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The Mien Study - Velvet

Mirrorskins Everywhere


Lux and Velvet

May 3rd, 2018

Another interview in Library/The Mien Study


Wayhouse, MT07

Lux is noticeable long before she is visible. Her Wyrd makes the very air pulse with power. Light pools around her feet in an expression of the Wyrd on her personal reality. It moves in waves and gentle currents, then drifts up like mist around her forming patterns in the air about her. Today, fractals upon fractals into infinity are displayed in ever increasing detail within the wispy strands of light that float about her.

She is sitting in a high back chair with a clipboard and several pieces of paper. Notes have already been taken on many of them, under the others. A row of tiny clay faces - trifles - sits neatly on a table beside her. A sign sits next to those that says: Mien Study - in neat meticulous handwriting.

Another trip has been planned to the Wayhouse in the hopes of meeting with someone who might be able to lead her to the Freehold. The day is warm and the sun is shining brightly in the sky outside, which means that Velvet is practically racing into the house to get away from it all. Just as she is about to step into the door, her body stills, regaining her poise before she actually steps foot inside. The door is closed loud enough to alert others that someone has entered, the petite elf starting a slow trek through the halls.

When she peeks her head into the living room, her large black sunglasses are already perched at the top of her head, tucking long trands of white behind pointed ears. "Good morning," she offers the unfamiliar woman as she gives her a quick study, brows arching up for a moment. That's a lot of Wyrd. "I have been around a lot of places, but I've never been somewhere where so many of the Lost are so at one with the Wyrd. Moreso than even myself." She peeks at what Lux is working on, spying the sign with a little smirk. "What kind of mien study?"

Lux doesn't seem one to startle easy, turning her head toward the sound of the door and the approaching changeling. "Good day," She says with a tilt of her head, before looking over the sign as Velvet mentions its content. "I am performing a study of Miens and their possible reasons for the particular changem, beyond the simple classifications of Kith and Seeming." She considers the other woman for a long moment. "If you would like to participate, anonymously or otherwise, please have a seat. There is a triffle as payment for your information as well."

As she says this she is reaching out toward a nearby chair, much like her own, that is facing her. "I am Lux Shadowcaster, Vizier to the Freehold of Fate's Harvest. Please, have a seat." She seems to be purposely ignoring the comment about wyrd strong individuals.

For someone whose Wyrd is decently strong, Velvet's outward mien seems oddly lacking and somewhat... simple. She looks far closer to someone fresh out of the Hedge than someone who has gone beyond her first evolution of the Wyrd. "You mean like environmental adaptations based on where they were held in Arcadia and the like?" Velvet wonders as she steps further into the room, slowly settling into the offered chair.

"I'm not certain that I'm the best person for you to be studying in that case. I don't believe I've seen my own mien in years." It's stated like a joke, but her eyes shift from a baby blue to a steely grey the moment the words are spoken, only to fade back a second later. "I like to keep it simple," she offers with a sweep of her hand over herself. "Velvet Danvers. New to town, I've actually been trying to find someone to talk to about the Freehold. Looks like I'm in luck."

Lux eyes the elfin changeling for a moment, before she nods. "Sit anyways, Velvet Danavers. Welcome to the city. I am no Waykeeper, but I am still a source of advice for Freehold Crown and Members." Lux sets up a fresh page on her clipboard, eyeing Velvet for a moment "If you are purposfully manipulating your Mien through Contract, Token, and - or other method, then you are correct, your information will not be valuable. I will still take it, but as your Mien becomes a concious choice through acts of your magic, it is not as useful to this study. And yes, it is a study of what Arcadia, Keeper, and the Physical changes that the wyrd imprints on us. Some of that is concious, I am begining to suspect, but generally in a response to environmental stimuli within Arcadia itself."

She pauses, then offers a smile. It doesn't touch her proud green eyes and instead is mostly a pasted on effect to attempt to calm nerves. "Your information about your Keeper and Arcadia, if you recall any of it, will still be useful to the Library. I am a Custodian, one of the internal freehold organizations. It is part of my duties as a Custodian to gather information about the area and possible threats we as a Freehold may face. So, you can also simply ask me any questions you may have if you believe your Mien too fluid by your own personal actions to help much in my study."

