner. We we reached it the first time, it opened the Gate and we felt a very strong presence watching us." Ben explains all the details about the artifact with a dark and cold calmness and, when he's done, he finally looks at Weaver.

"Gentry's title." Weaver was nodding his head as if understanding it all at once. Then he hops right up out of his seat, and knocks his chair over. "Gentry's title!?" He rubs his face, and then shakes his head. "Jesus tittyfucking Christ, Ben. Why in the fuck do you have this!? Why did you bring it /here/ of all places!? Oh holy shit." He's pacing now, thoughts and fears running through his head - made even more obvious by the flaring of his mantle. "You need to get rid of this shit a-fucking-sap. Not a goddamned thing of good can come outta opening that thing again, let alone in the fucking hedge!"

Ben remains calm and still on his own chair, pondering for a moment."I know it's pretty dangerous. But I want to be sure my suspicions are right. It'll be in the Market so I'll be protected by its Law and will not be killed right away. The manuscript said this Gentry had three Titles. Two of them were taken. Apparently, he only has one more to go. If he loses it, he's dead. He'll be pretty desperate to have it back and will not take any safety measure on doing so. That's when I'll have my moment to check on it." He then pauses for a moment."I know it sounds very stupid. But I need to do it, Weaver."

"I really don't think a gentry is gonna give that much of a fuck about market, nor will teh fucing hobs or whoever just let you live there once you do whatever it is you plan on fucking doing." Where Ben is calm Weaver looks like he's gonna have a heart attack. "Just fucking Christ, just because the gentry can't kill you there doesn't mean the fucking owners of the place can't and won't. Just jesus fucking christ, Ben." Weaver sighs, goes back to the chair, sets it backup, and sits back down. After a few deep breaths he says "Fine. I won't stop you. But if you fucking die I will kill your fucking ghost. You hear me!?"

Ben nods nad ponders for a little longer."What do you suggest me doing, then? This is a Title. We can't just throw it in a hole on the ground and cement it. The same way I found it, somewhere else will do it in the future." He asks calmly.

"Find a dumbass stupid enough to think it's something else, sell it to them (because fuck doing shit for free), and leave the the complete fuck alone."Weaver nods at that is if it'd somehow work. "Aren't you smart and shit? You sure you can't find some kinda way to destroy it or get rid of it for good?"

Ben arches a brow and ponder a little bit more."Destroying it and selling it are both out of the options. But maybe you're right. It's not wise to take it to the Market. Someone can try to trap me in selling it. Or worst. Giving it for free." He then finally looks back at the unremarkable iron case and sighs heavily."Sometimes I slip too far away from the reality." He whispers sounding a little bit guilty."But I still don't trust the Freehold with such an important discovery. Do you, Weaver?"

"There ain't a lot of people I trust not named Utridge, if I had to be fucking honest." A treat treat from Weaver, but Ben is family. "But I trust most of 'em. I guess I can say the leaders don't have their heads completely up their asses, so it's better than what I saw in Rio and New York." he shrugs idly, leaning forward as he thinks for a minute. "Learn some more on that shit. Anything else you can. Every little bit of it. Especially on the fucker it belongs to. After that I trust you to make it work, and do what'll not get you fucking killed. Just in case that was missed, do not get your fucking self killed."

Ben nods."There is something written on it. I couldn't decipher it all, but it has the word 'spire' on it. It'd take me an eternity to find something relevant in the Library." He pauses a moment to check on Weaver."If you ever find something with that word that looks, somehow, related to another Freehold, to a Hedgespinner or to a Gentry, let me know. It's what I'm looking for now." He explains as he leans against the back of his chair with that omnipresent thoughful look on him.

"Spire? Can't say I know shit about it, but I don't do books like you." Weaver shrugs, laughing at the thought of him in a library. "I'll ask around if I can, but I can't make any promises. I know some hobs and some folks at market, but that's it. I'm not gonna risk my ass or my wife's, but I'll poke around. No promises past that." Then, the dragon extends a clawed hand. "Alright?"

Ben takes the offered hand with his own and shake it firmly."Thanks for offering some insights and help, Weaver. Please don't tell anyone about this. The Lost community here has very powerful individuals that would like to take a look at it."

