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Latest revision as of 01:59, 21 November 2017

Swearing In A Siren

"You want to join?"


Poppy, Ashe


Poppy comes to join the Freehold


Stoneheart H06

November is almost over and it's a month left in Autumn, which means one more month left for Queen Ashe Whelan. And then whoever Winter was going to be choosing. If it was even going to be a Winter. With the way things were going it might be a Moon.

Ashe is known to be at Stoneheart in the evenings and sources prove true. Garrett, a fellow Autumn even shows the Siren where the Monarch is. In the cavern the Shadowsoul is currently sitting in front of some huge fae mount. Probably hers. And she's feeding it. Apollyon is a very large bat like creature with a split mandible mouth and a bright crimson streak down it's spine. He's not very cute or cuddly. http://tinyurl.com/ydcu8oh7

Stiletto heels click against the floor of the cavern, announcing the siren's presence even more than Garrett or any response on the part of Apollyon when she enters the room. Poppy makes her slow way through the freehold, looking around with frank appraisal in her expression. As she spies Ashe, the siren smiles warmly, making her way towards her and the Hedgebeast, giving the latter a bit of space should it seem feisty. "Hello," she offers by way of greeting. "Been a while."

Ashe listens to the sound of heels and there's a chuckle, "Now there's only a few people I can think of that will wear those in the Hedge." she states as she feeds Apollyon another bunny. Then there's a look to Poppy as she is seen. A smile given as she stands up. Garrett gets a wave before he goes back to the Library and she waves Poppy closer, "It's good to see you and it has been a while. Are you doing okay? Anyone puked on your shoes yet?" she asks her with a smile.

Apollyon's feeding is given a briefly interested look, then the siren turns her attention back to Ashe with a sharp-toothed grin. "I'm doing pretty fucking well. The bar's been making steady progress and is pretty fucking self-sufficient at this point. And it's turning out to be a nice enough place that nobody's puked on my shoes. Although now that I've said that, I should probably expect it." Poppy smirks. She's dressed in a pair of black jeans, knee-high, purple suede stiletto boots, and a draped, purple, cold-shoulder top with three-quarter sleeves. "How are you doing?"

"He likes bunbuns." Ashe tells Poppy when the batdragon moves to crawl up the wall and then hangs from the top of the cavern ceiling. Then she looks back to Poppy and offers the woman a seat. "I'm glad to hear it's doing good business. Means that you've got a stable job and things." she grins to that. Then she chuckles, "I think it's a running joke at this point." she admits. Then she sobers for a moment, "It's been an interesting season so far. And not completely pleasant, but, we'll live." she smiles. "We've caught the people that were killing the local Changelings. Or well, some others did. Just got to get the rest." she states.

"Rabbit's pretty tasty," Poppy acknowledges, watching the hedgebeast climb up to the ceiling with a grin. "He's pretty." Looking back over at Ashe, she nods, moving to seat herself in the indicated spot. At that comment about the season, she cocks her head to one side inquisitively. "You mean besides the dead Lost and the fucking hunters?" she asks. "Or the dream shit?" A nod at the comment about hunters. "That's good. I saw the information about the Hunt."

"That it is." Ashe agrees with Poppy. "And he is. It took some time to get him to trust me." she muses. "There's been so much going on this season that it's been hard to keep track of. And the Soundless haven't made a fucking peep. It's infuriating." she tells her. "And I'm glad. I want the Court involved." she tells her.

The siren looks up at the hedgebeast before looking back down at Ashe and grinning wryly. "Can't say I'm surprised. I imagine most people who approached him in the past were fucking looking to kill him, not make nice." Poppy then nods at the mention of how busy things have been before giving a rueful smile at the mention of the Court. "I'll probably be there, even though I'm not fucking bulletproof. Duncan was nice enough to offer himself as a meat shield." Her eyes twinkle at that.

Ashe gives a smile to that, "Nah. I just wanted to give him a home. Then there's a smile at the mention of her being there with Duncan, "Well, he does seem to be capable of being a good one. I had a good conversation with him before he joined the Freehold he admits. And we will need more than just people hunting. So we'll take all hands." she adds.

"He's not exactly bulletproof, but he's pretty fucking close," Poppy admits, then gives Ashe a curious look at the mention of conversation. "Oh?" she asks. "Do I want to know?" Her expression is somewhat amused, for whatever reason. A nod greets that comment about needing more than hunters. "I'll try to make a point of it, as long as the bar isn't fucking exploding."

"Yeah and we'll make sure people have armor and weapons before they head out." Ashe states to that. "And we'll need sneaks and watchers. Things like that. People that can transport." she smiles. "And if the bar does explode and you can't make it we'll understand. You've been around for other things." she tells her with a nod to that.

"Armour is something I'd definitely fucking need," Poppy says wryly. "I can sneak a little. Mostly I'm good for distraction, and you don't need literally everyone distracted, I imagine. I'll keep you posted with regards to the bar; hopefully if it's fucking insane you don't lose both of us. Duncan's worth having in a fight." A pause, then she says, "So about pledging..."

Ashe gives a nod to that, "We'll get you guys set up." she states. "We're going to hit them Sunday. So just keep us posted. I'll also keep you guys posted." she admits. Then there's a curious look to her and a smile, "Are you wanting to pledge for the remainder of Autumn?" she asks her.