"Some of it is my own doing, as you say. Kith and Contract, sometimes just skill. But sometimes it is just thought, or distraction, the occassional heavy emotion that causes a sudden shift that I did not conciously create. I assume that the very fluidity of my mien is a part of it. I'm not sure if that would help or hinder your research." Another shift of eye color as Velvet studies Lux's smile with a tilt of her head. "You don't have to wear that for me," she assures. "I'm quite comfortable." Body language is a part of being able to perfectly mimic another person, so it's safe to say that the Darkling is pretty good at it.

Lips purse as she considers, a fingertip tapping against the armrest of her seat. "I recall quite a lot. More as the years pass. Enough to know what shaped who I am today," she offers softly. "If you keep my name from the report, I can let this go and see what's become of me. It may help, but I cannot promise anything. It's all a little mercurial.

Lux disp her head forward, letting the smile drop. Instead a concentrating look replaces it, one of determination but also slight interest as if Velvet wasn't anything more than an math problem to study. "Anonymity is certainly an understandable request, and I will do the best to maintain it. Obviously, such a study records details of a physical nature so that may be more difficult to keep completely anonymous, but your name will not be attached to this report in anyway." She settles her pen down onto paper. "I will take whatever information you are willing to provide. Let us take a look and see."

"That's all I can ask. But it it will help in any way help to prevent more people from suffering at the hands of The Monstrous Prince, I'm all for it." Plus, a show of good faith towards the Freehold she wants to join is also likely to be beneficial. With a slow incline of her head, Velvet lets out a slow breath, letting the soft, white visage melt away. There seems to be a strange resistance, as if her mien itself is fighting the change. Flowers blossom along her skin, flames dance in her eyes, stone starts to crack along her face. Things she's played at before, obviously, flickering almost too fast to keep up with.

With a little more concentration, it all sudden skids to a halt. Where before her skin was almost a pure white, there is intead a deep shade of purple that borders on black. Black hair falls down her back, tangled around horns that curve out from the side of her head, only to spiral downwards. Two sets of long ears poke out from behind the horns, and her eyes burn a deep crimson pool of light. The light is echoed in runes down the sides of her arms, the marks looking like they were carved into her, hollowed out, and then the light was poured in. Nails are sharp and black, claw-like but just a little too short to actually do damage. Grey marks mar most of the skin that's exposed, old scars, hundreds of them that indicate the horror story that the pretty white flesh from before did well to hide.

Velvet relaxes for a moment as she looks down at her hands, turning the claws over to study herself. She inspects her arms before reaching up to touch her face. "Huh. It's been... it's been awhile."

Lux pauses, watching the transformation with particular interest. She tries to study each flashing point, but makes no obvious notes simply watching. She then nods as the Mien settles and even Velvet seems comfortable with it. Her hand takes quick, long script notes across her paper in neat handwriting. "Demonic. Kith and Seeming unknown. Horns - ram? Elfin ears. Runes etched into skin. Red eyes, glowing. Purple and/or Dusky skin. Sharp claw like nails." She looks up again, nodding her head. "If it is uncomfortable, I have the notes I need. Thank you." She adjusts the clipboard, before continuing "Please feel free to ignore any questions you do not wish to answer. What would you classify your Kiths as, if you know? Do you know or understand how you came to be this way from your time in Arcadia? Do you know the name of your Keeper or any of their Titles, and do you know or believe they had any hand in your current form? Are you a member of any Entitlement that would affect your mien, and can you describe the changes it has made to me?" The questions are said in a measured tone, though little time is left for answers until she puts her pen to paper and waits.

