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Revision as of 12:32, 28 June 2018

Sniper No Sniping

Should I be concerned?


Dani Utridge, Weaver Utridge, Velvet, Saulot as ST

28 June, 2018

The Utridge's leave Bron's cabin, Weaver is shot, and a gunman is murdered.


Delwood and I-89

"More than five minutes? Well. Shit." Weaver stands, and finishes off the rest of his coffee in a few large gulps, and pulls it away with a sigh that spreads smoke all around him. Its set to the side, and he bows his head in thanks. "Thanks, BronBron. I'll send Velvet over asap, and with whatever it is you want." With that he motions to the door. "We can leave her to it for a bit, Dani. I got something else I wanna show you."

Dani smiles and excuses herself as she leaves Bronwyn to her joy and turns back to Weaver as she abandons the rest of her own cup. Another flick of ears, and a small smirk, "Should I be concerned?" Still, she moves to follow.

"Nah," Weaver responds as they get to the door. When it's opened, Fido is on all fours growling at something. "What the fuck's got you so worked up?" He leans down to give the hedge dog a few scratches between the ears, ignorant of whatvever's happening. The dog is pointed towards it, and Dani can see it along with the bright flash that follows. The sound barely registers as anything more than a light tap, but it's anything but that. As a bullet flies through the air with enough force to knock Weaver clear off his feet and into the wall as blood splatters around him.

Dani isn't always the sharpest of sorts, but her reflexes aren't so horrible, not that anything helps much when being shot from ambush. Still, at least she didn't have to eat the first bullet in this. She drops into the dirt and scrambles to have some semblence of cover while not straying too far from Weaver in the same motion. For a long moment nothing happens, until it does...

The plants spring to life, much as Dani was describing not so long ago, but these are less pretty little flowers and simple, verdant growth as the land reacts to her thoughts and desires expressed through her Wyrd. The mingled grass of what makes up a driveway rises to seemingly lap at the blood pumping out of Weaver, almost as an afterthought for what the faun had in mind... She spares a fleeting glance up, and spying the one that outed themself with the shot, the landscape writhes around the target of her sudden surge of ire, branches, tall grass, and a particularly nasty stretch of poison ivy becoming suddenly very intimate with their victim, not unlike a horror movie that featured a cabin in the woods... but probably less rapey. Probably.

The gunman was already lining up another shot after the first. As he chambers another rounds the forest begins to attack, and he doesn't catch on until it's too late. Muffled sounds can be heard in the distance as he tries to break free, but there's no fighting against it. The most that can be heard from him is a loud, "What the fuck!?"

Weaver is on the ground, clutching his chest. The force from the shot knocked the wind out of him after sending him flying back. He coughs, the act hurting as much as the wound as he reaches up to his chest. "Again?" he grumbles. He tries to push himself back to his feet, but anger doesn't really work for that. The hedge beast waits at his side, mainly trying to guard Weaver from another unseen assault.

The plantlife is literally merciless in accosting their appointed pray amongst the sudden jungle worth of undergrowth and greenery. Tendrils writhe, tug, twist the man into anatomically impossible, or at least painful positions as the firearm is wrenched away amidst the verdent assault and he's drawn into the air...

Dani looks relieved as Weaver cries out, but generally falls back on the plan she had in motion to begin with, easing out of cover enough to help get him down beside the car with her and wasting little apology in looking at the fresh wound, though stylish clothes quickly covered in blood.

Weaver doesn't ask for much when dragged away, but the act is a pain on the wings. The wound is rather bad, but that Ogre constitution helps at least a little bit. The wound may not be fatal, but it's going to need some looking at later on. The only protest from the dragon is a mutters, "I'm fine. Run away."

The gunman is probably in agreement as he's assaulted by all of the growth still attacking him. He's trying to reach for his rifle again, and then get loose. He can't functionally do both, and he only makes it worse as he gets stretched out, and turned this way and that.

The mass of greenery quickly overwhelms the man as he falls unconscious. Perhaps the lack of movement is a cue, or they simply no longer have malevolent will pressed into their actions, but they soon stop. The shooter is left hanging from the nearby tree, practically mummified in that mix of ivy, poison ivy, and the more supple branches of the nearest trees.

Dani ignores the suggestion, though she spares a little look to Fido, "Let me know if anyone else shows up." the words blurred with urgency as hands already tear into Weaver's clothing to expose the wound. A warmth infuses the man even as he falls unconscious, the same buzz in the air that seemed to take over as the plants grew, heralding new life and new opportunities... at least for some. And it seems to be enough, closing the wound, curbing the bleeding while leaving an ugly bruise after itself. He's not exactly better, but at least he's not bleeding to death in her lap now.

