Jake Adams (NPC)

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Jake Adams
On Game As: Jake (NPC)
Played By: Ryan Gosling
Concept: Silver-tongued Magician
Date of Birth: June 14, 1979
Apparent Age: Late 30's
Occupation: Bar Owner
Virtue: Patience
Vice: Lust

Freehold: None
Motley: None

Tradition: Ceremonial Magician

“The true alchemists do not change lead into gold, they change the world into words.”
– William H. Gass


       Jake was born and raised in Fort Brunsett as a child of a rather well-off family, for all that he's been traveling and only recently returned in the past several years. Seeking an opportunity to 'see the world' he packed up for college and left, which he quickly followed with a prolonged road trip around the United States, seeing the sights - among other things. An occultist as well as a magician, his rather wicked sense of humor often disguises his more studious streak.

RP Hooks

  • Alchemy - Owner and manager of Alchemy; as a firm believer of supporting local economy, he's often traveling to secure local breweries or shows.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Fling - Jake will flirt with anybody, anywhere, anytime, with the exception of when he's doing business. Somehow, despite a string of one night stands and exes, he manages to keep things on friendly terms. Have you notched his bedpost for him?
  • Ceremonial Magician - Despite his fairly laid-back demeanor and occasional freewheeling tendencies, he's still respected in the community.



Jake2.jpg Jake3.jpg


David Bowie - As the World Falls Down

There's such a fool heart beating so fast,
in search of new dreams.
A love that will last within your heart.
I'll place the moon within your heart.

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
like a tiger defying the laws of gravity.
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva.
I'm gonna go go go!

Michael Jackson - Rock With You

Out on the floor,
there ain't nobody there but us.
Girl, when you dance,
there's a magic that must be love.


  • (2019.11.01)
Somebody's In Trouble