Another slow breath as she listens to the description, her face is completely unchanged, no expression to even hint at what is going on in her mind at the moment. Within a moment, with far greater ease than it took to get rid of it, the other mien comes shifting back up and along Velvet's form. She shifts into the chair a little more comfortably, settling her hands in her lap. "My Keeper was The Monstrous Prince. Most of his lands were a horribly twisted, dark forest. But he resided in the castle." She touches along her arms where the carved out runes were down her arms. "He carved that out himself," she notes when the question of whether or not he had a hand in it comes up. "He was pretty big on pain and torture. Liked to see how long it took people to break. I took a really really long time, so he gave me extra attention. When I finally broke, he decided to have me trained to kill for him in the forest."

Velvet's voice is flat the whole time, no inflection, no guilt, no pain. It just is. "I was built to sneak, initially. Stalk the forest, hunt the prey, murder them and then move on to the next. Lurker, first and foremost, so I'm a Darkling. From my understanding, a lot of Darklings come out of his lands. There's not a whole lot of light to thrive on there. But I also needed to be able to shift and adapt to the world around me better. Blending in so that I could hunt more easily. Mirrorskin." There seems to be more, but she pauses for a moment to give Lux time to write.

Lux is quick with her pen, and the notes may be made in some sort of shorthand for she doesn't have any trouble keeping up. "Intriguing. Many Changelings report personal connection from their Keeper to their creation, others are simply a product of the environment of the Realm in which they resided." She puts the pen to her mouth, considering as she taps her ruby lips with it. "Continue, if you please. Also, as you are strong in your Wyrd, if you believe that it has affected your Mien over time, please describe the changes you believe it has wrought."

"I joined The Pilgrims of the Endless Road in my quest to help fill in the gaps I felt within myself, even myself out to help me be the best at what I do. I ached for clarity, and in return I found that I could suddenly see more clearly, than ever. In a very literal sense of the word. I'd been all Darkling up until that point, but the Cleareyes kith changed that. That one had nothing to do with my Keeper, and seemed to come more from inside me. The Wyrd knew what I needed, the Pilgrims knew what I needed, and it came."

Velvet smirks for a moment, but it fades quickly after that. "The growth of my Wyrd absolutely effected my mien. I didn't come out of Arcadia with the horns, they sprouted as my connection grew, getting bigger as the connection became stronger. Darkness began to trail after my movements which never happened before. My face and body sometimes shift and alter without my noticing. I got stronger and another kith bloomed to life. I don't know what it is called, but it's granted me a near perfect memory and minor telepathic ability, which help me truly become another person when the need arises."

-> >> Lux to Here << <-===============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 3 4 4 9 >

================-> >> Intelligence + Occult.Kiths - 3 No Flags << <-

Lux puts the pen back to her lips, not chewing it but just tapping. She nods "I believe I have heard of that kith classification. They are refered to in the parlance as 'Greys' I believe. Reports give them exceptional memory and minor telepathic skills, as you describe. How intriguing. I have never met one before" she muses for a moment, before she looks up at Velvet. "To be true, I am not certain I have met one now. Your nature as a mercurial being means that what you present may not be what you present next time, yes? I am understanding of this, in a way. Though I am not nearly as close to that as you, I have had some experience with it." Says the Fairest Brightone who seems to have no other kiths despite her incredibly advanced connection to the Wyrd. "Are there any other comments you wish to make? Despite your earlier indications your information may not be useful, it certainly is intriguing. I will gladly file it away - anonymously of course - in my notes for further study. Or, perhaps you have questions about the Freehold?"

"Greys? Like what they call aliens?" There's a bit of a wry laugh from the Darkling. "Of course. Regardless of the name, the abilities are quite helpful in my work. But again, I believe it to be an act of the Wyrd, expanding my skills to help me hone myself into perfection." It's a little arrogantly stated, but despite the words, her expression never really changes from the blanket friendliness. "I present as many things, yes. However, the abilities I get from the kiths don't change with my appearance. So, I could present as a runnerswift for instance, feet shifting or what have you. But it doesn't ever grant me that ability they have to run so much faster. But despite my appearance at the time, my abilities remain the same. If that makes sense?" Velvet pauses before snapping once. "Cosmetic," she offers. "It's cosmetic alterations to my appearance. But yes, I do have questions about the Freehold. The main one being, what do you expect of those who wish to join?"

