Shameless and Fearless
“Soul, if you want to learn secrets, your heart must forget about shame and dignity. You are God's lover, yet you worry what people are saying.”
– Jalaluddin Rumi
Fellow Lost of Fate's Harvest
As Shame is unseated and gives rise to Fear, I challenge you to overcome both!
I encourage you to face your fears & sin shamelessly over the next three months.
I am running a contest, starting immediately, centered around the CARDINAL SINS:
Envy * Gluttony * Greed * Lust * Pride * Sloth * Wrath
This contest will run until the seasons turn again. It is my sincere hope that
we spend winter reveling in our truths, but perhaps we'll mourn the bridges we
burned in autumn instead. Should you have any questions, contact your friendly
neighborhood redbird, often found at Dare Ice Creamery. Be awesome! Be free!!!
Her Excellency, Most Esteemed Opener of Doors, Bodhisattva of the Broken Cage
How It's Played
- Send me your sins! These will be posted for all to see. Show no shame!
- All sinning should be ACTIVE. I don't care about your pining & moping.
- You will receive bonus points for doing something you have never done.
- You will receive bonus points for including mortals (PC) in your sins.
- You will receive bonus points for experiencing a rich breadth of sins.
- You will receive bonus points for committing the least committed sins!
- You will receive style points if I believe you've gone above & beyond.
- You will lose points if you keep sinning the same way. Variety's good!
- I am the final arbiter of all scoring! I do accept bribes, thank you!!
- Top three Sinners will receive some seriously shiny fancy awesomeness.
- I will be taking trifecta bets on which sins will see the most action.
- It's totally not cheating to sin more to help your bet win! Strategic!
- Anyone scoring a perfect trifecta will also win some fantastic prizes.
A list of participants and their dubious deeds.
OOC Rules and Explanations
- @mail/quick Cardinal/Sinning For Profit=<the awful things you've done>
- Submit as many sins as you'd like. My inbox can handle it.
- All submissions are considered IC and will be posted publicly right here.
- All submissions should be fairly succinct. Bullet points! A sentence or two.
- All submissions should include names of involved parties. Makes it more fun!
- Feel free to tag relevant Logs to the Plot. No TS scenes, please.
- If you DO post a log, please note the sins at the top, nice and visible.
- Sinning with NPCs is acceptable, but very likely to score lower.
- Rules for betting will be posted here soon! Including acceptable currency.
- Trifecta means naming the top three in order. First, second, third.
- Prizes will be posted here as they are acquired. Check back!!
Sinful Activity
None yet.