"Don't need a pledge or shit. I give you my word this stays between us. I may have to tell Velvet, but not just because she's my wife. She can read my mind some times, and it's best to just get it outta the way. She won't tell a soul, though. It takes a lot to get her to open up, and she doesn't trust most people outside the ones you already know." He leans back after the handshake and says, "Speaking of trust. I wanted to start a Motley between the lot of us. Family and a few others. You, Velvet, Widget, and aunt Dani."

When the conversation finally changes subject, Ben's shoulders relaxes as bit and he offers the younger Utridge a grins."Widget? I tried to ask that girl to make me this iron case, but I couldn't manage to make her pay attention to me. She was very sleepy or something. But if you trust her enough to invite her into a motley, I can do it too. It's a good idea to have the Lost part of the family connected."

"She's good people. She can get really distracted. Kinda like fire. When she burns she can tear shit up and do a whole fucking lot. When she's done, though? She's just fucking done, and might pass out on you." Weaver nods in agreement. "She's been there for Velvet and I without fucking fail, and she's become a good friend of Liv's. She's like the little sister I never thought I needed, but I'm glad as fuck to have her around."

"Fair enough. Family is more than blood connection after all. I'll be more patient with her from now on if she's important to you and your wife." Ben says."I heard what had happened at your wedding. I'm glad you all are alright. And sorry for not being there for you. I lost track of time in the Library that day. But I have something for you. I had comissioned it weeks ago from a girl named Zephir McTargget. I'll get it. Just a moment" And with that said, he stands up and heads into the door labeled 'Private' returning in less than a minute later. When he's close to Weaver, he offers his hand to the man. When he opens it, there is a clockwork songbird. It's a masterpiece. ( https://i.pinimg.com/564x/12/00/af/1200afe68317f3551c0f63e9be6173d1.jpg ).

"I thought you could make it into an Automaton if you want. Make it useful besides pretty. But it's your call, honestly." He says.

Weaver laughs, "You don't need to have too much patience. I know I've yelled at her a few times to watch out and watch her ass, but that's because she can get into some dangerous shit some times. And I appreciate it. Shit could've been worse, but we're not dead." Another laugh that settles down upon Ben's leaving and entering. "Oh, that's some damn nice stuff. She could probably sell it if that's what it came down to. If not I don't mind moving some of that through the market myself."

"You don't dare to sell my wedding gift away, boy. It took me days to come up with this idea and a enough money. If I find this little bird at the Market, I'm going to make you swallow it whole." Ben says very serious as he tooks his seat back and crosses his legs."It sings too. Just press his belly gently, the crafter said." He adds that after a moment sounding a little bit grumpy still.

"Okay okay." Weaver chuckles, and takes the bird in his hand, gently so. "I'll make sure to put it someplace where our hedge beasts can't get too. I know Velvet'll love it. Especially the singing." Weaver looks up, smiling. "Do you, um, think she can do one as a cat too? Just because I wanna have another one to put out and freak out our hedgebeast."

"I guess so. She has amazing stuff at her store. Here is her card." Ben says retrieving a business card out of his wallet and offers it to the other Utridge."She's a Lost too. Member of the Dawn Court. But for now, she's only accepting real money as payment, she said."

"Perfect!" Weaver says upon taking the card. "I got a lot of money so that's real fucking easy. If she's just taking straight cash I may end up getting a few dozen otehr things." He sits back, eyeing the bird for a few moments. "I'll make sure to suggest her around if her work is even half as good as this too."

Ben nods to that."I assume she's as good as her Contracts and skills allow her to be. I know some people have very creative use for their powers and come up with really impressive pieces of art, furniture, clothing and whatelse their imaginations allows them to. I should start learning something like that too, at some point in the future. You know, an old man needs to have a hobby." He says and grins.

"I don't have much in the way of that kinda creativity, and I leave it to the people like that." Weaver shrugs, still looking over the bird with more scrutiny. "If you really need a hobby why don't you write your own books? Shit you can put down that you know and learned, and shove it in the Freehold library. You've probably seen enough shit by now to fill a few shelves, yeah?"