"I will," Poppy says, then she smiles wryly. "I figured it was worth seeing what it was like; I haven't ever been part of a Freehold before. I moved around way the fuck too much. Duncan has and he...suggested it might not be a bad thing. I spoke with Nathania as well and she answered all the fucking questions I was able to think up. It sounds like things are fairly balanced against stupid shit."

Ashe gives a smile, "And like I told Duncan, I can't just strike people dead. It doesn't work like that." she tells her. "He asked a lot of questions. I appreciated that he did." she admits to her. "And good, you've spoken to the Waykeepers." she grins. "So...you wanna get this over with?" she asks her. "Repeat after me." she states.

"I pledge my time, my talents and my fealty to Fate's Harvest."

"I swear that I no longer serve the Fae, nor will I while this promise stands; that while I am under its protection I will obey the principles and bylaws of the Fate's Harvest Freehold as ratified by Monarch and Council, in return for the support and safety they provide."

"May I perish in exile, should I be forsworn."

"Somehow I doubt people would be lining up to join a group where the leader could strike people dead on a fucking whim," Poppy says dryly. "And I have. In addition to talking to Duncan." Opalescent eyes twinkle at that, then she tilts her head as she listens to the Autumn Queen's words. Apparently the siren is a quick study - or has already reviewed the pledge - as she repeats the words clearly and accurately, concluding with, "May I perish in exile, shold I be forsworn."

"I'd be walking around in a Sith robe all the time if we could just strike people dead." Ashe chuckles at that. Then she quiets as Poppy recites the pledge and there's a smile. Poppy can feel the weight of it settle over her shoulders and then it's done! The Shadowsoul reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pin, two little autumn leaves twinned together with little stones, she hands it to Poppy, "A small token of my appreciation for swearing during Autumn." she tells her.

The siren blinks for a moment at that weight of the pledge, taking a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "Well. That's different," she says before looking at Ashe, giving the Autumn Queen a curious look at the offered object, reaching out to take it from her. Agile fingers turn it over as Poppy inspects it before slipping it carefully into her pocket. "Thank you," she says warmly. "Anything else I need to know, now that I technically belong?" Her eyes twinkle at that.

"It is, but it's not a bad thing." Ashe tells her. "And you're welcome. I wanted to show people that they were appreciated." she admits. Then she looks to Poppy, "Right now I just need you to know we've got people actively hunting us so be careful going out. We took their special glasses away and destroyed them. But I don't know if they had backups. Other than that we've been getting some things straight." she admits.

"It is, but it's not a bad thing." Ashe tells her. "And you're welcome. I wanted to show people that they were appreciated." she admits. Then she looks to Poppy, "Right now I just need you to know we've got people actively hunting us so be careful going out. We took their special glasses away and destroyed them. But I don't know if they had backups. Other than that we've been getting some things straight." she admits.

"I didn't hear that shit," Poppy says. "I'm going to guess this had something to do with the girl that got strung up and bled all over everyone on the bridge?" She makes a face. "How many of these assholes are there? It sounds like they've got an arsenal of specialized shit."

Ashe gives a nod, "Yes, we announced it via special channels to the non Freeholders last night. After I killed the man who killed the girl that was strung up on the bridge." she admits with a frown. "He gave up his compatriots because they gave him up. There was...no loyalty." the Shadowsoul tells the Siren. "And there's about ten of them. They have a base. We're going to send scouts in over the next few days to see what we can." she tells her.

Poppy shrugs. "Better no loyalty on their side, if it gets us the information that we need to get rid of all of those fuckers." She frowns at the description of the organization. "Ten is a fucking lot. Where the hell did these guys come from? Do we know?" The siren gives her an inquisitive look.

"That's a good way to look at it, Poppy." Ashe tells her with a nod. Then there's a bit of a nod, "I think a few of them have been broken off, or called in when they need them. The core group is smaller." she states. "And from what we've gathered they've traveled from city to city. So I've sent missives to other cities and Freeholds. To see if they are missing anyone or if any have died mysteriously or violently." she states.

The siren mms, the sound more of a hum than anything else. "It sounds like they're a 'shoot Lost on sight' kind of group? Not something where people could be lured off." Poppy nods at Ashe's description of current inquiries. "I'd be pretty fucking curious if there are other groups still present in any other towns or cities."

Ashe gives a nod to that, "From what we've learned it's just them moving around. We were the first town where they were going to try to settle down. But, we were not having it." she shakes her head. "We can try to keep one of them alive...to ask more questions. But I'd rather just kill them all and just deal with things if it happens. They sound like a bunch of orderless thugs from what we've learned." she admits.

"So they migrate, except this time they didn't. Were they fucking recruiting, then?" Poppy shrugs. "Might be worth keeping one alive; I could see what I could get them to tell me, if it's helpful. Or if you have other people good at that shit, that works, too." At that comment about killing them all, she shrugs again. "Might be worth finding out if there's anything else to come, to be honest."

Ashe gives a nod to that, "We'll see what happens." she tells Poppy. "Because if they were, we'll definitely need to do some reprogramming of some people." she frowns. "And with that, I need to get going. Promised to be home for dinner and I'm a bit late." she chuckles. "You be careful going back to the real world yourself." she tells her as she stands up.

"Well, we'll see what we can fucking manage if it comes to that," Poppy says. Then she smiles and nods and gets to her feet herself. "Have a good dinner," she says cheerfully. "And I'll be careful. I usually am. Failing that, I happen to know a walking natural disaster, so." A wink, then she waves to Ashe, starting towards the exit herself.