"I do quite understand." Lux says to the comments about Kith abilities and changing appearances. And that understanding is shown in her body language to be bone deep. "The Freehold expects its members to aid each other and look out for their safety." She says simply, then pauses. "Now where did November leave it..." she muses to herself as she stands up and starts to look around the living room. Eventually she finds what she is looking for - a small stack of papers, loosely clipped together. "Here," she says, offering them to Velvet. "This is a copy of the Bylaws of the Freehold. You should study them closely before you agree to take the Oath. There are many, and violating the laws is grounds for Banishment and status as a Hunted."

Velvet reaches out to take the paper as it's offered to her, giving it a cursory glance for the moment. "I'll study it later tonight and see if it brings up any other questions." She pauses on a word, tapping the paper a moment. "Weaver mentioned the Harvestmen to me before. Do you know if they work with freelancers? I'm not really a military kind of person, but I am willing to help out in a pinch. I have certain skills that do well with dealing with battles before they become wars."

Lux takes a seat again, and gestures to the row of Clayface trifles. "You are also entitled to a trifle here if you wish, as payment for your participation." She settles herself, folding her hands into her lap on top of each other. "The Harvestmen are more than a simple Militia." She pauses, considering. "Try to think of them more as explorers. Indiana Jones types. Sure, they fight and protect the freehold. But they are not regimented troops. More like a ragtag band of adventurers who will do what needs to be done to protect the Freehold. They need scouts, explorers, and even assassins to fill out their ranks."

"Really?" The long, pointed ears of Velvet's perk up a little bit at the mention of what the militia needs, one of them being her exact job title. "Well, I think I can help out with one of those needs," she murmurs as she folds the papers up and tucks them into her purse. A moment later she leans forward, reaching out to pick up one of the trifles, turning it over in her hand. "I appreciate that, thank you. As for the Freehold-- once I've read the papers, if I agree with the terms, who do I speak to about pledging?"

"The crown, of course. Heather Vale is the current Crown, of the Dawn Court. If you have trouble reaching her, stay here in this building for a time. November an Nua is the Waylady, and also a member of the Dawn Court. She can guide you to the Crown if need be." Lux's fingers rotate around one another as she keeps her hands in her lap, considering. "Any other questions? As a Vizier my duties are to the Crown, but due to the prevalence of powerful changelings in this area I have offered my services to any who request it. If you need assistance in Occult manners or those of Contracts, feel free to speak with me. The Office of the Vizieral Council serves the Freehold and Crown."

"Heather Vale. A Dawn! I believe that's the first time I've heard of a someone outside of the four seasonal courts wearing a crown. Interesting." Velvet seems intruiged by it, her eyes sparkling for a moment. "November. I met her very briefly yesterday in a coffee shop. Not exactly somewhere that I could pin her down to speak to. She owns this place, correct?" The Trifle is tucked into her bag along with the paperwork, and the bag is settled on her lap. "I will keep that in mind, thank you. Please feel free to let me know if you think of any more questions for me."

Lux nods her head "I will. Also, this Freehold is unique. Possibly because November is a founding member of the Freehold and a Dawn herself." Lux gives a slight, forced chuckle. Out of habit most likely. "Each of the Transitional Courts - Sun, Moon, Dawn, Dusk - might take a crown during a specific season. Dawn for Spring, Sun and Summer. Dusk and Autumn. Moon and Winter. If the Wyrd and the mood of the Freehold wills it, there may be a Sun king rather than a Summer one in a few months." She gives a slight smile - its not entirely forced - "Until we next meet then, Velvet?"

"That truly is unique. It gives an oppertunity for a true leader to emerge, not bound by the old conventions. There's nothing wrong with that." Velvet smoothly rises from her seat, offering a hand out towards Lux in offering. "Until we meet again next, Lux. It was a pleasure to speak with you." Her own smile is natural and unforced. From her expression, it's clear that she enjoyed herself.