"That's not a hobby. That's part of the job as a Custodian and I'm already doing that. Everything, or almost everything, I just told you it's written down there. But you're right. I have seen enough to come up with a few books by now. Maybe a guide to the local Hedge. It's Trods, stable points and even the few paths leading in and out of the Deep Hedge. But the problem with putting down information is that it can be stolen more easily and used to do harm. I'm not sure I want to be the one responsible to bring this Freehold down like it happened to the Silver Tree." The older Utridge says in his calm and cold tone and grins to the whole idea.

"Silver Tree? Can't say it rings much of a bell. Every freehold I know's been alive well and good. ALl that good shit, really. If you don't want this one to end up the same way and can do something about it-" He stops to point directly at Ben, that bird still held carefully in the other. "Then you do something about it, and make sure shit doesn't go tits up. Because there's a good chance if it goes to hell for the freehold, it goes to hell for a lot of people in the city. Including all of us in the family."

"I know, boy. I know." He murmurs as he glances briefly at the iron case once more returning to this concerned mood."I need a place to store it while I conclude my research. I don't want to give it to the Freehold's Council. Not yet, at least."

"I have a Hollow that might work, but I'm still shoring up its defenses. I could leave it with one of those big, fuck off Summers, but they might do somethign stupid." Says the Moon courtier that lives up to his own stereotypes. "Maybe ask that ash lady if they got a place in the library where they keep the real awful shit. The type of place has to have some kinda secret vault no one is allowed to enter. If not there see if Zephyr or Widget can make you an even stronger box to stick that box in."

Ben nods."I'll keep it by my side. I don't trust that Hollow. Too many people have access to it too easily, let's be honest." He remarks."Do you know, by any chance, a Bridgemason? I could have use for one now." He murmurs.

"Bridge what now?" Weaver asks with a cant of his head. "No, don't think I ever heard of that. Only masons I know is all the illuminati bullshit and stuff like that. Is there something they do with titles or something? Or is it more box stuff?"

Ben sighs in disbelief and shakes his head."It's and Entitlement, Weaver. They're builder. They use a special connection to the Wyrd to build structures out of nowhere. A Bridgemason can build a Hollow for you. They're not easy to spot and their services are never cheap, but it's worth it." The Witchtooth explains."I pondered joining them before I found out about the Magi of the Gilded Thorns."

"I guess that makes sense. Masons and building, but I was expecting bridges." Weaver shrugs, trying to hold in a laugh. "I don't really know about entitlements, really, outside of myself, you, and Velvet. I never looked into 'em because I don't care about some of the stuff I heard. Too goody-goody or caught up in some weird, Wyrd shit."

Ben agrees with that with a dark smile that fades instantly."You're right. Some of the Entitlements are too close to the Gentry to be trusted. Others are too megalomaniac. And a very few are really useful in the end." He comments."But tell me, Weaver. I'm curious about something that the lack of time never allowed me to ask you. Do you have any long-term plans? Life as a Lost, within your Court, with your wife." The older Utridge asks as he finally appears to be really relaxed.

Weaver's reaction to the first answer is a cocksure, devilish smirk. "My only long-term goals? Easy. Money. I want more of it for myself. I want more than I'll ever need, or anybody for that matter. Treasure, gold, whatever it is that'll fill my coffers." The smile soon drops into something dopey as he loses track of his concentration. "For Velvet, I hope to make her happy for as long as we'll have each other. We both want to keep everything and everyone close to us safe." Then he turns back to his generally cocky demeanor. "I don't really have too many plans for the court itself. I do what I can when I feel like it, but I'm not about Moon first. What about you?"

"Greedy Dragon." Ben whispers and smiles."Me? All I want is to keep my family safe and sound. But weird things always find a way to my door. What can I do? I'm too curious to just shut the door on their faces. It's not polite, right? And, if, in the end, it gives me more power and resources, be it. I'll not complain."

Weaver stands up, smiling like a fool. "It never hurts to slam the door in their face. It even feels good some days." He takes one last look at the bird still in the palm of his hand, and then extends the other to Ben. "It's about time I headed back home. I got a mess I need to fix, and not 100% sure how just yet."

Ben takes the offered hand shakes it firmly."Have a nice day, boy. Tell your wife I'm sending my best to her. Call me if you need me."