The gunman was trying to resist as much as he can. It matters little under Dani's verdant assault. He tries one last time to reach for his gun. It's /right;/ in sight, but no dice. As he reaches for it the plants pull him away, and wrench his arm in a direction it really shouldn't go. He lets out a scream of pain, and with that passes into unconsciousness.

With Weaver stable, Dani turns to peek over the car. The rampant growth hasn't done much for her line of sight, but it's probably spoiled the sight of anyone else that might be out there as well, and she has the advantage of the plants seeming to pull back from where she's looking, bending away to expose potential hiding places as best they can as she sweeps the treeline. "I think it might be safe..." she murmurs, possibly to herself, or maybe to Weaver, who'll hopefully wake up sooner rather than never.

Weaver comes to with that burning sensation in his chest, but at least he's no longer on death's door. "Fucking shit." He tries to push himself up to his feet, but the most he can get is sitting up as he leans agains the car. He blinks a few times over, ghastly gaze turned up to Dani. "I suppose I have you thank for this, but I swear you should've been running away."

Dani giggles, a bit unbecoming, but that's what she does. It's not dignified, but it's kinda cute. Maybe it's the stress bubbling off. "Well, you're in better spirits than you have a right to be. I did a dismal job with the healing, but if you can stand it for the moment, I think I've got some dried fruit handy in the car." She's still cradling the man in her lap, and occasionally another laugh escapes her.

"Yeah, well. Fuck it. Thanks." He does muster a bit more strength to move. "What the fuck happened, and why am I bleeding. This better be some elaborate dream, and I'm gonna find a pile of gold when I open up my car." He places a hand on his wound, and Weaver groans in pain. "Not a dream."

"Gunman. He's hanging from a tree over," Dani nods her head in a direction, "yonder." She recovers herself enough to begin helping Weaver to his feet. "I don't think he's dead, but he's gonna have one helluva rash in some pretty tender spots when he comes back around." She frowns slightly, considering Weaver for a few long moments. In a sudden burst of decision she reaches out, both hands cupping cheeks before a flood of warm sensation pours out from her, life itself warming the soul. It's very... stimulating, in all the meanings of the word, but with so much remaining injury, who's going to appreciate that.

Weaver nods. "Good to know. Gonna kill him when I can get feeling in my legs again. They work, but fuck it hurts to move." The magicks of Dani work as his wound largely disappears. His bloodied hand leaves his chest, and he soon pushes himself to his feet. "Thanks, Aunt Dani. I appreciate it." He then starts looking over, stretching his wings out to make sure they aren't too banged up. The bullet went trhough him and nicked one, but it's mostly fine now. "Fido!" The dog perks up now that Weaver is fine. "Sic 'em!" With that the dog bounds off in search of the gunman, and tries to wrestle him free from the vines.

Weaver was laid out behind his car while Dani attended to his wounds. There wasn't a sound to reveal the whys of it, but then there's a flsuh of magic in the area. Plantlife was already well in bloom thanks to the Spring, but flowers spring up all around the car as Weaver stands up. He barks out something to Fido, and the dog can be seen running off towards a bunch of vinces twisting, turning, and lashing at a man covered in black .

Dani winces a bit at the mention of killing the man, but seems intent on focusing on the situation at hand as she studies Weaver closely. "I should maybe check on Bronwyn. Make sure the bullet didn't end up ricocheting into the house or something..." though that might be more to distract herself from potential murder. It's about this time that the abrupt jungle dies away, leaving the foliage far thicker than they were before, but without the supernatural bulk lent to them by the powers of spring.

"Widget is going to check on Bronwyn." Velvet's voice can be heard before the woman can be seen, appearing a couple moments later with a gun in one hand and a blade in the other. She has blood splattered all over her in strange patterns that don't come from normal weapon strokes. "Weaver, are you alright?" She casts a quick look around as she drops her bag with the rest of the fruit in it. "Here, finish these up," she tells him. "You alright Dani?" she wonders, starting to stride around, checking all the nooks and crannies for more gunman. She couldn't possibly have heard shots from where she was, so how did she know? "Was there only the one?"

"Be my guest," Weaver tells his aunt. "I need to take care of this mess anyway. Tell her I'll pay for any damages and to get this cleaned up." The sight of Velvet coming around gets a long, hard look. Must be a trick. He doesn't question it as the wild plantlife goes away, and the hedge dog is dragging the gunman back. "Why're you here, Vee?"

With that sudden appearance from Velvet, it's probably as well that the plants had faded. Dani is a bit too shocked to be emotionally surprised, at least. Despite Velvet's assurances, Dani wanders off into house to check on Bronwyn, sparing a nod or two in the process. She might be muttering something about kevlar as she goes...

"Looks like you didn't need me to take care of the gunman out here, huh? But he got you good." Velvet moves back to Weaver's side and kneels down. She hears the muttering about kevlar and smirks. "She's right, you should be wearing armor pretty constantly right now. Turns out that you've got a hit out on you. You and everyone you care about. They want to take us out first to really make it suck for you." At his question, she smirks. "Vanessa mentioned a gunman going after the woman in the woods. I though Bronwyn might be in trouble."

"I don't need any fucking armor. I'm alive ain't I?" The question comes as he outstretches both arms and wings. Then he dips down, and brings his hands around the gunman's neck. He's lifted up and off his feet then, dangling there under the power of the CHangeling's Ogreish might. "As I told auntie, this guy's gotta die. He shot me and was gonna kill Bronwyn. That's enough sin for one life, don'tcha think?"

"Well, before you kill him, you might want to see if he has any more information on Dietrich von Pietrerzoon. You know, since he's the one that sent him here to kill Bronwyn. And sent Vanessa to manipulate Jefferey into trying to kill you. Sent people to go through our stuff. Has your ledgers... you know, that sort of thing." It's said way too calmly, lips thin. "But if you want to kill him outright, don't let me stop you." She takes a couple of steps towards the car and leans back against it.

Weaver tightens his grip on the man's neck. His claws are piercing skin, and the smell of another's blood hits the air. As it drips down his scaly arm Weaver laps it up when it reaches his bicep. His nostrils flare at the name he hears, and it only makes Weaver tighten his grip. It wakes up the gunman who's choking under the pressure. "I'm really getting sick and fucking tired of my own blood being spilled, and I'm really past the point of caring. He could have hurt Bronwnyn. He could have hurt Dani." Weaver reaches up, and takes off the balaclava to reveal a sandy haired man whose eyes are currently rolling into the back of his head. "I've already lost two lives close to me. This is it where it stops."

"I'm not saying don't kill him, my love," Velvet explains. "I'm saying that he might have information that's useful to us before he dies. Widget is remarkably skilled at torture, it turns out. I didn't have to lay a finger on Vanessa to get her to talk. Except to feed her a little fruit when she passed out on us." There's no pity on her face for the man who is getting the life choked out of him. Don't fuck with Bronwyn and you don't have to die. But he did, so he does.

Velvet hasn't had the luxury of seeing Weaver when he goes into his dark place. "I don't care," he remarks callously. He's slow to choke the life out of the Elemental in his hand. Savoring in that pain as he looks up at him. If the lack of oxygen won't kill him the claws rending through his flesh will eventually reach something vital. His mantle flares in a tenebrous display, and with it a rush of glamour through his muscles. The gunman grabs at Weaver's hand to no avail, and eventually passes out. The claws win out as blood spills further, and the body is thrown to the side.

There's a slow head tilt from Velvet as she watches Weaver slowly squeeze the life out of the man. She genuinely doesn't care that much, so she has no intentions of trying to help him out. His only use was information. If that's not important to Weaver, then the man dies. She watches the body get tossed, and moves towards it to start shifting through his pockets, looking for a phone and whatever else she can get her hands on information wise. His clothes are peeled off a moment later before she tells Fido to dig in. She doesn't want the pup choking on clothing after all. "Feel better?"

"Nope," Weaver's quick to answer. "But it does feel damned good." He shivers at that, smoke filtering from his nostrils. "Hold on a sec, Fido." He crouches down to claw something into the man's forhead that looks like a crescent moon with a line going diagonally through it. "Have at it!" And with that he lets the dog eat his fill.

The clothes are piled up and tossed into the back of the car before Velvet starts to go through the man's phone, checking text logs and whatever else she can get into. Bank apps, email, all of it. She looks up to watch the scaring and then glance towards Weaver with a lofted brow. "So, tell me about the Iron Dragon, and how exactly you ruined his life to the point that he wants to destroy you and everything you touch."

"Not now," Weaver growls back at her, gaze narrowed as smoke billows from his nose and mouth. "It's a long fucking story, and I'll tell it after I had some whiskey in me. Needless to say if I fucking see Dietrich again I'm gonna rip off his head and shit down his throat."

"I know that your dumb ass didn't just growl at /me/," Velvet says with the lift of a single brow, her eyes boaring into Weaver. "I dealt with, and killed two different people who were sent to kill you today. I actually had to jump in the river to retrieve one of the bodies today, so I don't need the lip." She ticks a finger back and forth at him before pushing away from the car and starting to move towards the house. "I'm going to check on Bron while you figure out how you're going to apologize to me," she huffs.